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1、科技英语试题及答案科技英语一套单项选择题 第1题 As parts of the world become _, millions of people will try to migrate to more _ areas. 本题1分 A、hospitable uninhabitable B、uninhabitable hospitable C、habitable inhospitable D、inhospitable uninhabitable 第2题 A(n) _ is someone who is being considered for a position, for example

2、someone who is running in an election or applying for a job. 本题1分 A、astronomer B、scientist C、candidate D、researcher B第3题 There are scientific satellites in _ that measure wave heights, but too few to give reliable worldwide coverage. 本题1分 A、mark B、orbit C、store D、line A第4题 The first-year courses pro

3、vide short introductions to these areas, while the second-year courses _ the areas in greater depth. 本题1分 A、classify B、investigate C、clarify D、examine D第5题 Their marriage was in danger of breaking up last year but it seems quite _ now. 本题1分 A、favorable B、critical C、profitable D、stable B第6题 If indivi

4、duals are awakened each time as they began a dream phase of sleep, they are likely to become irritable even if their total amount of sleep has been _. 本题1分 A、efficient B、sufficient C、deficient D、proficient 第7题 She became the first woman to enter the school but withdrew after a few days _ stress. 本题1

5、分 A、in spite of B、in stead of C、because of D、in honor of C第8题 She wanted to ask him all about his private life, but wisely _ herself. 本题1分 A、rescued B、held C、restrained D、curbed D第9题 After he was attacked, he managed to _ to the phone and call for help. 本题1分 A、pound B、stabber C、turn D、stagger C第10题

6、The issue was whether or not the bacteria (细菌) in his body would _ the local ecosystem. 本题1分 A、break B、balance C、contaminate D、contain B第11题 Why dont you do something about your room its really a _. 本题1分 A、hump B、dump C、bump D、lump C第12题Work has seemingly _ into everything, including dinner parties.

7、 本题1分 A、probed B、leaked C、seeped D、filtered B第13题 The king blamed _ and taxes for high oil prices and suggested setting up a program of 1 billion U.S. dollars to solve the oil crisis. 本题1分 A、peculiarity B、speculation C、spectacle D、prospect B第14题 A few of the drugs are _ and not covered by insurance

8、companies. 本题1分 A、influential B、experimental C、substantial D、accidental B第15题 Although he has his own ideas, he seldom _ advice from other people. 本题1分 A、overlook B、neglect C、ignore D、disregard D第16题 It is expected that in the future robots will _ man to do those dangerous jobs. 本题1分 A、relax B、relat

9、e C、request D、replace B第17题 If a murderer intentionally set out to _ a crime, he should answer for the consequences. 本题1分 A、perform B、commit C、execute D、accomplish A第18题 A contract is the only document between the parties to which they may _ for clarification (澄清)of mutual responsibilities. 本题1分 A、r

10、efer B、offer C、prefer D、differ B第19题 Before you started to _, make sure the road is clear ahead of you; otherwise it might lead to an accident. 本题1分 A、overwork B、overtake C、overhear D、oversee D第20题 Many people _ it is healthy to drink a lot of fruit juice, but actually it damages health. 本题1分 A、infe

11、r B、assume C、recognize D、realize 问答题 第21题 英译汉: If you are successful, you wont have to go ask for a raise or accept what youre given or worry about being turned out when a younger version of yourself comes along.本题3分 输入更多 如果你是成功的,你就不用请求加薪,不必勉强接受所给予你的,无需担心年轻的你一路走来会达到什么成就第22题 英译汉: What about developme

12、nt aid to give local people economic alternatives to cutting forests and plowing over the land? That kind of funding is difficult to come by. 本题3分 输入更多 关于发展援助给当地居民经济替代切割森林和耕作土地怎么样?这样的资金得来不易第23题 英译汉: He cannot be really happy if he is compelled by society to do what he does not enjoy doing, or if wha

13、t he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance. 本题3分 输入更多 他是不可能真正快乐的,如果被社会强迫做自己不喜欢做的事情,又或者喜欢做的事情被社会所忽略、被认为是毫无价值、不重要的。第24题 英译汉: Perhaps even more daunting, in the face of Internet-wide virus attacks, is the realization that we will depend in larger and larger measure on the netw

14、orks functioning reliably.本题3分 输入更多 面对网络大范围内的病毒攻击,但是我们会越来越依赖于网络的功能,这使得我们更加沮丧第25题 英译汉: Chemically any petroleum is an extremely complex mixture of hydrocarbon (hydrogen and carbon) compounds, with minor amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur as impurities.本题3分 输入更多 化工石油是一种极其复杂的化合物,还含有少量的氮气,氧气和硫磺等杂质第

15、26题 汉译英: 他虽然学识渊博,但对这种生物科技引起的情况他也不知道如何应付。(for all )本题3分 输入更多 For all he is learned, he has no idea how to deal with the situation caused by the biotechnology.第27题 汉译英: 只要不断努力,你早晚都会学好俄语的。(sooner or later)本题3分 输入更多 If you keep trying, you will learn Russian sooner or later. 第28题 汉译英: 那位新的候选人决定参加2012年美国

16、总统大选时,竞争对手的竞选活动已全面展开。(be in full wing)本题3分 输入更多 The new candidate decided to participate in 2012, when the U.S. presidential election rivals campaign has already started 第29题 汉译英: 这在很大程度上将取决于她对这一难题的反应。(depend on)本题3分 输入更多 It depends a lot on her reaction to the problem. 第30题 汉译英: 我反对该项计划,理由是花费太大。(on

17、 the grounds that )本题3分 输入更多 I am against the plan on the grounds that the cost is too high.阅读理解题 第31题 Geology is a natural science. With it men can discover all kinds of useful minerals. Geology studies the earth. But of the three spheres, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere, it onl

18、y directly studies the lithosphere. It studies the composition and distribution of material in the earths crust. It studies also the formation, changes and development of rocks and minerals in the earths crust. Geology is a very complex science. There are many branches in geology. Mineralogy is the

19、science of the minerals. Petrology is the science of the rocks. Geomorphology deals with origin of landscapes and changes in them. Historical geology traces the evolution and development of the earth and of the animals and plants on it. Stratigraphy studies the sequence of the rocks in the earths cr

20、ust. Paleontology deals with the ancient animals and plants. These are just a few of the most important branches of geology. Geology is a very important science. We depend upon geology for the discovery of mineral deposits needed by the various industries. A lot of minerals are used as fuel and raw

21、materials. Without them industrialization is impossible. Minerals are also used as fertilizers in agriculture. China is very rich in mineral deposits of all kinds. The study of geology will help us to discover them. Petroleum occurs widely in the earth as gas, liquid, semisolid, or solid, or in more

22、 than one of these states at a single place. Chemically any petroleum is an extremely complex mixture of hydrocarbon (hydrogen and carbon) compounds, with minor amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur as impurities. Liquid petroleum, which is called crude oil to distinguish it from refined oil, is t

23、he most important commercially. It consists chiefly of the liquid hydrocarbons, with varying amounts of dissolved gases, bitumens, and impurities. Petroleum gas, commonly called natural gas to distinguish it from manufactured gas, consists of the lighter paraffin hydrocarbons, of which the most abun

24、dant is methane gas (CH4). The semisolid and solid forms of petroleum consist of the heavy hydrocarbons and bitumens. Geology plays an important role in the search for oil and natural gas. Four prerequisites are necessary for oil (and gas) to accumulate in commercial quantities in an area: (1) The o

25、il originates in a source bed, and a marine shale, once a black mud rich in organic compounds, is thought to be a common source rock. (2) The oil then migrates to a permeable reservoir rock, and to do this it may travel for long distances both vertically and horizontally. Oil cannot move through the

26、 tiny openings of the shale source beds rapidly enough to be extracted profitably. (3) A nonpermeable layer must occur above a reservoir bed. Since oil is lighter than water, it tends to move upward through openings and cracks until it encounters impervious beds that it cannot penetrate. The oil may

27、 then accumulate beneath the impervious layers. Some gas occurs in solution within the oil, and if enough is present it separates out to occupy the uppermost region of such a trap. (4) A favorable structure must exist to concentrate the oil and anticlines, salt plugs, and faults are common examples.

28、 A fault zone may itself be impervious, or faulting may have shifted an impervious bed so that it now blocks a reservoir bed. Stratigraphic traps tend to be more difficult to locate and may form where tilted reservoir beds are overlain unconformably by impervious layers or where the reservoir beds b

29、ecome thinner up-dip and wedge out within enclosing impervious beds. Thus oil that was once distributed in sparse amounts throughout a very large volume of rock may now be richly concentrated within the uppermost portions of favorable reservoir rocks. The task of the geologist is the location of pro

30、mising structures in regions where rocks are favorable for the occurrence of the other prerequisites. Drilling a hole is then the only known method of determining whether or not oil is present in the structure. 本题15分 C11 What is mainly dealt with in the passage? A、The formation of oil. B、The formati

31、on of rocks. C、The general introduction of geology. D、The roles of geology in finding oil. D22 Geology is a natural science and it does NOT study_. A、the minerals in the earths crust B、the rocks in the earths crust C、the evolution and development of the earth D、the origin of the atmosphere surrounding the earth A33 One prerequisite for oil to

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