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1、module7教案九年级英语电子教案课题:Module 7 AustraliaUnit one Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia备课时间2013.10 课时1课型新授课执教时间2013.10教学目标能正确使用下列单词和词组名词: shark hand 介词:alongside短语:have a look at (2)理解一个单词:crocodile(3)了解that引导定语从句的基本结构和描述人和物的用法,在世纪运用中体会和领悟掌握that引导的定语从句的表意功能。(4)了解一下短语和句型在情境中的运用。 What are

2、 you up to? Would you like a hand ? Have a look at these. on our way back I bet you do!(6)掌握感叹句的语调。2、语言技能目标经过课堂讲授操练之后,学生能够听懂含有that引导非限制性定语的对话并且能够运用它描述人或事。3、情感目标 学生能够体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于用英语进行表达,遇到问题时能主动向老师或同学请教, 并在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。4、文化意识目标通过了解说英语国家澳大利亚的风情,学生能够初步了解英语国家的地理位置,了解不同的自然与文化来拓宽视野,激发学生学英语的

3、兴趣,了解并尊重异国文化,同时增强民族意识教学措施多媒体配合导学案教学重难点了解that引导定语从句的基本结构和描述人和物的用法,在实际运用中体会和领悟掌握that引导的定语从句的表意功能。教学方法教师引导 小组互助教学过程个案补充I Experience 感知体验 Step I 【操作方式】(展示悉尼歌剧院图片,引出话题呈现语法)教师在XX网搜索澳大利亚典型建筑-悉尼歌剧院图片,引出话题-澳大利亚。 鼓励学生讲述对澳大利亚的了解.T :Now lets begin our lesson with a guessing game.T: Its a white building and its

4、like a huge sailing boat with water on three sides.Ss: The Sydney Opera House.T: where can we see it?Ss: Australia.T: what other things do you know about Australia .Ss: T: Do you want to have a look at the photos in Australia?【设计意图】鼓励学生根据简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,并参与讨论。Step 2(分别展示乌鲁鲁,大堡礁,袋鼠和鲨鱼图片,帮助学生运用定语

5、从句)【操作方式】教师在学生谈论话题过程中板书可能涉及到的新单词。学生回答后教师展示有关澳大利亚风光的图片,引导学生在语境中运用所学单词并在句子中呈现定语从句帮助学生感知。E.g. Sydney Opera House a white building like a huge sailing boatSs: Sydney Opera House is a white building that is like a huge sailing boat Uluru is a huge rock that is in the center of Australia. The Great Barrie

6、r Reef is a beautiful place that is full of corals. There were kangaroos that This is a photo of a shark that 【设计意图】帮助学生理解词汇的基本含义以及在语境中的运用和感知定语从句。同时为接下来的听力训练扫清词汇障碍。II practice 强化操练Step 1【操作方式】教师播放Activity 1 中的录音,要求学生听录音回答问题。T:Australia is a beautiful country that everyone wants to visit. Now Tony is

7、 talking with his teacher about Australia, lets listen and answer:What homework does Tonys teacher ask them to do? Everyone must choose a country that _(theyd like to visit).设计意图帮助学生体会和领悟定语从句的表意功能。复习词汇并为对话学习做好准备。Step 2【操作方式】学生听Acitivity3 录音,回答问题。T: Australia is the country that Tony has chosen, lets

8、 listen to the dialogue and answer what kind of photo is Tony looking for?Ss: Tony is looking for the photos _ (that his father took in Australia.)T: What does Tony want to borrow from his father? Why?Ss: A camera. Because there is a competition _.( that he wants to win.) 设计意图 帮助学生在听的过程中理解大意,并培养他们针对

9、所听语段内容记录简单的信息的能力。同时强化学生对对话中定语从句的感知理解。Step3【操作方式】学生听和跟读录音,注意感叹句(Activity 7)的语调。【设计意图】帮助学生掌握感叹句的语调,同时根据语调理解说话者的意图。Step4学生自读同时体会Everyday English中各句的含义。(在屏幕上呈现汉语意思)然后分角色练习朗读,并在全班范围内表演。【设计意图】通过反复朗读对话理解内容,加深对定语从句的印象,为下一步的信息输出做好准备。Step5【操作方式】根据对话回答问题。T:1) What project is Tony doing? Tony is doing a project

10、 about countries that _- 2) Is there a photo of a shark?Where did his father see it?(分别回答后,引领学生用一句话完成问题。板书并齐读: This one is a photo of a shark _ that his father saw on the Great Barrier Reef.) 3) Were there photos of kangaroos? What were the kangaroos doing?(学生分别回答两个简单句,然后在教师引领下说出定语从句,且教师板书。There wer

11、e _Kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car.)【设计意图】三个问题的设计,既检查了学生对于对话中细节信息的理解能力,同时再次运用定语从句Step6 【操作方式】学生迅速浏览活动4中的表格,二人合作完成表格。Step7【操作方式】鼓励学生以小组为单位结合表格和Acitivity1中的三幅图片, 对表格中的信息用定语从句行描述。然后全班范围内展示,教师鼓励学生的参与和说英语的热情,同时说应以意思表达为主,兼顾语言形式的正确性。(给出大堡礁为例)T:Now you can work in 4 and choose a place that you

12、 like best to describe .Dont forget to have a look at the picture and try to imagine. e.g. The Great Barrier Reef is an amazing place which is full of corals(珊瑚) You can see many sharks that have sharp teeth there. 【设计意图】帮助学生理解如何用that引导的定语从句描述事物,强化重点。同鼓励学生充分发挥想象描绘自己喜爱的图片。III Use 交际运用播放澳大利亚旅游宣传片,时间为2

13、-3分钟)【操作方式】在听完Tony的想象中的澳大利亚的介绍之后,教师询问学生是否想真正领略一下那里无限美好的风光,然后播放澳洲旅行旅行的宣传片。并在最后鼓励学生们学好英语是去那里的前提条件。教学反思本课是探索初中英语听说课上学生自主学习的初次尝试,真能能调动学生积极性,实现自主学习这一目的的关键是XX网中丰富的图片和视频资源,它们比任何生动的语言都更有说服力,学生无论在预习的环节还是课堂上感知体验,实践操作和实际运用各个环节都离不开XX网的帮助。九年级英语电子教案课题:Module 7 AustraliaUnit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad tempe

14、r.备课时间2013.10 课时2课型新授课执教时间2013.10教学目标能正确使用单词和词组了解that引导定语从句的基本结构和描述人和物的用法,在世纪运用中体会和领悟掌握that引导的定语从句的表意功能。了解一下短语和句型在情境中的运用。掌握感叹句的语调。语言技能目标经过课堂讲授操练之后,学生能够听懂含有that引导非限制性定语的对话并且能够运用它描述人或事。情感目标 学生能够体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于用英语进行表达,遇到问题时能主动向老师或同学请教, 并在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。文化意识目标通过了解说英语国家澳大利亚的风情,学生能够初步了解英语国家的地理位置

15、,了解不同的自然与文化来拓宽视野,激发学生学英语的兴趣,了解并尊重异国文化,同时增强民族意识教学措施多媒体配合导学案教学重难点了解that引导定语从句的基本结构和描述人和物的用法,在实际运用中体会和领悟掌握that引导的定语从句的表意功能。教学方法教师引导 小组互助教学过程个案补充Teaching Steps:. Pre-read1. Look at the photos below and describe them. Use some of the words in the box.bright coast field funny grape ham hill lamb outback r

16、elative sheep spirits surfing wine2. Look at the words in the box in Activity 1. Guess what Tony is going to say in his letter. Read (Read the passage again and write notes about these.)UluruThats the aboriginal name for Ayers Rock. 3.6 kilometers long and 348 meters high. The colors of the rock cha

17、nge from purple to red at different times of the day. Its a centre of Aboriginal culture.The AboriginesThey live in Australia from the earliest times, and the ancient Aboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world.Australian lifestyleTheir family life is similar to ours. Most Austral

18、ians like grapes, lamb, ham, and wine. They love all sports, but the games that they love the most are football, cricket, and rugby. Because most of the Australians live near the coast, they love going to the beach, swimming and surfingWeatherAlthough its December, its summer over there. The sunshin

19、e is very bright.LanguageMost Australians speak English, although they have some special expressions.Events during the tripWent on a camel ride. The camel that I rode had a bad temper, and I got very tired.Check the true statements with the whole class.Read the passage again and find1. two colors: p

20、urple and red2. two kinds of transport: Helicopter tour camel ride3. two animals: Sheep camel4. four kinds of food and drink: Grapes, lamb, ham, wine5. five sports: Football, cricket, rugby, swimming, surfing. Language points1. be surprised at 对感到惊讶Tom was surprised at the result of the exam. be sur

21、prised to + v.Tom was surprised to hear the news.2. be similar to 与相似His answer is similar to mine.3. be full of充满了(强调状态)The bottle is full of water. be filled with 用装满(强调动作)The bottle is filled with water.4. have a good/bad temper有好坏脾气Miss Li is very kind. She has a good temper.5. keep doing一直做He h

22、as kept working for 3hours.6. although/though尽管(不能与but同时使用,但能与still, yet同用)Although/though he is very poor; he still tries his best to help others.7. worry about担心(v. phr.)They worry about their sons health. be worried about担心(adj. phr.)They are worried about their sons health.8. such as(例如)He likes

23、 sports very much, such as swimming, running and surfing. Writing (Imagine you are visiting a city/town of China.) Write three places that you have visited or things you have done there.Now write a letter to a friend and tell them what you have visited. Begin and end the letter like Tonys. Write abo

24、ut:The peopleLifestyleCountrysideFoodLanguageEvents during the tripUse these expressions.First, On the first day , Then , The next day , After that , Finally On the first day of our trip to the Three Gorges Dam, we Homework1. To learn the new words and expressions in Unit 22. To revise the new gramm

25、ar-Restrictive attributive clause with that3. To finish the exercises in the Workbook.4. To finish the writing教学反思学生能够体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于用英语进行表达,遇到问题时能主动向老师或同学请教, 并在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。九年级英语电子教案课题:Module 7 AustraliaUnit 3 Language in use备课时间2013.10 课时2课型新授课执教时间2013.10教学目标能正确使用单词和词组了解that引导定语从句的基本结构

26、和描述人和物的用法,在世纪运用中体会和领悟掌握that引导的定语从句的表意功能。了解一下短语和句型在情境中的运用。掌握感叹句的语调。语言技能目标经过课堂讲授操练之后,学生能够听懂含有that引导非限制性定语的对话并且能够运用它描述人或事。情感目标 学生能够体会英语学习中的乐趣,敢于用英语进行表达,遇到问题时能主动向老师或同学请教, 并在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。文化意识目标通过了解说英语国家澳大利亚的风情,学生能够初步了解英语国家的地理位置,了解不同的自然与文化来拓宽视野,激发学生学英语的兴趣,了解并尊重异国文化,同时增强民族意识教学措施多媒体配合导学案教学重难点了

27、解that引导定语从句的基本结构和描述人和物的用法,在实际运用中体会和领悟掌握that引导的定语从句的表意功能。教学方法教师引导 小组互助教学过程个案补充I. Language practiceThe camel that I rode had a bad temper.The games that they love the most are cricket and rugby.There were kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.The aborigines are the p

28、eople that have lived in Australia from the earliest times.II. Read the passage and underline all the examples of thatMany people that have been to Austr alia often say that Australia has more beaches than any other country- about 7,000! So its not surprising that it has one of the most famous beaut

29、iful beaches in the world, called Bondi Beach. Its one of the most beautiful beaches that Ive ever seen. This is a huge , wide , sandy beach that is very popular for water sports, swimming and sunbathing. Its a great place to visit and to spend some time in. Its easy to get to by bus or train from t

30、he ce ntre of Sydney. The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach. It was perfect!III. Work in pairs. Find examples from Activity 11.Many people that have been to Australia often sayThis is a huge, wide, sandy beach that is very popular for water sports.2.Its one of the most beautiful beaches that Ive ever seen.The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach.Rewrite the passage, leaving out that where possible.Answers:Many people that have been to Australia often say Australia has more beaches than any other countr

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