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1、Translation of Adverbial Clause状语从句的翻译状语从句的分类时间状语从句Please turn off the light when you leave the room.地点状语从句Make a mark where you have any doubts or questions.因果状语从句Her hands were rough because she did washing all day long.条件状语从句We will go out if the rain stops.让步状语从句Although weve raised our market s

2、hare by 5%,the competition remains fierce.目的状语从句You should start off early so that you may see the sunrise in time.Can you do the translation?As I was looking for my bag,the inn-keeper came in.我正在找皮包时,店主走了进来。When the wall fell down,all people ran away in a panic.墙倒塌的时候,所有的人都争先恐后地跑开了。The Queen will v

3、isit the town in May,when she will open the new hospital.女王将于五月份访问该城,届时她将主持一座新医院的开幕式As long as we dont lose heart,well find a way to overcome the difficulty.只要我们不灰心,就能找到克服困难的办法。Keep the Original Order 与汉语状语分句一样,不少英语状语从句也是遵循先后顺序、先因后果、先条件后结果、先目的后结果的顺序的,因此,对于大多数状语从句,我们可以按照原来的顺序译出。Original order-have a

4、try!Everybody here has a chance to study unless he doesnt want to.这里任何人都有学习的机会,除非他不愿学。So if you should reduce your price by,say,5%,we might come to terms.要是你们答应降价,比如5%,我们还有可能达成协议。Because the winter is coming,many fashion stores start to sell warm clothes.因为冬天即将来临,所以许多时装店开始销售御寒衣服了。As he finished the

5、speech,the audience burst into applause.他结束讲话的时候,听众掌声雷动。Theory is valuable because it can provide a direction for practice.理论之所以有价值,是因为它能给实践指出方向。Why dont you put your number where it can be seen?你为何不把号码挂在醒目的地方呢?Can you do the translation?The crops failed because the season was dry.因为气候干旱,作物歉收。The tr

6、avel plan was canceled in order that the spread of SARS could be prevented.为了防止非典的传染,这次旅行计划给取消了。Customers actually vote for products and companies when they make a purchase.消费者购买商品实质上是在给不同的企业和产品投票He sent a bunch of flowers each day in order that he could win her love.为了赢得她的芳心他每天送她一束花。II.Order Changi

7、ng 如果能按照英语原序来翻译状语从句那就比较简单,但有时候按原序译出的句子不符合汉语的习惯或特征,这是我们就要考虑转换顺序,宁可尊重汉语的语言逻辑顺序,使读者读起来朗朗上口,易于理解。Order Changinghave a try!Mr.Smith was arrested when he himself was not aware what crime he had committed.史密斯先生自己不知道犯了什么罪,人家就把他逮捕了。We had to put the meeting off since so many people were absent.很多人没有来,会议只好延期。

8、The countrys economy has emerged from recession because the government adopted some flexible policies.因为政府采取了一些灵活措施,所以该国的经济已经开始复苏。Can you do the translation?When you have finished your homework,you can go and play ball-games.做完了家庭作业,你就可以出去打球了。Before I could say a single word,he ran away.我连一句话也没来得及说他

9、就跑了.Thanks to all of you,whether you have traveled from the UK,from Hong Kong,or from other parts of China.感谢你们,来自英国,香港或中国其它地区的朋友们。III.Conversion英语中存在着内容和形式不相一致的情况,大多状语从句都可以按其引导词来理解和翻译,但有些状语从句按其逻辑关系有时表示原因、条件、让步等不同的内涵,因而不能死译,而应转换为相应的逻辑分句。Conversion-have a try!While I admit that the problems are diffi

10、cult,I dont agree that they cannot be solved.虽然我承认这些问题困难,但我并不认为它们无法解决Should there be urgent situation,press the red button to switch off the electricity.万一有紧急情况,请按红色按钮以切断电源。All folk songs sound as if they come from the heart.所有民歌听起来宛如人们的心声。As a man sows,so he will reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。人不犯我,我不犯人。We wont attack others unless we are attacked.ConclusionI.Original Order II.Order changingIII.Conversion

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