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1、新编大学英语2Unit新编大学英语-2-Unit-5-教案Unit Five LanguageI. Theoretical basis: College English Syllabus (1999); College English Curriculum Requirements (2004) II. Teaching Aims: In this unit students are required to:1) get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this un

2、it and to know more about English culture;2) do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practice their spoken skill and communicative skills;3) grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary;4) read the in-class reading passage

3、in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their reading comprehension;5) do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practice what they have got to know in class to improve their English comprehensive skills.;6)

4、translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages to acquire some translating skills and better their translating abilities.III. Teaching MethodologyMainly applying task-based approach and communicative one to construct a student cente

5、red classroomThe whole learning and teaching proceed is tended to follow the model of pre-task-task cycle-post-taskIV. Time DistributionAccording to Ss English learning traits and regulations, the focus of the learning strategies, and the English level of current students; we are going to finish thi

6、s unit in 8 periods: Listening & Speaking (2 periods); In-class Reading (2 periods); Exercise & After-class Reading (2 periods); Further Development &Writing (2 periods).Period I&II listening and speakingI、Teaching Content1) Ts background knowledge introduction as recruitment and Ss discussion on th

7、e topic of learning skills, and enlarge their vocabulary on this unit. 2) Listening of 2 passagesII、Teaching designPart One: PreparationAnswer the following questions?1. About how many most widely used languages are there in the world? (About 100 most widely used languages)2 What languages are used

8、by more second-language speakers than native-speakers as a result of the imperial expansion? (English and French)3 Say something about Helen Keller.1) When did Helen Keller become completely blind?2) What was Helen like before Anne Mansfield Sullivan became her teacher?3)How did Helen manage to lear

9、n?4)How many foreign languages did Helen learn? What are they?4 Helen Keller (1880-1968), author and lecturer, who, though blind and deaf since the age of two, graduated with honors from Radcliffe(1904) and became a prominent worker for social reforms. Her books include: The Story of My Life(1902);

10、The World I Live in(1908); Out of the dark(1913); My Religion(1927); Midstream-My later Life(1929); Let Us Have Faith(1940); Sketch for a Portrait(1956)5 What languages are used by the United Nations?They are English, French, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. Part Two: Listening-centered Activities List

11、ening I1. Explain new words (soap, critic, represent, balanced, crisis, loyalty, wooden, endlessly, cause)2. Listen to the passage and answer the questions you hear on the tape (see page 115).3. Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with what you get from the tape (see page 115). Listen

12、ing II1. Explain the new words (desirable, interpreter, ultimate, mimic, imitate, due to, numerous, identity)2. Listen to an interview on language learning. Note down in the blanks the three questions the interviewer asked (see page 116).3. Listen to the interview again. Then read the choices provid

13、ed in Exercise 1 and choose the right answers according to what the interviewee said.Part Three: Assignmentto prepare the new words on the textbook.Period 3&4 ReadingI、 Teaching ContentThe title of the text is “How I Discovered Words” (intensive reading). Language points explanation, exercise. II、Te

14、aching Objects1) Understand and master new words and phrases: childlike, flushed, honey-, succeed, keenly, -less, to and fro, be about to do sth, prey on/upon, grope ones way cross/along/ pass/toward, impress, persist, only to, give birth to, etc.2) Improve Ss micro-reading skills and the ability of

15、 thinking, inference and judge in English.III、Teaching Design A. GreetingB. Check the assignment: new words dictationC. Pre-Reading ActivitiesNew Words1. childish / childlikechildish:(of an adult) (behaving)like a child; immature; silly(贬)(举止)像孩子似的,幼稚的,傻里傻气的 Dont be so childish! 不要这么孩子气! His childis

16、h remark embarrassed everyone.childlike: like or characteristic of a child; innocent,孩子般的,天真的,无邪的 childlike enjoyment/trust/honest孩子般的欢乐/信任/诚实 She has a childlike enthusiasm for the circus. Tears came to his eyes as he remembered her childlike look.2flushed: very excited or pleasedto be flushed with

17、 success/pride/joyto flush: to fill with pride; encourage (fig) 使得意,使激动,使兴奋 The young parents were flushed with happiness at the birth of their son. Flushed with victory, the soldiers knew no weariness. to flush:(of a person, his face)become red; blush The girl flushed(up) when the man spoke to her.

18、 He flushed when he saw her. Her forehead was flushed with fever. You flush when your face goes red eg. when you are hot or embarrassed.3. honeysucklehoney-honeymoon, honeybee, honeysweet(蜜一样甜), honeycomb(蜂窝), honeylipped(嘴甜的)4. keenlykeen adj.: eager, anxiousto be keen to do sth; to be keen on sth/

19、sb We are especially keen to attract young people. We did invite him, but he didnt seem very keen on coming. People are keen when they show interest and enthusiasm. You are keen on an activity if you enjoy it and spend a lot of time on it.5 wordless -less: without; not havinghomeless, leafless, mean

20、ingless, endless, treeless, hopeless, helpless, doubtless, heartless, useless, harmless, careless, speechless, powerless, fatherless, childless D. In-Class Reading ActivitiesLanguageLanguage Pointsto and fro: back and forth; backwards and forwards; from side to side; in all directions来回地e.g. Seeing

21、all the people walking to and fro outside the office, I became more worried.They ran to and fro in the street.The man walked to and fro while he waited for the be about to do sth: to be going to do sth; to be to do sth正要/即将做某事e.g. You are about to do something when you are just going to do

22、it, or will be doing it soon.He was about to be transferred to another part of the country.He waited until she was about to leave.He met her in the doorway just as she was about to go away. 3. to prey on/upon: to produce great trouble烦恼,折磨e.g. Something preys on your mind when it worries you.His wor

23、ries preyed on his mind.The thought that he was responsible for her death preyed on his mind.Feelings of quilt preyed on his mind. to prey on: to take/hunt/catch as prey捕食,杀害A bird or animal preys on another when it hunts and kills it as food.Cats prey on birds and mice.Strong animals prey on weaker

24、 ones. to prey on: to steal from; attack; make sb ones victim掠夺,使某人成为某人的牺牲品Ships were preyed upon by succeed vt: to come next after接替,取代某人或某物same as take overe.g. You succeed someone in a job or position They have decided after all to let the right man succeed me.The silence was succeed

25、ed by the striking of a clock.时钟鸣响声打破了寂静。5. to grope ones way cross/along/past/ toward : to make ones way in the stated direction by feeling or searching摸索着向某方向走e.g. to grope ones way along a darkened corridor在黑暗的走廊里摸索着前进Then she blew out the candle and groped her way into bed.I groped my way to a s

26、eat in the cinema.6. Before (conj.)(之后)才e.g. It may be many years before we meet again.大概要过许多年后我们才见面。It will be a long time before we finish the dictionary.It was going to be some time before he would see his father again.7. to impress sth on/upon sb:to make sb aware of sth;to fix sth in ones mind是某

27、人铭记某物,使某人深深意识到某物e.g. You impress sth. on/upon sb. when you make them understand that it is very important.His words impressed themselves on my memory.他的话铭记在我的记忆中。His words were strongly impressed on my memory.The manager impressed his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records. 经理让办公室职员

28、认识到做精确的纪录的重要性。 to impress sb with sth: have a favorite effect on sb给于某人深刻的影响The girl impressed her fianc relative with her sense of humor.I was impressed with /by his performance.8. to persist in sth/doing sth: to refuse to change (what one is doing)e.g. You persist in a course of action or type of

29、behavior when you continue with it even when other people oppose you or say that you are wrong.It is no use being sorry if you persist in doing it.If you persist in breaking the law, youll go to prison.Despite hardships, she persisted in her efforts to get a college education.*insist persist insist

30、on(doing sth.) persist in(doing sth.)insist坚持自己的看法、意见、主张;对采取坚定的立场,或坚决要求别人做某事same as assert, stressYou insist that something is true when you state firmly that it is true, refusing to be persuaded that it is not.She insists she hasnt seen him for months.You insist on sth when you state firmly that Yo

31、u want to have or do it, refusing to accept any alternative.He still insisted on the truth of his story.She insisted on my coming with her.persist着重强调不顾困难、反对或警告,仍然坚持做某事,但所坚持做的事不一定是好的或正确的。9. only to do sth.不料(表结果)e.g. I arrived at the shop only to find I had left all my money at home.I returned back

32、home from holidays only to find my house had been broken.10. in time: early or soon enough opposite too latee.g. You are in time for sth if you arrive early enough to have it or take part inIn time means sufficiently early so as not to be late.The doctor came in time to save her life.*in time: sooner

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