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精品新人教版选修8高中英语unit4 section1warming upprereadingreadingcomprehending过关习题及答案.docx

1、精品新人教版选修8高中英语unit4 section1warming upprereadingreadingcomprehending过关习题及答案Unit 4Section 单词拼写1He made a quick _ (适应) to the new environment2The _ (说明书) is not easily understandable3He recommended me a _ (经典的) book on Buddhism4MrBlack was still _ (犹豫) over whether to leave or not5I had the good _ (运气)

2、 to be chosen for a trip abroad6She knew that society would _ (谴责) her for abandoning her children7He warned his friend not to _ (泄露) the secret to anyone else 8We cant judge a person on such short _ (认)9The little girl feels _ (不自在的) with strangers10Her _ (评论) on the employment question led to a he

3、ated discussion答案:1adaptation2caption3classic4hesitating5fortune6condemn7betray8acquaintance9uncomfortable10remarks用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1He stared at me_for my sudden appearance2He sent her a blessing_In fact,he hated her a lot3He tried to_himself_a qualified doctor4Dont_me_a fool for I know all your secr

4、ets5_money,hes quite rich,but not in terms of happiness6The products can_many kinds according to their criteria7An EnglishChinese dictionary_to the English learners especially to the beginners8Dont_accumulating the vocabularyDo it at once9_,youths of eighteen are too young for such work10Im very ple

5、ased to_your_答案:1in amazement2in disguise3pass;off as4mistake;for5In terms of6be classified into7is of great use8hesitate over9Generally speaking10make;acquaintance补全句子1_ _ _ _ _ (务必联系我) if you need such help again(hesitate)2It is said that beer _ _ _ (被归类为)a good product(classify)3It is surprising

6、that the headmaster of the school should be found guilty and _ _ _ _ _ (判十年监禁)(condemn)4He _ _ (评论) the difference in security measures of the two restaurants the other day(remark v)5During my travel to Mount Tai,I _ _ _ _ (认) a young girl from Shanghai(acquaintance)答案:1Dont hesitate to contact me2i

7、s classified as3condemned to ten years in jail4remarked on5made the acquaintance of完形填空Some myths are stories told since ancient times to explain the causes for natural happeningsThe Greek myth that explains why there are changes of_1_is about Demeter,the goddess of the harvestShe had a daughter,Per

8、sephone,whom she loved very muchHades,god of the underworld,fell in love with Persephone,and he asked Zeus,the_2_of the gods,to give Persephone to him as his_3_Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter,so he said he would not agree to the marriage,but neither would he_4_itHade

9、s,therefore,decided to take the girl without_5_When Persephone was picking flowers in the garden,he seized her and took her to the underworldWhen Demeter_6_what happened to Persephone,she became so_7_that she caused all plants to_8_People were in_9_of starvingBut Demeter was determined not to let cr

10、ops grow_10_her daughter,Persephone,was returned to her_11_,still not wanting to disappoint Hades,decided upon a condition for Persephones_12_She could go back to her mother if she had not_13_anything while she was in the underworldDemeter_14_it because she did not know that Persephone had eaten sev

11、eral pomegranate (石榴) seeds in the underworldWhen Zeus_15_this,he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her_16_,but he added that since she had eaten the seeds,she must spend part of the year in the underworldAnd so it _17_that when Persephone is in the underworld,Demeter is sad a

12、nd therefore_18_not let the crops growThat is_19_we have winter when plants do not growWhen Persephone returns,Demeter is _20_It is spring,and plants begin to grow again文章大意:本文是一篇故事性的记叙文。文章为一则希腊神话,讲述了冥界之神哈德斯用抢夺的方式将珀尔赛弗涅变成他的妻子,从而使得珀尔赛弗涅的母亲在女儿回到身边时心情舒畅,大地回春,而在女儿离开自己返回冥界时心情悲伤、万物凋零的故事。1Aperiods Bseasons

13、Ctime Dage答案:B通读全文,结合harvest一词,可以判断出这个神话故事是讲述季节变化的原因的。2Awinner Bruler Cadvisor Dfighter答案:B结合西方文化,我们道宙斯是众神之神,是他们的统治者。3Awife Blover Cpartner Ddaughter答案:A前文提到冥界之神哈德斯爱上了珀尔赛弗涅,于是请求宙斯让珀尔赛弗涅成为他的妻子。4Aforbid Bforgive Cadmit Daccept答案:A宙斯不想让两位神不高兴,所以他既不赞成这门婚姻,但也没有禁止。forbid禁止;forgive宽恕;admit承认;accept接受。5Aarr

14、angement Bwarning Creason Dpermission答案:D从后文来看,哈德斯没有征得珀尔赛弗涅母亲的同意就偷偷带走了她。arrangement安排;warning警告;reason理由;permission允许。6Alet out Bworked out Cthought out Dfound out答案:D各选项含义:let out发出;work out计算出;think out想出;find out发现,找到。得墨忒耳是在珀尔赛弗涅被带走之后才发现这个事的。7Aexcited Btired Cangry Dserious答案:C从常理推断,女儿被人偷偷带走,母亲应该

15、很生气。8Agrow fast Bstart growing Cstop growing Dgrow slowly答案:C根据后文提示“not to let crops grow”可反推得墨忒耳一怒之下不让植物再继续生长。9Adanger Bhope Cturn Dcase答案:A此处四个选项均可构成短语:in danger of处境危险,垂危;in hope of希望;in turn依次,轮流,不与of构成短语;in case of以防。句意:人们面临饿死的危险。根据语意可确定答案。10Asince Buntil Cafter Dwhen答案:B得墨忒耳决定直到女儿被送回来时才让植物生长。1

16、1APersephone BZeus CDemeter DHades答案:B从后文still not wanting to disappoint Hades以及结合前文来看,want动作应该是宙斯发出的。12Areturn Bchange Cmarriage Djourney答案:A宙斯为了不让哈德斯感到失望,于是允许珀尔赛弗涅回到母亲身边,但他为此设了一个条件。return返回。13Astolen Bfound Ceaten Dheard答案:C根据下文来看,宙斯提出的条件是要求珀尔赛弗涅不吃冥界的任何东西。steal偷窃;find发现;eat吃;hear听到。14Aunderstood B

17、refused Cdoubted Daccepted答案:D得墨忒耳接受了宙斯的条件,因为她不道珀尔赛弗涅已经在冥界吃了几粒石榴籽。15Adiscovered Bstudied Cforgot Dprepared答案:A从前后文看,宙斯道了珀尔赛弗涅在冥界吃东西的事情。16Adaughter Bmother Cgod Druler答案:B虽然珀尔赛弗涅在冥界吃了东西,宙斯还是允许她每年回到母亲身边一段时间。17Aworks Bremains Chappens Dstarts答案:Cit happens that是固定句型,表示“碰巧,恰巧”。18Ashould Bcan Cdare Dwill

18、答案:D珀尔赛弗涅回到冥界时,她的母亲就会很伤心,就不愿意让作物生长。will作情态动词,表示“愿意”。19Awhere Bbecause Cwhy Dhow答案:C前文对植物为什么在某些时候不生长做出了解释。所以此处使用That is why来总结前文。20Anice Bfriendly Cfresh Dhappy答案:D女儿回来了,做母亲的自然高兴。阅读理解Pygmalion is a drama in which Shaw has made sentiments one of the principal themes of discussionThe Greek sculptor Pyg

19、malion carved a statue and fell in love with itAphrodite ( the goddess of love) turned the statue into a living woman named Galatea,who then became Pygmalions wifeThe Shavian Pygmalion is Henry Higgins,a professor of phonetics,who picks up a flower girl,Eliza Doolittle,teaches her to speak as educat

20、ed people do,and then successfully passes_her_off_as a duchessBut she is a human being and cannot be treated as a machineIn the course of all his experiments and exhibitions,the professor only thinks of the success and failure of his own skills,but never stops to consider how the girl feelsWhen the

21、experiment is over,he has a profound sense of relief that he has achieved triumph and has won his betEven now,the sentiment of the girl is of no accountThe girl naturally protests against this dehumanized relationship between her and her teacherShe hurls the professors slippers at him when he wants

22、them and then leaves his placeBut evidently,she has begun to feel for the professor and wants also to be felt forNow the question is what is the nature of Elizas feelings for the professor with whom she has lived in close association for so long? In the last act,the girl says she would not marry him

23、 even if he had proposed (求婚) to herThe professor,curiously ineffectual (无能的) to sexual emotions,does not love any girl because he finds her to be the rival ( 对手) to his motherHe wonders,if Eliza does not want to marry him,then what does she want from him? Old MrsHiggins,who knows much about a woman

24、 says that it would have been better if he had thanked her and petted her and told her how wonderful she had beenThen perhaps she would not have fought with himEvery girl loves to be lovedEliza herself says that she loves Freddy and he also loves herProfessor Higgins,however,remains as ever,an old b

25、achelor文章大意:萧伯纳的著名戏剧卖花女具有经久不衰的艺术魅力,描写的是语音学教授如何训练一名卖花女并使她最终被上流社会认可的故事,从而抨击了当时英国腐朽保守的等级意。1What does the underlined phrase “passes her off as” in Paragraph 2 mean?Alet her pretend to be Bdress her up asCmake her become Dturn into答案:A词义猜测题。根据前面的“teaches her to speak as educated people do”以及下文中时“In the c

26、ourse of all his experiments”可推断,画线部分的意思是“使她假装或冒充成为”。2What kind of person do you think Higgins is according to Paragraph 2?AHe is a kind man BHe is a considerate manCHe is a selfish man DHe is a rude man答案:C推理判断题。根据第二段第三句内容可,Higgins只考虑自己的成败得失,从不考虑Eliza的感受,显然他是一个自私的人。3Eliza doesnt marry Higgins becau

27、se_Ashe does not love himBHiggins mother does not like any girl to be her rivalCHiggins likes to be a bachelorDHiggins does not love any girl for fear of her being his mothers rival答案:D细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句内容可,Eliza不会嫁给Higgins,因为他担心未来的妻子会成为母亲的对手,所以不敢爱上任何一个女孩。4Which of the following statements is TRUE?ASha

28、w was in fact a Greek sculptorBHenry Higgins is experimenting with Eliza DoolittleCEliza Doolittle wants to become an educated lady very muchDHenry Higgins falls in love with Eliza Doolittle at first sight答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容可,语音学教授Henry Higgins只是把卖花女Eliza Doolittle当成了验品,故B项表述正确。七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能

29、填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violenceThey can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little lighthearted entertainmentHave you heard of Bollywood? All singing,all dancing and unrealistic,it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood moviesB

30、ollywood is the Indian film industry,based in Mumbai,formerly known as Bombay_1_ Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the worldThis year the Indian Filmgare Awards,Bollywoods Oscars,turn 50 years oldThe typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance,a teaspoon of co

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