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1、四级翻译热点词j【TRANSLATION 】专题一中国节日及相关表达春节 the Spring Festival / Chin ese lunar Near Year农历正月初一农历年终大扫除春联the first day of the first lunar month lunar cale ndaryear-e nd household clea ningSpring Festival couplets年画 剪纸 团圆饭 饺子 春晚 守岁 除夕 辞旧迎新 拜年 红包 压岁钱 放爆竹 庙会 禁忌禁忌、New Year picturespaper-cutsfamily reunion dinn

2、erjiaoziSpring Festival Galastay up late on the New Year s EveEve of Chin ese New Yearring out the old year and ring in the new pay a New Year visit red packets lucky money let off firecrackers temple fairtaboo兀宵节 Lantern Festival农历止月十五元宵花灯灯谜灯会烟花15th day of the first lunar month rice dumpli ngs fest

3、ival la nternlantern riddle exhibit of lanterns fireworks端午节DragonBoat Festival农历五月初五5th of the fifth lunar month粽子zon gzi糯米sticky rice粽叶bamboo leaves舞龙drag on dance舞狮lion dance踩高跷stilt walk ing赛龙舟drag on-boat rac ing纪念in memory of屈原Quyua n诗人poet忠臣loyal min ister清明节 Tomb-sweep ing Day寒食节 Cold Food F

4、estival祭拜祖先 offer sacrifices to one扫墓 sweep graves of ones an cestorss an cestors or lovedones踏青go for a spri ng out ing农历八月十五月饼赏月中国神话故事嫦娥后羿15 th of the eighth lunar month moon cakeappreciate the glorious full moon Chin ese mythologyChang eHou Yi中秋节 Mid-Autu mn Day / Moo n Festival长生不老be immortal重阳节

5、 Double Ni nth Day赏菊登高admire the beauty of chrysa nthemum climb a height七夕节 Double Seve nth Day /Chi nese Vale nti nes Day银河 鹊桥 牛郎 织女 王母娘娘 乞巧 女红the Milky Way bridge of magpies Cowherd the Weavi ng Maid the Quee n of Heave n pray in g-for-clever ness n eedlework专题二中国文化及相关表达Part 1中国文化四大发明 the four gre

6、at inven ti ons of ancient China火药gun powder印刷术printing造纸术paper-mak ing指南针the compass文房四宝” Four Treasures of the Study笔writi ng brush墨ink stick纸paper砚ink slab书法calligraphy中国画traditi onal Chin ese pain ti ng水墨画Chin ese brush pain ti ng雕刻sculpture泥人clay figure武术martial arts京剧Pek ing opera昆曲Kunqu opera

7、相声cross talk中药traditi onal Chin ese medic ine中国结Chin ese knot唐装 Tang suit四合院 courtyard house红茶 black tea绿茶 gree n tea功夫茶 Gon gfu tea火锅 hot potPart 2中国文学四大名著 four major classical no vels三国演义 The Roma nee of Three Kin gdoms红楼梦 Dream of the Red Man sio ns水浒传 Outlaw of the Marshes西游记 Journey to the West

8、四书 The Four Books大学The Great Lear ning中庸The Doctri ne of the Mea n论语An alects of Con fucius孟子The Me ncius五经 The Five Classics诗经The Book of Songs书经The Book of History易经The Book of Cha nges礼记the Book of Rites春秋The Spring and Autu mn Ann alsPart 3中国古代哲学家及相关表达哲学家 philosopher孑L子 Con fucius 孟子 Men cius 老子

9、 Lao Tzu 孙子 Sun Tzu 庄子 Chua ng Tzu 儒学 Con fucian School孑L庙 Temple of Con fucius孙子兵法The Art of WarPart 4中国历史及相关表达圭寸建的 feudal朝代 dyn asty 春秋时期 the Spri ng and Autu mn Period战国时期 the Warri ng States Period隋唐时期 the Sui and Tang dyn asties明清时期 Ming and Qing dyn asties秦始皇 the First Emperor of Qin君主 mon arc

10、h 皇帝 emperor 皇太后 Empress Dowager丞相 prime mi nister 大臣 mi nister 忠臣 loyal mi nister 中华文明 Chin ese civilizatio n丝绸之路 the Silk Road西域 western coun tries 历史遗迹 historical site文化遗产 cultural heritage文物 cultural relics 科举希 9 imperial exam in atio n for recruit ing civil serva nts改革开放 小康社会 奔小康人民生活 生活水平 生活质量专

11、题三 社会篇相关表达reform and ope ning upa well-to-do societystrive for a relatively comfortable life people s livelihoodliv ing sta ndardsquality of life改善民生 improve people s wellbeing住房条件 hous ing con diti ons生活条件 liv ing con diti ons共同富裕 shared prosperity社会稳定 social stability衣食住行 food, cloth ing, shelteri

12、 ng and means of traveli ng厉行节约 practice economy缩小收入差距 narrow the in come gap人均收入 average in come per capita文化程度 educati on al level城镇居民 urba n citize n失业保障 un employme nt security人口问题 the issue of populati on全面发展 all-ro und developme nt发达国家 developed country发展中国家 develop ing country人口老龄化 populati o

13、n agi ng养老 provisi on for the aged养老保险 old-age in sura nee社会保险 social in sura nee计划生育 family planning独生子女政策one-child policy城市人口 urban population农业人口 agriculture population普查 cen sus社会事业 social programs人才市场tale nt market人才交流 tale nt excha nge人才外流brain drain应届高校毕业生 new college graduate农民工 rural migra

14、nt worker公务员 civil servant市民 citize n名人 celebrity残疾人 the disabled就业率 employme nt rate 失业率 un employme nt rate 出生率birth rate死亡率 mortality rate寿命 life spa n 贫困地区 poverty-stricke n regi on欠发达地区 un derdeveloped area摆脱贫困 shake off poverty 生活困难be badly-off用电量 electricity con sumpti on森林覆盖率 forest coverage

15、产业结构 in dustrial structure 创历史新高 an all-time high战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging industries 基础设施 in frastructure南水北调 South-to-North Water Diversion Project自然灾害 natural disasters本土化 localizati on体力劳动 manu al labor可持续发展 susta in able developme nt 沙尘暴san dstorm专题四 中国经济相关表达国民生产总值 Gross National Product (GNP)

16、 国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 国有企业 state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy 市场经济秩序 the order of the market economy 扩大内需 expa nd domestic dema nd 宏观调控macro control按劳分配 distributen according to one s performanee城乡居民收入 in come of urba n and rural reside nts 劳动力labor综合国力 o

17、verall national strength公有制 public own ership私有制 9 private own ership私营企业 private bus in ess中小企业 small and medium enterprises (SMEs)跨国公司 mult in ati onal corporati on网络经济 In ternet-based economy经济规律 law of economy大规模生产mass product ion生产力 productive forces年均增长率 average growth rate per annum可持续增长 sust

18、a in able growth经济效益 economic returns经济增长 economic growth经济波动 economic fluctuation 衰退 recessi on提高经济效益 enhance economic performanee扭亏为盈 turn a loss-mak ing bus in ess into a profitable one 优化经济结构 optimize economic structure经济结构战略性调整 strategic adjustme nt of the econo micstructure优化消费结构 optimize the

19、consumption structure产业结构升级 upgradi ng of an in dustrial structure产业格局 in dustrial patter n高新技术产业 high and new tech no logy in dustries经济特区 special economic zones 繁荣与稳定 prosperity and stability经济交流 economic exchange 利用外资 utilization of foreign capital 投资 inv estme nt知识产权 in tellectual property right

20、s 版权 copyright 商标 trademark专禾 U pate nt电子商务e-bus in ess循环经济 recycling economy 个人所得税 pers onal in come tax税收政策tax policy试点工程pilot project 经济带 econo mic belts经济全球化 economic globalization 财政和货币政策 fiscal and monetary policies专题五中国科技相关表达科技是第一生产力 scie nee and tech no logy con stitute a primary productive

21、force科技体制改革 reform of the scie nee and tech no logy man ageme nt system技术密集产品 tech no logy-i nten sive product科技含量 tech no logy content尖端科技 state-of-the-art tech no logy研究开发 research and development治理污染 curb the environmental pollution水循环利用工厂water recycling plant核电站 nu clear power pla nt非化石能源发电量 ele

22、ctricity gen erated from non-fossil energy 新粒子 new particleH7N9 病毒 H7N9 virus应用科学 applied scienee3D 打印 3D printing人造器官 artificial organ顶层设计 the top layer design节能减排 en ergy con servati on and emissi on reduct ion 工业升级 in dustrial upgrad ing 结构性障碍 structural obstacle 资源利用率 resource utilization rate高速

23、铁路 high-speed rail科学发展观 Scie ntific Outlook on Developme nt 科技发展 scie ntific and tech no logical adva nceme nt 生态农业 environmental-friendly agriculture 创新 inno vati on高科技园区high-tech park国家重点实验室 n ati onal key laboratory研究成果 research result新兴学科 new branch of scienee人工智能 artificial in tellige nee信息高速公路

24、 information superhighway 网民 n etize n网上购物 on li ne shopp ing网上交易平台 online trading platform“宽带中国”战略 Chinas broadband strategy产能 production capacity神舟十号 the Shenzhou-10 spacecraft嫦娥三号 The Change-3 lunar Iander专题六 中国教育相关表达素质教育 education for all-round development应试教育 exam-oriented education填鸭式教学 crammi

25、ng method of learning义务教育 compulsory education高等教育 higher education普通高校 regular institution of higher learning就业服务和职业培训 employment services and vocational skills training综合性大学 comprehensive university重点大学 key university减轻学生负担 reduce burden for students应届高校毕业生 new college graduates招生办公室admission offi

26、ce入学考试 entrance exam in ati on 高考 college entrance exam ination 研究生入学考试 postgraduate entrance exam in ati on入学资格 admission qualification升学率 proporti on of stude nts en teri ng schools of a higher grade 奖学金 scholarship学费 tuiti on专业课 course within one s major必修课 required course选修课 opti onal course 学分制

27、 credit system 毕业论文 graduation thesis 毕业证书 graduation certificate 学生会 students union 学历 record of formal schooli ng 中小学生 primary and secondary school student 本科生 un dergraduate 研究生 postgraduate 同学 classmate 教授 professor 畐寸教授 associate professor 讲师 lecturer 助教 teachi ng assista nt 教育界 educati on circle 教育投入 in put in educati on 学前教育 preschool education 智力引进 introduce talents 课外活动 extracurricular activity

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