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本文(高考英语高考英语专题突破 4动词的时态和语态.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语高考英语专题突破 4动词的时态和语态.docx

1、高考英语高考英语专题突破 4动词的时态和语态专题四动词的时态和语态考纲解读考点内容20172016201520142013合计预测热度动词的时态掌握动词时态的基本用法,能够在具体语境中恰当使用动词的时态进行交际。121127动词的语态掌握各种时态的被动语态的形式和用法,熟悉并掌握不可用被动语态的不及物动词。100001分析解读:在江苏高考中,动词的时态和语态是每年的必考点。试题呈现“情景立意”和“能力立意”的趋势,注重在具体语境中考查时态和语态的用法。命题探究五年高考考点一动词的时态 1.(2017天津,8)Idown to London when I suddenly found that

2、I was on the wrong road.A.was driving B.have driven C.would drive D.drove答案A2.(2017北京,24)that company to see how they think of our product yesterday?Yes. They are happy with it.A.Did you call B.Have you calledC.Will you call D.Were you calling答案A3.(2017北京,33)Peoplebetter access to health care than t

3、hey used to, and they􀆳re living longer as a result.A.will have B.have C.had D.had had答案B4.(2016江苏,29)Dashan,who crosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.A.will be learning learningC.had been learning D.has been learning

4、答案D5.(2016江苏,22)More efforts,as reported, in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.A.are made B.will be madeC.are being made D.have been made答案B6.(2016北京,25)Ihalf of the English novel, and I􀆳ll try to finish it at the B.have reading D.will r

5、ead答案B7.(2016天津,3)When walking down the street, I came across David, whom Ifor years.A.didn􀆳t see B.haven􀆳t seenC.hadn􀆳t seen D.wouldn􀆳t see答案C8.(2015江苏,30)The real reason why prices,and still are,too high is complex,and no short discussion can satisfactorily expl

6、ain this problem.A.were B.will beC.have been D.had been答案A9.(2015北京,27)Did you have difficulty finding Ann􀆳s house?Not really.Sheus clear directions and we were able to find it easily.A.was to give B.had givenC.was giving D.would give答案B10.(2015浙江,8)Albert Einstein was born in 1879.As a chi

7、ld,few people guessed that hea famous scientist whose theories would change the world.A.has been B.had beenC.was going to be D.was答案C11.(2015湖南,22)As you go through this book,youthat each of the millions of people who lived through World War had a different experience.A.will find B.foundC.had found

8、D.have found答案A12.(2015重庆,1)Is Peter coming?No,hehis mind after a phone call at the last minute.A.changes B.changedC.was changing D.had changed答案B13.(2014江苏,23)How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing?Well,the mediait in a variety of forms.A.cover B.will coverC.have c

9、overed D.covered答案C14.(2014北京,22)Hi,let􀆳s go skating.Sorry,I􀆳m busy right now.Iin an application form for a new job.A.fill B.have filled filling D.will fill答案C15.(2014山东,5)They made up their mind that theya new house once Larry changed jobs.A.bought B.would buyC.have bought D.

10、had bought答案B16.(2014重庆,8)James has just arrived,but I didn􀆳t know heuntil yesterday.A.will come B.was comingC.had come D.came答案B17.(2014湖南,34)Whenever youa present,you should think about it from the receiver􀆳s point of view.A.boughtB.have boughtC.will buyD.buy答案D18.(2014四川,9)Sheso

11、meone,so I nodded to her and went away.A.phoned B.had phonedC.was phoning D.has phoned答案C19.(2013江苏,25)Could I use your car tomorrow morning?Sure.Ia report at home.A.will be writing B.will have writtenC.have written D.have been writing答案A20.(2013江苏,34)What about your self-drive trip yesterday?Tiring

12、!The road is being widened,and wea rough ride.A.had B.have C.would have D.have had 答案A考点二动词的语态1.(2017天津,6)Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.A.regard regarded C.are regarded D.regards答案B2.(2017北京,29)In the 1950s in the USA, most fa

13、milies had just one phone at home, and wireless phonesyet.A.haven􀆳t invented B.haven􀆳t been inventedC.hadn􀆳t invented D.hadn􀆳t been invented答案D3.(2016北京,30)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their effortswith success in the end.A.rewarded B.w

14、ere rewardedC.will reward D.will be rewarded答案D4.(2015北京,22)Did you enjoy the party?Yes.Wewell by our hosts.A.were treated B.would be treatedC.treated D.had treated答案A5.(2015安徽,29)It is reported that a space station on the moon in years to come.A.will be building B.will be builtC.has been building D

15、.has been built答案B6.(2015湖南,32)I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy,butthankfully by the shop held back B.held backC.hold back D.was held back答案D7.(2015天津,9)Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreementso far by the two sides.A.has been reached B.was reachedC.will

16、reach D.will have reached答案A8.(2013北京,32)So what is the procedure?All the applicantsbefore a final decision is made by the authority.A.interview B.are interviewingC.are interviewed D.are being interviewed答案C三年模拟A组20162018年模拟基础题组考点一动词的时态 1.(2018江苏南京高淳区97校联考,34)Dora, do you think Jack􀆳s propo

17、sal reasonable?I􀆳m sorry I have missed that, but actually I about another one. A.thought B.have thoughtC.had thought D.was thinking答案D2.(2018江苏徐州期中,31)Now,Mr. Chris,what inspired you to make the painting?Nature. As an artist, Iconstantly inspired by its beauty and harmony.A.was B.will be C.

18、had been D.am答案D3.(2018江苏泰州中学月考,25)Darling, I would be happier if you helped with the housework when you are free,but you.A.didn􀆳t B.wouldn􀆳t C.don􀆳t D.aren􀆳t答案C4.(2018江苏盐城中学第一次阶段性考试,33 )The Chinese embassy didn􀆳t directly solve my problem,but I feel than

19、kful that itme some advice at least.A.had offered B.would offerC.offers D.offered答案D5.(2017江苏南通、徐州10月联考,39)All the passengers, according to the new regulation,before boarding the subway.A.are to be inspected B.are going to be inspectedC.will inspect D.are about to be inspected答案A6.(2017江苏苏州期中,18)Jer

20、ry, where did you guys go for the summer vacation?We busy with our work, or we would have gone to Brazil to watch the games.A.were B.have been C.had been D.would be答案A7.(2017江苏盐城期中,23)In salute to the French and their revolution, many countries have chosen to use the same colors on their flags as th

21、e French .A.did B.does C.has D.had答案A8.(2017江苏扬州期中,27)Still, povertypeople in Africa. However, there are small victories indicating a good start towards a better future because they are taught how to fish.A.kills killing C.has killed D.killed答案B9.(2017江苏苏北四市高三摸底,21)Owing to the speeding up of u

22、rbanization and improvement of living standards, people􀆳s consumption patternsin the last few years.A.changed B.changeC.had changed D.have changed答案D10.(2017江苏泰州中学期中,32)His moneyand he has to borrow some from his friends before none is left in his running out B.has run outC.has

23、been run out being run out答案A11.(2017江苏无锡期末,24)As is expected, it will still be some years before all the metro lines in our cityinto operation.A.will be put B.are putC.will have been put D.have been put答案B12.(2016江苏苏北三市三模,24)Have you been to Gangtok?Actually,Ithere for three years and then lef

24、t for home when my mother was ill.A.had worked B.has workedC.was working D.worked答案D13.(2016江苏苏锡常镇二模,24)What do you think of his newly-published book?It􀆳s the best one he,but that􀆳s not saying writingC.has writtenD.will write答案C14.(2016江苏南通二模,30)As the towngood res

25、taurants, we just treated the foreign friends to some local food at home yesterday.A.didn􀆳t have B.doesn􀆳t haveC.won􀆳t have D.hadn􀆳t had答案B15.(2016江苏百校第一次联考,32)We wish you the best of luck.Weyour telephone number and we will call you if anything comes up.A.have B.

26、will have C.had D.would have答案A16.(2016江苏南京、盐城一模,32)James so far behind in the race that he knew he had little chance of winning.A.fell B.falls C.has fallen D.was falling答案A考点二动词的语态1.(2017江苏南通、徐州10月联考,35)The hurricaneto reach the coast tomorrow morning.If so, we􀆳d better make full preparati

27、ons for predicting B.has predicted D.will be predicted答案C2.(2017江苏镇江期中,22)How annoying it is to live in such a noisy neighborhood!You􀆳d better find a quiet and comfortable room where you.A.aren􀆳t disturbing B.won􀆳t disturbC.won􀆳t be disturbed

28、 D.aren􀆳t being disturbed答案C3.(2017江苏南通、徐州10月联考,32)I hear that you􀆳ve been shown the new scheme.Oh, yes, but how to carry it out at the meeting.A.didn􀆳t clarify B.hasn􀆳t been clarifiedC.wasn􀆳t clarified D.hasn􀆳t clarified答案CB组20162018年模拟提升题组(满分:1

29、3分时间:13分钟) 1.(2018江苏徐州期中,27)As all teaching projectsjointly developed,this university will soon start a double BA degree system.A.are being B.will be C.are D.were答案A2.(2018江苏如东高级中学期中,39)With globalization sweeping the world,learning foreign languages will become increasingly necessary if a countryec

30、onomically.A.will compete to competeC.were to compete D.competes答案B3.(2018江苏宝应中学第一次月考,2)In a big hall above the supermarket, where a party , some salesgirls were busily preparing.A.was to be held B.has been heldC.will be held being held答案A4.(2018江苏无锡期中,30)Typhoon Hato brought powerful winds and flooding to the region of southeast China and several deaths on the storm in August, 2017.A.were blamed B.would be blamedC.had been blamed D.have been blamed答案A5.(2017江苏苏州期中,2)Shall we make it at 7:30 tomorrow?Sorry. I the final between Z

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