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1、英语高级翻译学生练习word英语高级翻译学生练习汉译英总论一、原文特点:1、题材2、体裁3、语言特点:语体偏正式二、增强汉译英能力的途径。1、多读英文原著。2、多练习写作。3、多作汉译英练习,特别是在比较中学习。三、汉语、英语两种语言的比较。1、语言结构形式不一样。2、汉语重意合、英语重形合。3、句子重心位置不同。汉语重要的信息靠前;英语则靠后,具有头小屁股大的特点。4、汉语倾向主观,英语倾向客观。四、汉语与英语使用的常见句型。一)、英语的基本句型:1、主 谓 2、主 谓 宾3、主 谓 宾 宾4、主 谓 宾 宾补5、主 系 表6、There be二)、汉语的常见句型:1、主谓单句如:There

2、 have been great changes in China these years.中国这几年发生了巨大的变化。注意:汉语中能作谓语的不只有动词,如形容词,这很不同于英语。2、无主句例如:剩下的钱不多了。There isnt much money left.没有不透风的墙。Wall has ears.3、流水句如:不一会儿, 北风小了。路上浮尘早已刮尽,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。Not for a while, the North wind faded. The dust on the ground has been blown away, all that left is

3、 a clean road. And the rickshaw man runs faster.4、主题句如: 实现四个现代化,这是我们今后相当长的时间的中心工作。Its our central work to realize four modernizations for a long time. 5、连动句例如: 他到了机场发现飞机已经起飞了。He arrived at the airport, only to find that the plane had already taken off.6、兼语句指谓语有两个动词,主语只拥有其中的一个,前一个动词的宾语是第二个动词的主语,有点类似于

4、英语的复合结构。A、把兼语式的第二个动词变成英语的宾语补足语。如;我们劝他戒烟。We suggest him to give up smoking.B、利用英语中大量含有使怎么样的动词。如:你的话真吓我一跳。Your words really shocked me.C、第一个动词是责怪、批评、埋怨或表扬时,可将第二个动词译成英语的状语短语或从句表原因或因果。如:老师表扬他学习努力。The teacher praised him for his hardworking. 7、意合句指无关联词语的复活句。先分析找出其中暗含的各种语义关系,然后选择相应的关联词语或其他手段,来体现句子的深层含义。如:

5、桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。The scenery of Guilins mountains and water is the best in China, while Yangshuos is the best in Guilin. 8、主次信息句表面上两个或更多分句在并列,没有主次关系之分,实际上有主要信息和次要信息之分, 这时, 要把含主要信息的句子翻译成一个完整的句子,而次要信息作为伴随的状况或原因。如:他非常成功,事迹震惊了全世界。He is so successful that his story shocks the whole world. 9、长句专节讲解 五、常见问题1

6、、词语层面由于对原文理解的不准确和自身词汇不足,对原文作生搬硬套的翻译。如:况中国古代素来以不滞于物,不为物役为最主要的人生哲学。The philosophy of ancient Chinese is never stopped and slaved by the material world. 又如:在朋友面前我很惭愧。I feel ill at ease in front of my friends.惭愧不是羞愧,不能用ashamed, 而要翻译为ill at ease2、句子层面A、时态B、语态 及物与不及物 主动与被动 思维、文化差异C、逻辑关系 句内关系 句间关系 段间关系D、句子

7、结构 汉式英语,没有层次感3、篇章层面主要是注意要把握好对整个文章基调和风格。Diction:Eg1 Upon graduation, we have to find a job for making living.一毕业,我们就不得不找个工作谋生。Stylistic writing:Eg2 When autumn falls its last leaf, Subi has to find a place for the long and chilling winter.当最后一片秋叶落下,Subi 就不得不找个地方来度过寒冬。六、翻译过程:1、理解A、通读全文整体上把握文章的内容,注意关联性

8、、逻辑性,这是传换为英语这种形式语言的根据。B、词语的理解a、不能望文生义,要根据语境。他这一阵心头如同十五个吊桶打水,七十八下,老是不能宁静下来。He cant keep calm just feels very anxious.b 、要把握词语的逻辑关系,如:科学技术(science and technology),科学知识(scientific knowledge),科技英语(English for science )C、理解句子理解句子的依据除了句子本身外,更重要的是该句所在的语境。2、表达要搭配地道,要翻译为符合英语表达习惯的句子结构。表达的好坏取决与对原文的理解以及英语的基本功。3

9、、校对、润色是理解与表达的进一步深化,对原文内容的进一步核实以及对译文语言的进一步推敲。一般应注意人名、地名、日期和数字。有无漏译、错译或不准确的地方。 汉译英技巧篇词语翻译一、词语选择1、词义明确化如,干-dry干泽而渔 Dry the pound for fish.他是干打雷不下雨He just got angry, but never cries.雷声大雨点小The thunder is loud while the rain is light.咱们干吧Lets do it.中文一词多义现象尤为突出,汉翻英时要注意同一汉字或词语在英语中不同的对应,如:走:walk-走路,步行Stride

10、- 有活力地、大踏步地走Saunter-悠然自得地走,闲逛 Amble- 缓步行走(闲散而有规律)Stroll漫步,步伐缓慢而没有目标Strut-趾高气扬大摇大摆地走Waddle-蹒跚,小步地走Wander-闲逛,徘徊Strumble-指走路不稳,尤指被物体绊到Tiptoe-踮起脚尖走,小心翼翼sneak-偷偷地走,不想被发现Hobble-笨拙的走,一拐一拐地走Totter-因年高、体弱、负重等走路不稳March-以整齐步伐行走,尤指军队行进Trampe-重步地走,发出咚咚的响声多做翻译练习,多欣赏好的译文,收集、鉴别,感受词的意味与神韵2、辨析词义与正确造词A、区分词的广义与狭义上海服装业很

11、兴旺Shanghai clothing industry is flourishing.这件童装很漂亮。The childrens clothes here is very beautiful. B、区分词义的强与弱日军在中国的暴行急起了世界各国人民极大愤怒。What the Japanese army did aroused great wrath all over the world. C、区分词义的褒贬准确把握词语的感情色彩直接关系准确反映作者观点。英语词有denotative meaning 和connotative meaning 两层意思,如:statesman-politicia

12、n; intellectual-egg-head/空讲理论的人; singer-vocalist又如:他们讲资本主义,我们将社会主义。They preach capitalism while we advocate socialism.又如:这些人私贩海洛因These people trafficked heroin. D、语气轻重1 我们必须广泛地利用现代科学技术的新成就。 We must put the new achievements of modern science and technology in wide use.2 健全会计制度。Improve accountancy.3 中

13、国正在发生日新月异的变化。China is taking place great changes each day.E、区分语体色彩这小伙子干活真冲This guy is vigorous in laboring.他儿子当时还是一个小不点儿His son is quite little at that time.禁止赌博No gambling.F、词语搭配:环境卫生environmental sanitation、公共卫生public hygiene、个人卫生individual health G、区分模糊与具体:汉语重直觉、重表象,有些汉语词语比较笼统,表意模糊,必须寻求其确切的含义。这所全

14、国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才。The famous university of the country sends many talented people to the society.H、区分比喻与实指:汉语有很多含有比喻义的词,必须动态译出其潜在意义。她电晕了我。She really attracts me and makes me fade.I. 避免重复用词在改善物质生活的同时,充实精神生活。 Fulfilling our spiritual life while improve material well-being. 1 身体好,学习好,工作好。Keep fit, study

15、 well and work hard.J.删减范畴词1. 总之,就全国范围来说,我们一定能够逐步顺利解决沿海同内地贫富差距的问题。Overall, we must gradually solve the income gap problem between the coastal cities and the inland ones around the whole country.2. 收入分配关系没有理顺。The relation of the distribution of income is in disorder.K. 四字结构的英译处理1. 大峡弯的谷地,山峦交错,峡谷相连,江水

16、汹涌。At the lower part of the great gorge, there are multi-peaked mountains, linked canyons and turbulent water. 2. 这台仪器性能稳定、操作可靠、维修方便,因此受到用户的好评。This machine is praised for its stable quality, reliable function and convenient mending by customs. 3.这些女式衬衣系采用上等纯丝制成,价格公道,工艺精湛,设计独特。These blouses are made

17、from superfine silk, with a fair price, delicate manufacturing and special designing.4.大力培养爱岗尽责、方便群众、优质服务的敬业精神。We should train people who love his job, be pious to his duty, and provide convenience and the best service for the public.5.防止个人专断和各自为政,反对有令不行、有禁不止。Prevent people from acting arbitrarily a

18、nd dont obey the commands and prohibitions.6.我们必须解放思想、实事求是、扎实工作、开拓进取。We must renew our mind, be factual, work sturdily, and be eager to develop and make progress. 7.作为世界第一大洲,亚洲幅员辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富,有着巨大的发展潜力。As the largest continent, Asia has wide land, large population and rich sources, which make it grea

19、t potential development.8.这里气候温和,四季分明,雨量充沛,日照充足,适合多种弄作物生长栽培。Here, there is mild climate, four distinctive seasons, plentiful rainfalls and enough sunshine, which are fit for the plantation of many kinds of plants. 二、词语的上推:1、上推成短语其实,进来的是个黑瘦的先生,八字须,戴着眼镜,挟着一迭大大小小的书。Actually, who came in was a thin man

20、with dark skin and moustache, wearing a pair of glasses and under his arm were several big or small books. 2、上推成句-与语体风格有关很显然,他撒谎了。Obviously, he lied.汉译英三、词性转换汉英是两种不同的语言,有其各自用词习惯。汉语的动态性和具体性的特点使其语言运用上多用动词。英语则重静态性和抽象性,使得在语言使用上呈现名词化和介词化倾向。鉴于两种语言的差异性,在汉译英时,必须进行必要的词性转换。1、动词-名词汉语-动宾结构/兼语式/连动式等汉语动词没有时态变化也没有

21、谓语动词和非谓语动词之分,动词可以充当各种句子成分。而英语一般只有一个谓语动词,其他大量的动词要借助于名词来表达,因为名词相对灵活,不太受形态规则的制约。例1 我们认为这一行动违背了双方所签的合约。We thought this action had broken the contact signed between the two sides.例2 总统牢牢控制着他的部下。The president controlled his subordinates firmly. 例3 他得出这一结论是深思熟虑的结果。It is the result of thoughtful considerati

22、on for him to come to this conclusion. 例4 吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。They couldnt help praising, when having the first two dishes.例5 太多的现代建筑破坏了这座古城的美感和神韵。Too many modern constructions have destroyed the beauty and mystery of this old city. 例6 眼不见,心不烦。Out of sight , out of mind.2、动词-介词介词和名词相关,英语名词的大量使用,也使得介词频繁出现

23、。而且英语中相当多的介词由动词演变而来。例1 这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也就衍传了下来。Thus, every place has its own fairies and tales, and the traditions and customers pass on from generation to generation. 例2 他们布下圈套捉贼。They set a trap to catch the thief.例3 他穿着蓝布大褂、小坎肩,带着瓜皮小帽。He is in blue gown, wearing a short jacket without sleeves and

24、 a skullcap.3、动词-形容词动词-同源形容词例1 所以人们对于大自然,全都一致并深深地依赖着。So people show a deeply reliance toward our mother nature.例2 他对过去追悔莫及,并保证永远不再开汽车。He is sorry for his past, and promises never to drive again.例3 不要满足于这一点成绩Dont be satisfied with this small success. 4、动词-副词例1 赶他出去.Drive him out.例2、可以肯定他不会来。It is sur

25、e that he wont come.5、名词-动词注意修饰该名词的形容词要变成副词。例1 大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等。No matter you are poor or rich, our natures blessing towards people is fair, 例2 他滔滔不绝的演讲给在座的学生留下了深刻的印象。His eloquent speech impressed the students present deeply.例3 现在的学生对老师的态度不够尊敬。Now, the students are not so respectful to their teach

26、ers. 6、形容词/副词-名词例1、只有这些生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。Only these beings are enjoying the dusk at full freedom. 例3 独立思考在学习中是绝对必要的。It is necessary to think independently in study. 例3 在文明礼貌月中,所以城市必须搞好卫生清除混乱和不礼貌现象。During the civic virtues month, all the cities must do their cleanness, and banish disarray and discourtes

27、y. 7、形容词/副词-动词他们在完全陌生的荒野间盲目地前进。They are marching blindly in a completely strange field.例3 蒲公英使大地变成一片黄色.The sedge yellowed the whole ground.例3 我未戴眼镜,稀里糊涂走错了房间.I didnt wear my glasses and senselessly go to the wrong room.8、注意有些词的特殊用法例1 外面大雨瓢泼。Its raining cats and dogs outside.例2 他大难不死,安然无恙。He survived

28、 the catastrophe, safe and sound.四、词的增补汉语是意合语言,行文比较简洁;而英语是形合语言,以主谓结构为骨架,讲究环环相扣。这就意味着,在汉译英时,必须进行必要的增词,以使句子结构完整句意明确。增词并不意味着增加意思。增加的词多数是冠词、代词或名词、连词、介词。增词的作用在于:使句子结构完整例1、凭窗站立一会儿,微微的觉得凉意侵人。转过身来,突然觉得眼花缭乱,屋子里别的东西都隐在光云里;一片幽辉,只沁着墙上画中的安琪儿。Standing by the window for a while, I feel there is a little cold outsi

29、de. When turning around, I am dazzled, all the things in the room are hided in the dusky light, and are covered with the shadow of the light, only the angle on the wall is obviously visible. 例2、日近黄昏,他们慢慢穿过人群,从未停下来看一眼时间。The night falls, they slowly walk through the crowds and never stop to look at th

30、e time.例3、面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛到一边,使自己的身心得到充分的休息。When facing the blue water, you will forget all your troubles and anxieties and make your body and mind at full east. 例4、有鱼有水的地方大都是有好环境的,好环境便会给人好心情。Where there are water and fish, there will be pleasant environment, which makes people in a good mood.例5、农业社会

31、的人比工业社会的人享受差得多,因此欲望也小得多。People in agriculture society dont have so much enjoyment as the people in industrial society, so their aspirations are smaller. 例6、他撒谎是不对的。It is not right for him to lie.例7、无风不起浪/无烟不起火。There will be no weaves without wind and no fire without smoke.例8、你说话不要总是那么激动。Dont be so excited when speaking.例9、学习语言最好的办法是生活中讲这种语言的人

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