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1、We met in this room.Do come to the meeting next Friday.If I were you,I would study hard.陈述语气陈述语气祈使语气祈使语气虚拟语气虚拟语气GrammarGrammarthe Subjunctive Mood虚虚拟拟语语气气 一个坚持一个坚持 两个命令两个命令 四个建议四个建议 四个要求四个要求 注:以上动词的名词形式用于同位语从句中,注:以上动词的名词形式用于同位语从句中,从句中的动词也是用从句中的动词也是用“(should)+动词原动词原形形”insistorder,commandadvise,sugges

2、t,propose,recommenddemand,require,request,urge1.I advised that you _ the job as soon as possible.2.A finished B finishing 3.C to finish D finish 4.2 The workers in the factory demanded that their pay _ be raised.5.A should B would6.C must D could3.My father did not go to New York;the doctor suggeste

3、d that he _ there.A.not went B.wont go C.not go D.not to go4.The teacher demanded that the exam _ before eleven.A.must finish B.would be finished finished D.must be finished5.The commander ordered that we _ work.A.must finish B.finished C.should finish D.could finishsuggest当表示当表示“暗示、表暗示、表明明“讲时,

4、讲时,insist表示表示”坚持说坚持说“之意时,之意时,应用陈述语气。应用陈述语气。4.Janes pale face suggested that he _ ill.A be B was C should be D is5.He insists he _right.A.were B.was D.is用于表语、同位语、主语从句用于表语、同位语、主语从句在在suggestion/proposal/order/advice/request/demand 等名词后等名词后的表语和同位语从句中的表语和同位语从句中要用要用“should动词原形动词原形”should可以省略可以省略2.Iti

5、ssuggested/ordered/requested/proposed/demandedthat从句从句从句从句中的中的 谓语谓语 动动 词词用用should+动词动词原形原形,should 可以可以省略省略考题点击考题点击1.His suggestion that you _ once more sounds reasonable.A.try B.tries C.must try D.can try2 She made the demand that the journalists _at once for Iraq.A.leave B.leaving C.left be le

6、ftWe are in favor of your proposal that the meeting _.A.should be put off B.was put off C.should put off to put offif if引导的虚拟条件句引导的虚拟条件句If he had hurried,he could have caught the train.If I were to go abroad,I would go to America.If I won the lottery now,I would buy an expensive car.现在事实相反现在事实相

7、反过去事实相反过去事实相反将来事实相反将来事实相反与与现现在在相相反反与与过过去去相相反反与与将将来来相相反反If从句从句主句主句did(be用用were)had+donedid(be用用were)were to+doshould+doWould do(should/could/might)Would+doshould/could/mightWould have+done(should/could/might)Ifyouhadtoldmeinadvance,I_himattheairport.A.wouldmeetB.wouldhadmetC.wouldhavemetD.wouldhaveme

8、et_Iyou,Iwouldgowithhimtotheparty.A.Was B.HadbeenC.WillbeD.Wereifit_tomorrow,Iwouldntattendtheparty.A.rainB.rainsC.hadrainedD.weretorainI would have gone to the meeting if I _ time.A.had had B.have had C.had D.would have hadHe suggested that they _ use a trick instead of fighting.A.should B.would C.

9、do D.had倒装的倒装的If If虚拟句虚拟句二、二、省略省略 if 的条件从句的条件从句If I were to meet him tomorrow,I should ask him about it.If he should fail in the experiment this time,he would try again.Were I to meet him tomorrow,Should he fail in the experiment二、二、省略省略 if 的条件从句的条件从句If I had followed your advice,I wouldnt have made

10、 such foolish mistakes.Had I followed your advice,Hadyoulistenedtothedoctor,you_allright.A.areB.wereC.wouldbeD.wouldhavebeen2 由由介词介词或或介词介词短语暗示的虚拟结短语暗示的虚拟结构构 without(没有没有)but for(要不是要不是)with otherwise 1.Without sunlight,or water or air,there _ no life on the earth.A will have B would be C can be D mu

11、st be 2 But for the snow,we _ earlier.A will arrive B would have arrived C arrive D arrived 五、虚拟语气在其他从句中五、虚拟语气在其他从句中1.Itis(high/about)timethat2.“到做到做-的时间了的时间了.”3.注意注意:should不能省略不能省略过去时should+V原.我们该去睡觉了。Its time that we went to bed.Its time that we should go to bed.15.Itishightimethechild_tothehospit

12、al.A.issentB.wouldbesentC.mustbesentD.weresent2.Ifonly引导的感叹句引导的感叹句“要是该有多好啊要是该有多好啊”If only I _(ask)the question nowIf only I _(see)the film yesterday!askedhad seenIts high time they_ this road.A.mend B.mended C.must have mended D.will mendIf only I _ driving before.A.had learned B.learned C.learn D.w

13、ould learn3.Wish 现在:现在:过去:过去:未来未来:过去时(过去时(were)过去完成时过去完成时would/could/might+V.1.I wish I _a bird A is B were C will be D are2.How I wish that I _ the moon sometime in the future.A had visited B would visit C visited D will visit 1.would rather that现在:现在:过去:过去:未来:未来:过去时过去时过去完成时过去完成时过去时过去时I would rathe

14、r you paid me now.I would rather you had gone,too.Dont come.I would rather you came tomorrow.3.Ifhemyadvice,hewouldnthavelosthisjob.(2010,天津)A.followedB.shouldfollowC.hadfollowedD.wouldfollow4.Johnwenttothehospitalalone.Ifhe_meaboutit,Iwouldhavegonewithhim.(2010,重庆)A.shouldtellB.tellsC.toldD.hadtold

15、5.Ifwe_theotherroad,wemighthavearrivedhereintimeforthemeeting.(2010,陕西)A.takeB.hadtakenC.tookD.havetaken6.HadIknownaboutthiscomputerprogram,ahugeamountoftimeandenergy.(2010,浙江)A.wouldhavebeensavedB.hadbeensavedC.willbesavedD.wassavedWe are in favor of your proposal that the meeting _.A.should be put

16、 off B.was put off C.should put off to put off1.判断是否虚拟判断是否虚拟2.判断虚拟类型判断虚拟类型3.判断虚拟时间判断虚拟时间1.She says shed rather he _tomorrow instead of today.A.had B.should leave C.leaves D.left2.Its already 5 oclock now.Dont you think its about time_?A.we are going home B.if she leaves C.we went home D.if she had left6.IfonlyI_tomyparentsadvice!A.listeningB.listenC.amlisteningD.hadlistened7.-Whydidntyoucometothepartyyesterday?-Iwould,butanunexpectedvisitor_toseeme.A.cameB.wouldcomeC.hadcomeD.wascoming8.Idr

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