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1、初中语音试讲示范1复习课程马上立刻赶紧赶快 很多许多 替=帮=为=给火红火红的太阳(花儿) 金黄金黄的落叶(麦田、稻田、油菜花)(北京)是我国的(首都)。 (五星红旗)是我国的(国旗)。木字旁:桃、树、林、机、桥千(一千)汽(汽水)为(因为)桃(桃子)对(对面)象(大象)找(找到)坐(坐下)五、给词语加上形容词越来越好 越飞越高 越下越大 越跑越快七、填空题经常会填远近 去来 黑白 高低(矮)大小青蛙在洞里睡着啦! 我们8岁啦!(9)司马光举起一块(石头),使劲砸那口缸,缸里的水流(出来了),掉进缸里的(小朋友)得救了。雨越下越大。 天越来越黑。开心 开开心心 上下 上上下下1本册的双生字词:

2、(5)、“把”字句与“被”字句互改。弯弯的月亮像小船。 蓝蓝的天空像大海 。你是学生,我也是学生。一(口)井 一(辆)小车 一(块)石碑 一(口)水缸雨越下越大。 天越来越黑。美丽的风景 精彩的球赛 高远的蓝天 雪白的肚皮如:爱(爱人)(亲爱)(爱情)(可爱)(热爱)(友爱)课件|教案|试卷|无需注册弯弯的月亮像小船。 蓝蓝的天空像大海 。绞丝旁:红、绿、级、练、给很清很清的河水 很大很大的西瓜 很长很长的路( )月( )日是儿童节。非和飞 气和汽 以和已 请和情 玩和完 很和得 跳和桃例:李老师正忙着改作业呢!雪白的肚皮 白白的手帕 白白的墙来往 来来往往 明白 明明白白语音试讲示范 (3P

3、)句子重读(Sentence stress)连读(liaison)不完全爆破(Incomplete plosive)意群(Sense group)1.题目:语音教学试讲2.内容:-What would you like to eat?- An apple, please.-Here you are. Would you like a cup of tea?-Thank you. Did you see Mr. Black?-He left half an hour ago.3.要求:(1)全英文授课;(2)设计活动,讲授如何连读单词;(3)朗读全文(4)试讲时间:10分钟。Presentati

4、onOk,dear students,lets listen to the tape, and tell me, where is Mr. Black? Here we go, stop here, who can tell me? Ok, Jane, you please. He left half an hour ago. Exactly. Sit down. its easy right?Now, since its a dialogue, I need two volunteers to read it for us. Do you want to be my volunteer? P

5、lease raise your hand and let me know. Ok, jenny, please. Thank you jenny, you are so brave, another one? Who want to challenge her? Bob, please. Thank you, you are brave too.PresentationOk,dear students,lets listen to the tape, and tell me, where is Mr. Black? Here we go, stop here, who can tell me

6、? Ok, Jane, you please. He left half an hour ago. Exactly. Sit down. its easy right?Now, since its a dialogue, I need two volunteers to read it for us. Do you want to be my volunteer? Please raise your hand and let me know. Ok, jenny, please. Thank you jenny, you are so brave, another one? Who want

7、to challenge her? Bob, please. Thank you, you are brave too.But guys, did you notice something strange? Please read the sentences again. How about this time? Yeah none of you reads in the same way. ? How about I read it for you and then you tell me? Ok, listen carefully.Ok, this time, can you tell m

8、e why you all read in different way?Ok, any idea? Yes, Jack, please. Smart! Jack said, I read some words together. Which are they, can you tell me. Ok, let me write down them. eh, an apple, a cup of tea, half an hour ago. Very good job, sit down, please.Guys, by listening their reading, whose is Guy

9、s, by listening their reading, whose is better do you think? Jenny? Bob? You cant tell? How about lets listen to the tape again, and then you tell me? Ok, listen carefully.Ok, this time, who can tell me which student is better? You, please. Oh, you think jenny is better, but still, theirs are differ

10、ent with mine. Exactly. But why is that? Well, I can give you 5minutes, you can discuss with your partner.The end of first word is letter n, p and f. The beginning of the second word is a and o. Exactly! You are so clear! When we see these words, we can Everyone, listen to me carefully, this is new

11、knowledge we are going to learn today, we call it liaison. Sometimes, in a sense of group, if the former word is ended with a consonant, and the following word begin with a vowel, we can read it together. For example, an apple, a cup of tea, half an hour ago. Clear? You are so clever, then lets do s

12、ome them together. They sound like one word. Actually, you can find out more examples from the song we heard, and thats why the singer can sing so fast.Practice跟读OK everyone, lets read after the tape, and pay attention to the liaisons. You need to help each other to check the pronuncia

13、tion. Any questions? Wonderful! Now lets read it together!High voice and low voiceNow, lets play a game named high voice and low voice. Here, if I read those phrases in a high voice, you should read it in a low voice, otherwise, if I read them in low voice, you should read them loudly.Here, we leant

14、 this rule through those three examples right? Now, lets practice by ourselves. You can work in three, and read the examples three time. Each time, you can choose one member to lead you to read them. clear? Ok, 5 minute for you, read them loudly, and try to feel the liaison/plosive.Whisper:Now, lets

15、 play a game named whisper. I will divide you into 3 groups, You are group 1, you are group 2, you are group 3, and later, I will whisper a sentence/phrase to the first student of your group, a he or she should pass it to the student behind quickly and quietly. The last student should stand up and s

16、ay the sentence loudly as soon as he was whispered. Understand? Perfect, lets begin.(做whisper的动作)ok, you can start. Pass it quickly! Ok, group 2,you are so fast. And Lucy read my sentence correctly. Very good. Lets do it one more time. (做whisper的动作)ok, you can start. Group 1, very good. Davids pronu

17、nciation is perfect!.ok, guys, I believe through this game, you can master the rule firmly. Are you ready for more challenging work?ProductionNow lets play a game. I will hand out all of you a card which have a sentence on it. You need to judge how many liaisons in your sentence(how many words we sh

18、ould read strongly in your sentence). Then I will say a number loudly. For example, if I say two, students whose sentence has two liaison should raise your hands, and try to read it.Am I clear? Ok lets start. Two! Ok, David, can you read your sentence for us? Perfect! You read so loudly, Sit down, l

19、ets continue, three! Lucy, Youre so fast! Please read your sentence, good pronunciation, excellent! .I believe you have all mastered this knowledge.Dubbing gameAll right guys! Lets play a dubbing game. First, lets watch a part of a movie. During the first time, you can watch it and listen to it, but

20、 the second time it will be silent. Ill hand out some pieces of paper with the dialogue, you need to read it. Choose your own character, and then we will have a dubbing competition. Pay attention to the words which can be read together.Ok, lets watch it together! Stop here, its interesting, right? T

21、hen I can give you 5minute to practice, (可以顺势看表)then, I will invite some volunteers to show their performance. Ok, time is up, whod like to be the first group? Ok, you three, pleaseSummary and homeworkHow time flies! Before we end the class, lets see what we have learned in this class. Who can make

22、a summary for us? Ok, the monitor, you please? Yeah we have learned how to read words together, right? very good, thank you, sit down, can see, if we want to read a sentence or a paragraph frequently, there are many rule about pronunciation we should know. I hope you can attach importance

23、 to your pronunciation, in that way we can speak English like native speaker. Ok?Then homework for today. Please try learn to sing this song. And try to underline all words which can be read together, next class, we can sing it together. You can also show it to your parents.All right, class is over. Good bye!

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