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高一英语unit19 modern agriculture一周强化新人教版.docx

1、高一英语unit19 modern agriculture一周强化新人教版Unit19 Modern agriculture一周强化一、本单元重难点单词1pumpn. (1)泵;抽水机;抽气机;打气筒She blew up the flat tyre with a bicycle pump.她用自行车打气筒给瘪了的轮胎打气了。(2)泵的抽吸、压送、充气等动作(pumping action)After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了几下,水流出来了。v用泵等抽出或压入气体、液体等(cause, air, gas, water etc to

2、 move by using a pump )Pump air into a tyre.给轮胎打气。The heart pumps blood round the body.心脏将血液压送到全身。2raise v. 提高,增加;抚养,饲养,栽培to raise the rent/the temperature/someones pay提高租金/温度/某人的工资raise family 养家raise horses 养马辨析:raise与rise (1)raise的意思是“提高;举起”,是及物动词,既能接宾语,也能用于被动语态。它的宾语一般是头、手、眼、帽、重物以及政治觉悟、生活水平、物价、温度

3、、声音等,如:The owner raised the food prices. 卖主提高了食品的价格。He raised his hat to her. 他举起帽子向她示意。He raised his voice and shouted. 他提高嗓门大声喊起来。(2)rise的意思是“上升;上涨”,是不及物动词,既不能接宾语,也不能用于被动语态。它的主语一般是日、月、云、烟、热、气、温度计、物价、河水等。指人时,一般指人“站起;起床”。例如:The food prices rose last week. 上周食品的价格上涨了。The east is red and the sun rises

4、. 东方红太阳升。After the heavy rain the river will rise. 大雨过后河水会上涨。3feed v. 喂,养搭配feedon sth./ feed sth. to用喂feed on 以为主食What do you feed your dog on? =What do you feed to your dog?你用什么喂你的狗?I wouldnt feed that meat to my dog. =I wouldnt feed my dog on that meat.我不会把那肉喂我的狗。Sheep feed mostly on grass. 羊以草为主食

5、。Her enemies fed on her misfortune. 她的敌人从她的不幸中得到满足。4condition(1)用作可数名词,多指“生活、工作、气候等条件”。如:living conditions 生活条件weather conditions气候条件(2)用作不可数名词,但是可以与不定代词连用,意思为“目前的情况,(人或事物)的状况”。(3)多用于复数形式,意思为“环境,情形”。Economic conditions were very bad. 经济形势非常糟糕。What are conditions like in your country now? 现在你们国家的情形如何

6、?(4)短语:on condition that(=if) 假如Im going to dinner on condition that John is invited, too. 如果约翰也被邀请,我就去就餐。二、本单元重难点短语1have effects on sb./ sth. 对产生的影响(效果或作用)其他搭配:bring/carry/put sth into effect实施;实行(某事物)come into effect实行,实施Did the medicine have a good effect? 这药有效吗?Our arguments had no effects on th

7、em. 我们的争论对他们没用。The plans will soon be carried into effect.这些计划将很快被实行。The new tax regulations came into effect last year. 新的收费条例去年生效。2go against 违背,作对;对不利,不利于She went against her fathers wishes.她违背她父亲的意愿。Opinion is going against us. 舆论对我们不利。The case may go against you. 这个官司可能对你不利。3depend on /upon sb.

8、 /sth. 信任,信赖;依靠(通常指人);靠养活;视而定Were depending on you to finish the job by Friday.我相信你在星期五能把这事做完。His family depends on him.他的家庭靠他养活。Whether the game will be played depends on the weather. 比赛是否进行得视天气情况而定。其他表达方式:That (all) depends. /It (all) depends. 视情况而定。/我有些怀疑。4bring in 挣得;介绍;引进This new method was bro

9、ught in from the western countries in the 1990s. 这种新方法是在二十世纪九十年代从西方国家引进的。He brings in an extra hundred dollars a month from his new job.他的新工作使他每个月多赚100美元。5be used for sth./doing sth. 被用于be used to do sth.被用作used to do sth. (只用于过去时,表示以往经常或定期发生的事情)惯常;向来be/get used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于例如:a pan used f

10、or cooking eggs煎蛋用的平底锅Wood can be used to make chairs. 木材可用于制椅子。I used to go swimming on Saturdays, but now I dont. 我以前星期六常去游泳,但是现在不去了。I didnt get used to Mexican food. 我不习惯于吃墨西哥菜。Im not used to getting up so early.我不习惯起这么早。6play a role扮演一个角色 play the role of扮演的角色Olivier played the role of Hamlet.奥利

11、维尔扮演了哈姆莱特的角色。China plays an important role in international affairs. 中国在国际事务中起着重要的作用。7be harmful to 对有害的do sb. harm/do harm to sb.对有害It is harmful to your health. 这对你的健康有害。It wouldnt do him any harm to work a little harder. 他工作再努力对他也没有害处。三、本单元重难点句子解析1What do you think causes these changes? 你认为是什么(原因

12、)引起这些变化的?What effects do you think the changes in eating habits will have on agriculture or nature? 你认为这些饮食变化对农业和自然会起什么作用?do you think 是插入语,经常位于疑问词(组)后。因为插入语把原来的疑问句一分为二,故特殊疑问句用陈述语序,不管疑问词在句中作什么成分。又如:Where do you think our English teacher comes from? 你认为我们英语教师来自哪里?Who do you think the old lady is? 你认为

13、老太太是谁?有时也可以放在句尾。例如:What is it, do you think? 你认为这是什么?2You want to use the land in the best way possible and do the best for everybody in the village.为了村里的每一个人,你想尽自己最大的努力,以最好的方法来使用这块地。句中的possible与最高级连用,强调“尽可能最”。例如:He arrived at the worst possible time. 他到达的时期,说多糟就有多糟。3It is on this arable land that t

14、he farmers produce food for the whole population of China. 就是在这些耕地上,农民们生产了供全中国人口的粮食。“it”引导强调句的用法:it没有意思,它只是帮助构成句的结构,使某一成份受到强调。强调句的结构为“it is/was被强调部分that who从句”。例如:Jia Sixie wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu around 540 AD. 贾思勰在公元540年左右写了一本叫齐民要术的书。这个句子可借助it改为下面几种形式,各强调一个不同的成分。It was Jia Sixie who wrote

15、 a book called Qimin Yaoshu around 540 AD. (强调主语)是贾思勰在公元540年左右写了一本叫齐民要术的书。It was a book called Qimin Yaoshu that Jia Sixie wrote around 540 AD. (强调宾语)在公元540年左右,贾思勰写的是一本名叫齐民要术的书。It was around 540 AD that Jia Sixie wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu.(强调时间状语)贾思勰是在公元540年左右写了一本名叫齐民要术书的。4To make as much use

16、 of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible. 为了充分利用土地,在有条件的地方,每年种植两季以上的庄稼。(1)asas possible是固定的结构,表示“尽可能”。例如:We need to send the letter off as soon as possible. 我们有必要尽可能快地把这封信寄出去。Hold your breath for as long as possible. 屏住呼吸,时间越长越好。(2)where possible是where it is p

17、ossible的省略结构。在类似结构中,it is/ was常常被省略。例如:Fill in the words in the blanks where necessary. 在需要的地方填上单词。Come to see her when possible.可能的时候来看看她。5The temperature is controlled with computers, or kept the same, no matter how the weather is outside. 不管外面的天气如何,其室内的温度由电脑控制或保持不变。no matter how/what/when/where等常

18、用于引导让步状语从句,可与however/ whatever/ whenever等引导的让步状语从句替换。No matter how much I have to pay, I will take it. 不要管付多少钱,我都会买下它。No matter who she is, she will have to wait. =Whoever she is, she will have to wait.不管她是谁,她都必须等。辨析:no matter what与whateverwhatever可以引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。whatever引导让步状语从句时,可以换成no matter

19、 what; 引导名词性从句时,相当于anything that, 不能用no matter what替代,因为no matter what只能用来引导让步状语从句。如:Whatever(=No matter what) you do, you should do it well. 无论你做什么事情,都要做好。Ill do whatever(=anything that) I can to help you. 我将尽力帮你。6Much of the wisdom discovered by early Chinese scientists is still useful for farmers

20、 and gardeners today. 中国古代科学家所发现的大量知识和经验,对于今天的农民和园艺工仍然有用。此处discovered by 是过去分词作后置定语,相当于much of the wisdom which was discovered by7Before sowing or planting crops, rough ground must be cleaned and weeds removed. 在播种、插苗之前,必须平整高低不平的田地,除掉杂草。before 解释为“在之前”,用作介词。此句可以改写为:Before you sow or plant crops;afte

21、r用法也如此,如:After you finish your homework, you can help me with the farm work. 完成作业后,你可以帮我干些农活。也可以说:After finishing your homework, you can help me with the farm work.四、语法点拨强调结构1强调句型的用法在英语中,我们常用it is/ was who/that结构来突出强调句子的某一成分(一般是句子中主语,宾语或状语)。在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。如果被强调的成分是表示人的词,用who或that来连接都可以。如

22、果是其它成分,则一律用that来连接。It is my mother who / that cooks every day. (强调主语)It was yesterday that Tom passed in the maths exam. (强调时间状语)2使用本句型的几个注意事项(1)被强调成分是主语,who /that之后的谓语动词应该在人称和数上与原句中的主语保持一致。It is I who am right.It is he who is wrong.It is the students who are lovely.(2)即使被强调成分是句子中的时间状语、地点状语、原因状语等,也不

23、能用when, where, because等,一律要用 that。It was after the war was over that Einstein was able to come back to his research work again.It was in front of the bank that the old lady was robbed.It was because of the heavy rain that he came late.(3)如果被强调的成分有同位语,同位语也应提前。It was from him, his chemistry teacher, t

24、hat Paul learned to watch carefully in class.(4)被强调成分是作主语的代词,用主格;是作宾语的代词,用宾格。It was he that helped me yesterday. 昨天是他帮了我。It was me that he helped yesterday. 昨天他帮的是我。(5)被强调部分既包括人又包括物,用that不用whoIt was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking about.3考试中,为了增加试题难度,强调句型经常以疑问句形式出现。

25、其一般疑问句形式是:Is/ Was it被强调成分who/that?Is it Mr. Smith who teaches you English?其特殊疑问句形式是:疑问词+is/ was+ it+ that (强调句型的特殊疑问句只能强调特殊疑问词)Why was it that you did not attend the meeting yesterday? When was it that this traffic accident happen?Where was it that you put my English dictionary?4区分定语从句和强调句型:某些定语从句和强调句型形式差不多,容易混淆。如果去掉it is/ was that句子仍然通顺成立,则为强调句型,不成立不通顺,则为定语从句。It was three years ago that he went to American for a further study.去掉It was that句子为Three years ago he went to America for a further study.句子通顺,意思完整,那么,这就是一个强调句型。

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