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1、MyViewonPlasticSurgeryMy View on Plastic SurgeryIn recent years, more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic surgeries. Some people argue that this kind of surgery can improve ones appearance, thus secure a good job. Others hold a different opinion, they consider plastic

2、 surgery as a waste of money. Personally, I agree with the latter.Firstly, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve ones character. Who do you think is more popular, an ordinary girl with charming personality, or a beautif

3、ul girl with arrogant manner? Secondly, success relies on ones abilities but not appearance. Some people, especially young girls dream to find a good job after taking plastic surgery. For example, it takes one at least 30,000 Yuan to have double eyelid. Fourthly, people have to bear the risks of an

4、unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery.好词佳句

5、总结:Beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes就像俗语所说的那样,外在美不过是表面现象bear the risks 承担风险competent and well-trained people 有真才实学的人arrogant 傲慢的,自大的must 作名词使用e.g.His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fictionViews on plastic surgeryHuman desire to appear attractive is universal; its permeating t

6、hroughout history and in all parts of the world. Both men and women have gone to great lengths to beautify themselves. Plastic surgery is a social issue that people talk about since the millennium. Each day at the shopping mall, food store or gas station, you might find people with their unnatural f

7、acial features; it is often very obvious you can tell right away that it must have been done by a plastic surgeon. Infuriatingly, some outcomes of surgery make people uglier than before, and regrettably it is be too late, and some has to face the consequences of potential complications. Indeed, most

8、 pay a lot of money to allow others to torture their bodies to get rid of body fat. Although there are other ways to fix what they think is a big problem, as an alternative some of them are seeking the quick fix to improve their appearance. Unfortunately, a number of patients died because of medical

9、 malfunction; this is a social issue in the new century that cannot be ignored. Traditionally, women go for surgery mostly for a younger look; the face lift was the most common and non-fatal surgery decades ago. Recently, more and more woman and man change their body by gastric bypass, liposuction,

10、and collagen or botox injections. Some surgeons are non-licensed, using advertising to attract those that want to change their body immensely. Many studies on the relationship of a person self perception and other perception of their appearance have found that a person who is deemed to be beautiful

11、is seen as being more personable, sincere, kind and strong than others. Why? The question of why women undergo unnecessary surgery to make their bodies more pleasing may help us to understand the nature of body dissatisfaction in women. With this in mind, you can see just how important it is to be f

12、ound attractive, especially for a woman. There are a number of cosmetic surgery procedures that men and women can choose from in order to create an image that makes them feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance. Eight percent were African-American in 1998, up from four percent in 19

13、92; eight percent are Hispanic, up from five percent; and four percent are Asian, up from three percent. We, as humans, strive for a perfect bodily image that we believe is a symbol of attractiveness. We push ourselves to the extreme in order to survive. The top three cosmetic surgeries for 1999 inc

14、luded liposuction, breast augmentation, and eyelid surgery. Although health insurance rarely covers the cost of cosmetic procedures, the number of individuals deciding to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery continues to grow. Consequently, weight issues begin to take a toll on how young girls perceive

15、themselves. Being less attractive is a disadvantage for womens careers and in this time of two-income families women must work even harder on their appearances. Age, race, gender, occupation and status are all influences to those who undergo cosmetic surgery. The percentage of seniors aged 65 and ov

16、er who are choosing to have cosmetic surgery increased from six percent (26,426 procedures) in 1992 to nine percent (90,911 procedures) in 1998. However, the average model is 511 and weighs only 117 pounds.Jim Alexander was just stopping at a local convenience store for a cup of coffee on his way to

17、 work in 1996, but then his life changed. The Indiana man blacked out and crashed his car, which burned for 20 minutes before rescuers could get him out.1996年,家住Indiana州的Tim Alexander上班途中想在当地一家便利店前停车喝杯咖啡,但是就在此时他的生活彻底改变了。他突然眼前一黑晕了过去,撞了车,等救援人员把他从车中救出时,车已足足烧了20分钟。His burns disfigured his face so badly

18、that they made fellow diners at his regular restaurant uncomfortable, and he was asked not to come back. Alexander, now 60, retreated to his home, partially blinded and disfigured like a freak in a sideshow, he said, despite at least 38 surgeries.1他的面部严重烧伤,每当他去一家过去常光顾的餐馆就餐时,邻座客人都感到难受。于是餐馆谢绝他再去就餐。现年6

19、0岁的Alexander只好在家深居简出。他说,尽管至少已做过38次整容手术,但他还是丧失了部分视力,毁掉了容貌,看上去就象马戏团的小丑。Then Bob Barron stepped into the picture, and gave him back his face.这时,Bob Barron走进了他的生活,恢复了他的容貌。Barron, 59, a former disguise expert for the CIA, helps seriously disfigured people blend back into society by designing prosthetic d

20、evices that look so real, most people dont notice theyre there.2 A painter by training, Barron designs pores, veins and hair and skin imperfections into his silicone-layered creations - which have included fingers, hands, shoulders, ears and even entire faces. You have to know how to sculpt, he said

21、. You have to know chemicals. You have to know how to take impressions. Margaret Bowden lost her left eye to cancer - including much of the socket and surrounding facial area. Casting a mirror image from her good eye, Barron created a prosthetic device that she can pop in whenever she goes out in pu

22、blic. People dont even know it, Bowden said.59岁的Barron曾是美国中央情报局的化装师,现在他帮助毁容者重新回归融入社会,设计出的假体惟妙惟肖、真假难辨。作为训练有素的画家,Barron创作了很多硅酮模具来弥补毛孔、静脉、头发和皮肤的缺陷,包括修复手指、手、肩、耳,甚至整张脸。他说:你得会雕塑,懂化学品,你还得会做印模。. Margaret Bowden因患癌症失去了左眼,包括大部分眼窝和周围面部组织。Barron以她健康完好的右眼为模型,为她制作了假体,使她可以随时戴着出门。Bowden说:居然没人看出这是假眼。Eight-year-old B

23、rittany Hoyle was born without an ear. Now, even her father has trouble noticing. He says, Which ear is it? she said. I see two ears when I look in the mirror.38岁的Brittany Hoyle出生时就少一只耳朵,现在就连她父亲都难辨她双耳的真伪。 他说:哪只耳朵是假的? Brittany说,照镜子时我看到的是与正常人一样的两只耳朵。Kelly Green, an athletic 18-year-old college freshma

24、n when she was diagnosed with cancer, eventually lost a large portion of her shoulder and surrounding bone and muscle. To compensate, she started to walk differently, and began damaging her posture. Then Barron designed a shoulder.KellyGreen被诊断为癌症时,她还是一位体魄健壮、芳龄18的大学一年级新生,后来,她失去了大部分肩部和周围的骨骼、肌肉。因此,她走路

25、的样子、姿势都有了变化。后来,Barron为她做了一个假肩。It just looked like I was 18 again, before the cancer, she said. He ended up with something that was breathable on the underneath side. It had my missing clavicle in it and everything. It looks spectacular.现在我看上去又象是18岁的人了,和患癌症前的我一样,她说。他用一些通气的材料垫在下面,代替缺损的锁骨和其他部分,看上去真是妙极了

26、。Barron donated his skills - which normally cost $6,000 or more - to help a pregnant Pakistani woman whose husband, a barber, disfigured her face and blinded her with a straight razor in a jealous rage. As part of a surgical team, Barron helped give Zahida Parveen prosthetic eyes, ears, and a nose.

27、Months later, the procedure was complete, and she returned to Pakistan.Barron的整形收费标准一般在6000多美元,但他无偿地用自己的技能帮助了一位巴基斯坦孕妇,这位孕妇的丈夫是一位理发师,一次他因嫉妒怒伤妻子,用折叠式剃刀毁掉了妻子的面容,弄瞎了她的双眼。Barron是外科手术小组的成员,他给Zahida Parveen戴上了精制的双眼、双耳和鼻部假体。数月后,整个整容手术完成了,她回到了巴基斯坦。She cant see it, obviously, said Nassim Ashraf, who worked wi

28、th Parveens case for a Pakistani human rights group. But she then tells me what others have been telling her about her face. And she says, Well, you know, someone came to me and said that I look exactly like I did when I got married. So, that must obviously make her feel very, very happy.巴基斯坦人权组织负责处

29、理Parveen案子的Nassim Ashraf说:显然她无法亲眼目睹这一切,但她告诉我人们对她容貌的评论。她说:你知道,有人过来对我说,我看起来与结婚时一样。显然这使她感到非常非常幸福。Barron got into his profession almost by accident. He worked at the Pentagon as an art director for some Navy magazines. It was a low-level job and he got a low-level parking pass, far away from the Pentago

30、n building.Barron干上这行几乎是出于偶然。以前他在五角大楼工作,为一些海军杂志做艺术指导,这是一种低级的工作,所以他只能拿到一张车位远离五角大楼的低级停车证。I forged a parking sticker and I parked where the admirals and the generals park so I wouldnt have to walk 15 minutes through the snow, Barron said.Barron说:我伪造了一张停车证,挤进了上将、将军们的车位,这样我就不用踏着积雪走15分钟才能进大楼了。He got caugh

31、t and summoned to court, where the judge wanted to know where he got his parking pass.后来他被发现了,遭到了法庭的传讯,法官想知道他是从哪儿弄到这张停车证的。I said, I made it, your honor, Barron said. He said, Approach the bench. So I got right up next to him and he said, Damn good job.我回答说:是我自己做的,法官先生。法官说:上法官席这儿来。于是我走上前去,他对我说:做得真像。H

32、e later got a call from the CIA, which was looking for a forger. Barron believes the judge recommended him. The agency soon moved him from forgery to disguises - like mustaches and wigs, which were fairly crude back then in the 1960s. Barron studied Hollywood make-up techniques, and his creations became more sophisticated.后来,中央情报局要找造假者就给他打了电话,Barron相信是那位法官推荐了他。不久,中央情报局不再让他造假,而改搞化装,如假胡子、假发,早在20世纪60年代这些东西的制作相当粗糙。Barron研究了好莱坞的化妆技巧,业务渐渐成熟。When he retired from the CIA after 24 years, rathe

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