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1、7AChapter3导学稿东升学校七年级英语Chapter 3导学稿()课题: The Earth课型: Words&Expressions主备: Hou 审核:七年级英语备课组Name:_ Class:_ 一、学习目标(1) 学习新词汇: 会读、熟记课文中出现的新单词(2) 能正确地运用单词,掌握部分单词的变化二、教学流程1. “四会”单词:1) 读会单词 P1232) 写出核心词汇的词性及中文意思,写出重点词组中文意思。Earth _ _ quiz _ _ pattern_ _ protect _ _ report_ _ part_ _ land_ _ field_ _large_ _ p

2、rovide_ _ pollute_ _ pollution_ _burn _ _ energy_ _ into_ _ ground_ _ kill_ _ must_ _ important_ _fact_ _kilometre_ _ own_ _ catch_ _ few_ _away _ _ problem _ _ provide sb. with sth._put into _ throw away_Exercises:根据首字母提示,完成句子。They went for a walk together in the f_.I want a l box; this one is too

3、small.In Unit 3, well learn “There be”. Its a very important p .Plants absorb(=takein吸收) e from the sun.Its important for us to p the Earth. We should p our environment(环境).Lets stop air and water p .Tom goes to work in his o car every day.If anyone asks for your help, you can say “No p ”.补充练习:完成综合练

4、习册 P34 Vocabulary A完成怎样学好牛津英语 P44 C13) 记忆以下重要词语及其词形转换形式pollute v.污染pollution n.污染 energy n.能量energetic adj.精力充沛的important adj.重要的importance n.重要性unimportant adj. unimportance n.protect v.保护protection v.保护 Exercises:用括号里单词适当形式填空。There _(be) a cat and two dogs in the room.There _(be) two dogs and a ca

5、t in the room.Some (place) are very hot, and some are very cold.There are many different (animal and plant) on Earth. There are also some people like you and (I) on Earth. There is a lot of (pollute) in the world.This (pollute) the Earth and (kill) animals and plants.We must stop _(do) these things.

6、Its of great (important) for us to protect the Earth. Animals and plants need our (protect).He is always (energy). Stop (make) noise and please (listen) to the teacher.2. 读并记忆以下重要同义词组in fact=as a matter of fact事实上 on ones own=by oneself亲自,依靠自己为sb.提供sth.:provide sb. with sth provide sth. for sb. offe

7、r sb. sth. offer sth. to sb.give sb. sth give sth. to sb. supply sb. with sth. supply sth. to sb.Exercises:选择可以替代划线部分的选项Our parents provide us with food and clothes.A. supply; to B. give; / C. satisfy; with D. provide; toThe stove is burning.A. on fire B. empty C. full D. in dangerToday there is muc

8、h pollution.A. a lots of B. many C. lot of D. a lot ofHe reports the theft(偷盗行为) to the police.A. says B. tells C. speaks D gives information aboutIt pollutes and kills animals and plants.A. makesclean; makesto die B. makedirty; makedieC. makesclean; keepsalive D. makesdirty; makesliveWe should prot

9、ect our environment(环境).A. keepalive B. keepsafe C. change D. polluteIn fact, he cheated in the exam.A. Actual B. as a matter of fact C. Indeed D. As a matter of factDo it (by) yourself.A. on you own B. in your own C. on your own D. by oneself补充练习:抄写单词,并读背单词完成课本 P32 C1&C2自我评价 1.我知道了:_2.我掌握不好:_3.老师(同

10、学/对子)的解答:_东升学校七年级英语Chapter 3导学稿()课题: The Earth课型: Reading主备: Hou 审核:七年级英语备课组Name:_ Class:_ 一、学习目标1. 了解一些与地球环境污染及环境保护相关的单词和短语2. 掌握科普类读物的阅读技巧3. .理解文章大意,能根据上下文猜出单词或短语的意思4. 掌握skip(跳读)和scan(略读)的技巧二、学习过程:1. Warm-up (热身)Look at the photos and write the correct words in the blanks. P30 A1 & A22. Pre-reading

11、Look at the photos and the title of the poster on P 31 .Answer the questions on P30 B3. While-reading Listen to the reading passage, and try to maintain the general idea of it. Skip the Paragraphs 1-3 and then answer the questions below:Q1: How is the Earth? Q2:Are there forest and rivers, mountains

12、 and fields? Q3: Whats the weather like in different places on Earth? Q4:What do all plants need? Q5:Where do the animals live on Earth? Scan Paragraphs 4-6, then answer the following questions:Q1: What does the Earth provide us with? Q2:Are there much pollution? Q3: Where is pollution from? Scan Ph

13、otos 1-4, then describe the photos to others. You can use the pattern “There be” Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Questions for discussion(分小组讨论,给出自已的答案。可以参考课文)Q1:Why should we protect the Earth? Q5:How should we protect the Earth?/What can we do to protect the Earth?(You can use “must”, “mustnt”, “s

14、hould”, “shouldnt” etc.) _ _ 4. Post-reading Finish the exercises C2, D1 and D2 on page33).5. 补充资料库读并记忆以下重要词组protect the Earth 保护地球 take part in 参加on Earth=on the earth=in the world 在地球上,世界上 on the land 在陆地上in the sky/air 在空中 under the water 在水下in the sea 在海洋中 into the sea 入海make energy 制造能量/获取能量 po

15、llute=makedirty污染pollute the Earth污染地球 pollution 污染pollute the air污染空气 air pollution空气污染pollute the water/the river/the sea污染水/河流/海洋 water pollution水污染pollute the land/earth/soil污染土壤 land/soil pollution土壤污染 white pollution白色污染put waste into rivers and seas将废弃物倒入河流和海洋throw away a lot of rubbish 丢弃大量的

16、垃圾 catch a lot of fish 捕捉大量鱼kill animals and plants 杀死动植物 need fresh air to breathe 需要新鲜空气来呼吸need air to survive 需要空气才能存活下 keep sb./sth. alive 保持活着live long 活久些 need clean water to drink需要干净水来喝need enough food to live on需要足够食物活下来 stop doing sth.停止做sth. stop polluting the Earth停止污染地球stop (doing sth)

17、to do sth.停下来去做sth.stop (polluting) to protect the Earth停止污染保护地球take our own shopping bags to the market自带购物袋reduce, reuse and recycle降低, 重复使用及循环使用find information about 找到有关于的信息 It is/was +adj./important/necessary/good/bad for sb. to do sth.对sb.来说做sth.很(重要/必要/有好处/有害)It is/was +adj./kind/nice/great/

18、generous/friendly of sb. to do sth. sb. 做sth.很(善良/好/棒/大方/友好)eg. Its very important for us to learn English well.=To learn English well is very important for us.Its bad for us to read in bed.=To read in bed is bad for us.Its kind of you to help me.=You are kind to help me.Its generous of you to share

19、 your dictionary with me.=You are generous to share your dictionary with me.补充练习:完成综合练习册 P34 Vocabulary B完成怎样学好牛津英语 P44 C2&C3课后巩固练习 一、 识记单词Earth-throw away以及相关知识点。二、 模仿录音,大声读P31课文三、 看怎样学好牛津英语P P 40 41 42 43四、 背诵5.补充资料库里的重要知识点五、 根据中文提示完成句子1. 有森林与河流,有高山与田野。 forests and rivers, mountains and fields.2.

20、一些地方很热,而另一些地方很冷。 places are very hot; are very cold.3. 有许多不同种类的植物。There are plants.4. 地球上还有许多像你我一样的人。There are also many people like you and me .5. 地球为我们提供了空气水和食物。 The Earth us air, water and food.6. 地球上有许多污染。 a lot of pollution.7. 我们通过焚烧来获取能量。We burn things to .8. 我们把垃圾倒入海洋埋入地下。We our rubbish the s

21、ea and under the ground.9. 这就污染了地球,还会杀死动植物。This the Earth and animals and plants.10. 我们必须停止做这些事情。We must these things.11. 为了我们的未来而保护地球十分重要。Its very for us to the Earth for our future.选择练习:对照课文自查是否全正确根据中文提示,读并背诵相英文句子。自我评价 1.我知道了:_2.我掌握不好:_3.老师(同学)的解答:_东升学校七年级英语Chapter 3导学稿()课题: The Earth 课型: Reading

22、主备: Hou 审核:七年级英语备课组Name:_ Class:_一、学习目标1.认识,熟记课文中出现的重点单词和短语;2.能熟练地运用短语和重点结构;3.掌握课文中出现的重要句型”There be”和”Somesome”二、学习过程:1. Dictation -Words and Expressions2. Complete the following exercisesa. Finish the exercise by yourself.(看英文写中文)protect the Earth take part in on Earth=on the earth=in the world on

23、the land in the sky/air under the water in the sea into the sea make energy pollute=makedirty pollute the Earth pollution pollute the air air pollution pollute the water/the river/the sea water pollution pollute the land/earth/soil land/soil pollution white pollution put waste into rivers and seas t

24、hrow away a lot of rubbish catch a lot of fish kill animals and plants need fresh air to breathe need air to survive keep sb./sth. alive live long need clean water to drink need enough food to live on stop doing sth. stop polluting the Earth stop (doing sth) to do sth stop (polluting) to protect the

25、 Earth take our own shopping bags to the market reduce, reuse and recycle find information about Its very important for us to learn English well.=To learn English well is very important for us. Its bad for us to read in bed.=To read in bed is bad for us. Its kind of you to help me.=You are kind to h

26、elp me. Its generous of you to share your dictionary with me.=You are generous to share your dictionary with me. b. Check the answers with partners.(对答案)c. Read the phrases together loudly in groups(大声读)d. Write down phrases with the same meaning as the given ones.(写同义词/词组)provide sb. with sth.= bur

27、n sth.= protect= kill= survive= burn sth.= a lot oft= report= in fact= on ones own= 3. Read and recite the passage on P 31(读背P31课文) 自我评价 1.我知道了:_2.我掌握不好:_3.老师(同学)的解答:_课后巩固练习1. 怎样学牛津英语P46 C42. 将课文中的”There be”和”Somesome”句子找出来,读背3. 看怎样学牛津英语Grammar P48 494. 预习导学稿 IV东升学校七年级英语Chapter 3导学稿()课题: The Earth 课型: Grammar名词 主备: Hou 审核:七年级英语备课组Name:_ Class:_一、学习目标1. 理解掌握情态名词分类,可数名词单数变复数的规律2. 熟记特殊的名词复数构成3. 熟悉不可数名词的用法4. 掌握冠词a/an及代词some/any的用法二、教学流程1. 读怎样学牛津英语 P48,填写以下内容1) 名词分为: 和 2) (比一比,看谁写得多)常见的不可数名词有:液体 极小物体_ 学校科目

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