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1、奥巴马授予拜登总统自由勋章解析奥巴马授予拜登总统自由勋章In Emotional Goodbye, Obama Awards Biden Americas Highest HonorU.S. Vice President Joe Biden has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom Americas highest civilian honor.U.S. President Barack Obama surprised Biden with the award Thursday during an emotional ceremony

2、 at the White House.Obama announced the award after praising Biden for his years of service, calling him the finest vice president we have ever seen.Biden appeared shocked at the announcement, which he said Obama and others inside the White House had kept secret. After hearing the award was about to

3、 be presented, Biden briefly turned away from the cameras to clear some tears.The Presidential Medal of Freedom is Americas highest award for civilians. Obama has awarded the medal to others during his presidency. But he explained that Bidens award carried an additional level of distinction that he

4、has never given out before.Obama said this highest-level award was only given to three individuals by the three presidents that served before him. Those individuals were Pope John Paul II, former President Ronald Reagan and former Secretary of State Colin Powell.In his tribute to Biden, Obama said t

5、hat from the very start, he never regretted choosing him as his right-hand man.He was the best possible choice, not just for me, but for the American people.Obama said Bidens advice on many issues had made him a better president. He called the vice president a lion of American history.To know Joe Bi

6、den is to know love without pretense, service without self-regard and to live life fully.Both men said that during Obamas eight-year term, the two had developed a relationship that went far beyond their work. Many extended members of the Obama and Biden families also became close personal friends.Af

7、ter Obama placed the medal around his neck, Biden thanked him and then reflected on his term as vice president.He said he greatly valued being trusted by Obama in every single thing youve asked me to do. He said he always found it easy working for and with Obama, for whom he said he had the highest

8、level of respect.Ive never known a president - and few people Ive ever met - who have had the integrity and the decency and the sense of other peoples needs like you do.Biden said he hopes to always be able to look back and say, I was part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things

9、 for this country.He noted that even though he felt he may not deserve the medal, he knew it came from the Presidents heart.Mr. President, you know as long as theres a breath in me, Ill be there for you, my whole family will be. And I know, I know it is reciprocal.Obama gave his farewell speech as p

10、resident on Tuesday in his hometown of Chicago. He will leave the White House on January 20, when President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in.Im Bryan Lynn.1.sworn in 宣誓就职She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.她3月份宣誓就任过渡政府首脑。2.farewell speech 告别演讲His farewell speech marked his exit

11、from politics.他的告别演说是他退出政界的标志。 long as 只要You can phone me at work as long as you dont make a habit of it.你可以上班时给我打电话,只要别一来二去打上瘾了就成。4.look back 回顾Looking back, I am staggered how easily it was all arranged.回头一想,我惊异地发现这一切的安排竟是如此简单。1.Biden appeared shocked at the announcement, which he said Obama a

12、nd others inside the White House had kept secret.kept secret 保密They had given an absolute assurance that it would be kept secret.他们信誓旦旦地保证将对此绝对保密。The exact locations are being kept secret for reasons of security.确切地点因为安全原因要保密。2.In his tribute to Biden, Obama said that from the very start, he never r

13、egretted choosing him as his right-hand man.right-hand man 得力助手;左膀右臂I would like to have a right-hand man on my work and my life.我希望在工作和生活中能有一个得力助手。If you have a right-hand man on work, you will be light.如果在工作中有一个得力助手的话你会轻松很多。拜登对此颇感震惊,他说奥巴马和白宫工作人员未曾向他透露这一消息。而听到授勋消息后的拜登快速转身背对着镜头试泪。总统自由勋章是美国最高的平民荣誉。奥巴

14、马在任期内也曾把该勋章颁发给其他人。但是他解释说,拜登获得的这枚杰出总统自由勋章是他第一次颁发。奥巴马表示,此前只有三位总统给三人颁发过这一最高级别的荣誉勋章。三人分别为教皇约翰保罗二世(Pope John Paul II)、前总统罗纳德里根(Ronald Reagan)和前国务卿科林鲍威尔(Colin Powell)。奥巴马向拜登致敬时称,他从未后悔过选择拜登作为其得力助手。“不光是我,他也是全美国人民最好的选择。奥巴马表示,在很多问题上,拜登的建议使他成为更好的总统。他称拜登是“美国历史的雄狮”。“对爱从不伪装,永远以大局为重,全身心投入生活这就是拜登。”两人都表示称,在奥巴马八年的执政期


16、芝加哥市发表了告别演说。他将于1月20日卸任,届时候任总统川普将宣誓就职。布莱恩林恩为您播报。He counted his money. The little that remained would be enough, he hoped, to tide him over the winter.他数了数钱,他希望剩下的几个钱能够让他度过冬天。By next spring, his garden would be producing enough to make him independent of the outside world.到了明年春天地菜园里的产品就足够让他独立于外部世界了。Me

17、anwhile, there would always be game.同时,猎物总是有的。He had seen plenty of rabbits, and there were waterfowl on the ponds.他看见过很多兔子,池塘里还有水鸟。He set to work at once to make a bow and arrows.他立即开始做起弓箭来。There were ash trees near the lighthouse and, for arrow shafts, a whole copse full of beautifully straight ha

18、zel saplings.灯塔旁边就有白杨树,还有一整林子的樟木,满是直得漂亮的枝条,是做箭杆的好材料。He began by felling a young ash, cut out six feet of unbranched stem,他从砍倒一株小白杨开始,砍出六尺没有分权的树干,stripped off the bark and, paring by paring, shaved away the white wood, as old Mitsima had taught him,削去树皮,然后照老米季马教他的样子,削掉树皮,一刀一刀削掉了白色的木质,削出了一根和他自己一样高的棍子。

19、美丽新世界.jpguntil he had a stave of his own height, stiff at the thickened centre, lively and quick at the slender tips.当中粗些是为了结实,两头细些是为了灵活方便。The work gave him an intense pleasure.工作给了他极大的乐趣。After those weeks of idleness in London, with nothing to do, whenever he wanted anything, but to press a switch

20、or turn a handle,他在伦敦度过了几周游手好闲、无事可做的日子,需要什么只需按一下按钮或是拉一拉手柄。it was pure delight to be doing something that demanded skill and patience.现在做起需要技巧和耐心的工作来竟纯粹是一种享受了。He had almost finished whittling the stave into shape, when he realized with a start that he was singing-singing!他差不多把根棍子削成了弓体,忽然意识到自己唱起歌来了,吃了

21、一惊。唱歌!It was as though, stumbling upon himself from the outside, he had suddenly caught himself out, taken himself flagrantly at fault.他仿佛从外面回来,突然撞上自己在干着坏事而且现场拿获了,Guiltily he blushed. After all, it was not to sing and enjoy himself that he had come here.不禁惭恧得满脸通红。他到这儿来毕竟不是为了唱歌和享受,It was to escape fu

22、rther contamination by the filth of civilized life;而是为了不让文明生活的垃圾继续污染他的;it was to be purified and made good; it was actively to make amends.是为了清洗污秽,弥补过失,积极进行弥补的。At a forum in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1989, Jobs and Gates appeared sequentially, laying out their competing worldviews.1989年,在马萨诸塞州剑桥市

23、的一个论坛上,乔布斯和盖茨先后现身,陈述彼此截然相反的世界观。Jobs spoke about how new waves come along in the computer industry every few years.乔布斯谈到,每隔几年,计算机产业就会出现新的浪潮。Macintosh had launched a revolutionary new approach with the graphical interface;麦金塔电脑借图形界面推出了革命性的新方法。now NeXT was doing it with object-oriented programming tied

24、 to a powerful new machine based on an optical disk.现在,NeXT通过将面向对象的编程方法与采用光盘为存储介质的功能强大的计算机捆绑起来,正在引领新一轮的革命。Every major software vendor realized they had to be part of this new wave, he said, except Microsoft.乔布斯表示,每个大型软件厂商都意识到了自己必须成为新浪潮的一部分,“除了微软”。双语有声读物 乔布斯传When Gates came up, he reiterated his beli

25、ef that Jobss end-to-end control of the software and the hardware was destined for failure,轮到盖茨讲话时,他重申,乔布斯控制软件和硬件端到端一体化的系统终究会失败,just as Apple had failed in competing against the Microsoft Windows standard.就像苹果与微软Windows操作系统的竞争一样。The hardware market and the software market are separate, he said.“硬件市场

26、和软件市场是分开的,”他说。When asked about the great design that could come from Jobss approach,当被问及乔布斯的方法可能会产生的伟大设计时,Gates gestured to the NeXT prototype that was still sitting onstage and sneered,盖茨示意大家看看还在台上的NeXT样机,嘲笑道:If you want black, Ill get you a can of paint.“如果你想要黑色,我可以给你一罐黑色油漆。”Now the reason the chi

27、mpanzees dont do that黑猩猩不那么做的原因is that they lack what psychologists and anthropologists call social learning.是它们缺乏心理学家和人类学家所谓的社会学习能力They seem to lack the ability to learn from others by copying or imitating or simply watching.它们似乎缺乏向别人学习的能力,通过照搬或模仿或者仅仅观察As a result, they cant improve on others ideas

28、 or learn from others mistakes - benefit from others wisdom.理所当然,它们无法改进他人的想法,或者从别人错误中吸取教训,汲取别人的智慧And so they just do the same thing over and over and over again.所以它们只是单纯做同一件事重复一遍又一遍In fact, we could go away for a million years and come back事实上,如果我们能跨越一百万年,然后再追溯回来and these chimpanzees would be doing

29、the same thing这些黑猩猩肯定还在做着同样的事with the same sticks for the termites and the same rocks to crack open the nuts.用同样的棍子抓着白蚁,用同样的石头砸着坚果语言如何改变人类Now this may sound arrogant, or even full of hubris. How do we know this?也许这听上去有些傲慢,甚至狂妄自大。我们怎么知道这些的?Because this is exactly what our ancestors, the Homo erectus,

30、 did.因为我们的祖先-直立人就是这样These upright apes evolved on the African savanna about two million years ago,约二百万年前,这些直立猿人在非洲的热带稀树草原进化and they made these splendid hand axes that fit wonderfully into your hands.他们造出了精巧的手斧,能完全贴合手形But if we look at the fossil record,但如果我们查看化石we see that they made the same hand ax

31、e over and over and over again for one million years.会发现他们造着同样的手斧,重复着,持续了一百万年You can follow it through the fossil record.你可以通过各年代的化石看到Now if we make some guesses about how long Homo erectus lived, what their generation time was,现在我们可以做几个关于猿人生存时间和他们的世代的猜想thats about 40,000 generations of parents to o

32、ffspring, and other individuals watching, in which that hand axe didnt change.在约四万代的时间里,从父辈到子辈,以及周围人的观察中,手斧没有任何改进Its not even clear that our very close genetic relatives, the Neanderthals, had social learning.我们甚至不太清楚,我们的近亲-尼安德特人是否具备社会学习能力Sure enough, their tools were more complicated than those of Homo ere

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