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1、秋人教精通版英语六上Unit5Julyistheseventhmonthword表格式教案课 题:Unit 5 July is the seventh month课 题Lesson 25授课时间课 型新授课 课时安排一课时一、教学目标:学习如何用英语说出78月,简单谈论相关的介绍。Teaching Affection1. To promote Ss interest and confidence.2. To develop Ss ability of listening and reading.二、教学重点:学习如何用英语说出78月。三、教学难点:运用句子。 四、教法:Communicatio

2、n Teaching Method. Direct Teaching Method. Reading and drawing.TPR.五、学法: Listening and reading.六、教学准备:建党节、建军节的照片或者宣传画。教 学 过 程1. Warming-up / Revision (5 )1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.2)Review the words and sentences aboutJanuary,February,March,April,May,June 2. Presentation (20 )1)True or False

3、. 正确的句子要求学生重复一遍,错误的句子让学生改正。T: January is the first month of the yearSs: January is the first month of the yearT: March is the second month of the yearSs: February is the second month of the yearSs: March is the third month of the year. T: June is the sixth month of the yearS: . ?T: Oh, sorryYou have

4、 not learnt itNow look at the pictures! 2)教师展示教学挂图,通过一步一步的提问抓住学生的注意力,滚动复习旧知识,同时自然引入第一段学习目标。Which is the seventh month of the year?What holiday is in July? What are people doing in July?Which is the eighth month of the year?What holiday is in August? What are people doing in August?3)教师播放第一段录音,让学生仔细听

5、,听后回答两个问题:7月用英语是怎么说的;建军节用英语怎么说。录音放2遍。4)按照这样的步骤学习另一段的教学内容,借助图片、简笔画和手势动作帮助学生理解文中生词的意思,必要的地方可以用汉语适当解释。5)Listen to the tape again and repeat.3. Practice (10 )把月份名称写在卡片上,让S1抽取一张,不让其他学生看见卡片内容。S1不能出声,可以用动作,也可以用口形向大家提供信息,大家猜是几月份。4. AssessmentFinish the activity book about the lesson.5. Additional activities

6、/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)总结每个月份节日的表达,和同学之间相互谈论。板书设计:Lesson25The seventh month of the yearThe eighth month of the yearThe Partys birthdayArmy Day教学后记:复备:课 题:Unit 5 July is the seventh month课 题Lesson 26授课时间课 型新授课 课时安排一课时一、教学目标:1.继续学习如何用英语说出78月,能用英语简单询问和表达7-8月中的某些活动和节日。能够正确地听、说、读、写单词:

7、 July, August,month ,year2能够正确地听、说、认读句子: July is the seventh month of the yearAugust is the eighth month of the year3.能够保持学习英语的热情二、教学重点:用英语写出78月。三、教学难点:月份的表达及其活动。 四、教法:Communication Teaching Method. Direct Teaching Method. Reading and drawing.TPR.五、学法: Listening and reading.六、教学准备:建党节、建军节的照片或者宣传画。教

8、学 过 程1. Warming-up / Revision (5 )采访汇报教师请学生做“最喜爱的月份”采访汇报。首先,分组讨论采访结果,然后,组内选出最精彩的一份采访汇报在班内交流,教师和学生共同评价。2. Presentation (20 )1)教师提问:How many month names have we learnt? Yes, we have learnt eightThey are January,February,March,April,May,June,July, August 2)展示教学卡片:This is the seventh month of the yearIt

9、s July领学生读单词,然后读句子:July is the seventh month of the year 3)用同样的方法学习August is the eighth month of the year4)教师把卡片放下,让学生闭上眼睛不要看书:Now,close your books and your eyesCan you remember the names of the months? Just try! 让学生自由说月份名称。这对学生是一个挑战,也是检测学生注意力是否集中的一个好办法。5)教师准备放录音:Dont worryLets listen to the tapeLis

10、ten carefully and try to remember the names of the months6)播放两边录音,学生仔细听,可以跟读重复。7)再次检测学生的记忆情况:Close your eyes again and say the names after meWhat is the seventh month of the year? 学生回答July,依次类推。可以反复多次练习。8)学生两人一组,按照上面的方式进行问答练习。9)教师板书四会单词,让学生观察模仿。3. Practice (10 )1)绘画讨论:组织学生分组完成课本第58页的活动。可以分成July Grou

11、p, August Group等。小组讨论自己月份的常见活动,然后用图画表现出来。最后小组成员一起编对话,展示给大家。2)猜月份:把各小组的画收集起来,打乱顺序,让学生猜画的是哪一个月份的内容:This is . Its the . month of the year猜对的图片小组取回图片,继续猜剩下的图片。3)播放chant录音,教师简要介绍意思后,然后跟着录音边说chant。4. Additional activities/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)总结每个月份节日的表达,和同学之间相互谈论。板书设计:Lesson26July is

12、 the seventh month of the yearAugust is the eighth month of the yearThe Partys birthdayArmy Day教学后记:复备:课 题Lesson 27授课时间课 型新授课 课时安排一课时一、教学目标:1.借助图片对912月份及相关信息进行简单的介绍。September is the ninth month of the year2.理解句子: October is the tenth month of the yearStudents go back to school They celebrate Teacher

13、s? Day on September 10th Chinas National Day is on October 1st The children are celebrating the National DayTeaching Affection3.观察图画,捕捉关键信息点;借助图画内容,判断并帮助记忆月份。二、教学重点:学习如何用英语说出910月。三、教学难点:理解句子。 四、教法:Communication Teaching Method. Direct Teaching Method. Reading and drawing.TPR.五、学法: Listening and read

14、ing.六、教学准备:教师节、国庆节的照片或者宣传画。教 学 过 程1. Warming-up / Revision (5 )齐读本单元的单词后默写学过的月份。2. Presentation (20 )1)教师说句子复习前几课的内容,让学生判断正误,正确的句子要求学生重复一遍,错误的句子让学生改正。最后自然引出本课教学内容。参考教学语言:T:January is the first month of the yearS:January is the first month of the yearT:March is the second month of the yearS:February

15、is the second month of the yearS:March is the third month of the year. T:September is the ninth month of the yearS:. ?T:Oh, sorryYou have not learnt itNow look at the pictures! 2)教师展示教学挂图,通过一步一步的提问抓住学生的注意力,滚动复习旧知识,同时自然引入第一段学习目标。Look,its Teachers DayDo you know Teachers Day? Yes, of course you knowWh

16、en is Teachers Day? Who can tell me?. Oh, good boy / girlYou are rightBut do you know how to say it in English?OkLets listen to the tape and find the answer3)教师播放第一段录音,让学生仔细听,听后回答两个问题:9月用英语是怎么说的;教师节的日期用英语怎么说。录音可以多放几遍。4)用类似的步骤介绍学习另一段的教学内容。5)最后把录音完整放一边,让学生模仿跟读。3. Practice (10 )教师在黑板上画一个指向左边的箭头(表示之前)和一

17、个向右的箭头(表示之后)。教师拿着月份卡片,任意举起其中一张,并指着指向左边的(或者指向右边的)箭头,让学生快速说出老师所举月份之前(或者之后)的那个月份的英文名称,并说出相关的节日。4. AssessmentFinish the activity book about the lesson.5. Additional activities/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)抄写本课的生词,熟读课文。板书设计:Lesson27The ninth month of the yearThe tenth month of the yearTeache

18、rs DayChinas National Day教学后记:复备:课 题:Unit 5 July is the seventh month课 题Lesson 28授课时间课 型新授课 课时安排一课时一、教学目标:1.继续学习如何用英语说出910月,能用英语简单询问和表达9-10月中的某些活动和节日。能够正确地听、说、读、写单词:ninth, September, October, Teachers Day2能够正确地听、说、认读句子:September is the ninth month of the yearOctober is the tenth month of the year3.

19、能够在学习中保持较强的自信心,遇到困难能想办法克服。二、教学重点:用英语写出910月。三、教学难点:月份的表达及其活动。 四、教法:Communication Teaching Method. Direct Teaching Method. Reading and drawing.TPR.五、学法: Listening and reading.六、教学准备:磁带教 学 过 程1. Warming-up / Revision (5 )1)让学生分组展示自己制作的日历,师生共同评价,奖励制作精美的和有创意的小组。2)“最佳记者”评选活动:教师首先播放欢快的音乐,随着音乐,向同学分别汇报自己的录音采

20、访。教师请同学们分成小组,交流各自的录音采访,选出最佳采访者,参加班级“最佳记者”评选。师生共同评价,评出“最佳记者”。2. Presentation (20 )1)复习110月的拼写:根据月份单词的需要制作字母卡,分给学生每人一张,教师说月份,让学生迅速按照顺序站成一行。完成正确站位后,大家一起说单词。2)教师提问:How many month names have we learnt? Yes, we have learnt tenThey are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, 3)展示教学卡片:This is the

21、ninth month of the yearIts September领学生读单词,然后读句子:September is the ninth month of the year4)用同样的方法学习10月。5)再次检测学生的记忆情况What is the ninth month of the year? 学生回答September,依次类推。可以反复多次练习。6)学生两人一组,按照上面的方式进行问答练习。7)教师板书四会单词,让学生观察模仿。3. Practice (10 )1)听唱歌曲。3)播放chant录音,让学生跟着模仿,感知、操练相关音素。4. Additional activitie

22、s/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)抄写并识记词句。板书设计:Lesson28September is the ninth month of the yearOctober is the tenth month of the yearTeachers DayChinas National Day教学后记:复备:课 题:Unit 5 July is the seventh month课 题Lesson 29授课时间课 型新授课 课时安排一课时一、教学目标:1.学习如何用英语说出1112月,简单谈论相关的介绍。2.理解句子:November is

23、 the eleventh month of the year December is the twelfth and last month of the year In America, Thanksgiving Day is on the 4th Thursday of NovemberThe family are celebrating Thanksgiving in this picture Christmas is on December 25thSanta Claus is giving the children presents3.观察图画,捕捉关键信息点;借助图画内容,判断并帮

24、助记忆月份二、教学重点:学习如何用英语说出1112月。三、教学难点:理解并熟读句子。 四、教法:Communication Teaching Method. Direct Teaching Method. Reading and drawing.TPR.五、学法: Listening and reading.六、教学准备:感恩节、圣诞节的有关资料。教 学 过 程1. Warming-up / Revision (5 )快速复习学过的月份表达及其节日。2. Presentation (20 )1)Now look at the pictures! 询问学生是否知道是哪个节日、几月?2)教师范读课

25、文,帮助学生理解句意。Do you know Thanksgiving Day ? When is it?OkLets listen to the tape and find the answer3)教师播放第一段录音,让学生仔细听,听后回答两个问题:11月用英语是怎么说的;感恩节的日期用英语怎么说。录音放2遍。4)按照这样的步骤学习December is the twelfth and last month of the yearChristmas is on December 25th5)Listen to the tape again and repeat.3. Practice (10

26、 )Finish the activity book about the lesson.4. Additional activities/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)学生分组制作一年12个月的英语月历,要求把星期和月份都用英语缩写表示出来,并加上一些自己喜欢的装饰。下次课展示评比。板书设计:Lesson29November is the eleventh month of the year December is the twelfth and last month of the year In America, Thanksgiving

27、 Day is on the 4th Thursday of November Christmas is on December 25th教学后记:复备:课 题:Unit 5 July is the seventh month课 题Lesson 30授课时间课 型新授课 课时安排一课时一、教学目标:1. Four skills: November, December.2. Three skills: November is the eleventh month of the year December is the twelfth and last month of the year 3. 完

28、成调查表,提升他们的语言运用能力。4. Lets read and chant.二、教学重点:1. Words: November, December.2. Sentence: December is the twelfth and last month of the year三、教学难点:运用句子。 四、教法:Communication Teaching Method. Direct Teaching Method. Reading and drawing.TPR.五、学法: Listening and reading.六、教学准备:拼写月份单词用的字母卡若干张、录音机和磁带。教 学 过 程

29、1. Warming-up / Revision (5 )1. 学生展示自己小组制作的日历。2. Review the song: Wish You a Merry Christmas.2. Presentation (20 )1)Go over the words: 112月的拼写.2)教师提问:How many month are there in a year? What are they?They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July,出示112月的第一个英语字母,让学生猜是哪一个月份,了解其缩写形式3)What ar

30、e some of the festivals in the teelve minths?完成表格4)Listen to the tape and repeat.5)Just write.3. Practice (10 )1)老师说中文时,让学生说出英语,老师说英语时,让学生说中文,反复练习几次,巩固月份的表达及其节日。2)Lets read and chant.4. Additional activities/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)抄写或默写本单元的词句。板书设计:Unit 5 July is the seventh monthLesson30November, December.November is the eleventh month of the yearDecember is the twelfth and last month of the year 教学后记:复备:

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