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1、English&Communication for Colleges商务交际英语(下)商务交际英语(下)Chapter 10 Nonverbal Communication Case 10:Nonverbal Communication on the Job 工作中的非言语交流工作中的非言语交流 10.1 Nonverbal Communication:A Key to Accurate Communication 非言语交流:准确交流的重要辅助非言语交流:准确交流的重要辅助 10.2 Listening:An Important Interpersonal Skill 倾听:重要的人际交流技

2、巧倾听:重要的人际交流技巧 Case 10:Nonverbal Communication on the Job 工作中的非言语交流工作中的非言语交流Main idea:Two relatively new employee will be evaluated in the company.The first one Joe,native American,who speaks English because it is his native tongue.But hes a little bit careless and do not care too much about his job.

3、The second one Cheng,whos not good at English.But his work is very good.大意:在公司,两名相对新的员工要进行评估。第一名员工Joe,他是地道的美国人,由于母语的关系,他英文说得很好。但是他做事不小心而且不怎么关系自己的工作。第二名员工Cheng,他英文不大好。但是他工作去而很认真很小心。10.1 Nonverbal Communication:A Key to Accurate Communication 非言语交流:准确交流的重要辅助非言语交流:准确交流的重要辅助Nonverbal Communication:It is

4、 composed of the messages we send without or in addition to words.非言语交流:是由没有言语或者没有添加言语的信息而组成的。Nonverbal symbols:Body language,appearance,touch,space,time,voice How do the receivers interpret nonverbal symbols?*Receivers interpret nonverbal symbols by using their senses:sight,hearing,touch,taste,and

5、smell.接受方会运用他们的感觉来解释非言语交流:视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉和嗅觉。-Reinforcing the Verbal Message 加强言语信息的表达加强言语信息的表达-Contradicting the Verbal Message 与言语信息产生矛盾与言语信息产生矛盾-Substituting for the Verbal Message 代替言语信息代替言语信息-Regulating the Verbal Message 调整言语信息调整言语信息Example:1.Pointing to a door as you state,“The office is the seco

6、nd door on the left”.2.Pounding the table while making a statement.-Reinforcing the Verbal Message 加强言语信息的表达加强言语信息的表达*Sometimes the verbal and nonverbal symbols do not agree.有时候言语标志与非言语标志不一定一致。*Research indicate that when verbal and nonverbal symbols conflict,the receiver usually believes the nonver

7、bal message.研究表明,当言语标志与非言语标志相矛盾时,接收方通常更倾向于相信非言语信息。-Contradicting the Verbal Message 与言语信息产生矛盾与言语信息产生矛盾-Substituting for the Verbal Message 代替言语信息代替言语信息Example:1.Gritting your teeth咬紧牙关or throwing your hands in the air frustration.2.Clenching your fists握紧拳头 anger.3.Tapping your foot or pencil impatie

8、nce.4.Nodding or smiling agreement.-Regulating the Verbal Message 调整言语信息调整言语信息Nonverbal symbols may be used to regulate or control oral communication between the sender and receiver.非言语标志会调整或者控制发送方和接收方的言语交流。Example:1.Reestablish eye contact conclude your remarks shortly.2.Nodding in agreement encour

9、age others to continue.3.Checking your watch or closing a portfolio through listening.Exercise 1:Checkpoint on Page 108-Do the exercise in 5 minutes.-Discuss the answer in class.Checkpoint 1:1.True2.True 3.False4.True5.TrueThrough used the same way in most cultures,nonverbal symbols differ among cul

10、tures.虽然大部分文化都用同一种非言语方式,但是这里面还是有区别的。-Personal space 私人空间-Eye contact 眼神交流The appearance and correctness of a written document as well as the timeliness of the response send critical nonverbal messages and deserve careful attention.书面文件的外观,准确度,以及回复的时间,都有关键的非言语标志体现,需要给予高度关注。Letterhead stationery,plain

11、 sheets,envelopes high-quality bond paper,same colorTypefaces and design of the letterhead and logo convey a professional imageDrawings,photographs,charts,graphs appropriate to the content and enhance the messagePrint crisp and easy to readNo error in:capitalization,grammar,number expression,punctua

12、tion,spelling,word usage.Accurate in:amount,addresses,other facts-Body Language 身体语言身体语言-Touching 接触接触-Space 空间空间-Time 时间时间-Voice and Paralanguage 声音和辅助语言声音和辅助语言-Body Language 身体语言身体语言Facial expressions 面部表情面部表情*Eye a most revealing facial expression;“the window of the soul”.眼睛 最能展现面部表情;灵魂之窗Direct e

13、ye contact interest,friendship,confidenceLack of eye contact disinterest,boredom*(Business)The amount of eye contact varies depending on a persons status.商务中:眼神交流的数量由个人的地位而定Gestures 手势手势*Gesture:the use of your arms and hands to express an idea or feeling.手势:运用手臂或者双手来表达意思或感觉。Leaning toward a person

14、who is speaking conveys an open attitude.向说话人倾斜身体会传达一种积极的态度。We use gestures to determine the real meaning in a message.我们运用手势来传达信息的真实意义。-Touching 接触接触Hand shake the most acceptable form of touching 握手 最容易让人接受的接触形式 Hugging or backslapping generally not acceptable 拥抱或者拍背 通常不让人接受*Avoid touching which w

15、ill be interpreted as condescending or as sexual harassment 避免会让人误以为奉承或性骚扰的接触-Space 空间空间1.Intimate Zone (0 to 18 inches)close friends,parents and children,husband and wife 亲密地带(0到18寸)-好友,父母孩子,丈夫妻子2.Personal Zone(18 inches to 4 feet)well acquainted people 私人地带(18寸到4尺)-熟知的人3.Social Zone(4 to 12 feet)c

16、ommon for most business meetings or social gatherings 社交地带(4到12尺)-商务会议或者社交集合4.Public Zone(more than 12 feet)no eye contact as well as interaction 公共地带(多于12尺)-没有眼神交流和互动-Time 时间时间How you use time is another aspect of nonverbal communication.如何分配时间是非言语交流的另一大方面The use of time also shows status.对时间的运用体现了职位的高低-Voice and Paralanguage 声音和辅助语言声音和辅助语言Paralanguage:involves the nonverbal symbols that accompany a verbal message and reveal the difference between what is said and how it is said.辅助语言包括非言语标志,同时又

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