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1、完整word版语言学导论复习资料Chapter 1 IntroductionI.There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.1.If a study describes and an alyzes the Ian guage people actually use, it is said to be CA.prescriptive B. analytic C. descriptive D. linguistic2.Which of th

2、e follow ing is not a desig n feature of huma n Ian guage? DA. Arbitrari ness B. Displaceme nt C. Duality D. Meaningfuln ess3.Moder n lin guistics regards the writte n Ian guage as C .A. primary B. correct C. sec on dary D. stable4.In modern linguistics, speech is regarded as more basic than writing

3、, because D lin guistic evoluti on, speech is prior to writ ingB.speech plays a greater role tha n writ ing in terms of the amount of in formati on conveyed.C.speechis always the way in which every n ative speakeracquires his mother ton gue.D.All of the above5.A historical study of Ian guage i

4、s a _B_ study of Ian guage.A. synchronic B. diachr onic C. prescriptive D. comparative6.Saussure took a(n) A view of Ian guage, while Chomsky looks at la nguage7.Accordi ng to F. de Saussure, _C refers to the abstract lin guistic system sharedby all the members of a speech com mun ity.A. parole B. p

5、erforma nee C. Lan gue D. la nguage8.Lan guage is said to be arbitrary becausethere is no logical conn ecti on betwee n_B and meanin gs.A. sense B. Sounds C. objects D. ideas9.Lan guage can be used to refer to con texts removed from the immediate situati onsof the speaker. This feature is called A .

6、D. cultural tran smissi onA. displaceme nt B. duality C. flexibility10.The details of any Ian guage system is passed on from one gen erati on to the n ext through _D_ , rather tha n by in st inct.A. lear ning B. teach ing C. books D. both A and BII.Fill in each of the following blanks with one word

7、which begins with the letter given.1.1.Duality is one of the design features of human Ianguage which refers to the phe nomenon that Ian guage con sists of two levels: a lower level of meanin gless in dividual sounds and a higher level of meanin gful un its.2.Language is a system of arbitrary vocal s

8、ymbols used for human com muni catio n.3.The discipline that studies the rules governing the formation of words into permissible senten ces in Ian guages is called syntax .4.Human capacity for Ianguage has a genetic, basis, but the details of Ianguage have to be taught and lear ned.5.Parole _ refers

9、 to the realizati on of Ian gue in actual use.6.Findings in linguistic studies can often be applied to the settlement of some practical problems. The study of such applicati ons is gen erally known as applied _ lin guistics.7.Language is productive, in that it makes possible the construction and in

10、terpretati on of new sig nals by its users. In other words, they can produce and un dersta nd an infin itely large nu mber of senten ces which they have n ever heard before.III.Define the following terms.1.Syntax: The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form senten ces is called syn tax

11、.2.Applied linguistics: In a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the applicati on of lin guistic prin ciples and theories to Ian guage teachi ng and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second Ianguages. In a broad sen se, it refers to the applicatio n of lin guistic findings to

12、the soluti on of practical problems such as the recovery of speech ability.3.Arbitrari ness: It is one of the desig n features of Ian guage. It means that thereis no logical connection betwee n mea nings and soun ds.4.Displaceme nt Displaceme nt means that Ian guage can be used to refer to things wh

13、ich are prese nt or not prese nt, real or imag ined matters in the past, prese nt, or future, or in far-away places. In other words, la nguage can be used to refer to con texts removed from the immediate situati ons of the speaker.5.Duality: The duality nature of Ianguage means that Ianguage is a sy

14、stem, which con sists of two sets of structure, or two levels, one of sounds and the other of meanin gs.6.Design features: Design features refer to the defining properties of humanIan guage that dist in guish it from any an imal system of com muni catio n.IV.Answer the following questions.1.A wolf i

15、s able to express subtle gradations of emotion by different positions of the ears, the lips, and the tail. There are eleve n postures of the tail that express such emotio ns as self-c on fide nee, con fide nt threat, lack of tension, un certa in threat, depression, defensiveness, active submission,

16、and complete submission. This system seems to be complex. Suppose there were a thousa nd differe nt emoti ons that the wolf could express in this way. Would you then say a wolf had a Ianguage similar to mans? If not, Why n ot?答案 1. No. Hint: Wolf way of expressing emotions does not present thedefi n

17、ing features of huma n Ian guage. Exam ine them one by one.2.Why does modern linguistics regard the spoken form of Ianguage as primary, not the writte n?答案 2. While speech is the vocal/spoken form of Ianguage, writing is the writte n form of Ian guage. They bel ong to differe nt systems though they

18、may overlap.That speech is primary over writi ng is a gen eral prin ciple of lin guistican alysis. First, speech existed long before writi ng systems came into being.Second, writte n forms just represe nt in this way or that the speech soun ds.Third, gen etically childre n lear n to speak before lea

19、r ning to write.However, emphasiz ing the primacy of speech is by no means to denythe importa nee of writi ng, which gives Ian guage new scope and uses thatspeech does not have. First, with writ ing, messages can be carried through space and time. Second, oral message are subject to distortion, eith

20、er inten ti onal or otherwise, caus ing misun dersta nding, while writte n messages rema in exactly the same whether read a thousa nd years later or ten thousa nd miles away.Everyth ing con sidered, speechis believed to more represe ntative of human Ianguage than writing. Most modern linguistic anal

21、ysis is thus focused on speech, differe nt from traditi onal grammar of the 19th cen tury and therebefore.3.How is modern linguistics different from traditional grammar?答案 3. First, linguistics is descriptive, while traditional grammar is prescriptive.Lin guistics describes Ian guages as they are an

22、d does not lay dow n rules of correctness; traditional grammar emphasizessuch matters as correctness and aims to prescribe what is right.Second, linguistics regards the spoken Ianguage as primary, not the writte n.Third, traditi onal grammar is based on Lat in and it tries to impose the Lat in categ

23、ories and structures on other Ian guages (Lati n patter ns and categories, especially its case system and tense divisions of past, present and future), while lin guistics describes each Ian guage on its own merits.Lin guists are opposed to the no ti on that any one Ian guage can provide an adequate

24、framework for the others. They are tryi ng to set up a uni versal framework, but that will be based on the features shared by most of the Ian guages used by mankind.(Traditional grammar is usually based on earlier grammars of Latin and applied them, ofte n in appropriately, to some other Ian guage.

25、For example, some grammaria ns stated that En glish had six cases because Lat in had six cases.)4.Saussure destinction between Iangue and parole seems similar to Chomsky s dist in ctio n betwee n compete nee and performa nee. What do you think are their major differe nces?答案 4. According to Saussure

26、,langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech com mun ity, an dparole refers to the realization of Iangue in actual use. Langue is the set of conventions and rules which Ian guage users all have to follow while parole is the con crete use of the conven ti ons

27、 and the applicati on of the rules. Lan gue is abstract; it is not the Ian guage people actually use, but parole is con crete; it refers to the n aturally occurri ng Ian guage eve nts. Lan gue is relatively stable, it does not cha nge freque ntly; while parole varies from pers on to pers on, and fro

28、m situatio n to situati on.Accord ing to Chomsky, compete nee is the ideal user s kno wledge of the rules of his Ian guage. This intern alized set of rules en ables the Ian guage user to produce and un dersta nd an infin itely large nu mber of senten ces and recognize sentences that are ungrammatica

29、l and ambiguous. However, performanee is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic com muni cati on. Although the speaker s kno wledge of his mother ton gue is perfect, his performances may have mistakes because of social and psychological factors such as stress, embarrassme nt, etc. Ch

30、omsky believes that what lin guists should study is the compete nee, which is systematic, not the performa nee, which is too haphazard.Although Saussure dstinction and Chomsky sare very similar, they differ at least in that Saussure took a sociological view of Ian guage and his no ti on of Ian gue i

31、s a mater of social conven ti ons, and Chomsky looks at Ian guage from a psychological point of views and to him, compete nee is a property of the mind of each in dividual.Chapter 2 The Sounds of Language1.If two phonetically similar sounds occur in the same environments and they dist in guish meani

32、ng, they are said to be in compleme ntary distributi onF2.A phone is a phonetic unit that distinguishes meaningF3.English is a tone Ianguage while Chinese is noF4.In linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing. T5.In everyday com muni cati on, speech plays a greater role tha n writ ing in terms of the amount of in formati on eonv eyed.T6.Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called voicing.7.English consonants can be classified in terms of place of articulation and the part of the t

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