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1、仁爱版八年级英语下册第六单元教案Topic3SectionBUnit6 Topic3 SectionB 精品教案. Material analysis 本节课建议用1课时上完。主要活动为Section B 的1a和2a。本课通过Kangkang和Michael 谈论一起后果严重的交通事故,进而继续讨论交通安全方面的话题,从而了解基本的交通规则,通过2a, 2b和3b的学习活动,继续深入学习if引导的条件状语从句的用法。培养学生遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能用英语简单地表述交通规则。2. 学生能掌握条件状语从句的用法。3. 学

2、生能通过单词的重读判断句子表意的重点。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关交通规则和交通安全的材料,并从中获取信息来补全短文或对话。2. 能简单地用英语表达交通规则。3. 能理解有关交通规则和交通安全等方面的叙述,并从中获取需要的信息。4. 能用英语制定简单的交通规则。Emotional aims:学会遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 谈论交通规则。2. 进一步掌握条件状语从句的用法。Difficult points:写出关于遵守交通规则的短文。. Learning strategies通过单词的

3、重读判断句子表意的重点。. Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector, a helmet. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.3. Group work.4. The wholeclass work.5. The wholeclass work. 1. Focus their attentionon t

4、he teacher.2. Students report theirhomework to reviewthe knowledge ofSection A.3. Students discuss ingroups on how toprevent the trafficaccidents.4. Students report theresults of the discussion.5. Students observe thepicture and prepare forthe new lesson.1. Greet the students andmake them ready for

5、learning. 2. The teacher asks thestudents to report thehomework.(1) Let the students retell the advantages of riding bikes.(2) Let the students reportthe traffic rules theysearched after class.3. The teacher shows thepictures of the trafficaccidents and offers thefollowing facts: Every year, 700,000

6、 people die from the trafficaccidents all over theworld, and 100,000people die from the traffic accidents in China. How amazing! Then how toprevent the trafficaccidents? Discuss ingroups and report youropinions.4. The teacher lets thestudents tell their ideas.5. The teacher asks thestudents to look

7、at thepicture of 1a, and leads to the new lesson: Kangkang and Michael are talking about the traffic accident in Caishikou Street. Lets watch the flash of 1a and find out their opinions about how to prevent the traffic accidents.Presentation(10minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The whole class work.3

8、. Individualwork.4. The whole class work.5. Group work.6. The whole class work.1. Students watch theflash and find out the answer to the leadingquestion. 2. Students check theanswer.3. Students watch theflash and underline the new words.4. Students tell the new words, and then learn and grasp the ne

9、w words with the help of the teacher.5. Students discuss ingroups to find out thedifficult points andsum up the mainpoints.6. Students underline intheir books and make some notes.1.The teacher plays the flash of 1a. Ask the students to find out the answer to the leading question. 2. The teacher lets

10、 twostudents tell the answer.3.The teacher plays the flash again and asks thestudents to underline thenew words.4. The teacher asks two students to tell the new words. Teach the new wordcareless by showing apaper with many wronganswers. Teach the new wordhelmet by showing a realhelmet to the student

11、s.Teach the wordlight-colored by pointingat a light-colored coat ofthe students and comparing it with a dark-colored coat.5. The teacher asks the students to learn in groups to find out the difficult points in the conversation. At last let them sum up the main points of the conversation.6. The teach

12、er makes asummary to explain the key points and difficult points to the students.(1) when riding = when we are riding(2) get a fine Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work.3. The whole class work.4. The wholeclass work. 5. Individual work.6. The wholeclass work.7. Th

13、e wholeclass work.8. The wholeclass work.9. Pair work.1. Students read theconversation after therecording sentence bysentence.2. Students try to follow the speed, paying attention to the pronunciation andintonation.3. Students read 1a, and then complete thesentences.4. The students check the answers

14、.5. Students retell thesentences of 1b.6. Students find out more sentences about expressing advice from 1a. 7. Volunteers tell their answers.8. Students find out thesentences containingadverbial clauses ofcondition.9. Students act out theconversation of 1a.1. The teacher plays therecording sentence

15、bysentence.2. The teacher plays therecording withoutstopping.3. The teacher lets the students read 1a, and then complete the sentences. 4. The teacher asks twostudents to tell theanswers. 5. The teacher asks the students to retell the sentences of 1b. 6. The teacher lets the students find out more s

16、entencesexpressing advice from 1a. (1) We should (2)Why dont we/ not 7. The teacher asks the students to tell the answers. 8. The teacher asks the students to find out the sentencescontaining adverbial clauses of condition. Pay attention to the tense of them. 9. The teacher asks the students to act

17、out the conversation of 1a in pairs. Practice(10 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. Group work.3. Individualwork.4. Individualwork.5. The wholeclass work. 6. The wholeclass work.7. Individualwork.8. The wholeclass work.9. Group work.1. Students look at the pictures of 2a. Understand them based on the

18、 given words.2. Students use if to discuss the results of breaking the traffic rules.3. Students report the results of the discussion. 4. Students match the parts of the sentences to make traffic rules.5. Students read the traffic rules and remember them.6. Students listen andread these sentences.Pa

19、y attention to thestress and understandthe focus of eachsentence.7. Students try readingthe sentences alone.8. Students read thesentences correctly.9. Students work ingroups and play the IfChain Game of 3b.1. The teacher asks the students to look at the pictures of 2a and understand them based on th

20、e given words.2. The teacher asks the students to use if to discuss the results of breaking the traffic rules.3. The teacher asks the students to report the results of the discussion. 4. The teacher asks the students to match the parts of the sentences to make traffic rules.5. The teacher lets the s

21、tudents read the traffic rules and remember them.6. The teacher plays therecording of 3a for the students and lets the students listen and read these sentences. Ask them to pay attention to the stress and understand the focus of each sentence.7. The teacher lets the students try reading the sentence

22、s alone. Note that they can change the emphasis of a sentence when they change the word that is stressed.8. The teacher asks the students from different groups to read the sentences correctly. Organize them to have a competition.9. The teacher asks thestudents to work ingroups and play the IfChain G

23、ame of 3b. Production(7minutes)1. Group work. 2. The wholeclass work.3. The wholeclass work.4. The wholeclass work.5. The wholeclass work. 6. Individualwork.1. Students discuss the slogans for the activity. 2. Students write down the slogans, using adverbial clauses of condition.3. Students report t

24、heir results. 4. Students check theslogans with theteacher.5. Students summarizeSection B with theteacher.6. Students finish the homework after class. 1. The teacher asks thestudents to discuss ingroups. Your school willhave a public activityabout traffic safety.Discuss the slogans forthe activity.2

25、. The teacher asks thestudents to write down theslogans with adverbialclauses of condition. 3. The teacher asks therepresentatives of eachgroup to report theirresults. 4. The teacher sums up theactivities. The group withthe most and correctsentences of adverbialclauses of condition wins. 5. The teac

26、her shows thesummary to the students.6. The teacher assignshomework:(1) Review the summaryafter class.(2) Ask the students tomake at least fivesentences with “if”. Pay attention to the tense.(3) Search the Internet for some information about bicycles to prepare for Section C. Teaching ReflectionThe

27、students are amazed at the number of the people who died from the traffic accidents every year. They realize that its very important to follow the traffic rules. And they do very well in making traffic rules. They can understand the usage of adverbial clauses of condition well. Blackboard designUnit

28、 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise.Section B1. when riding = when we are riding2. get a fine 3. make a wrong turn Unit6 Topic3 SectionB 精品教案. Material analysis 本节课建议用1课时上完。主要活动为Section B 的1a和2a。本课通过Kangkang和Michael 谈论一起后果严重的交通事故,进而继续讨论交通安全方面的话题,从而了解基本的交通规则,通过2a, 2b和3b的学习活动,继

29、续深入学习if引导的条件状语从句的用法。培养学生遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能用英语简单地表述交通规则。2. 学生能掌握条件状语从句的用法。3. 学生能通过单词的重读判断句子表意的重点。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关交通规则和交通安全的材料,并从中获取信息来补全短文或对话。2. 能简单地用英语表达交通规则。3. 能理解有关交通规则和交通安全等方面的叙述,并从中获取需要的信息。4. 能用英语制定简单的交通规则。Emotional aims:学会遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。. The key points and dif

30、ficult pointsKey points:1. 谈论交通规则。2. 进一步掌握条件状语从句的用法。Difficult points:写出关于遵守交通规则的短文。. Learning strategies通过单词的重读判断句子表意的重点。. Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector, a helmet. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.3. Group work.4. The wholeclass work.5. The wholeclass work. 1. Focus their attentionon the teacher.2. Students repor

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