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1、黑龙江单招英语模拟试题及答案2019黑龙江单招英语模拟试题及答案考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 2019黑龙江单招英语模拟试题及答案四.单项填空 1.Do you think I can pass the driving test? _,Im afraid. A.Of course B.You can C.Not a chance D.Not a little 2.After_careful consideration,they finally decided that each child will be offered_university education. A.the

2、;a B./;an C.a;an D./;a 3.The flood last month in the east was a real disaster,_19 people dead and 78 missing. leave B.left C.leaving D.having left 4.The worker earned little money a month,so he had to_only fast noodles. A.exist on B.exist in C.lie in D.lie on 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 5._is well

3、known to everyone,I should say,is that a man becomes learned by asking questions. A.Who B.It C.As D.What 6.It is shown that men have_as women do on average while driving according to recent statistics. A.twice as many serious accidents B.serious accidents as twice many C.twice serious accidents as m

4、any D.serious accidents as many twice 7.Its really a small world!I_we would meet here. A.dont think B.havent thought C.didnt think D.wont think 8.The new traffic rules that took effect on January 1 are much stricter than_in the past. A.that B.this D.those 9.I admire Stephen Hawking greatly,whos

5、e_about black holes has a great effect on astronomy. 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 A.theory B.practice C.way D.method 10.Has some bad thing happened to her?Its_her to drink so much. B.dislike C.unlike D.alike 11.People hope that measures will be taken to_house prices rising. A.keep B.prevent C.prot

6、ect 12.I am dead tired.I cant walk farther,Tom. _,John.You can do it. A.So what B.Congratulations C.Cheer up D.Go ahead 13.He doesnt plan to go back to his home_he makes a fortune in Hong Kong. A.while B.since C.or D.until 14. _you like the portable personal computer so much,why not buy on

7、e? A.So that B.Now that 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 C.Even if D.In case 15.Generally speaking,the Internet makes_possible for people to get the information they need quickly. A.them B.themselves D.that .阅读理解 A Human beings are the most intelligent of all animals because we are gifted with the abili

8、ty to think and reason logically.Scientists and even common people with special intelligence have made a lot of inventions and contributions to modern lifestyle in the past.“Houses” have been the most popular area for discoveries and inventions in the past and even now. Many household items have bee

9、n the result of inventions of people who desired better functioning of the existent products.Every individual has intelligence and if it is used properly for the right purpose it leads to invention of a new tool or device.Many new household inventions are made almost every day and there are specific

10、 companies,which particularly keep a record of all these inventions. A lot of inventions have been made recently in the household field.These products are patented (专利) and have trade mark licenses.The patented sliding cinch is a very simple but effective method to prevent shoulder stress and injury

11、 for those who work before computers all day long.Vanity PC is a type of computer furniture that specifically hides all the computer wires and keeps a clean and good look.All the outdoor dust,mud and snow can be kept out of the house by installing (安装) the dirt drain (排水管) at the entrance of the doo

12、r.Another important invention is the automatic toilet night-light,in which a small light starts when the lid of the toilet seat is opened and closes as soon as the lid is closed. 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 These are some of the new household inventions invented mostly by common people.Thus,a variety of

13、 new household items are invented every day,which helps in a better functioning of household chores and in a more useful manner. 1.The first paragraph is intended to_. A.stress the importance of inventions B.introduce the topic of the article the advantages of modern lifestyle D.tell the diff

14、erences between human beings and animals 2.According to the passage,people make house inventions to_. A.earn more money and gain awards B.accumulate their wealth C.improve the present living conditions the new demands of new science 3.It can be inferred that the sliding cinch is used to_. A.p

15、revent your shoulder from being over-pressured B.keep your shoulder safe and sound in an accident or an operation you practice your shoulder more often and reduce shoulder pains D.cover your shoulder and make it stronger to resist the outside strike 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 4.Common people can

16、 also make good inventions because_. A.wisdom and inspiration sometimes come from everyday life B.some inventions are easy to be made and can be mastered by them C.they have a strong desire to do something for science research D.success is often connected with hardship and bitter experience of commo

17、n people 5.The passage mainly talks about_. A.the correct use of household facilities B.different ideas about household inventions C.the history of household inventions D.household inventions and their influence B Moving to a new neighborhood,town,state,or even country can be a pretty scary experien

18、ce.All you know is that things will be different and chances are you wont know the kids at your new school. The experiences that go with moving make many kids feel nervous and worried.This is perfectly normal but dont let these emotions overrun your thoughts!You will soon get used to your surroundin

19、gs and find new friends at your new school. Leaving old friends and familiar places behind can be difficult.However,as you begin the moving process,keep in mind that saying goodbye to your old house,school,and friends does not mean that you have to forget them or that your farewell is permanent!If 考

20、单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 youre moving to a new state or even a different country and wont see your friends for a long nme,dont despair.Make sure to ask everyone for their address so you can write them letters.Also,thanks to the Internet,it is very easy to stay in touch through email or instant messagi

21、ng technologies.With your parents permission,you can even create a blog or web page to chronicle all of your new experiences.Include your thoughts,tales of your new adventures,even pictures of new friends,your new house,and new town.Your old friends will love seeing what you are busy with. Many scho

22、ols have an orientation program where a student already established at the school shows a new student around for their first week.This can help you to find your way around the school and to make new friends faster. While moving is tough on kids of any age,high school counselor Karen Turner says move

23、s can be particularly difficult for teens.“I think moving during adolescents is an extremely stressful experience,especially if you are into your junior high or senior year.Students tend to have established a very strong peer network during that period in their lives.Often this has more influence on

24、 them even than their families in some cases,and when they are torn from that theres often resentment (怨气).” However,Turner adds that while moving isnt ea sy,there are things that your parents and the school can do to help you cope with the change. 6.Who are the intended readers of the passage? A.Ed

25、ucation experts. B.School teachers. C.Parents. D.Students. 7.Which of the following is mainly suggested in Paragraph 3? A.Staying in contact with old friends. 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 B.Expressing yourself when it is possible. C.Forming good habits at school. D.Keeping positive about your new school.

26、 8.According to the passage,an orientation program_. A.helps local students in many ways organized by new students C.offers help to new students D.focuses on all the students at school 9.According to the passage,Karen Turner may agree that_. A.many parents seem to care little about their childr

27、en B.teens can easily be attached to their friends C.parents should communicate with the school teachers D.teens tend to behave rudely in a new school 10.If this passage continues,what would the author further discuss? A.What a new school is like. B.why parents move with their children. C.How parent

28、s and the school can help the children. 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 D.How children can express their anxiety. .书面表达 很快你们可能就要进入大学了,现在上大学的费用对于每个中国家庭来说几乎都是一笔不小的开支。下面提供了解决上大学费用的多种途径,请用英语表达出来,同时结合你的家庭实际情况,说明适合你的途径和理由。 1.解决上大学费用的途径: (1)父母提供学费;(2)申请银行贷款;(3)获得奖学金;(4)业余时间在校内外打工。 2.你的途径和理由。 注意:1.词数120左右;2.短文的开头已写

29、好,不计入总词数;3.参考词汇:学费tuition fees;贷款loan;奖学金scholarship。 With the sharp rise of the cost of college education,students have a few ways to pay for their college tuition fees. 参考答案 .单项填空 1.解析:考查交际用语。句意为:你认为我能通过驾照考试吗?恐怕不可能。not a chance不可能,符合语境。 答案: C 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 2.解析:考查冠词。句意为:仔细考虑后,他们最后决定要让每个孩

30、子都接受 大学教育。consideration在此意为“考虑”是不可数名词,其前不需要用冠词。a university education指大学教育。 答案: D 3.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:上个月在东部的洪水真的是一场灾难。它 导致19人死亡,78人失踪。leave的逻辑主语是The flood,二者之间构成主谓关系。 答案: C 4.解析:考查动词短语意义。句意为:这个工人一个月挣的钱很少,因此不得 不靠方便面度日。 exist on靠生存;exist in存在于中;lie in在于;位于;lie on与接壤。 答案: A 5.解析:考查名词性从句。句意为:我应该说,众所周知要长学问

31、,就得多问。句中的I should say是插入语,因此空处应填引导主语从句的连词What。 答案: D 6.解析:考查倍数表达法。句意为:最近的数据表明,男士在开车时发生的严 重事故平均是女士的两倍。此处用的是倍数表达方式“倍数词+as many+名 词.as.”。 答案: A 7.解析:考查动词时态。句意为:世界真小!没料到我们会在这相遇。由语境 可知,在说话前没有料到会在这相遇,故预料这个动作发生在说话之前,应用一般过 去时。 答案: C 考单招上高职单招网- 根据历年单招考试大纲出题 8.解析:考查代词辨析。句意为:1月1号实行的新交规(rules)比过去的那些(those)更严格。rules为复数,所以应用those代替。 答案: D 9.解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意为:我非常崇拜史蒂芬霍金,他的黑洞理论对天文学产生了很大影响。theory理论;pract

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