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1、2015英国女王开启英国国会大典演讲My Lords and members of the House of Commons。各位上下议院的议员们My government will legislate in the interests of everyone in our country. It will adopt a one nation approach, helping working people get on, supporting aspiration, giving new opportunities to the most disadvantaged and bringin

2、g different parts of our country together。 政府将立法保障全体英国人民的权益。政策将惠及全国,让劳动者有稳定的工作,支持创业,给弱势群体提供新的就业机会,把全英国紧紧团结在一起。My government will continue with its long-term plan to provide economic stability and security at every stage of life. They will continue the work of bringing the public finances under contr

3、ol and reducing the deficit, so Britain lives within its means. Measures will be introduced to raise the productive potential of the economy and increase living standards。政府将继续保持经济的长期稳定与社会的长治久安。继续把控公共财政、减少赤字,使人民能量入为出。同时政府将采取措施提高经济增长率以及人民生活水平。Legislation will be brought forward to help achieve full e

4、mployment and provide more people with the security of a job. New duties will require my ministers to report annually on job creation and apprenticeships. Measures will also be introduced to reduce regulation on small businesses so they can create jobs。政府将立法帮助实现充分就业以及为更多人提供安全的工作环境。部长们也要求对创造就业机会及学徒机会

5、做年度报告。同时也将出台措施来减少对小型企业的限制,从而创造更多就业机会。Legislation will be brought forward to ensure people working 30 hours a week on the National Minimum Wage do not pay income tax, and to ensure there are no rises in Income Tax rates, Value Added Tax or National Insurance for the next 5 years。政府将立法以确保每周工作30个小时的低收入

6、者不用交个人所得税,并确保个人所得税率、增值税及国民保险在5年内不会提高。Measures will be brought forward to help working people by greatly increasing the provision of free childcare。政府将采取措施,为劳动人民提供更多的免费儿童保育服务。Legislation will be introduced to support home ownership and give housing association tenants the chance to own their own home

7、。政府将立法支持购房,给住房协会住户提供拥有自己的住宅的机会。Measures will be introduced to increase energy security and to control immigration. My government will bring forward legislation to reform trade unions and to protect essential public services against strikes。政府将采取措施,提高能源安全性以及控制移民数量。政府将立法对工会进行改革及保障罢工下基本公共服务的正常运作。To giv

8、e new opportunities to the most disadvantaged, my government will expand the Troubled Families programme and continue to reform welfare, with legislation encouraging employment by capping benefits and requiring young people to earn or learn。为了给弱势群体提供新的就业机会,政府将扩大“困难家庭计划”的覆盖面,并继续进行福利改革,通过立法设置福利上限,鼓励年轻

9、人学习、工作,从而促进就业。Legislation will be brought forward to improve schools and give every child the best start in life, with new powers to take over failing and coasting schools and create more academies。政府将立法提升学校综合实力,让每一个孩子的人生都能有一个最灿烂的开始。劣等学校领导换班,打造更多优质高校。In England, my government will secure the future

10、of the National Health Service by implementing the National Health Services own 5 year plan, by increasing the health budget, integrating healthcare and social care, and ensuring the National Health Service works on a 7 day basis. Measures will be introduced to improve access to general practitioner

11、s and to mental healthcare。政府将在英格兰通过实施“国民医疗服务制度五年计划”,增加卫生预算,整合医疗保健和社会保障,并确保国民医疗服务制度每天有效运行,从而确保国民医疗服务制度在未来得以延续。政府将采取措施,改善民众求医渠道。Measures will also be brought forward to secure the real value of the basic State Pension, so that more people live in dignity and security in retirement. Measures will be b

12、rought forward to increase the rights of victims of crime。政府将采取措施,确保民众享有基本国家养老金,让更多的退休人员能有得体及安全的住所。政府将采取措施,维护犯罪受害者的权益。To bring different parts of our country together, my government will work to bring about a balanced economic recovery. Legislation will be introduced to provide for the devolution of

13、 powers to cities with elected metro mayors, helping to build a northern powerhouse。为了将全英国紧紧团结在一起,政府将努力实现经济的同步复苏。政府将立法将权力下放给民选市长,帮助打造一个北方的生力军。My government will continue to legislate for high-speed rail links between the different parts of the country。政府将继续加强国家间高速铁路的建设。My government will also bring

14、forward legislation to secure a strong and lasting constitutional settlement, devolving wide-ranging powers to Scotland and Wales. Legislation will be taken forward giving effect to the Stormont House Agreement in Northern Ireland。政府也将立法,保证宪法的效力与持久性,将权力下放到苏格兰和威尔士。政府将立法施行北爱尔兰的斯托蒙特众议院协议。My government

15、will continue to work in cooperation with the devolved administrations on the basis of mutual respect。政府将继续在相互尊重的基础上与权力下放政府进行合作。 My government will bring forward changes to the standing orders of the House of Commons. These changes will create fairer procedures to ensure that decisions affecting Eng

16、land, or England and Wales, can be taken only with the consent of the majority of Members of Parliament representing constituencies in those parts of our United Kingdom。政府将变更下议院议事程序。这些改变将创造更公平的程序,以确保涉及英格兰或威尔士的决议,只有在大多数代表各选区的国会议员同意的情况下才能予以执行。My government will renegotiate the United Kingdoms relation

17、ship with the European Union and pursue reform of the European Union for the benefit of all member states。政府将重新协商英国与欧盟的关系,并为所有会员国的利益寻求欧盟的改革。Alongside this, early legislation will be introduced to provide for an in-out referendum on membership of the European Union before the end of 2017.此外,在2017年年底前

18、,政府将会对欧盟成员国的全民公投进行立法。Measures will also be brought forward to promote social cohesion and protect people by tackling extremism. New legislation will modernise the law on communications data, improve the law on policing and criminal justice, and ban the new generation of psychoactive drugs。政府将采取措施提升社

19、会凝聚力,通过打击极端主义来保护人民安全。新的立法将通过通信数据使法律更加现代化,提升治安法及刑法公正性,并禁止新一代精神药物。 My government will bring forward proposals for a British Bill of Rights。政府将针对权利法案提出新的议案。Members of the House of Commons。下议院议员们。Estimates for the public services will be laid before you。你们还将面临许多有关公共服务的问题My Lords and members of the House

20、 of Commons各位上下议院的议员们My government will continue to play a leading role in global affairs, using its presence all over the world to re-engage with and tackle the major international security, economic and humanitarian challenges。政府将继续在全球事务中发挥主导作用,并凭英国在世界上的影响力重新参与并解决重大国际安全、经济和人道主义问题。My ministers will

21、 remain at the forefront of the NATO alliance and of international efforts to degrade and ultimately defeat terrorism in the Middle East。政府官员将继续与北约合作,走在打击并最终战胜中东恐怖主义的最前线。The United Kingdom will continue to seek a political settlement in Syria, and will offer further support to the Iraqi governments

22、programme for political reform and national reconciliation。英国将继续寻求从政治上解决叙利亚问题的办法,并会进一步支持伊拉克的政治改革和民族和解。My government will maintain pressure on Russia to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and will insist on the full implementation of the Minsk agreements。政府将对俄罗斯政府继续施压,英国尊重乌

23、克兰的领土完整和主权,并将坚持全面实施明斯克协议。My government looks forward to an enhanced partnership with India and China。我国政府期待与中国和印度之间伙伴关系的进一步深化。Prince Philip and I look forward to our state visit to Germany next month and to our state visit to Malta in November, alongside the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

24、 We also look forward to welcoming His Excellency the President of The Peoples Republic of China and Madame Peng on a state visit in October。我和菲利普亲王期待着下月对德国进行的国事访问,以及在十一月对马耳进行的国事访问,同时也期待着英联邦政府首脑会议的召开。我们同样期待着今年10月中国国家主席习近平及夫人对我国进行的国事访问。My government will seek effective global collaboration to sustain

25、 economic recovery and to combat climate change, including at the climate change conference in Paris later this year。我国政府寻求积极有效的全球合作,以维持经济复苏,应对气候变化,包括参加今年年底在巴黎举办的气候变化会议。My government will undertake a full strategic defence and security review, and do whatever is necessary to ensure that our courageo

26、us armed forces can keep Britain safe。我国政府将进行全面的战略防御和安全审查,并采取一切必要措施,确保我们勇敢的军队可以保持英国的安全。My government will work to reduce the threat from nuclear weapons, cyber-attacks and terrorism。政府将致力于削减核武器,网络攻击和恐怖主义的威胁。Other measures will be laid before you。同时,各位还将面临许多来自各方面的挑战。My Lords and members of the House of Commons各位上下议院的议员们I pray that the blessing of almighty God may rest upon your counsels。愿全能的上帝听见你们的祷告。 WHUT

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