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1、地铁及公交英语You can hear:( 你能听到的 )Welcome aboard Bus No.101 欢迎乘坐 101 路公共汽车。The train to .is arriving,please let passengers exit first.Next station: ,doors will open on the left/rightPlease mind the gap between the train and the platform. 开往。的列车即将到站, 请先下后上, 下一站: 左/右侧的将会车门打开,请小心列车与站台之间的空隙。Please let these

2、passengers get off the bus first. 请先下后上Get on the bus in an orderly fashion. 请有序上车。Get off the bus in an orderly fashion. 请有序下车。Please stand in line. Let passengers get off first. 请排队候车,先下后上。After 21:00 hours access to London underground station. 21:00 以后,开往伦敦地铁站。Please retain your ticket for inspec

3、tion 请保留车票待检。Please be careful. 请注意安全。The bus is turning, please hold to the rings. 车辆转弯,请抓好扶手。Please hold fast and sit securely. 请做好扶稳。Please keep your hand inside the bus. 请不要把手伸到窗外。The bus is crowed, please take care of your belongings. 车上人多,请保管好您的行李物品。On a Self-service Bus 无人售票车This is a self-se

4、rvice bus. 本车是无人售票车。All the fares are two yuan each. 票价一律两元。Please prepare your money. 请准备好你的零钱。Please drop your money in the box carefully. 请自觉投币。Do not exit or board when doors are closing 当车门正在关闭,请勿上 /下车Please stand by at the door 请勿靠近车门Please hold the handrail (to balance) 请抓紧扶手(站稳)Your attentio

5、n,please! 请注意Please move along the platform towards the front of the train,Thank you 请前往站台较前位置候车,谢谢! Transfer from Children sPalace Longhua Line to Universiade Longgang Line 龙华线少年宫站转龙岗线至大 运站Transfer from Convention & Exhibiton Center Longhua Line to Bao an Stadium Luobao Line 龙华线会展中心站转罗宝线至宝体站The las

6、t train this evening will be the service to 今晚最后一列火车是到Next stop is South Shaanxi Road 下一站是陕西南路Were now at Peoples Square, you may interchange to Line 2 or Line 8 人民广场到了,您可换乘 2 号线或 8 号 Were now at Shanghai Railway Station.Please getting ready to alight from the left side 上海火车站到了, 下车的 乘客请提前做好准备,从左门下车W

7、elcome aboard our bus again. 欢迎再次乘坐我们的车Getting on and off the Bus 上车、下车This is the No.101 bus, bound for ShenZhen Train Station 101 路公共汽车,开往深圳火车站。The next stop is Window of the World. 下一站是世界之窗。Please get ready. 请准备下车。We ve arrived at the Shanghai Hotel. 上海宾馆站到了。Please remember to take all (your lugg

8、age) / (your belongings) with you. 请带齐您的行李准备下车。Please get on at the front door. 请前门上车Please exit from at the rear / back door. 请从后门下车。Mind your step when the door is opened 开门请当心。Please move to the middle of the bus. 请往中间走。Dont stand at the door. 不要在车门处停留。孕妇You can use:(你能用到的)称呼 CallGentleman 先生 Lad

9、y 女士 Old person 老人 Child 小孩 Expectant mother Driver 驾驶员 Conductor 乘务员 Passenger 乘客 Foreigner 外国人 深圳市部分主要场所名录交通深圳机场ShenZhen Airport深圳火车站ShenZhen Train Station罗湖汽车站LuoHu Bus station福田汽车站FuTian Bus station蛇口码头SheKou Port皇岗口岸Huanggang Checkpoint / Customs深圳湾口岸Shenzhen Bay Checkpoint / Customs红树林Mangrove

10、深圳湾体育中心Shenzhen Bay Gymnasium购物公园地铁站Shopping Park Metro Station深南大道南侧Shennan Boulevard South Side深圳中心公园Shenzhen Central Park大运场馆Universiade Venue旅游景点华侨城Overseas Chinese Town中国民俗文化村China Folk Culture Village欢乐谷Happy Valley锦锈中华Splendid China世界之窗Window of the World海上世界Sea World野生动物园The Safari Park小梅沙Xi

11、ao meisha Beach主要建筑物会展中心Convention & Exhibition Center市民中心Civic Center深圳大剧院ShenZhen Theater地王大厦DiWang Tower高新技术园区High Tech Park书城Book Mall博物馆Museum上海宾馆Shang hai HotelCan you tell me how to get to Manhattan ? 你能否告诉我去曼哈顿怎么走吗?You can take the subway. 您可以乘地铁。Oh, I just canftigure out the subway system a

12、t all. 哦,我对地铁系统就是弄不明白。But it esasy to get to Manhattan from here by the sub-way. 可是从这儿乘地铁到曼哈顿很方便。You take the uptown R train and get off at 42nd street.您乘北线方向的 R 路车到第 42 街下车。You can take the line 2, and then get off at Bell Tower station. 您可以乘坐二号线,到钟楼站下车。O. K. , do you know where the nearest subway

13、station is. 好吧。您知道最近的地铁车站在哪么?It osver there across the street in front of the cinema. 就在街对面电影院的前面。Is this the right subway to the Rockefeller Center ? 这就是去洛克菲勒中心的地铁吗?Yes ,you take the D train on the downtown platform , and go three stops. 是的,您在南线站乘 D 路车,一共三站路。How much is the fare ? 车费多少? By the way

14、, how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train ? 顺便问一下,我下车后怎么出站台呢? That vsery easy. The exit is always open.那很容易,出口处总是敞开着。Remember, the D train , the downtown platform.记住, D 路车,南线站台。Dialogue ALinhua : Excuse me, officer. Can you help me ?Policeman : Sure.Linhua : Can you tell me how t

15、o get to Manhattan ?Policeman: You can take the subway.Linhua :Oh , I just canftigure out the subway system at all.As soon as I get underground I lose my sense of direction.Policeman:But it esasy to get to Manhattan from here by the subway. You take the uptown R train and get off at 42nd Street. Lin

16、hua :O. K. , do you know where the nearest subway station is ? Policeman: It osver there across the street in front of the cinema.Linhua : Thanks a lot.Policeman : Yourewelcome.Dialogue B( A : Visitor ;B: Token man )A : Is this right subway to the Rockefeller Center ? B:Yes,you take the D train on t

17、he downtown platform ,and go three stops.A : How much is the fare ?B:One dollar and fifteen cents. You give me the money and I lel xchange it for a token.A : What should I do with the token ?B : You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.A : Oh , I s

18、ee. By the way , how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train ?B : That svery easy. The exit is always open.A : Thank you very much.B :My pleasure. Remember , the D train , the downtown platform.Dialogue CA : How did you enjoy your subway trip yesterday , Yang ?B : Very much and I fou

19、nd it very funny , too.A : Really ? When did you take your trip there ?B : I was down at the Lilan Station at 7 :30. I guess that was a bad time to travel. When a train pulled in I was simply swept in by the rush of people from b ehind.A: Oh,poor you!But did you manage to find a seat?B:That was out

20、of the question. The train left the station before I was able to get back my breath. I planned to get off at the Bridge Station for a visit ,but I found myself landed at an entirely new one.A : So you overrode your station.B: Thatsright,and it took me half an hour to get on a train back.Words and Ex

21、pressionstokenman n. 地铁售票员slot n. 槽turnstile n. (每次容许一人进入的)旋转栅门pull vi. 拉,牵override vt. 越过 platform n. (火车站的)月台 token n. 用作交通运输费等的替代货币的)筹码来 From to route 从 到 途经 Tube to地铁开往At which platform is our train? 我们坐的那趟车停在哪个站台?Can we go direct or do we have to change? 我们能直达还是必须转车?Could you tell me how to go

22、to the platform? 你能告诉我去站台怎么走吗?Does the train stop at South Xizang Road? 请问列车在西藏南路站停吗?How frequent is this subway service? 这班地铁多长时间来一次?Do I have to pay an additio nal fare to cha nge trai ns? 换乘地铁还要付费吗?Where do we pay the fare? 我们在哪儿付车费?Is it the right station to chan ge? 是在这一站换乘吗?Where do I cha nge

23、to the Seco nd Line? 请问我在哪儿换乘地铁二号线?Here comes the trai n. 车来了。The first train pulls in there at 5:00 a.m. 首班列车早上 5 点进站。Be careful! Subway doors ope n and close automatically. 当心! 地铁车门是自动开关的。Look, therere two empty seats over there. 看,那边有两个空位子。Is there any subway n earby? 请问这附近有地铁吗?I can t find the s

24、ubway entrance. 我找不至U地铁入口。Its two blocks away from the subway statio n. 至 U地铁站有两个街区。How long it will take by subway? 坐地铁要花多长时间?Sir , is this the right subway to central park ?先生,这是去往中央公园的地铁吗?You are in the opposite directi on. 你坐反了。Let s stand on the better position to get on t he train. 咱们得占个有禾U的位置

25、以便上车。How do I cha nge? 我该怎样转车呢?We tran sfer the line one there. 我们就在那换成一号线。Which is the tran sfer statio n? 那个站是换乘站?How many stops are there to xida n stati on? 至 U西单还有几站?Which exit is for the library? 去图书馆应该走哪个出口 ?Is this the tran sfer station for the loop line? 这是去环线地铁的换乘站吗?Taking a subwayW:Da n,

26、hurry, the train is coming.M:Don t rush ,behave yourself please. Let the people get off first.W:Ah, there are so many people.What if the train gets full before we could get in?M:But if we all push that way in, n obody could get off and no body could get in either.W:The n ext statio n is don gda n.Ho

27、w many stops are there to xida n stati on?M:There are four more stops.W:Oh my God!M:Whaf s wrong, you are like a little mon key on n eedles.W:I n eed to use the restroom, is there a restroom on the train?M:No, not on the train, but in the stati on.W:Oh, Im praying the subway will get there as fast a

28、s possible .You can see:( 你能看到的)严禁携带易燃易爆物品进站上车Bringing combustibles and exploders into the station and on board is strictly prohibited为了你的安全,请按扶梯For your safety, please hold the han dle地铁让你生活更便捷Metro offers easy tour for you请留意您需要换乘线路的首末班车时间,以免耽误您的出行Please pay close attention to the interchange sche

29、dule, if you want to transfer to other line末班车进站前三分钟停止售票Stop selling ticket at three minutes before the last train arrives持公交卡的乘客可在三个换乘站出站后 30分钟内进入邻线换乘Public transportation card holder is changed by one journey when change in Yishan Road(Line 3,4 and 9),Shanghai Railway Staion(Line1,3 and 4) and Hon

30、gkou Football Stadium(Line 3 and 8) within 30 minutes厕所在上层 There is a toilet on the upper level.这里不能用upstairs,因为upstairs指的是当你在平地的时候,说的上层。地铁是在地下 ,用above level或upper level 更合适。到西直门换乘13号线地铁Go to the Xizhimen Station to Switch to Railway No.13(因为这句话的最终目的是 去乘13号地铁”所以要先说 到西直门”然后在说原因 去乘13号地铁”)坐右边的地铁到复兴门下车T

31、ake the train on the right side and get off at the Fuxingmen Station.请您站在黄色安全线后排队候车Please wait behind the yellow safety line while waiting for the train.乘客注意安全,往后站All passe ngers,please be careful and stay back.从站台中部 上/下 台阶,换乘1/2号线地铁Please use the up/down stairs in the middle of the station to switch to Railway No.1/2Certain stations are closed on public holidays. 假日某些车站关闭Help us to keep the tube litter free 请协助我们,保持地铁清洁卫生。Luggage must not be put in the gateway 行李不准放到过

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