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it的用法 翻译练习.docx

1、it的用法 翻译练习 “it”的用法翻译练习 I. it做形式主语 G1 ROUP 1让孩子们出去玩是很重要的。(important) It is important to let the children go out to play. 2作为奥林匹克运动会的主办国不是容易的。(easy)it is not easy to be the host of Olympic games 3你给了我们这么大的帮助,不胜感谢。(kind)it is very kind of you to offer us such a big favor 4很难想象这海洋有多深。(imagine)it is hard

2、 to imagine how deep the ocean is. 5横越这么大的一个湖,很不容易。(1ake)it is not easy to across such a big lake 6一个外国人在像纽约那样的大城市里是很容易迷路的。(get lost)it is easy for a foreigner to get lost in a big city like ny 7将来人类征服自然不是一种梦想。(conquer)it wont be a dream for human beings to conquer nature 8使污染问题得到解决需要很长时间。(solve) it

3、 takes a long time to solve pollution problem. 9我们在学校学习的各门功课都各自有用,很难说哪一门不怎么有用。(useful in its own way)all kinds of subject that we learn at school are useful in their own ways it is hard to say which subject is useless. 10很难想象这位电影明星在电影界一直活跃了长达半个世纪之久。(remain active) It is hard to imagine that the movi

4、e star in the film industry has been active for over half a century. 11我们开始了解到抵制他们的风俗习惯是不公平的。(unfair,reject) We began to understand that resist their customs and habits are unfair. 12成年人非得有6小时以上的睡眠不可吗? (necessary) Adults have to more than six hours of sleep? 13你要烧好菜,光在厨房里干几天可不行。 (take) Do you want t

5、o burn a good meal, light can not dry for a few days in the kitchen. 14想要在一天之内学好一门外语,这是不可能的。(impossible) it is not possible that Want to learn a foreign language well in a day, 15我们有必要为了将来干得更好而现在学得更多些。(necessary) It is necessary for us to do a better job in the future and learn more about now. 16掌握一

6、门外语是要花时间用力气的。(take) o master a foreign language is to spend time with strength. 17学好一门功课是费时间的,你不要期望在短期内创造奇迹。(wonder) To learn a subject is time consuming, you dont expect miracles in the short term. 18依我看,掌握好汉语对于中国学生来说十分重要。(in ones opinion) In my opinion, 1 mastering Chinese is very important for Ch

7、inese students. 19他不关煤气就离开房间,真是糊涂。(stupid) Out of the room, hes not gas is really confused. 20她结婚后很少同我们联络。(rare) fter getting married, she seldom to contact with us. G2 ROUP 1据说学习一门语言的最好方法是和说那种语言的人交际。(communicate with) It is said that the best way to learn a language is and say that language communi

8、cation. 2据说每一个生物都能以自己的方式来保护自己。(in its own way) It is said that every creature can in their own ways to protect themselves. 3吸烟对身体健康有害已是众所周知,然而要说服人们戒烟仍不是容易的事。(persuade) Smoking is harmful to health is well known, however, to persuade people to give up smoking is not easy. 4众所周知,吸烟会导致多种疾病。(cause)it is

9、 known to all that smoking can cause 5据报道这两天旅行社挤满了打算外出过春节的人。(report) According to the report these two days travel agency is crowded with people going to go out for the Spring Festival. 6有人声称他们两在海湾战争期间曾过往甚密。(claim,associate)it is claimed that they were closely associated with each other each other d

10、uring the culf war 7据估计,上海二十年后将在许多方面赶上像纽约、伦敦这样的国际大都市。 (catch up with) it is evaluate will catch up with international metropolises like ny and London in many ways in 20 years 8听说在新加坡,如果你在公共场所吐痰,就会被处以相当于2000元人民币的罚款。 It is said that if you spit in public, you will be fine about 2000 RMB in Singapore 9

11、据说,一些著名的意大利音乐家将于下月来中国,并在新的上海大剧院举行一场音乐会。 (hold)it is said that some famous Italian musicians will come to china next mouth and hold a concert in the new grand opera of shanghai. 10据报道现在想自己买房的人数在迅速增长。(It)it is reported that the number of people who plan to buy their own houses increasing very fast tim

12、e. 11人们相信吸烟可能引起心脏病及其他一些疾病。(cause) It is believed that smoking can cause heart disease and other diseases. 12据说,印度在高科技方面仅次于美国。(second) 13众所周知,粗心会导致失败。(result in) As is known to all, careless leads to failure. 14据报道在那次飞机坠毁事件中,包括驾驶员本人总共有二十人遇难。(include) According to the report in the plane crash, includ

13、ing the driver himself a total of 20 people were killed. 15听说那场出人意料的大火造成了200多人失去了家。(cause) Heard about the unexpected fire caused more than 200 people lost their home. 16据说每年有多达三千万人通过隧道跨越英吉利海峡。(cross) It is said that there are as many as thirty million people a year through the tunnel across the Eng

14、lish channel. 17据说昨天教室里发生的事与他无关。(happen) It is said that he had nothing to do with what happened in the classroom yesterday. 2 18据信一个人晚上做的梦与他白天想的和做的事情有关。(be connected with) Believed to be one night dreams during the day with his thinking and doing. 19据报道世界上百分之九十以上的国家参加了那个国际组织。(join) t is reported th

15、at the world more than ninety percent of the country to participate in the international organizations. 20据说大多数人每天晚上做梦,但许多人醒来讲不出梦见了什么。(majority) It is said that most people dream every night, but many people wake up and dont speak what dream of. G3 ROUP 1这么多人在这次事故中幸存下来,真是令人鼓舞。(survive) So many peopl

16、e survived in the accident, is really encouraging. 2在有些国家妇女不能同工同酬,这是不公平的。(unfair,equal)it is not fair In some countries women are not equal pay for equal work 3没有导游,他们很可能会迷路。(probable) No tour guide, they are likely to be lost. 4他们不很清楚那支队伍是否已取得冠军。(clear) They are not very clear whether that team has

17、 been made. 5显然,他缺乏承认错误的勇气。(1ack) 6你们班,有些学生不愿意参加室外运动,这是真的吗? (unwilling) Are there in your class, some students dont want to take part in outdoor sports, is that true? 7大量的砍树和使用杀虫剂肯定会扰乱生态平衡。(certain) A lot of cut down a tree and the use of pesticides will disrupt the ecological balance. 8很幸运那孩子刚才吃的药片

18、还没有在胃里溶解。(dissolve) Luckily the child just eat pills is not dissolved in the stomach. 9毫无疑问,一条受过适当训练的狗可以从事很多高要求的工作。(take up) There is no doubt that a properly trained dogs can be involved in a lot of high demand. 10这房子的潮湿显然对孩子们的健康不利。(obvious) The damp of the house apparently adverse to the health of

19、 children. 11情况很快明了,他是为了探索自然才长年住在森林里的。(in order to) Soon, he is to explore nature to long live in the forest. 12很明显,计算机的发明对人们的生活产生了极大的影响。(obvious) Obviously, the invention of the computer has a great impact on peoples lives. 13可以肯定如果你把自行车停在南京路上,你会被罚款的。(fine) To be sure if you parked the bike in nanj

20、ing road, you will be fined. 14如果你穿这样的衣服在街上走,肯定会被人笑话的。(certain) If you wear that dress walking in the street, will certainly be a joke. 15从早到晚在空调房间里工作或生活可能会使人生病。(It is possible) In air conditioning room from morning till night work or life may make people sick. 16可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。(conceivable

21、) It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important in our life. 17他能在一星期的时间里就完成这个项目,真是不可思议。(It) its unbelievable Can he can finish this project in a weeks time 3 18很清楚,做这种事情意味着浪费时间。(mean) It is clear that it means a waste of time to do a thing like that. 19本学期他学习刻苦,进步显著,这是大家有目共睹的。(obvious) He stu

22、dy hard this term, remarkable progress, this is to everyone. 20令人惊奇的是他一年里竟然出版了五本书。(It) he astonishing thing is he has published five books in one year. G4 ROUP 1这表明地球上所有的生物正在受到工业污染的严重威胁。(indicate)it is indicated that all creatureson earth are being threatened by industrial pollution . 2并非所有学生都抱怨过作业量

23、太多。(seem,complain)it 3队长不得不换上迈克以代替杰克。但是结果表明迈克打得更差。(substitute,turn) Captain Mike had put in place Jack. But the results show that Mike played worse. 4你难道就没有想到过在中国西北部沙漠的中心可能终年没有降雨吗?(occur) 5你好像对整个事件知道得很清楚。(appear) 6这家商店似乎属于我叔叔工作的那家公司。(belong) This shop seems to belong to my uncles work of that compan

24、y. 7他从来没想到被拒绝的原因是他不会使用电脑。(occur) He never thought that the rejected reason is that he will not use the computer. 8昨天在晚会上我碰巧遇见了你上次提到的那位著名的科学家。(happen) Yesterday I happened to meet you at the party last time mentioned the famous scientist. 9看来这一次部长不能对记者提出的问题避而不答了。(avoid) It seems that a minister canno

25、t avoid reporters questions without the answer 10上海的超市似乎正在沿用西方国家“越怛越好”的模式。(follow) Shanghai supermarket appears to be used in western countries more but better model. G5 ROUP 1这新药对这病人是否有效还是一个问题。(remain) This new drug is effective for the patients is still a problem. 2国外是否提供给他奖学金还是个问题。(remain) 3懂不懂得心

26、理学对一个教师来说至关重要。(matter) 4我们是否能够开发出一些东西来代替石油是至关重要的。(matter) 5坦率地说,赚多少钱不重要,保持健康才重要。(matter) 4 . It做形式宾语 1我们发现学会如何使用电脑是必要的。(necessary) 2我发觉做这件工作是必要的。(necessary) 3我们认为英语语法不难学。(think) 4电视使我们能在家里看奥运会。(possible) 5无线电和电视使我们不出门便能知天下事。(make possible) 6各位在此和我们一起参加毕业典礼,我们感到万分荣幸。(regard as) 7他发现运用这一规则要比记住它难得多。(ap

27、ply) 8因特网使我们能立即了解世界上正在发生的事,这在20年前是不可想象的。(happen) 9我们认为有必要使每一个学生都了解宿舍的规章制度。(it,inform) 10我们学校规定学生不可将手机带进校园。(rule) 11在讨论中,有许多人觉得为这一项目再添置几台计算机是合理的。(it) 12巨型火箭的发明使人类登上月球。(possible) 13大家觉得很难同意他在会上发表的对这件事的观点。(point of view) 14你认为有没有可能在十小时内横越大西洋?(cross) 15你是否认为听听轻音乐来放松自己是个好办法?(think it) 16那些在城里生活得很舒服的人对到一些

28、危险和荒野地方去游玩很感兴趣。 (comfortably) 17我被选派参加这次会议,感到十分荣幸。(regard as) 18布朗先生觉得很难维持一家人的生活,就迫不及待地去找一个兼职工作。(cant wait) 19你觉得有没有必要把高中未毕业的孩子送到国外留学? ( study abroad) 20我觉得中学生在业余时间帮助父母做一些家务是完全必要的。(find) 21学生们发现他所教的课很容易理解。(take in) 22你认为有没有可能不背一个单词而学好一门外语? (without) 23汤姆认为被邀请出席那个开幕式是个极大的荣誉。(honor) 24如果你觉得站在室外太冷,可以进屋

29、里去,但我宁可留在室外。(prefer) 25我感到非常荣幸,能被给机会到这儿来学习。(feel) 26我们应该使公众明白这一点,保持生态平衡是很重要的。(keep) 27喝五杯咖啡让他能够熬夜学习。(make) 28我认为离家独自生活一段时间,对他而言是非常宝贵的经历。(it) 29这家新超市极大地方便了这里的居民购物。(it) 30现代通讯技术使人们互相沟通变得更加方便。(make) III其他用法 1自从我们上次见面至今已经好久了。(since) 2两位老朋友30年以后重逢,真是激动人心的时刻。(a moment of excitement) 5 3不久我们将收到他从澳大利亚来的第一封信

30、。(before) 4我把那些书寄给他已有一个多星期了,现在他应该收到了。(send) 5当他们下飞机时天碰巧在下雨。(happen) 6他父亲回来的那个晚上,天正在下大雪。(when) 7我们期盼着不久新型的手机将投放市场。(10ng before) 8他接替黄先生已有四周了,一切按意料运转正常。(since) 9他参军已有三年了。(since) ince three years since he joined the army. 10不久我们就将与朝夕相处了三年的同学告别。(say farewell to ) Soon we will say goodbye to elbow three

31、years of classmate. 11还要过一、两个月我们才能知道考试的结果。(before) It will be a month or two before we know the test result. 12我已有多年没有像昨晚那样玩得痛快了。(since) Since I hadnt like last night had a great time for years. 13昨天万里无云,阳光灿烂,是个旅游的好日子。(shine) esterday, cloudless, the sun is shining, is a day of travel. 14不久我们得到了上海赢得

32、2010年世博会举办权的消息。(before) Shortly before we got to win the 2010 world expo in Shanghai to host. 15这项技术很快就会运用到工业上。(It) It will soon be using this technology to the industry. 16我们面前的这场严重危机很快就会过去的。(before) Severe crisis before we will soon be over. 17不久他会知道谁在他困难的时候帮助了他。(before) 18不久以后一些药品的价格将再一次下调。(before) Soon after the price of some drugs that will be cut again. 6

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