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1、 1 They _(be)on the farm a moment ago.were2 There_(be)a shop not long ago.was3 Jenny_(not go)to bed until 11:00 oclock last night.didnt go 4 Danny _(read)English five minutes ago.read5 I _(see)Li Lei _(go)out just now.saw go6 He _(do)his homework every day.But he _(not do)it yesterday.does;didnt do

2、7 When I was young,I _(play)games with my friends.played8 When _you_(write)this book?did write;I _it last year.wrote9 Did he_(have)lunch at home?have10 I _(eat)the bread,I m full now.have eaten1.Do you like traveling?2.Did you have a good time in the past National Day?3.If you have a chance to choos

3、e,where will you go?What will you do?stay at homego to the beachgo hikinggo to summer campvisit friends and relativesa huge buildingWhat spoil his holidays?Lesson3Pleasesendmeacard请给我寄一张明信片1 send send v.寄,送2 postcard pustk:d n.明信片3 spoil spil v.使索然无味,损坏4 museummju:zim n.博物馆5 public pblik a.公共的6 frie

4、ndly frendli a.友好的7 waiter weit n.服务员,招待员8 lend lend v.借给9 decision disin n.决定10 whole hul a.整个的11 single sigl a.唯一的,单一的usend/send/1)sendsth.tosb./sendsb.sthsendaletter寄信类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,sell.2)send/takechildrentoschoolsend/take区别:take强调某人亲自送;send则是通过第三人去送,如美国的校车。eg:Tomsfathersendshimtosch

5、ooleveryday.Marytookhersontoschoolyesterday.链 接 新 目 标八上U3-SA3a-P15与与send搭配的常用短搭配的常用短语send for 召召唤,派人去叫,派人去叫 Did you send for a taxi?你你刚才叫出租才叫出租车了了吗?send out 发出,出,发送送 遣送,解雇遣送,解雇send back 归还 send in 提交提交 派遣派遣send up 发射,使射,使.上升上升中考链接:1.In 2003,Shenzhou V made China the third nation to _ a man into spac

6、e.A.send B.lend C.give D.see 2.Usually John _ to school in his fathers beautiful car.A.has taken taking taken D.has been taken ACspoil/spl/v.损坏,破坏(主要指精神上)过去式,过去分词:spoiled/spoilt1.Dontlethimspoilyournight.2.Thebadweatherspoiledmymind.v.宠坏,溺爱1.Heisaspoiledchild.2.Shespoiledhersonbygivinghimt

7、oomuchmoney.public/p blik/1)1)公开的:公开的:public school/public school/place/house(pub place/house(pub 酒吧酒吧)2)2)反义词:反义词:privateprivatein privatein private 私下里的私下里的 in publicin public 公开的公开的1.Why not have a conversation 1.Why not have a conversation in public?in public?2.We are good friends in 2.We are go

8、od friends in private.private.链 接 新 目 标八下U7P58-S2中考链接:1.Is it polite to speak and laugh loudly _?No,I dont think public least C.on time D./ALend/lend/1)过去式,过去分词:lentlent2)lend/borrow区别借出:lend;借进

9、bikefromTed.中考链接:1.Bob,may I _ your MP4?Sure.But youd better not _ it to others.A.lend,lend B.lend,borrow C.borrow,borrow D.borrow,lend 2.He _ me his pen a moment ago.A.gave B.bought C.lent D.borrowed DC3.Can I _ your textbook?I left mine at home.Here you are.Do you remember to bring it eith you nex

10、t time.A.borrow B.lend C.keep D./4.Mike didnt get wet because his teacher _ him an umbrella.A.lent B.discoveredC.borrowed D.taught AAspend /spend/v.用,花用,花销,度度过 spend sth on sth/in doing sth spend 300 yuan on a new TV-set spend much time on sports I spend 10 years learning English well.We spend 3 hou

11、rs on the NBA final games last night.single /sgl/1)唯一的,单一的:唯一的,单一的:反义词反义词 doubleeg:There wasnt a single bus in the stree2)未婚的,独身的:反义词未婚的,独身的:反义词 married 已婚的已婚的eg:She is stll single now.链 接 新 目 标八上U9-ShelfCheck2-P581)postcard=card 2)ID card身份证 credit card信用卡 cash card现金卡 namecard/visiting card名片例如:He

12、re is my name card.链 接 新 目 标八上U3-SA3a-P15postcard 明信片各种卡片的英文说法birthdaycard生日卡Christmascard圣诞卡New-Yearcard新年卡Identitycard身份证studentcard学生证scorecard积分卡membershipcard会员卡intelligencecardIC智能卡entrycard入境卡museum /mju:zim/n.博物馆例如:Last week I went to the science museum.1)扩展:the Palace Museum 故宫the science m

13、useum 科学博物馆friendly/frendlI/adj.友好的1)构词法:名词 friend+ly 构成形容词;类似的词:lovely,ugly2)反义词:unfriendly3)短语:in a friendly way eg:They talked each other in a friendly friendly to is very friendly to us.decision n./disin/决定1)make a big/great decision =make decisions =make up ones mindToday I

14、made a big decision.2)decide v.decide to do sth.I decided to buy a new car.decide/make up oned mind 区别decide 指经过考虑对疑难问题、争端等做出决断,含有下决心取舍的意思。decide 后常接动词不定式和从句。eg:The boy decided to become a sailor.They couldnt decide what they should do next.make up ones mind 指毫不犹豫的做出决定,意味着“打定主意,下定决心”。make up ones mi

15、nd 后常接动词不定式,一般不接从句。eg:Hes made up his mind to be a doctor.Ive made up my mind to buy a new car.1.The woman feels that she should let her son _ his own decision this time.A.makes B.make make D.making 2.If I were a teacher,I would allow my students to _ by themselves.A.make a living B.make decisi

16、ons C.make much noise D./3.It was very hard for me to make a _,but I decide to leave my job.A.suggestion B.decision C.plan D.speech BBBwhole/hul/adj.整个的whole/all 区别whole 和 all 都有“全部的”意思,但其用法有区别:1)whole 和 all 都可用在表示整体的单数名词之前,但限定词的位置不同all+限定词+单数名词;限定词+whole+单数名词eg:The whole city are cleaned .All the city are cleaned.2)whole 和 all 可接复数名词,结构也有所不同all+限定词+复数名词;the whole of+复数名词eg:All the students are here.The whole of the students went to the cinema.3)whole 一般不能修饰不可数名词或物质名词。修饰复数名词时,一般其前有数量词。而all能用于各种情

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