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1、雷雨中英台词对照版四 惊愕地二少爷!Peter!冲 不安地四凤!Sifeng!萍 不高兴,向弟弟弟,你怎么这样不懂事?What are you doing here?冲 莫明其妙弟妈叫我来的,我不知道你们这是干什么。It was mother who told me to e here, Id no idea what was going on.繁 冷冷地现在你就明白了。youll know soon enough.萍 焦燥,向繁漪你这是干什么?What do you mean?繁 嘲弄地我叫你弟弟来跟你们送行。I just wanted your brother to e and see y

2、ou off.萍 气愤你真卑 You are a mean person.冲 哥哥! Paul!萍 弟弟,我对不起你!突向繁漪不过世界上没有像你这样的母亲!Im sorry. But there isnt another mother like you on earth!冲 迷惑地妈,这是怎么回事?Whats going on, then, mother?繁 你看哪!向四凤四凤,你预备上哪儿去?See for youself! Where are you going, Sifeng?四 嗫嚅我我i-eri-萍 不要说一句瞎话。告诉他们,挺起胸来告诉他们,说我们预备一块儿走。Dont be af

3、raid. Tell them were leaving together.冲 明白什么,四凤,你预备跟他一块儿走?whats this, Sifeng? Youre going away with him?四 嗯,二少爷,我,我是yes, Peter.i-Im冲 半质问地你为什么早不告诉我?Then why didnt you tell me so before?四 我不是不告诉你;我跟你说过,叫你不要找我,因为我我已经不是个好女人。but I did:I told you to keep away from me because i-I was no longer a pure girl-

4、萍 向四凤不,你为什么说自己不好?你告诉他们!指繁漪告诉他们,说你就要嫁我!Dont say that about yourself. Tell them all about it. Tell them that youre going to marry me!冲 略惊四凤,你Sifeng, you-繁 向冲现在你明白了。冲低头now you know what its all about.萍 突向繁漪,刻毒地你真没有一点心肝!一以为你的儿子会替会破坏么?弟弟,你说,你现在有什么意思,你说,你预备对我怎么样?说,哥哥都会原谅你。You merciless witch! You think he

5、ll ruin us? Well, Chong? What do you think? What are you gonna do to me. Do tell me. Ill forgive you whatsoever. 繁漪跑到书房门口,喊。繁 冲儿,说呀!半晌,急促冲儿,你为什么不说话?你为什么你抓着四凤问?你为什么不抓着你哥哥说话呀?又顿,众人俱看冲,冲不语。冲儿你说呀,你怎么,你难道是个死人?哑巴?是个糊涂孩子?你难道见着自己心上喜欢的人叫人抢去,一点儿都不动气么?e on ,Chong!Why dont you say something,Chong? Why dont you

6、ask him but insist on sifeng?Say something, Chong! Whats wrong with you? Youre not dead, not dumb, not a stupid child, are you? Surely youre not going to stand watching him take your lovers hands.冲 抬头,羊羔似的不,不,妈!又望四凤,低头只要四凤愿意,我没有一句话可说。 No, mother. If Sifeng is willing, Ive no objection.萍 走到冲面前,拉着他的手哦

7、,我的好弟弟,我的明白弟弟! Thats quite sensible of you, my good brother.冲 疑惑地,思考地不,不,我突然发现我觉得我好似并不是真爱四凤;渺渺茫茫地以前我,我,我大概是胡闹!No, Ive suddenly realizes-its just e to me-that I wasnt really in love with Sifeng after all. what I felt about her was-probable only a silly infatuation.萍 感激地不过,弟弟But, Peter冲 望着萍热烈的神色,退缩地不,

8、你把她带走吧,只要你好好地待她!yes,take her away with you-only be good to her.繁 整个消灭,失望哦,你呀!突然,气愤你不是我的儿子;你不是我的儿子;你不像我,你你简直是条死猪!Ugh, you! Youre no son of mine! You are more close to some damn fool.冲 受侮地妈!Whats the matter with you, mother?萍 惊你是怎么回事! Whats the matter with you?繁 昏乱地你真没有点男子气,我要是你,我就打了她,烧了她,杀了她。你真是糊涂虫,没

9、有一点生气的。你还是父亲养的,你父亲的小绵羊。我看错了你你不是我的,你不是我的儿子。youre no man at all! IfI were you- Id smash her, burn her, kill her! Youre just a poor, feebleidiot-not a spark none of life in you! I should have known better-youre none of mine-no son of mine!萍 不平地你是冲弟弟的母亲么?你这样说话。 How could you say that?繁 痛苦地萍,你说,你说出来;我不怕,

10、我早已忘了我自己向冲,半疯狂地你不要以为我是你的母亲,高声你的母亲早死了,早叫你父亲压死了,闷死了。现在我不是你的母亲。她是见着周萍又活了的女人,不顾一切地她也是要一个男人真爱她,要真真活着的女人!Now, you are telling me! dont think Im your mother, I am not her.Your mother died long ago. She was crushed and smothered by your father. 冲 心痛地哦,妈。Oh, mother!萍 眼色向冲她病了。向繁漪你跟我上楼去吧!你大概是该歇一歇。 She must be

11、sick. e on, let me help you upstairs. You need some rest.繁 胡说!我没有病,我没有病,我神经上没有一点病。你们不要以为我说胡话。揩眼泪,哀痛地我忍了多少年了,我在这个死地方,监狱似的周公馆,陪着一个阎王十八年了,我的心并没有死;你的父亲只叫我生了冲儿,然而我的心,我这个人还是我的。指萍就只有他才要了我整个的人,可是他现在不要我,又不要我了。nonsense! Im not insane at all. Dont try to bury my right words by your lies.the family is more like

12、 a prison. for 18 years, I have been married to a hateful tyrant-living like dead flesh, without a breath of freedom, without a spirit of life, until I met your brother, Chong. A woman needs love. Your father may have made me give birth to you, Peter, but my heart-my soul is still my own. I knew it

13、when I met him. Hes the only one thats ever possessed me body and soul. But now he doesnt want me, he doesnt want me anymore.冲 痛极妈,我最爱的妈,您这是怎么回事?Mother, my dearest mother, what is all this about?萍 你先不要管她,她在发疯! Leave her alone. She is insane.繁 激烈地不要学你的父亲。没有疯我这是没有疯!我要你说,我要你告诉他们这是我最後的一口气!Copying your f

14、ather now, are you? You hypocrite, you! No. Im not madnot in the least! And now its your turn to speak, and tell them all about it-its my last chance to get, even with you!萍 狠狠地你叫我说甚么?我看你上楼睡去吧。 What am I supposed to say? Youd better go to bed. 繁 冷笑你不要装!你告诉他们,我并不是你的后母。Stop pretending! tell them that

15、Im not your stepmother at all. 大家俱惊,略顿。冲 无可奈何地妈!Mother!繁 不顾地告诉他们,告诉四凤,告诉她!Go on, tell them. Tell Stella. Go on, tell her!四 忍不住妈呀!投入鲁妈怀oh,mum!萍 望着弟弟,转向繁漪你这是何苦!过去的事你何必说呢?叫弟弟一生不快活。 Why dont you let it go? You are only making it worse.繁 失了母性,喊着我没有孩子,我没有丈夫,我没有家,我什么都没有,我只要你说:我我是你的。萍 苦恼哦,弟弟!你看弟弟可怜的样子,你要是有一

16、点母亲的心Oh, look at how scared he is. If only you showed at least a little sympathy as a mother.繁 报复地你现在也学会你的父亲了,你这虚伪的东西,你记着,是你才欺骗了你的弟弟,是你欺骗我,是你才欺骗了你的父亲!remember: It was you, and you alone, that deceived your brother, and deceived me, and deceived you father!萍 愤怒你胡说,我没有,我没有欺骗他!父亲是个好人,父亲一生是有道德的,繁漪冷笑向四凤不

17、要理她,她疯了,我们走吧。Thats nonsense. I havent lied to him. He has been a good man of morals all his life. She is totally mad. Lets go.繁 不用走,大门锁了。你父亲就下来,我派人叫他来的。You wouldnt get far. The gates locked. Your father will be down any minute. Ive sent for him.鲁 哦,太太!Oh,madam!萍 你这是干什么? What the繁 冷冷地我要你父亲见见他将来的好媳妇再走

18、。喊朴园,朴园I want your father to meet his dear future daughter-in-law before you leave .John! John!冲 妈,您不要!Mother! Please!萍 走到繁漪面前疯子,你敢再喊!You crazy, dont you dare shout again. 繁漪跑到书房门口,喊。鲁 慌四凤,我们出去。Lets get out of here,Sifeng.繁 不,他来了!No, Hes ing! 朴园由书房进,大家俱不动,静寂假如死。朴 在门口你叫什么?你还不上楼去睡?Whats all the shouti

19、ng for?You ought to be in bed by now.繁 倨傲地我请你见见你的好亲戚。I want you to meet some relatives of yours.朴 见鲁妈,四凤在一起,惊啊,你,你,你们这是做什么?Why,what the what are you two doing here?繁 拉四凤向朴园这是你的媳妇,你见见。指着朴园向四凤叫他爸爸!指着鲁妈向朴园你也认识认识这位老太太。Let me introduce your daughter-in-law.Say hello to your father! And Id like you to mee

20、t this lady here, too.鲁 太太!Oh,madam!繁 萍,过来!当着你父亲,过来,跟这个妈叩头。e here, Paul! You can pay your respects to your new mother now that your fathers here.萍 难堪爸爸,我,我 Dad, II朴 明白地怎么向鲁妈侍萍,你到底还是回来了。Whyyouve e back again after all,Susan.繁 惊什么?(startled):What?鲁 慌不,不,您弄错了。No ,no,youre mistaken.朴 悔恨地侍萍,我想你也会回来的。Yes,

21、Susan,I thought youd be back.鲁 不,不!低头啊!天!No!No!(Hanging her head)Oh ,God!繁 惊愕地侍萍?什么,她是侍萍?(stupefied):Shiping? You mean shes Shiping?朴 嗯。烦厌地繁,你不必再故意地问我,她就是萍儿的母亲,三十年前死了的。Dont pretend you didnt know anything.Shes Pauls mother,who died thirty years ago.繁 天哪!In heavens name! 半晌。四凤苦闷地叫了一声,看着她的母亲,鲁妈苦痛地低着头。

22、萍脑筋昏乱,迷惑地望着父亲同鲁妈。这时繁漪渐渐移到周冲身边,现在她突然发现一个更悲惨的命运,逐渐地使她同情萍,她觉出自己方才的疯狂,这使她很快地恢复原来平常母亲的情感。她不自主地望着自己的冲儿。朴 沉痛地萍儿,你过来。你的生母并没有死,她还在世上。Paul,e here.Your birth mother did not dieat all.Shes here,alive.萍 半狂地不是她!爸,您告诉我,不是她! No, dad, tell me it isnt her.朴 严厉地混帐!萍儿,不许胡说。她没有什么好身世,也是你的母亲。Idoit!Dont talk such utter non

23、sense!She may not be from a good family but shesyour mother just the same.萍 痛苦万分哦,爸! Oh, dad.朴 尊严地不要以为你跟四凤同母,觉得脸上不好看,你就忘了人伦天性。Dont forget that you owe her a lot for bringing you into the world,even if it is a bit of a blow to find that Lucys your half-sister.四 向母哦,妈!痛苦地 Oh ,mother!朴 沉重地萍儿,你原谅我。我一生就做

24、错了这一件事。我万没有想到她今天还在,今天找到这儿。我想这只能说是天命。向鲁妈叹口气我老了,刚刚我叫你走,我很后悔,我预备寄给你两万块钱。现在你既然来了,我想萍儿是个孝顺孩子,他会好好地侍奉你。我对不起你的地方,他会补上的。Forgive me ,Paul.This was the only mistake Ive ever made.I never imagined for a single moment that she was still alive and that one day shed find us here.I can only put it down to divine j

25、ustice.Im getting old now.I felt very sorry after I asked you to leave this afternoon,and Ive arranged to have twenty thousand dollars sent to you.Now that youve e back again,I think Paul will be a good son to you and look after you.Hell help to make amends for the wrong I did to you.萍 向鲁妈您您是我的 You

26、you are my 鲁 不自主地萍回头抽咽(unable to control herself any longer):Oh,PING!(She turns her head away and sobs)朴 跪下,萍儿!不要以为自己是在做梦,这是你的生母。ZHOU:Down on your knees to her ,Paul!Youre not dreaming.She s your mother.四 昏乱地妈,这不会是真的。鲁 不语,抽咽繁 转向萍,悔恨地萍,我,我万想不到是是这样,萍I never expected it toto turn out like this Paul!萍 怪笑,向朴父亲!怪笑,向鲁妈母亲!看四凤,指她你 Dad MomYou四 与萍相视怪笑,突然忍不住啊,天!由中门跑下,萍扑在沙发上,鲁妈死气沉沉地立着。繁 急喊四凤!四凤!转向冲冲儿,她的样子不大对,你赶快出去看她。Sifeng! Sifeng!I dont like look of this. CHONG. Youd better hurry out and find her.

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