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选修10 Unit 2 King Lear 教案.docx

1、选修10 Unit 2 King Lear 教案Unit 2 King Lear模块教学目标技能目标 Skill Goal Talk about the plays of William Shakespeares Practicing describing the characteristic of the people in the play Review the compound adjectives Review the adverbial clauses Review the nonfinite verbs or phrases as adverbials Write a summar

2、y of a story Learn some tips about how to perform a play well.目标语言功能句式The Imperative SentenceLets truth be your reward.Be quilt, Kent.Dont come between me and my anger.You, servant! Go and find the king of France and the Duke of Burgundy.Do not contradict me.Please hear me out.Get out of my sight.Pa

3、ck up your things and be gone from my kingdom.Call him back.Please tell my daughter I wish to speak with her.Now get up and get out of here.Get my horses ready and collect my baggage.Let us go to prison and live out the rest of our lives alone.词汇1. 四会词汇respectful, disrespectful, disrespectfully, emp

4、eror, shorten, modernize, throne, duke, burden, responsibility, boundary, allocate, whichever, darling, adore, pray, majesty, lord, bridegroom, distribute, troop, contradict, flattery, flatter, friction, forecast, oppose, frontier, fond, deceitful, corrupt, greedy, greed, innocent, cunning, storage,

5、 author, sacrifice, Latin, allergic, sneeze, armchair, confirm, rewind, cash, cheque, signature, terminal, vacant, dusty, staff, suspect, insult, scold, drunken, scratch, baggage, demand, plot, prop 2. 认读词汇Regan, Goneril, Cordelia, Albany, Cornwall, Kent, Stratford-on-Avon, Burgundy, Oswald, Caius 3

6、. 词组hand over, care for, hear out, on behalf of, beyond question, speak out, pack up, give away, be fond of, make a name 4.重点词汇和短语disrespectful, shorten, modernize, responsibility, allocate, adore, pray, distribute, contradict, flattery, flatter, forecast, oppose, deceitful, corrupt, greedy, sacrifi

7、ce, sneeze, confirm, rewind, terminal, vacant, suspect, insult, scold, drunken, scratch, demand, hear out, on behalf of, beyond question, make a name 语法Compound adjectives1.So young and so hard-hearted.2. And as I have no third-born daughter.Adverbials 1.Even though he wrote his plays almost 500 yea

8、rs ago, his plays are still relevant today.2.Although married with two children,Shakespeare left Stratford-on-Avon at the age of about 30 and went to London alone.Nonfinite verbs or phrases1.Disappointed with my result,I sat for the exam again.2.Having cheated on his exam,he was given zero by the te

9、acher.3.Quickly making a name for himself as both actor and dramatist, Shakespeare soon earned enough money to buy his own theatre.重点句子1. For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.2. Do not come between me and my anger.3. Do not contradict

10、 me.4. But sir, please hear me out. I speak on behalf of Cordelia.5. Cordelias devotion to Your Majesty is beyond question. 6. Pack up your things and be gone from my kingdom.7. Sir, I am sorry, to tell you this, but it seems to me that you are not being treated with the respect due to a king.8. Wha

11、ts up, daughter?9. I have had enough of your soldiers. 10.I shall distribute my kingdom between the two of you. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 1.1 Warming Up通过对设置的几个问题的讨论,使同学们深入讨论子女应怎样对待父母及中国古代一些帝王的情况,巧妙地引入本单元的戏剧李尔王。 1.2 Pre-reading让同学们快速阅读戏剧的第一部分,然后回答5个相关的问题。第一题:让同学们列举出戏剧中的人物。第二题:让同学们猜测右图中的人物。第三题:让同学们借助戏剧的第一部分内

12、容和所给插图预测下文。第四题:让同学们理解所给词汇的含义。第五题:让同学们依照这些单词预测戏剧的内容。 1.3 Reading节选了李尔王这部戏剧的第一场:年迈体衰的李尔王决定退位,打算把王权和国土交给三个女儿。但是他要根据三个女儿用语言对他表达的爱和忠诚的程度,最终决定应得东西的多寡。刚愎自用的李尔王轻信两个大女儿的甜言蜜语,将他拥有的一切平分给了两个大女儿。而小女儿因忠诚耿直而不愿阿谀奉承父王,不但一无所获,而且被赶出王宫。 1.4 Comprehending本部分依照Reading的内容设置了三个问题来帮助并检测同学们对文章的理解。第一题:设置了6个问题,目的是引导学生对文章的正确理解。

13、第二题:分析戏剧中人物的性格特点。第三题:通过同学们以采访形式的角色扮演,在锻炼同学们口语能力和思维能力的过程中,加深对文章的理解。 1.5 Learning about Language中的第一部分Discovering useful words and expressions包括4个练习。第1题:关于习语的填空练习,达到巩固和灵活运用的目的。第2题:关于合成形容词的填空练习,使同学们了解这类形容词的构成。第3题:让同学们列举所学过的合成形容词。第4题:用课文中出现的词代替画线的词,使同学们巩固这些词的用法。第二部分Revising useful structures包括3个练习。第1题:画

14、出并分析所给文章中的状语。使同学们在语境中体会状语的用法。第2题:用非谓语动词或非谓语动词词组改写所给的句子。第3题:让同学们通过讨论预测下面会发生什么,然后写成一段话,同时,要注意用上非谓语动词。 1.6 Using Language第一部分Listening and discussing包括3个练习。第1题:介绍第二场的内容,李尔王问勃根第公爵和法兰西国王这两位谁愿意娶他的小女儿的一幕。让同学们在听前预测勃根第公爵和法兰西国王会讲什么样的话。为下一步听力训练作了铺垫。第2题:听这段材料并回答4个相关问题。第3题:再一次听这段材料。让同学们分组讨论4个相关问题,各抒己见。第二部分Readin

15、g and speaking包括关于李尔王第三部分的阅读材料和3个相关的练习。第1题:通过填空完成李尔王的第三场的阅读材料总结。第2题:让同学们研究这部分戏剧中人物所说的台词的特点及他们如何用这些台词来准确表达他们的感情。第3题:让同学们准备分角色表演这一部分。第三部分Writing and talking包括4部分。第1部分:让同学们阅读莎士比亚作品李尔王三个女儿的概述。第2部分:让同学们分组讨论,选出他们最喜欢的故事并讲给本组同学。第3部分:讨论本组中哪个故事可以编成一部好的戏剧并完成它。第4部分:让同学们以第1部分中的缩写为例,对他们自己选择的故事进行缩写。 1.7 SUMMING UP

16、设置了5部分进行总结归纳。第1部分:描述李尔王和小女考狄利娅在故事开始时的关系是怎样的。第2部分:使同学们列举戏剧中最令他们感兴趣的事。第3部分:总结重点词汇。第4部分:总结重要的词组。第5部分:总结几个文中含有非谓语动词的句子。 1.8 LEARNING TIP给同学们介绍了在上演戏剧前应注意的问题。 2. 教材重组 3.1 将Textbook中的Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading和Comprehending四部分组合成一节阅读课。 3.2 将Textbook中的Learning about Language和Workbook中的Using structures两部

17、分组合成一节语法课。 3.3 将Textbook中的Using Language中的 Listening and discussing和Workbook中的LISTENING和LISTENING TASK三部分组合成一节听力课。 3.4 将Textbook中的Using Language中Reading and speaking和Workbook中的TALKING两部分组合成一节口语课。 3.5 将Workbook中READING TASK和SPEAKING TASK两部分组合成一节综合课。 3.6将Textbook中Using Language部分的Writing and talking和W

18、orkbook中的WRITING TASK两部分组合成一节写作课。 3.课程设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可分为六课时完成) 1st Period Reading 2nd Period Grammar 3rd Period Listening 4th Period Speaking 5th Period Integrating skills 6th Period WritingIV分课时教案The First Period ReadingTeaching goals教学目标1.Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语disrespectful, shorten, mode

19、rnize, responsibility, allocate, adore, pray, distribute, contradict, flattery, flatter, forecast, oppose, deceitful, corrupt, greedy, innocent, hear . out, on behalf of, beyond question,b. 重点句子1. For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.

20、2. Do not come between me and my anger.3. Do not contradict me.4. But sir, please hear me out. I speak on behalf of Cordelia.5. Cordelias devotion to Your Majesty is beyond question. 6. Pack up your things and be gone from my kingdom.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to analyze the characters

21、in one of William Shakespeares play “King Lear” with the target language.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Teach the students how to analyze characters in one of William Shakespeares play “King Lear” and how to predict what will happen in the next part of the play.Teaching difficult points 教学重难点Teach the

22、 students how to analyze characters in one of William Shakespeares play “King Lear”.Teaching methods 教学方法Elicitation, discussion and pair work.Teaching aids 教具准备A computer, a tape recorder and a projector.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Warming UpT: Good morning / afternoon, class!Ss: Go

23、od morning / afternoon, Mr. / Ms .T: In China, more and more people like the western festivals, such as Christmas Day, Valentines Day. What other western festivals do you know?S1: Thanksgiving Day.S2: Halloween.T: Good. They are very famous in China now. Anything else?S3: Mothers Day.S4: Fathers Day

24、.T: Very good. I think these festivals are very necessary. Maybe you are shy to express your love to your parents in your daily life, but these festivals are the suitable chance for you, because parents are the people who love us most in the world.Look at the first 4 questions on Page 11. Please hav

25、e a discussion with others in your group. I will give you four minutes.After four minutes.T: Time is up. The first question: “Is it important to show love and respect for your parents? Why? Volunteer?S1: It is very important for us to show love and respect for our parents. Because they provide food,

26、 clothing, shelter, education, health and other necessities for us.S2: No one can deny the supreme sacrifice and care that parents render to their child.T: Wonderful! Showing love and respect for our parents is one of Chinas good traditions. So, who can tell me how the people of some countries in th

27、e world show love and respect for their parents?S3: They use Mothers Day and Fathers Day that we mentioned just now to show love and respect for the parents.T: Who can tell me the date of Mothers Day and Fathers Day?S4: Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of every May. The third Sunday of

28、 June is Fathers Day.T: When we realize how much our parents have done for us, every son / daughter should love and respect his / her parents, be good when they are old and grateful to them. So, how do you show love and respect for them? Can you give a good example?S5: To treat our parents politely

29、and gently. We must be gentle and devoted towards our parents. We should not adopt rough and coarse attitude towards them, especially when they are old. We should not utter anything that might upset them, but be always polite to them.S6: We should be virtuous children who have strong faith and an un

30、derstanding of submission.T: Good! If you were married, would you love your parents less than you do now? Volunteer?S7: If I were married, maybe I would not have enough time to accompany them. But I would always phone them to communicate. I would try my best to spare time to visit them.S8: If I were

31、 married, I would love my parents more. Because I would understand them more, esp. when I have my own child.T: Yes. If parents believe their child has been disrespectful, what should they do about it? Volunteer?S9: I dont think they should swear at their child. As a matter of fact, they should be mo

32、re patient, use love to reclaim them and help them to remedy the bad behavior. T: A good idea! What was the traditional attitude towards the emperor?S10: The traditional attitude towards the emperor is loyalty.T: Yes! What did the emperor do to keep his servants loyal to him? What happened to the servants who were not loyal?S11: The emperor constit

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