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本文(专题高一年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习附答案英语.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专题高一年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习附答案英语(专题)高一年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习附答案(英语)一、完型填空1This year my husband and I decided to have a quiet, low-key New Years Eve. We wanted to spend it with our kids and other immediate family and make it a special 1 for them, instead of 2 a babysitter and going out on our own. The logical way to

2、do this was through 3 . As we all know, food had a magical way of making; a night 4 , and our New Years Eve certainly 5 that way, thanks to doughnuts(甜甜圈).I decided to make doughnuts because my cousins had 6 a batch(一批) on Halloween and I found it very 7 . I used a recipe from the 1976 Mennonite coo

3、kbook More With Less and it 8 a curious ingredient-two cups of mashed potatoes that 9 made the texture lighter. The doughnuts were 10 and cut from a sheet of dough(生面团), then left to rise until ready to fry in hot oil. Then they took several seconds to 11 , which meant that my enormous batch of 100

4、doughnuts was 12 cooking in a fairly short time. We glazed(浇上浆液) the tops and then 13 them for the rest of the evening. The leftovers disappeared at breakfast.This will become an annual 14 , I have no doubt. Whether we host a bigger party or keep it small, there will always be 15 doughnuts, because

5、when you have hot homemade doughnuts, you cant help but have the best time.1Achallenge Bidea Copportunity Doccasion2Atraining Bhiring Cknowing Dinterviewing3Atime Bmoney Cfood Dfun4Ashort Bmemorable Cmessy Dsilent5Atested out Bmoved on Ctuned out Dpicked out6Aput Bbought Cbrought Dmade7Aimpressive B

6、expensive Chealthy Dnutritious8Atook up Bcarried on Ccalled for Dcut off9Afortunately Bpossibly Ctotally Dabsolutely10Arolled out Btaken apart Csorted out Dcut down11Asteam Bcook Csink Dfloat12Afinished Bpracticed Cconsidered Ddemanded13Aprepared Bwaited Cenjoyed Dlonged14Acelebration Bidea Cceremon

7、y Dtradition15Afresh Braw Ccommon Dlocal【答案】1D2B3C4B5C6D7A8C9B10A11B12A13C14D15A2 An active person, Erin Brown becomes especially expressive when she talks about competing in the triathlon at the Paralympics Games (残奥会) in Tokyo in 2021. Her hands flying, her eyes 1 , she explains that COVID-19, whi

8、ch has 2 gyms and beaches in the Bahamas, has only somewhat slowed her training. She found a private pool to swim in, and she is cycling indoors.Sports competition is extremely empowering for people with disabilities, giving them more 3 in controlling their life. She says, “People dont 4 what you lo

9、ok like. They only focus on the efforts and 5 youve made.” In fact, the forty-year-old mother of two children has made empowering disabled people the driving force of her own life. She runs a small firm to 6 in many areas, including health care and employment. She is the one-person department of dis

10、ability affairs at the University of The Bahamas, which has become more 7 since COVID-19 complicated the 8 faced by students with disabilities. And she plans on becoming a disabilities rights attorney (代理人).Shes empowering disabled people to engage, to be aware of their 9 , whether thats in employme

11、nt, in making health services more 10 , or in getting them at the forefront of planning.1Ared Bopen Cwatery Dbright2Aclosed Blimited Cchanged Ddestroyed3Aattention Bconfidence Coptions Dreasons4Aask Bknow Ccare Dignore5Amistakes Bdecisions Cresponses Dachievements6Acompare Bplan Chelp Dimprove7Achal

12、lenging Bdeserving Cinspiring Damusing8Atests Bdifficulties Cdangers Dquestions9Arights Badvantages Cimpact Dvalue10Achild-friendly Bcustomer-friendly Ceco-friendly Ddisability-friendly【答案】1D2A3B4C5D6C7A8B9A10D3 I can remember once when I was just a little boy, I sat on a chair and watched as my mum

13、 painstakingly 1 a large, homemade quilt (被子). I looked over at one edge of the quilt being sewed and saw a piece of thread 2 . Without thinking I reached over to 3 it.“No!” yelled my mum. I jumped back. That was the first time I can ever remember her yelling at me. Seeing the 4 look on my face, she

14、 smiled and 5 showed me why she had yelled. That piece of thread 6 in and out, making its way from one end of the quilt to the other. If I had pulled it out, I might have torn the entire quilt and 7 hours of work. As I look back on that 8 today, I can see that each of our lives is like that 9 . We a

15、re all just a 10 string in the tapestry (挂毯) of life. We cant always 11 where we are going or what we are connected to. If we pull ourselves out of it, we will leave a 12 in it. Dont feel lost in the tapestry of life then. Embrace your 13 in it. You may 14 be a single piece of thread but your love a

16、nd your life help to 15 the whole thing together.1Asewed Bironed Cfolded Dmeasured2Awinding up Blaid aside Csticking out Dwrapped up3Acurl Bpull Ctie Dbreak4Adepressed Bdisappointed Cterrified Dannoyed5Agently Breluctantly Croughly Deagerly6Awove Bfollowed Cran Dcircled7Astopped Bruined Crepaid Ddis

17、turbed8Abehavior Bemotion Cresponse Dmoment9Aquilt Bthread Cscene Dwork10Aspecial Bstrong Cstraight Dsingle11Arecall Bbelieve Csee Ddiscuss12Ablank Bhole Cline Dmark13Achange Bweakness Cpower Dplace14Aonly Bsurely Cstill Deven15Ado Bpress Cpush Dhold【答案】1A2C3B4C5A6A7B8D9B10D11C12B13D14A15D4In face o

18、f COVID-19, every medical worker is a hero. Sigrid Stokes, a nurse, is in no 1 to retire at age 76. She is too busy working to save lives during this 2 pandemic, just as her mother, Kristine Mueller, did more than a century ago. Her mother 3 those people stricken by flu pandemic in 1918. Now, Stokes

19、 is 4 to give vaccinations to health care workers 5 the coronavirus.Among the many photos of her mother, Stokes has one that she displays 6 of her mother in her white 7 talking to child star Shirley Temple as both smiled broadly.Its the same sense of 8 at helping people that Stokes brings to her own

20、 work.“I give very good 9 ,” she says with a slight smile. She proves it when she 10 puts a needle into the arm of a health care worker who doesnt even 11 it.Stokes was working part-time when the coronavirus began to 12 the country last year. She was too old to 13 COVID-19 patients, but knew she cou

21、ld help with vaccinations. As she arrives at work each day, she wears her uniform and a necklace that her mother 14 each day when she was alive. “I wear them every time I come to work 15 I feel like my mom is with me.”1Adream Bmood Cneed Dquality2Alocal Bslight Cdeadly DAnnual3Atended to Bran into C

22、relied on Dlooked for4Aordered Bexpected Cexamined Dassigned5Aanalyzing Bbattling Cdominating Dexploring6Adesperately Bhurriedly Cproudly Dcautiously7Auniform Bcoat Cskirt Ddress .8Asorrow Bbelonging Cstress Djoy9Atests Bshots Coperations Dinstructions10Asecretly Bquickly Cnervously Dskillfully11Ato

23、lerate Baccept Cfeel Dmake12Asweep Binfluence Ccontrol Ddestroy13Amove Breject Ccomfort Dtreat14Abought Bfound Cwore Dgrabbed15Abecause Balthough Cunless Dor【答案】1B2C3A4D5B6C7A8D9B10D11C12A13D14C15A5 Friends are very important in our everyday life.Everyone 1 friends.We all like to feel close to someo

24、ne. 2 is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. 3 , sometimes we need to be alone.We dont always want people 4 .But we would feel lonely if we 5 had a friend.No two people are 6 .Friends 7 dont get on well.That doesnt mean that they no longer like each other.Most of the time they

25、will make up (言归于好) and become 8 again.Sometimes friends move away.Then we feel very 9 .We miss them very much, but we can 10 them and write to them.And we can 11 new friends.It is encouraging to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.Theres more good news for people who have

26、friends.They live 12 than people who dont.Why? Friends can make us feel happy. 13 happy helps you stay well.Or it could be just done that someone cares.If someone cares about you, you take 14 care of 15 .1Aloves Bhates Cneeds Dbecomes2AIt BHe CThere DSomeone3AHardly BNearly CSuddenly DCertainly4Aalo

27、ne Baway Call over Daround5Aever Bnever Cjust Dreally6Afriendly Bkind Cjust the same Dquite different7Aalways Bsometimes Coften Dusually8Afriendly Bgood Cpleased Dfriends9Aangry Bsad Chappy Dalone10Acall Bask Ctell Dtalk with11Alook for Bfind Cmake Dknow12Alonger Bshorter Cslower Dfaster13ASmelling

28、BBeing CSounding DMaking14Aless Bbetter Clittle Dno15Ayou Byour Cyours Dyourself【答案】1C2A3D4D5B6C7B8D9B10A11C12A13B14B15D6Throughout history,people have been interested in knowing how language first began,but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. 1 ,we do know a lot about 2 ,the languages

29、of today and also the languages of 3 times. There are 4 about three thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language 5 the most speakers. English,Russian and Spanish are also spoken by many millions of people. 6 ,some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers.There are

30、 several important 7 of languages in the world. For example,most of the languages of 8 are in one large family 9 the IndoEuropean language family. The original language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years 10 .Many of the present languages of Europe and India are modern 11 of the language of 4,500 years ago.Languages are 12 changing. The English of today

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