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1、江西省英语专升本真题解析2008年江西省高校“专升本”英语统一考试(试题解析)Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)Section A1. M: what are you doing, Mary?W: I am checking to see if there is any email.Q: what is the woman doing?2. W: Jorge, thank you for helping me clean up the office. M: you are welcome. I am just glad to help you

2、.Q: why did the woman thank the man?3. W: it was a pity you didnt go to Susans party yesterday evening.M: I would have been there, but I had to prepare for exam.Q: what can we learn from this conversation?4. M: what is the weather forecast for tomorrow?W: It will be mostly sunny and warm. The temper

3、ature will be as high as 30 degrees.Q: what will the weather be tomorrow?5. W: can you repair the camera today? I want to use it tomorrow.M: yes, it would be ready for four oclock. Is that all right?Q: What does the woman want the man to do? 6. M: how will you spend you vacation this summer?W: well,

4、 I have to find a part time jobQ: what will the woman do this summer?7. M: did you have a good time during the trip?W: oh, yes, but the hotel service was terrible.Q: what is the woman complaining about?8. W: do you speak French. We need a person who can communicate in French.M: yes, I have been livi

5、ng in Paris for ten years.Q: what does the man mean?9. M: excuse me, what is the rate for the internet access?W: three dollars fifty for half an hour. Q: how much will the man have to pay if he goes on line for one hour?10. W: can I help you?M: I want to apply for a credit card, but I dont know how.

6、Q: what does the man want to apply for? Section BPassage one When I go on vacation, I usually travel by plane. In the past, I used to book a flight with travel agency. But, now I just stay at home and search the internet for the suitable plane ticket. You can often find a flight with cheaper price o

7、n line. Finding the best price on plane ticket is probably the most important thing you will consider. But the departure time, the arrival time and rank of flight are also important factors. Making plane reservation is pretty easy to do. But dont forget that you still have to pay certain fees and ta

8、xes that go along with the price of ticket. Finally, you should keep in mind that you might have to pay some money; if you decide to change your flight plans or cancel your flight, 11. how did the speaker book a flight ticket in the past?12. why does the speaker book a flight ticket on line now?13.

9、what will happen if the speaker want to cancel his flight? Passage2Last week, I bought a second-car from the car agency. When I first saw it, I was so surprised that it was so expensive. Butafter Id used it for some time, I found that it was worth every dollar I spend. The engine runs more smoothly

10、and quietly than any other car I have had. Whenever I buy anything second-hand, I always find out its history: who had it and how they took care of it. It is turned out that an old couple owned this car and they took care of it more carefully than most people do. The owner Mr. Smith cleans the engin

11、e every week. Although I wont say that it is an excellent car, its a good family car. I was really lucky to have bought it.14. why was the speaker surprised when he first saw the used car at the car agency?15.what does the speaker think of the used car he has bought?16.what does the speaker do when

12、he buys anything second-hand?Passage3an application letter, its not meant to secure a job, its main purpose is to catch the interest of the employer. If the employer is interested in you, then youll have a chance for an interview. Though an application letter, the employer will find out who are suit

13、able for the job and who are not. Then he will select the most desired person for the position he intends to offer. Since your letter of application is the first introduction of you to the employer, you must think carefully how you would like to present yourself. What do you want the letter to say a

14、bout your qualifications, your abilities, your working experience; why do you want to apply for the job and how well may you perform in the new job? Apart from the contents, the appearance of the letter is also important. It can do much to help create a favorable impression on the employer. Of cours

15、e, the resume attached to the application letter will play an important role in supporting your application. In one word, you need to make your letter of application stand out from all the others.17.What is the main purpose of the job seeker in writing an application letter?18. What will an employer

16、 normally do if hes interested in the application letter?19.Why is a letter application very important to the job seeker?20.What is the advice of the speaker about an application letter?Part II Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.21.The

17、first hotels were built .审题思路:本题关键词是the first hotels,可定位到第一段第二行They were small inns built along the road.A)with hundreds of rooms做题思路:张冠李戴,该选项是后期宾馆的描述B)around the city centers做题思路:张冠李戴,该选项是后期宾馆的描述C)near railway stations做题思路:张冠李戴,该选项是后期宾馆的描述D)quite close to roads做题思路:原文along the road的同意解释22.Hotels gr

18、adually became less popular because they usually did not have .审题思路:本题的关键词是less popular, because 由此可定位到第二段第二句Automobile travel caused problems for city hotels, which did not have enough parking space for so many cars.其中的problems就是原因。A)large enough rooms for big families做题思路:无中生有B)places for cars to

19、park in做题思路:原文的同意解释C)sufficient ground rooms做题思路:无中生有D)quiet and convenient units做题思路:无中生有23.What can we learn about motels from the passage?审题思路:本题关键词是learn, motels因为本文多次提到motels,做题时可考虑以选项回文定位的方式A)They are usually built in the downtown area.做题思路:与原文相悖,可定位到文章倒数第二句In their place, many small motels ha

20、ve been built on the outskirts(近郊)of citiesB)They have several buildings closely connected.做题思路:与原文相悖,可定位到第二段第二行Built on ground level, often in separate unitsC)They have a large number of rooms in tall buildings.做题思路:张冠李戴,该选项属于hotel的特征D)They are mainly for travelers who drive their own cars.做题思路:原文同

21、意解释,可定位到原文第三段24.The reason why many big hotels are being torn down is that .审题思路:根据关键词big hotels, torn down可定位到最后一段第一句A)more and more travelers choose to stay in motels做题思路:原文的合理推断,从上一段的介绍中可以看出motels 具有很多优势B)people want to spend their time in a more quiet place做题思路:以偏概全,quiet是motels其中的一个优点C)it costs

22、 too much money for people to stay in a hotel做题思路:错误推断,D)cities have become short of land for building large hotels.做题思路:无中生有25.This passage is trying to tell us about .审题思路:中心大意题,可根据中心解题,也可根据前面四道题来解题。A)motorists troubles in parking their cars in cities做题思路:断章起义,文章中确实提到了在市区的hotel停车时有困难,但并未加以详细论述B)Th

23、e reason why a new kind of hotel is getting popular做题思路:根据文章的22、23、24小题就可以得出本道题的正确解释C)which place is better for people to stay for the night做题思路:错误推断,文章中虽然做了比较,但不是说stay for the nightD)how to find a place to park your car when traveling做题思路:错误推断Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following

24、 passage:26.What was the serious problem faced by Union Carbide in December 1984?审题思路:本题关键词是problem, union carbide, 1984可定位到文章第一段第一句。A)A gas leak at its Indian plant poisoned thousands of people.做题思路:原文的同意解释B)Thousands of its workers were killed in a gas leak accident.做题思路:张冠李戴,死的是印度居民C)An accident

25、caused the death of about 2500 Union Carbides employees.做题思路:张冠李戴,死的是印度居民D)Many of its factories had to be closed because of frequent accidents.做题思路:错误推断,关闭工厂是事故之后的措施,而不是面临的问题27.According to Time magazine, the damage done by the accident to Union Carbides image was .审题思路:本题关键词是Time magazine, image可定

26、位到第一段最后一句。从38个国家及后面的130个国家可以推出答案。A)localB)nationalC)worldwideD)regional28.Warren M.Anderson successfully made reporters believe that .审题思路:本题关键词是Warren M.Anderson,reporters可定位到文章的第二段第二行A)he was serious in handling the accident做题思路:无中生有,原文并未交代他的态度B)he had done his best to make up the lost做题思路:无中生有,ma

27、ke up意为弥补C)he was open to their suggestions and opinions做题思路:断章起义,原文提及的是open manner意为公开自己D)he could settle the matter quite effectively做题思路:原文的正确推理,从第二段和第三段及最后一段中便可得出此推论。29.Warren M.Anderson let the public know that the disaster was the corporations .审题思路:本题定位关键词是public,可定位到第三段最后一句,从其中的highest prior

28、ity变可推出答案。A)biggest lossB)first concernC)saddest lessonD)heaviest blow30.We can learn that the passage mainly aims to give .审题思路:中心大意题,问本文的写作目的A) a detailed description of a dangerous gas leak做题思路:以偏概全,文章只是在第一段描述了事故造成的伤害B)a fair account of the big loss of an international company做题思路:无中生有,原文并未提及C)a

29、vivid image of a respected corporation leader做题思路:胡乱推测D)a good example of effective treatment of a serious crisis做题思路:文章最后一句话的同意解释Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to35 are based on the following passage:31.Where do you think the passage is taken from?审题思路:问文章的出处,可定位到第二段变可得出正确答案A)A travel handbook for colle

30、ge students.B)An eating guide for students at college.C)A companys web page about its products.D)An advertisement of a particular kind of food.32.Which of the following is the main topic of this passage?审题思路:大意题。既然该文章是要指导大学生饮食的,那么学生的饮食习惯应该是存在问题的。A)Students dont usually eat nutritiously but enjoyably

31、 at college.B)Students are usually skilled in cooking their own meals.C)Students are unable to eat good foods for lack of money.D)Students are able to eat nutritiously,cheaply and enjoyably.33.It is implied in the passage that .审题思路:根据题目无法定位,可根据选项回文定位A)sugar is harmful to peoples health做题思路:过度推断,原文说的是eat less sugarB)fried food is not good for peoples health做题思路:无中生有C)students usually eat a lot of fat 做题思路:合理推断,根据关键词fat, 可定位到

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