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1、高中英语总结语法篇定稿高中英语总结-语法篇目录一、音标二、词类三、句法四、句子结构五、定语从句六、反义疑问句七、现在完成进行时八、一般将来时九、将来进行时十、过去完成时十一、现在完成时十二、名词性从句十三、宾语补足语十四、主谓一致十五、直接引语和间接引语十六、情态动词十七、被动语态十八、虚拟语气一.【音标】1.48个国际音标元音 长元音 /:/ /:/ /:/ /i:/ /U:/ 短元音 / / / / / /e/ / 双元音 /e/ /a/ / / /e/ / / /a/ 辅音 轻辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ / /s/ / /h/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/

2、 /ts/ /t/ /tr/ / /r/ /dz/ /d/ /dr/ /m/ /n/ / /w/ / /j/ 2.音节(1)组成 一个元音+一/多个辅音 e.g. sit /sit/ 一个元音 e.g. eye /a/ /m/ /n/ / /和前面的辅音构成 e.g. idol /adl/(2)分类 开音节:辅音+元音+辅音+不发音的 e.g. name 辅音+元音 e.g. go/ g/ 闭音节:辅音+元音+辅音 e.g. sit /sit/ 元音+辅音 e.g. it /it/ 3.常见字母及字母组合的发音1)a /ei/ / / /a:/ /:/ late private grade;a

3、ctive hand bank; accept about above;fast last glass;wash what watch want;2)e /i:/ /e/ /i/ / 不发音appreciate me he;letter left message; decide pretty previous; problem prosperous student;active table late;3)i /ai/ /i/ high price library ice;fist pick chicken; 4)o /u/ /u:/ / / / lode host cold; lose do

4、who whose;love some other;today tomorrow together;lost hot mock office; 5)u /ju/ /u/ / / university refuse unique;put;but bucket;support suggest; 6)c /k/ /s/ country camp camera; city ceiling celebrate ;7)g /g/ /d/ / girl grade glass; village vegetable bridge;long song sing;8)l /l/ 读音不同listen learn

5、language;world cold soil tall 9)n /n/ / moon night noodle number;uncle hungry angry young; 10) r /r/right grade progress ;card board door floor form north;11)y /j/ /i/ /ai/ yellow young yolk;university country pretty happy; dyke dying fly buy by my 12)ar /a:/ / /:/ farm card garden;dollar;warm quarr

6、el quarter 13) ea /i:/ /e/ /ei/ /i/ cease season breathe;breath;reat break;idea realize; 14) ear /:/ /i/ learn earth earn heard;hear near clear ear fear; 15) er /:/ / /i/ deserve serve her person;teacher driver anger singer; 16)ere /i/ / here mere fere sere;there 17)ir /:/ /ai/ shirt girl skirt;admi

7、re desire 18) oo /u:/ /u/ / /:/ room tool cool;good foot stood;blood flood;door floor; 19) or /:/ /:/ / short form corn;work world worm;tractor doctor actor sector;20) oor /:/ /u/ door floor;moor poor boor; 21) our /u/ /:/ hour tour flour bourn lour;pour court four mourn 22) ou /au/ / / house mouth

8、mouse;enough trouble touch;delicious gracious 23)ow /u/ /au/ window meadow know show low;now town how down cow 24) th / / thank think thought cloth;clothes that this then than 25) sion /n/ /n/ propulsion tension progression;protrusion provision conclusion television 26) tion /n/ /tn/(不常见) station na

9、tion translation attention question 4.连读和略读1)以辅音结尾的单词+以元音开始的单词念成辅音+元e.g.far away2)以某音节结尾的单词+同音节开始单词念一次e.g.student book3)以/p/ /t/ /k/ /b/ /d/ /g/结尾的单词+以元音开始的单词,前面的发音点到为止,舌头到达发音部位但不送气e.g.a bad cold5.语调1)升调多用来表示“不肯定”或“未完结”的意思。用于一般疑问句,语气婉转的陈述句以及用陈述句形式表达疑问的各类句子。2)降调则表示“肯定”和“完结”的意思。一般用于陈述句,特殊疑问句,命令句和感叹句。二

10、【词类】1.名词(n.)在句中可充当主,表,宾,定,状,补,同位语e.g.women teacher;serve the people heart and soul;make him monitor;He,a famous teacher,comes from the USA 2.冠词(art.)the/a/an3.形容词(adj.)在句中充当表,定,补,状-用于说明主语状态e.g.make our country stronger;he stood there,surprised 4.副词(adv.)在句中充当状语,修饰adj./adv./v./句子5.数词(num.)基数词(注意ninth

11、)可充当补,表,宾,定 e.g8 plus zero is 8序数词(注意forty)6.代词(pron.)1)分类 人称代词 e.g.I;me 不定代词e.g.either;neither;other;-thing;-one;all;both;many;much;little;few 物主代词 e.g.mine;my 反身代词 e.g.-self 不能做S. 指示代词 e.g.this;that;these;those;such 相互代词 e.g.each other;one other 疑问代词 e.g.what;who;why;how;when;where 关系代词(定语从句) e.g.

12、that;which;where;as;who;whom 连接代词(名词性从句) e.g.who;whom;that;what;which;whose;whether2)在句中可充当主,宾,表,定,同位语7.介词(preb)其后必须加上n./pron./-ing来构成介宾短语e.g.look forward to doing;without doing sth;dream of there being a chance;lead to the thief being caught8.动词1)分类: 系动词 行为动词 情态动词(may,can) 助动词2)动词的-ing;-ed;to do不可作

13、谓语9.连词1)连接任何同位词,句2)分类并列连词: e.g.and;but;or;for;so从属连词(状语从句): 条件状语从句 e.g.if;unless 时间状语从句 e.g.when;where;as(伴随);as soon as;since;once;till 原因状语从句 e.g.because;as;since;now that 方式状语从句;the way;as if 让步状语从句 e.g.though;even if;though;although 目的状语从句 order that;so that 结果状语从句 e.g.sothat;that

14、地点状语从句 e.g.where 比较状语从句 e.g.asas(he is as tall as I am);that10.叹词 e.g.Oh三【句法】1.主语常由n./num./pron./to do(e.g.To see is to believe)/doing/句子(That he came late make the teacher angry)充当2.谓语常由vt;vi;link-v.充当3.宾语1)vt;prep后常跟宾语2)常由n.;pron;num;to do;do-ing;句子充当 动词+宾语从句 e.g.I hope he can lead me some money 介

15、词+宾语从句 e.g.he goes school on time every day expect when it rains 形容词+宾语从句 e.g.I am sure you can successed4.表语1)可由n.;pron;num;adj.;介词短语;adv.(I am here);to do;doing;句子( seems that its going to rain)充当2)常见系动词状态系动词 be;seem;appear;keep;prove;turn out;remain感官系动词 look;feel;sound;smell;taste变化系动词 bec

16、ome;grow;get;turn;go;make;come;fall5.补足语可由n.(find him a famous poet);adj;介词短语(get the fine under control);adv(find the land on);分词(find the car moving fast);to do充当 6.定语可由adj.;n.;pron;num;介词短语(the boy in white is);adv(the pen here);分词(the pen bought by him is blue);to do(作定语时表将来)充当7.状语可由adv;介词短语;分词;

17、句子充当四【句子结构】1.类型简单句(simple sentence)并列句(compound sentence)and,but,or,so,while等连接复合句(complex sentence)状语从句,定语从句,名词性从句等2.简单句结构 S+V S+V+O S+V+P S+V+DO+IO S+V+O+OC1)S+Vi(+修饰成分)e.g.they come home to visit relatives and friends2)S+Vt+O(+修饰成分)e.g.I like music n.She refused to take my advice to doI dont know

18、 how to deal with it 疑问词+to doHe practises playing the piano 动名词I dont think you are right 句子 3)S+V+O(+修饰成分) 系动词表状态 seem;appear;keep;stay;remain表感觉 look;feel;sound;smell;taste表变化 become;grow;turn;go;come Pn.;adj.;preb;pron;num;adv;-ing;-to do;sentence4)S+V+DO+OC v+sb.+sth=v+sth+to+sbe.g.tell;give;ha

19、nd;leave;lend;offer;owe;pass;read;sell;show;teach;choose;get;make;order;sing 5) the boy Tom;paint the wall white;keep everything in good order;keep the light on;wish you to stay;make him work;feel sth moving;hear my name called五【定语从句】(简称“ace”)1.定语位置句中单个词

20、放前面;短语,句子放后面antecedent 先行词2.关系代词:that;which;who;whom;whose; 关系副词:where;why;when1)Who;whom;that指人;that;which指物; whose指his、her、its、their2)当关系代词在句中充当宾语时,可省略3)只有that可充当P,whose在从句中充当定语4)以下情况只用that,不用whicha.先行词为all,everything,nothing,anything,little,much等不定代词时,只用thatb.先行词被all,both,every,no,some,any,little

21、,much等修饰时,只用thatc.先行词被adj-est或序数词修饰时,只用thatd.先行词被the only,the every,the last,the right修饰时,只用thate.先行词中既有人也有物时,只用thatf.关系代词在定语从句中作表语时,只用;s no longer the village that it used to beg.当主语是which引导的特殊疑问句时,只用thate.g.Which is the car that killed by himh.如果一个句子中有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已用which,另一个用that5)当先行

22、词是anyone,those,he,she,one,someone代指“人”时,一般用who不用thate.g.He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man6)WhoseThe house whose window is broken is mine=The house of which the window is broken is mine=The house the window of which is broken is mineWhose作定语,表所属关系 whose+n=the+n+of+whom/which7)定语从句中

23、谓语动词与先行词一致e.g.Who am your teacher,will try to help you8)One of,the only one ofe.g.Tom is one of the students who have passed the exam Tom is the only one of the students who has passed the exam.9)插入语+定语从句He is a man who everyone thinks is pleasant to get along with 宾语从句主语 插入语 宾语从句E.g.This is the man

24、 who I believe is honest10)介词+which/whomE,g,Is the play about which you were talking just now?选择:a.This is the village to which you were talking 谓语 b.He talking about some book with which I share him 介词 C.I dont like the way in which he talks 先行词 固定短语中介词不可提前:look for/after/forward to;care for;hear o

25、f/about/from;take care of E,g,This is the right place I;m looking for3.常见结构拓展1)名+介+关系代词This is the teacher whose daughter is a famous doctor=This is the teacher the daughter of whom is a famous doctor2)介词+关系代词(前后可能还有some,any,none,all,both,neither,Many,most,each,few等代词或数词或adj-est等)E,g,He loves his pa

26、rents deeply,both of them are very kind to him Up to now,he has written ten stories,three of which are about country life China has thousands of islands,the largest of which is Taiwan3)介词短语+of+which/whome.g.Have you visited the tall building You can have a good view over the whole city on the top of

27、 building=Have you ever visited the tall building on the top of which you can have a good view of the whole city?4)Whosee.g.The manage in whose company I work pays much attention to improving our working conditions=The manage whose company I work in pays much attention to improving our working condi

28、tions5)The wayYou treat your father in the way.I dont like that way=I dont like the way in which you treat your father= I dont like the way (that) you treat your father6)关系副词When=”at/in/during+which” 表时间Where=“in/on/at+which” 表地点Why=“for+which” 表原因4.非限制性定语从句(即句中有“,”与主句隔开)1)翻译成两个独立的分句,非限制性定语从句的主语完成2)

29、引导词a.why,that不能出现 b.任何引导词都不能省略C.which引导的非限制性定语从句常见结构: I have finished writing the novel,which is to be finished tomorrow. Lucy was always speaking highly of her role in the party,which,of course,made ours unhappy. Sb./sth.+介词+which Prep.+which+n. 常用词语:by/during/which time;in which case;for which rea

30、son 5.As1)Ace中,先行词有the same,such,so作修饰语,通常用as作关系代词。E.g.he used such expressions as he could find in the texts 区分: such/sothat+结果状语从句 从句完整 such/sothat+定语从句 从句不完整 the sameas 指两件事物 e.g.He is using the same pen as I did 10 years ago. the samethat指同一件事物 e.g.He is using the same pen that I did 10 years ago.2)非ace中 表正如 as sb expect,know,say,report,mention As: 位置:句首/句中/句尾(可跟which互换) 正如被动态:as is seen/known/expectede.g.As is known to everybody,the moom travels around the earth Mike,as we expected,attend t

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