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Unit 4 Topic 1.docx

1、Unit 4 Topic 1Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 1 Spaceships are mainly controlled by computersSection A. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: point to, hero, prove, achieve, send up. All of you must be proud. It shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of ye

2、ars.2. Learn something about popular science. All of you must be proud. It shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years.3. Develop the students patriotic spirit. . Teaching aids 录音机/聂海胜,费俊龙的照片/杨利伟的照片/米老鼠、唐老鸭及嫦娥奔月的图片/多媒体. Five-finger Teaching PlanStep 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)1、(1)复习

3、旧知,导入话题。出示一幅Michey Mouse和Donald Duck的图片。(2)出示一幅嫦娥奔月图and learn new words : goddess. legend.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1.师生互动,紧承复习中的话题,以对话方式引出新的词汇。(1)出示杨利伟走出太空舱的图片。(learn words: hero manned spaceship) (板书,领读,释义,并要求掌握hero。) (2)出示费俊龙与聂海胜在神六中的图片,导入新课 (板书课题。)2. 播放1a录音,让学生听并回答问题。听完一遍后,让学生对1a有个整体的感知

4、。(要求学生了解词组lunar probe。)3重放1a , 然后,板书文中一些习惯用语和词组,分析解释,并要求掌握prove, achieve, point to。dream of doing sth.It shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years.point tomake great progress in doing sth.lunar probeachieve ones dreamStep 3 Consolidation 1. (1)让学生认真阅读1a, 以学生相互问答的方式完成1b。1. Who i

5、s Yang Liwei?2. How many manned spaceships have been sent up into space by China?3. What was the temperature in Shenzhou ?4. Do you know the legend of Change? Please tell it to your classmates. (2)分角色读对话,三人一组。 (3)找两组同学来表演。 (4)找两位学生用自己的语言复述课文,加深对课文的理解。Step 4 Practice 1. (1) 展示神五的视频和图片,接着播放新闻点评,进行师生互动

6、回答。(2) 让学生听2a录音填空,完成2a,核对答案。板书,解释。are being madesatellite(3) 再听2a录音, 写出关键词或短语,尝试复述。T: Listen to 2a, write down the key words and try to retell it.first, 21 hours, 14 times, land, hero, After, second, 4:30, Oct. 17th, 2005, five, last, big plans, are being made, a space station2. 根据1a和2a, 完成2b。进行男女复述

7、课文比赛。Step 5 Project 1. 创设情景,两人编对话,谈论神五/六着陆时的心情感受。2. 让学生给杨利伟发一封e-mail, 表达崇敬之情和向他们学习的决心,并希望他来学校做客,愿意与他交朋友。3. Homework:根据提示,写一篇介绍航天英雄杨利伟事迹的文章。杨利伟,中国优秀宇航员,65年生于辽宁。他自幼聪明好学,各门学科尤其数学和英语成绩优秀,87年成为一名飞行员,98年成为我国首批航天员,五年后成为我国首位登上太空的宇航员,03年10月15日于9时杨利伟乘坐“神舟五号”宇宙飞船升空。2003年11月7日,杨利伟被授予“航天英雄”称号。杨利伟是我们心中的英雄,我们要向他学习

8、。参考词汇:1. 飞行员pilot2. 中国太空训练 the Chinas Space Program3. 授予 award板书设计:Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.Section Ahero heroes(pl. ) It has proved that China has made greatpoint to progress in developing its space industry.send up I think you can achieve your dream in theIt shows we have drea

9、med of exploring for thousands of years. Section BThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words:technology, master, introduction, expect.2. Learn the use of object complement:So I advise you to study harder to make computers serve our lives b

10、etter.Astronauts add water to dried food to make it wet so that no pieces of food will fly around and influence the spaceships controls.3. Learn something more about our astronauts life.4. Develop the students patriotic spirit. . Teaching aids 教具卡片/小黑板/录音机/纸条. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1

11、Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)(做游戏,复习上节课内容。教师手中拿有很多带有问题的卡片,把全班分成四组,每组选出一名代表来抽取卡片并提出问题,看哪个组答得又快又准确。)T: Lets play a game. Ill divide the whole class into four groups. Each group needs to choose one student to pick up a card. And he or she will read the questions, then others answer. The group that can answer

12、these questions fastest and right is the winner. Are you ready?Ss: Yes. T: Now lets begin. (学生一一抽取纸条。问题如下: )(1)Who is the first space traveler of China?(2)Which spaceship did Yang Liwei take?(3)When did Yang Liwei go into space?(4)How long did Yang Liwei stay there?(5)How many circles did Yang Liwei

13、 go around the earth?(6)When did Yang Liwei land on the earth?(7)After the first traveler, who went into space next?(8)Which spaceship did Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng take?(9)When did Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng go into space?(10)How long did Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng stay there?(11)What was th

14、e temperature in Shenzhou ?(12)What are the big plans for exploring space in China?(13)When did Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng land on the earth?(14)Who is Change?(15)What is Chinas first lunar probe?(教师总结,引出新话题,导入生词。)T: Now we have known something about the space flight. Do you want to know something

15、 about the spaceships and the astronauts?Ss: Yes. T: OK. Let me introduce something about them to you!(板书并讲解,并要求学生掌握introduction。)introduce introduction (v.) (n.) introduce to T: Shenzhou and Shenzhou are mainly controlled by computers during their flights. Ss: Is it true? So exciting!T: Right. Its

16、amazing, isnt it? So we must master computer technology.(板书生词,释义,领读并要求掌握master和technology。)amazing adj.master n.Ss: I think so. But we know only a little about it. T: Dont worry! Study hard, and youll master it very well. I expect some of us can go into space some day. (板书,释义,领读并要求掌握。)e

17、xpect. v.expect sb. to do sth.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (让学生听1a录音,回答问题。)T: Listen to the tape, and answer the question:What do astronauts use computers to do during the flight?(学生听完录音,与教师核对答案。)2. (分角色朗读课文,找出1a中出现的疑难点并解决。)T: Read the dialogue and find out important items. (1) The spaceshi

18、p is mainly controlled by computers. (2) Astronauts use computers to control the speed and the direction of the spaceship, even the temperature. (3) Its important to master computer technology. (4) So I advise you to study harder to make computers serve our lives better.(板书并解释。)advise sb. to do sth.

19、For example:Our English teacher advises us to read some English magazines. 3. (学生再读1a, 独立完成1b, 然后核对答案。)T: Read 1a again, and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given. Finish 1b.4. (1) (让学生再读1b,注意带有宾语补足语的句子。板书并简单介绍复合宾语结构。)V.+object+complement(to do/doing/adj./n. )复合宾语结构T: Now, ple

20、ase read 1b again and pay more attention to the sentences with object complement.(两分钟后。) OK, lets stop here, who can find out the sentences? Please hands up. S1.S1: (板书并讲解。)ask sb. to do sth. ask sb. not to do sth.advise sb. to do sth. advise sb. not to do sth.make sb. do sth.T: OK. Who can make som

21、e sentences according to the instructions on the blackboard? S2. S2: The teacher told us not to be late for school. S3: Yesterday I made him cry.S4: (2) (让学生小组讨论,说出更多的含有宾语补足语的句子,然后说给全班听,并让其他同学判断正误。) T: Now please make more sentences using the object complement in groups. Then read them to the class.

22、S5: I find him an honest boy. Ss: He / She is right. S6: We should make the food cool.Ss: He/She is right.S7: Ss: Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (找几组同学表演1a。)T: I would like to ask some groups to act out the dialog in 1a. 2. (表演之后要求学生复述1a。)T: Boys and girls. 4 minutes later Ill ask you to ret

23、ell 1a according to the dialog above. (检查2-3位同学复述课文的情况,其余同学同桌之间互查。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (让学生阅读2,可以和同桌讨论不懂的问题,认真理解课文中出现的太空术语,完成2。) T: Boys and girls, do you want to know more about spaceships and how to train the astronauts?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Read the passages and try to understand them, the

24、n match the pictures with the following information.(核对答案。板书,释义,领读。)craft n.telescope n.view n./v.2. (让学生再读2,回答小黑板上的问题,巩固,加深理解。)T: Read the passage again, then answer the questions on the blackboard.1. Why does the spacesuit become the astronauts own mini-world?2. What are the foods lik

25、e in the spaceship?3. Why do astronauts add water to dried food before eating it?4. Whats the use of the telescopes?Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)1. 收集查找更多关于宇航员航空飞行方面的信息,并就此写一篇报导。2. Homework: (让学生课后收集一些关于计算机在我们生活中使用的信息,为下节课做准备。) 板书设计:Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.Section Bexpect s

26、b. to do sth. I advise you to study harder to make computers serve our lives better. advise sb. to do sth. Astronauts use computers to control the speed Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master some new words and phrases:doubt, no doubt, tiny,

27、cancel, connect, for instance, spend (in) doing2. Go on learning the use of object complement: At the same time, they have made the workplace safer and better. The Internet has made the world smaller, like a“village”. Tiny computers inside patients bodies keep their hearts beating normally.3. Improv

28、e the students reading skills. 4. Discuss the uses of the computers. . Teaching aids 教具投影仪/图片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)(出示神五、神六、嫦娥一号及一台电脑的图片或投影片,让两组学生试着用自己的语言表演Section A、B中的对话,复习以前学过的知识,为本课中的计算机知识和网络知识作铺垫。)T: We have learned something about spaceships. Can yo

29、u act out the dialog in Section A 1a?S1、2、3: We can. (学生到讲台前表演对话。)T: What about Section B 1a?S4、5:We want to have a try. T: Please. (学生到讲台前表演。)T: Now, please answer the questions. (教师针对Section A、B提问,复习以前学过的知识。)T: (1) How long did Yang Liwei stay in space?(2) Can we make computers serve our lives bet

30、ter in the future?(3) Is a spaceship controlled by computers?(4) Is it important to master computer technology?(5) What can computers do during a space trip?(学生一个接一个回答问题,教师给予适当补充,引入新课。)T: Good! Computers control the speed and the direction during a spaceships flight in space. They can also fix tiny

31、mistakes and cancel wrong orders, etc. There is no doubt that computers are useful during the space trip. Whats more, computers have become very important in our daily life. We can say the whole world is connected by computers. OK, lets begin the new lesson.(板书并解释,领读并要求掌握。)doubt doubttiny adj.cancel v.connect v.(学生以小组形式就计算机在人们生活中的应用互动操练对话。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (教师呈现以下问题,先让学生根据自己的了解进行回答。)(1) Do

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