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1、CH2 Stocks PART1 Stock 1.What are Stocks Stocks allow you to own a portion of a public corporation.Initially,they are sold by the original owners of a company to gain additional funds to help the company grow是股份有限公司发行的用以证明投资者的股东身份和权益,并据此获得股息和红利的凭证.2.Types of StocksThere are two types of stocks,commo

2、n and preferred.These different groupings meet the varying needs of stockholders.(1)common stocks(1)common stocks普通股普通股 Common shares represent ownership in a company and a Common shares represent ownership in a company and a claim(dividends)on a portion of profits.claim(dividends)on a portion of pr

3、ofits.They are one form of a piece of ownership of a They are one form of a piece of ownership of a corporation.They are the type of stock that most corporation.They are the type of stock that most people are thinking of when they use the term people are thinking of when they use the term stock.stoc

4、k.Shareholder rights Shareholder rights:common stock owners can vote on the corporations common stock owners can vote on the corporations affairs,such as the Board of Directors,mergers affairs,such as the Board of Directors,mergers and acquisitions and takeovers.and acquisitions and takeovers.基本权利:基

5、本权利:经营参与权、收益分配权、认股优先权、剩余资产分配权经营参与权、收益分配权、认股优先权、剩余资产分配权 2.2.preferred stocks优先股优先股 They represents some degree of ownership in a company but usually doesnt come with the same voting rights.With preferred shares investors are usually guaranteed a fixed dividend forever.Another advantage is that in the

6、 event of liquidation preferred shareholders are paid off before the common shareholder(but still after debt holders).特征:特征:1.1.优先权:股息分派、剩余资产清偿方面优先优先权:股息分派、剩余资产清偿方面优先 2.2.约定股息率:往往事先确定且不受公司经营状况影响约定股息率:往往事先确定且不受公司经营状况影响 3.3.受限的表决权(一般无经营决策与选举权)受限的表决权(一般无经营决策与选举权)4.4.一般不能上市流通一般不能上市流通 Stock vs shareshare

7、Since stocks are partial ownership of a corporation,they are Since stocks are partial ownership of a corporation,they are also known as shares.also known as shares.Usually,stockholders receive one vote per share.Usually,stockholders receive one vote per share.How stocks are tradedPrimary market vs.s

8、econdary marketMajor stock exchangesThe New York Stock ExchangeThe NasdaqLondon Stock ExchangeTokyo,Frankfurt,HK,BombayShanghai and ShenzhenCommon chip 蓝筹股 2.Red chip 蓝筹股3.merit-based shares 绩优股4.bull market 牛市 5.bear market 熊市6.weak market 弱市综合用词Shanghai Composite Index 上证综合指数Shenzhen C

9、omponent Index 深证成份股指数Hong Kongs Hang Seng Index 香港恒生指数A-share market A股市场B-share market B股市场bourse 证券交易所trading 交易,买卖turnover 成交额trading volume 交易额,成交量weighting 权重morning session 早盘afternoon session 午盘insider trading 内幕交易trader 交易者speculator 投机者investor 投资者broker 证券经纪人brokerage 券商(股民开立账户的地方)margin

10、finance account 保证金融资账户(相当于借钱炒股)securities regulator 证券监管机构牛市常用词surge 大涨gain 上涨soar 飞涨climb 攀升rally 回升buoy 提振bullish 看涨的;上扬的fund inflow 资金流入capital inflow 资金流入outperform 跑赢(大盘)hover 徘徊returns 收益,回报pick up 回升edge up 微升熊市常用词slump 暴跌tumble 暴跌slip 下跌retreat 下跌fall 下跌drop 下降decline 下降bearish 看跌的,下跌的lose ground 下跌edge down 微降dip 微降equities bubble 股市泡沫作业找出一篇有关股票或者股票市场的英文新闻,摘录一段并翻译成中文要求:1.字数不少于1000字2.用A4纸打印出来3.一周后交Questions for discussionWhy do companies issue stock?What causes stock price to change?

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