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仁爱版七年级英语 上 教材梳理篇 Unit34.docx

1、仁爱版七年级英语 上 教材梳理篇 Unit34Unit34&考点词汇数词21 -999 , tell , sure , speak , some , poor, pet ,want , visit , lot , all , any ,doctor , mother , farmer , driver , cook , nurse , work , hospital , drive ,family , daughter , happy , teach , chicken , drink , juice , idea , water ,vegetable , take , order , .so

2、mething , wait , moment , breakfast , lunch,supper, dinner , kind , buy , try , hundred , need , heavy , worry , free , go, picnic , love , call , forget , bring , fun , afraid , time , carry , ask , elephant, quarter , show , clever , animal , get , way , wrong&目标短语help(sb.) with sth. 帮助某人做某事no pro

3、blem 没问题help each other 互相帮助 all 一点也不,根本不a lot 很,非常;许多a little 一点点very much 非常,很at home 在家have a seat 就座ona farm 在农场lookafter 照看,照顾helponeself (to.) 请随便(吃点. )allright 行了,好吧;不客气a glass of 一杯good idea 好主意wait a moment 等一等,等一会儿something to drink 喝的东西takeones order 记下顾客点的菜eat out 下馆子,出去吃饭have dinn

4、er 吃饭such as例如here you are 给你bekind to sb. 对某人友好beglad to do sth. 喜欢做某事overthere 在那边tryon 试穿thinkof 认为,想起thinkabout 考虑dosome shopping 购物,买东西buysth. for sb. 给某人买某物befree 有空gofor a picnic 野餐tellsomebody about something 把某事告诉某人gofishing/ shopping 去钓鱼/购物haveto 不得不speakto. 和说话,向说callsb. back 给某人回电话havea

5、picnic 野餐nexttime 下次getup 起床gohome 回家havebreakfast/ lunch/ supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭onones way home 在某人回家的路上&重点句型1. Excuseme , could you please tell me your name?Sure , my nameis Jane.2. Could you helpme with Chinese? No problem.3. Who is the letter from?一Its from my pen pal , Sam.4. Whatdoes he say in the l

6、etter?He wants to visit the Great Wall.5. Doyou like English? Yes , I likeit very much/ a lot/ a little.No, I dontlike it at all.6. Doyou have any pets?7. Whatdoes your mother do?She is ateacher.8. Where do theywork?They work on afarm.9. Wouldyou like some eggs , Maria?No , thanks.Id like some chick

7、en.10. Why not havesome fish and eggs?Good idea!11. What do you usually have for breakfast , Michael?一I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.12. MayI take your order , sir?Rice and chicken , please.13.Help yourself to some fish.14. What can I do for you , madam?一I want to buy some clothes for m

8、y daughter.15. CanI try it on?Sure.16. Howdo you like the pants?一Theyre too long.17. What do you think of this green skirt?Oh, I dontlike it at al1.18. Couldyou help me do some shopping, Ben?一Sure. What do we need?19. Are you freethis Sunday?Yes. Whats up?20. 一Dont forget tobring your guitar.All rig

9、ht.21. May I speak to Maria?Oh , sorry. She isnt in now;22. Couldyou ask her to call me back this evening?Sure.23. Do you have timetomorrow?Yes.24. Letsmeet at 9 oclock at my home.OK.25.Whats wrong with you?26.Its time to go home.27.Its very kind of you.&功能意念1.邀请Wouldyou like to cook with us?Youmust

10、 come to dinner with us.May Iinvite you to dinner?Steve, what/ how about flying a kite with me?OK.Thank you. /Id like that, thanks. / All right. /Good idea.Yes ,Id love to.Thatwould be very nice. /No , thank you.Idlove to , but Im afraid 1 have no time.Imsorry I cant. /What about another time?2.职业Wh

11、atdo you do ? /What does he/ she do ?Whatare you ? /What is he/ she ?Whatsyour/his/her job?Whatare you going to be?Ima(n) teacher/ doctor/ worker/ fanner/businessman/manager/office worker.Imgoing to be a scientist/ computer engineer.3.时刻Excuseme. Whats the time , please?Excuseme. What time is it?Whe

12、ndid you come to China ? 、Whattime do you get up on weekdays ?Its sixoclock /half past one/ twenty to two/ a quarter past seven.Icame to China in 2019.I getup at 6:40 in the morning.4.提供帮助Doyou want me to clean the room ?Can Ihelp you ?Whatcan I do for you ?Wouldyou like me to help you ?Letme help y

13、ou.Yes,please/thanks. /Thank you. /That would be nice/fine. /Thank you for your(the)help.No ,thanks/thank you.Thankyou all the same.Thatsvery kind of you , but I can manage it myself.&语法精粹1. 掌握人称代词的主格和宾格的用法。2. 掌握do/does/would 引导的一般疑问句的结构和回答。3. 掌握wh-和how 引导的特殊疑问句的结构和回答。4. 掌握可数名词与不可数名词的用法。5. 初步学习时间、时刻

14、的表达法。6. 学习一般现在时的用法。&考点剖析1. What does hesay in the letter? 他在信中写了什么呢?say 在这里容易被学生用成write。在英语中,信中写道,收音机报道,标志牌上写道,地图上标明都可以用say。如:Whatdoes the sign say? 标志写的是什么?Theradio says it will rain later. 收音机报道晚些时候将会下雨。2. Help yourselves.请随意。helponeself to. 请随意吃, to 后只能接食物名词;要根据说话对象确定反身代词的单复数形式。如:Helpyourselves t

15、o some chicken. Mom said to my friends. 随便吃点鸡肉。妈妈对我的朋友说。3. May I takeyour order , sir? 先生,可以点菜了吗?order在这里是名词点菜;所点的菜肴饮料的意思。此外,order还可以指命令:顺序;订货单。如:Pleaseput the sentences in a proper order. 请把这些句子按适当的顺序排列。Thegeneral gave the order to advance. 将军下令前进。【链接】order 作动词时,指命令;订购;要求提供服务。如:They wereordered out

16、 of the class for fighting.他们因斗殴被勒令退出课堂。ShallI order a taxi for you? 要我给你叫辆出租车吗?4. May I helpyou , sir?先生,你要来点什么?May Ihelp you ? 是主动提供帮助,随着情景场合的不同,其含义也就不一样。如果是在餐馆,服务员说May Ihelp you ? 可以译为你要来点什么?;在商店时,又理解为你要买什么呢? 这种说法还有:Can Ihelp you ?Whatcan I do for you?Can Ido something for you?5. Why not tryon th

17、at pair? 为什么不试试那条(裤子)?(1)Why not do sth. ? 是一种提出请求,表达建议的句型,注意not 后接动词原形;句子还可以改写为Why dont you dosth.?如:Whynot go shopping with me ? = Why dont you go shopping with me? 和我一起去买东西怎么样?(2)try on 试穿, on 是副词,接代词作宾语时,代词必须放在短语的中间;接名词作宾语时可以放在中间也可以放在短语后面。类似的短语还有:puton ,put away , throw away , take off , give up

18、 , turn on , turn off 等。如:Your pantsare so dirty. Take them off and have a wash.Puton your warm clothes. Its cold today.(3)pair一对,一双,一副。常指成双、成对出现的物品,或由两个无法分开的部分组成的一个整体,常用的搭配有:apair of socks/ gloves/ glasses/ scissors 一双袜子/一副手套/一副眼镜/一把剪刀【链接】当this/that pairof.作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。如:Thispair of pants fits me

19、well. Ill take it.这条裤子很适合我,我买下了。Thatpair of glasses is mine. 那副眼镜是我的。6. Jane , whatdo you think of this green skirt? 简,你觉得这件绿色的裙子怎么样?Whatdo you think of. ? 你认为怎么样?用来对某人、某物发表看法、作出评价,这种说法还可以用Howdo you like. ? 代替。如:Whatdo you think of our school?= How do you like our school? 你认为我们的学校怎么样?Ilove it very m

20、uch. 我很喜欢它。7. We need twokilos of apples and some salt.我们需要两公斤的苹果和一些盐。need 在此意为需要,必要用作实义动词,后可跟名词、代词或不定式。如:Doyou need any help ? 你需要帮助吗?Ineeded to get some sleep. 我需要睡一会儿。ChenDan needs to have a rest , doesnt she ? 陈丹需要休息,不是吗?【链接】(1) need 还可用作情态动词,意为必要后跟动词原形,其否定式为need not ,意为没有必要。如:Need Ipay the mone

21、y now? 我必须现在付钱吗?Youneednt .finish the work today. 你不必今天就完成这项工作。(2) 另外, need 还可作名词,意思为必须,必要。如:Thereis no need for you to get up so early. 你没有必要起得这么早。8. Would youlike to go to West Hill for a picnic? 你愿意去西山野炊吗?Wouldyou like to. ? 意为你愿意做.吗?通常用来邀请别人参与某项活动。如:Wouldyou like to go for a walk with me ? 你愿意与我

22、一起去散步吗?9. Could you askher to call me back this evening? 请你转告她今晚给我回电话好吗?(1)Could you. ? 意:为请你好吗? , could在这里不表示过去时,只是表达一种委婉、客气的请求语气。如:Couldyou help me ? 请你帮帮忙好吗?Couldyou tell me about it? 请你把那件事告诉我好吗?(2)call sb. back 给某人回电话10. What time is it? 几点了?Its 9 oclock. 九点整。Whattime is it? 意为几点啦?,用来询问时间。相当于Wh

23、ats the time?回答时,如果时间恰好是整点,那么在表达时可以在时间点后面加上oclocko如:七点整Its sevenoclock.八点整Its eightoclock.【链接】若时间是几点几分,那么就有两种表达方法:(1)Its +时钟数+分钟数表达法。如:7: 10Its seven ten.9: 30Its nine thirty.12:55 Its twelve fifty-five.(2) 当分钟是在1 -30 分之间时,就用Its + (60减所给分钟数)分钟数+ past +小时数。如:7: 10Its ten past seven.8: 15Its fteenpast

24、 eight. 或Itsa quarter past eight.9: 30Its thirty past nine. 或Itshalf past nine.若分钟是在31 -59 分时,则用Its + (60 减去所给的)分钟数+ to + (所给小时之后的)小时数。如:10:45 Its fifteen to eleven. 或Itsa quarter to eleven.12:55 Its five to one.注意: (1)一些学生受汉语表达的影响,最容易把8:05 错写成Its eight pastfive 。应该是Itsfive past eight.11:35 错写成: Its

25、thirty-five past eleven. 或Its thirty-fiveto eleven. 或Itstwenty-five to eleven. 应该写为:Its twenty-five to twelve.(2)What time 还用于询问某动作发生的时间。如:What time do youget up every day?回答时用at 引出时间。At half past six.11. Its time togo home. 该回家了。Itstime to do sth. 译为该做某事了。如:Itstime to go to school/have lunch. 该去上学了

26、/吃午饭了。【链接】若后面是名词,则用Its time for +名词。如:Itstime for school/ lunch/ bed. 该上学了/吃午饭了/上床睡觉了。&细比细看1. some/any(1) Would you like _ more rice?(2) Iwant to buy an MP4 , but I dont have _ money.(3) 一When shall I goto your home?一_day is OK.(4 )There are _ holes in the wall.【分析比较】some 和any 都可表示一些的意思, some 常用于肯定句

27、中, any 常用于否定句和疑问句中。需要注意的是:在表示请求的疑问句中要用some; any 用于肯定句时,指任何的。 (1)题意为你想再来些米饭吗?表示请求;(4) 题意为墙上有些洞。是肯定句,故(1)、(4) 用some。 (2) 题意为我想买个MP4,但我没什么钱了。(3) 题意为我什么时候可以去你家? 任何一天都可以。故(2) 和(3) 用any 。2. Thats allright/ All right/ Thats right.(1)Sorry , Imlate. 一_.(2) 一I think Englishis useful. 一_.(3) 一Lets go for awal

28、k. 一_.【分析比较】Thatsall right.是回答道歉用语,意为没关系。有时可用来回答感谢意为不客气。 (1)题意为对不起,我迟到了。表示抱歉,故选Thats allright.Allright.表示赞同,同意对方的建议或主张,意为好吧。相当于OK。另外,可以表示身体健康,相当于fine。 (3) 题意为我们去散散步吧。表示建议,故选All right.Thatsright. 表示同意对方观点,意为正确有时用Youre right. 还可以省略为Right. (2)我认为英语很有用。表示观点,故选Thats right.3. bring/take(1)Dont put the box

29、 here. _ it there.(2)Dont forget to _ your homework to our class tomorrow.【分析比较】bring意为带来,取来。 (2) 题意思是别忘了明天把你们的家庭作业带到课堂上来故填bring。take 意为拿走,带走。 (1)题意为别把箱子放在这儿。把它拿到那儿去故填Take。4. tell /say/ speak/talk(1)The woman is _ to the headmaster.(2)The radio _ it will rain tomorrow.(3)Uncle Wang is _ at the meeti

30、ng now.(4)Father often _ stories to the children.(5) Canshe _ Japanese?【分析比较】tell 作为讲述,告诉常见用法有: tell sb. sth./tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事, tellsb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事, tellsb. about sth. 把某事告诉某人, tella story讲故事, telljokes 讲笑话等。(4) 题意为爸爸经常给孩子们讲故事。表示讲述,故填tells 。say有说,讲的含义,侧重于说、讲的内容,后面常接直接引语或间接引语,引出说话的具体内容。如:Hesays, Im twelve. 他说我十二岁了。Hesays he is twelve. 他说他十二岁了。(2) 题意为收音机报道明天有雨。表示报道的内容,故填says.speak也有说,讲之意,但它侧重于

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