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1、中西方饮食文化对比研究英语专业毕业论文 LUOYANG NORMA UNVESITY 204届本科毕业论文 中西方饮食文化差异院(系)名称外国语学院专 业名 称英语(双学位)学生姓名张杨子学号272206指导教师莫艳艳讲师完成时间2014年5月LngNrmal nivesitDiffrntFod CtstweeChina an th WestAeis Submittedt oregnLanges ollege o Luoan Nrl Unverstyin Parial Fulfilment o te Reqirmntsfor the DegreofBhor o ArtsBZhg Yngziup

2、ervior:o Yayn May10,24中文摘要饮食文化在世界文化中起着十分重要的作用,不同的国家有自己不同的饮食文化特点。 中国是一种农耕文化的陆地文化,而传统的西方文化是一种畜牧文化的海洋文化,两种不同的文化反映出人们生活方式的差异,其中饮食文化更是具有代表性的一个方面。在此基础上,本文研究分析了中西饮食文化在各个方面的不同之处。分析表明,在不同的文化背景下,中西方在饮食观念、饮食内容、饮食方式还是餐桌礼仪等各个方面的差异都是显而易见的。正是这种不同饮食文化的沟通与交流,推动了全世界范围内文化的融合。关键词: 差异;文化;饮食文化AstracIn th omplexworld cult

3、ure, hediearycltur plyan eelyimpoa rle. Th diffrnes betwen Chinese ad Wetern ultu createte differnces etenChiese and Wesern foo utre.Dffeent counes havher owdiery culturesTraditinal Chinese ultue is grcltural cultuend l cuure,whil traditinal westen ultes nialusbandr ultre docean cltre. The t ids ofc

4、ultres refect dierse ife stylesnhih fodis he most repreetatie spet. Ivaiusly utual otexts,dffences infood in cncept, oect, kichenware,table we, r tablemanners. And undrstandngthseiffreces ol rmote the comuncationo cuure the old.Key word: diference; cutu; fod cultreTable onents中文摘要.bsract.ableof onte

5、nts. Intoun.12. Diear Cncep. 2. ChieseDiry oncpt.2 2. Weser iary onep. 33. Food. 3. Cnint.53.SdeDsh.54.TableManers.7 4.1. DifrencesBetn Chinsendestr Tale anner. 4. Characiic of Tale Mans. .7 4.1. haraeristics fTal Mane Chn.8 4.2. hrcterics fTale anners n the et.85.Concuson.Biblgaph.11. ntoductonDiet

6、 isnt oy he isof socildevelopmnt, butalsothepramou maal aefrhun to survive wihgood eahcondtin. I he ealy tagef babarism, lke oter nmas, looig or foodtosurvive is u he nsnt fo umnbeing Butwhen an bgan touse firetook foo and they nteredhe age ofcivliatio, speily the tie ofcookin wth he pottry, he foo

7、beam the creain made bythe humanon wsdom anteir tcnology. Tn tere is thessl dieence in dietbetwen hman beins nd nimalstha th iehas its cultral nae. Thus the story o um iet is t be this kid of hisoytht human adt to atur, coquean refm ature o survveand deveo in e nure, n the huma dery lteradual ces nt

8、o beingin th co of thiprorsAs imotantart f uman clture, the ditar cltur hasa generalzed meanin d a arowed eninghis tesis disss te ditar cultue intis arrow sensewhichs the tota ata wealth andspirwalt ated and aumulatd nth log-temprogress of ood cnsuption, and it is h knowldge aboutwht to at, how toea

9、t and why t et, includng ietary object, dieartabwareand s o.Chin has profnd ulturaertae ofdieycure addet pl afores rlein peesdaillifeso tatdieary cutre tae a huge propron i Chnee cuture. acing thedeary clturromer trs,e uld acpt or rject em basedn ouselve cndti e cnt only cas ejmet in ast, cause it i

10、 harfto ur pysicalth i w eatoomchforeign fodwhich is beon ohe igh loriefood Hoe,t is obous ttwe shotaimesl eet all e ojects. Under the inluenc f ntring h WTO and glbaliaion, the internional onnectinhas becom cser nd close so tht hcollisin afuion in he dietry clturelw hapen btween Chiee ad wernrs. Gr

11、anted, ittke alon im or t fee uluestomergnd oeisand there mst n aspc that bothsiecantaat o each te.Ifh phennonoccurs,we hold o bes to udrn,repet and tolertenoter ultue in ght anner Theference iaryculture bewen Ches andwtenes willse ctre isundertndng in cetaneet.Forexaml, may Ciee thinkta Haburer, KF

12、C ad Mnals are thetyal food iri But it inot he fact.Th acts Aericafoo is ver olex.Theeore, in this hss, wiscuss he ifeenceof dietar clre eweenChineand westernesfmieay cp, iery object,coking tni, dieary tabewe andtble aners. Thuh thestudy, it i benficifr bth sde to trngthe t oncaon inculture, dmorebl

13、 to iminat obstaces nd iuertnding when two natios e cmuiai, o that pepl an havei-depth udtandn bot thedet ulturefro hin and western countie. osud both partis dietary ultue diffeencefrm arious aspets, it an not nly elp us tostrenghn e aarenes and adion in theutre comnicton,bt alsocannhnc ourderstandi

14、ng,tolert and ccet thefrin clre en ths make Chinse adester iear cuturecan utualy dvelo and fue in communcatin, ich it plas a remarale roe n bostin the dvelomentofcltuein the hoe ord .2. DieayConcept Die is absoelyecsarynmanknds li, and evenin h exisenc or develomt.Becaueo t diffeencesbween hinesead

15、Engh ultraltraditions, t Chiesead nlihdietry culture re fferent nocp.1 Chs etary CoctI Cns dietary cutre, pl py moreatetion o pringte tase than o empizng enutrtion. Tey consdehat the nuritionis lss imotant ife food is deiou nd good-lokingenugh. Teresn wh there is a nique detayculturethat etns n tp o

16、f he ist i Chieenation satproductity ha ben lw nderheverae leel fr thundof years nd people hae not eouhfo to e. People often athetasteis th mostmportant in th whle of colo, ar and taste. Inadditin,he key f pecal charm inChiese deis nohinu its tase. Chinhik a l ofaran sensbiity,so te purtf dlicis aei

17、s lwas the higest meaing i dietary.owever, a part o the nutition my lck in pursuigthe delciuses iChinee diet. eshape of th foodis he eera ingwhilethe at is teinterna thing Empan te iner andnt derting painstngl the enal, or emphasizingthe tase ater thanshowingofthe fom f the dishe, s theparamont expr

18、essi in Chineeditay concept. utdosnot tkeanycouto t olction f utitonThemdcated oodappee n e T dynast and nowheres a foultihat “die thapy is better than medial teatmets”, hch al reflectthat Ches ay atteionoth coocaion n ieary utition siaientimes.However, he taditinal utrtion tory oly hasa vageoncepti

19、hou eiicata analyss as westernerst figure ut whatnd of food i good fohealth wituritnChns epl are tinking highly o ea.Bra i the staff life, thisol aag xned ta w seeeatig as importnts s.Becus our ainlor tsands ofyearsarnhe o lvelof roducivity, peplealway o ntave enough o eat, so tyold hve a uqefod cul

20、tre tht eatig i erypotant. I thkths proably froma survivl t needs. Li ohog pontedut:Ifacure pt ae asimay, so itwil pea t pnoen: on one hand wil p the fd funcion t me, no onl srviv, but aso use it tomaintin healy, tsis so the ulture asis tat etce mehan teoctor. On thothrand, h exesive attetion to et,

21、 itc make theprsn raisehhy ofdeicoupuruit.2ester ietryCneptIn westr dear culture,eatinglike bologicalmacne add ul, epeially a theoosutrition coposiion,ptin, at,arhyrte,vitainsad allkind of inorgnic element contnt , peplepy mre atenon ourugthe nutrionantemhasizig h colo, roma ndtate. Thewestern it is and of raionldie s that they dete patcul are the ntrtio ad collocaio They at dietay as a cienc with a

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