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1、理工类A级真题版1、第一部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 For some obscure reason, the simple game is becoming very popular. A:unclearB:obviousC:majorD:minor答案:A解析:A obscure 不清楚的、晦涩的,在四个选项中和 unclear 同义,obvious明显的,恰好是obscure 的反义词;major 和 minor 分别为主要的和次要的意思2、The sea turtles natu

2、ral habitat has been considerably reduced.A:greatlyB:suddenlyC:generallyD:slightly答案:A解析:A considerably 意为相当大地、在很大程度上,是副词,修饰动词,故用 greatly 替 换。又如: His English has been considerably improved. 他的英语大有起色。slightly 为它的反义词3、I got a note from Moira urging me to get in touch.A:instructingB:notifyingC:pushingD

3、:inviting答案:C解析:C 动词 urge敦促、催促的意思,push 通常的意义是推,但可以转义而具有和urge 相同的意义,又如:The residents are pushing the local authorities to take me measures to handle the pollution problem immediately. 居民们敦促地方当局立即采取措施处理污染问题。4、It is possible to approach the problem in a different way.A:raiseB:poseC:experienceD:handle答案

4、:D解析:D approach 做动词有多种解释,其中一种和 handle 意义相近,即处理、对待等,如:approach the issue with an impartial attitude 已不偏不倚的态度来对待这个问题,approach the subject from a historical point of view 从历史的角度来看这个主题5、The decision to invade provoked storms of protest.A:ignoredB:organizedC:causedD:received答案:C解析:C provoke 是激起、引发的意思,如:

5、provoke indignation of the public 激起公愤,cause 可以表达同样的意义,但要普通得多6、Jane said that she couldnt tolerate the long hours.A:spendB:takeC:lastD:stand答案:D解析:D tolerate 是忍受的意思,如: tolerate the heat 忍受酷热,tolerate the loneliness 忍受孤独,tolerate the humiliation 忍受侮辱。和它同义的词常用的有 bear, endure和 stand7、At 80, Peck was st

6、ill vigorous and living in Paris.A:energeticB:happyC:aloneD:busy答案:A解析:A vigorous 是活力充沛的意思,和 energetic 同义8、Forester stared at his car, trembling with rage.A:shakingB:turningC:jumpingD:shouting答案:A解析:A trembling 是动词 tremble 的 -ing 分词形式,意思是发抖,在四个选项中只有shaking 具有同样的意义。9、A young man is being hailed a her

7、o tonight after rescuing two children.A:reportedB:provedC:praisedD:caught答案:C解析:C hail 这个动词有热情赞扬、欢呼认可等意思,如: They hailed the young pianist for his marvelous performance. 他们对那位年轻钢琴家的出色演奏大家赞扬。The bandits hailed him their leader. 土匪们拥他为王。注意本句中的谓语动词The young man is being hailed. . . 是被动式,现在进行时10、I wanted

8、 to ask her out but was scared that she might refuse.A:anxiousB:sureC:sadD:afraid答案:D解析:D scared 是害怕的意思,很常用,如: The kids were all scared by his fierce look. 孩子们被他的一脸凶相吓坏了。不过在本句里,scared 并非惧怕的意思,而更接近于担心的意思,故和 afraid 相当。11、At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.A:give

9、B:attachC:loseD:understand答案:D解析:D grasp 这个动词是抓住的意思,可用于具体的事物,如: grasp the rope/my hand 抓住绳索/抓住我的手,也可以用于抽象的概念,如:grasp the main idea/ his meaning 抓住要点/理解他的意思。在本句中 grasp the significance of what had happened 就相当于 understand the significance of what had happened12、Anderson left the table, remarking that

10、 he had some work to do.A:doubtingB:sayingC:thinkingD:knowing答案:B解析:B remark 这个动词就是 说的意思,所以这里就用 saying 来代替13、He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.A:maintainedB:recommendedC:consideredD:acknowledged答案:A解析:A assert 是个比较正式的词,表示声言、提出主张等,故和表示自己立场的 maintain 同义。Recommen

11、d 推荐,consider 考虑,acknowledge承认14、The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.A:relativeB:generalC:continuousD:sharp答案:C解析:C steady 是稳定的意思,a steady decline 则是稳步下降,在这个上下文中可以 用 continuous 来代替它,即不断下降。 Sharp decline 则是急剧下降15、She always finds fault with e

12、verything.A:criticizesB:simplifiesC:evaluatesD:examines答案:A解析:A find fault with something/someone 是个固定的表达式,意为找茬、吹毛求疵,所以和 criticize(批评)基本同义16、第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分) 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2326题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2-5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第2730题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。 The IPad1 The IPad is a tablet computer (

13、平板电脑) designed and developed by Apple. It is particularly marketed as a platform for audio and visual media such as books, periodicals (期刊), movies, music, and games, as well as web content. At about 1.5 pounds (680 grams), its size and weight are between those of most contemporary smartphones and l

14、aptop computers. Apple released the IPad in April 2010, and sold 3 million of the devices in 80 days. 2 The IPad runs the same operating system as IPod Touch and IPhone. It can run its own applications as well as ones developed for IPhone. Without modification, it will only run programs approved by

15、Apple and distributed via its online store. 3 Like IPhone and iPod Touch, the IPad is controlled by a multitouch display-a break from most previous tablet computers, which uses a pressure-triggered stylus (触控笔). The IPad uses a Wi-Fi data connection to browse (浏览) the Internet, load and stream media

16、, and install software. Some models also have a 3G wireless data connection which can connect to GSM 3G data networks. The devices is managed and synchronized (同步) by ITunes on a personal computer via USB cable. 4 An IPad has different features and applications one can use to execute different and i

17、nteresting things. There are lots of IPad applications that the owner can use to enhance the way they communicate. Some of these are how to use social networking sites and other online options. One of the most common uses is for e-mail services. IPand applications like Markdown Mail allow the adopti

18、on of specific and particular options. They enable the owner to personalize their email accounts. 5 While the IPad is mostly used by consumers it also has been taken up by business users. Some companies are adopting IPads in their business offices by distributing or making available IPads to employe

19、es. Examples of uses in the workplace include lawyers responding to clients, medical professionals accessing health records during patient exams, and managers approving employee requests. A survey by Frost & Sullivan shows that IPad usage in workplaces is linked to the goals of increased employe

20、es productivity, reduced paperwork, and increased revenue. 23、 Paragraph 2 24、 Paragraph 3 25、 Paragraph 4 26、 Paragraph 5 A Business usage B Differences from IPhone C Operating system D Online storesE Features and applications F Display and data connection 27 In April 2010 the IPad developed by App

21、le was . 28 The IPad will only run programs approved by Apple if not . 29 IPad applications enable the owners email accounts to be . 30 IPad usage in offices enables employee productivity to be . A browsed B increased C released D modifiedE distributed F personalizedA:增加工程造价总额B:建筑主体和承重结构变动C:增加工程内部内修

22、D:改变建筑工程局部使用功能答案:23.C 24.F 25.E 26.A 27.C 28.D 29.F 30.B解析:23 C 本段的主题句为The iPad runs the same operating system as iPod Touch and iPhone ,意为 iPad 使用与iPod Touch 和iPhone 一样的操作系统。本段也主要讲述的是 iPad 的操作系统。答案应为 C。 24 F 本段第一句话 Like iPhone and iPod Touch ,the iPad is controlled by a multitouch display ,说明 与 iPh

23、one 和 iPod Touch 一样,iPad 也是多点触控显示屏。本段其他的句子是对数据链接的介绍。本句的大意应该为显示屏和链接,所以答案为 F。 25 E 本段的主题句是 An iPad has different features and applications one can use to execute different and interesting things ,可以看出本段要说明iPad 有不同的特征和应用程序来使人们完成不同的有趣事情。答案为E。 26 A 本段的主题句是 While the iPad is mostly used by consumers it al

24、so has been taken up by business users ,所以可以得知本段主要讲述的是 iPad 不仅用于娱乐,而且也用于办公。答案为 A。 27 C 第一段中最后一句话是.Apple released the iPad in April 2010,and sold 3 million of the devices in 80 days ,表达的意思是苹果公司在2010年4月推出了iPad,并在80天内卖出了3 百万台。答案为C。 28 D 第二段最后一句话 Without modification,it will only run programs approved b

25、y Apple and distributed via its online store ,说明如果没有改装,iPad 只能运行由苹果公司提供的并经由其网上商店推出的程序。答案应为D。 29 F 第四段最后一句话.They enable the owner to personalize their email accounts 显示iPad 可以使他们的邮件账户个性化。答案为 F。 30 B 第五段最后一句话 A survey by Frost Sullivan shows that iPad usage in workplaces is linked to the goals of incr

26、eased employee productivity,reduced paperwork,and increased revenue ,显示工作场所使用 iPad 使得员工的工作效率提高,减少了文书工作,并且 增加了收益。答案为 B17、第5部分:补全短文(第4650题,每题2分,共10分) 下面的短文有5处空白;短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 Mt. Desert IslandThe coast of the State of Maine is one of the most irregular in the world. A st

27、raight line running from the southernmost coastal city to the northernmost coastal city would measure about 225 miles. If you followed the coastline between these points, you would travel more than ten times as far. This irregularity is the result of what is called a drowned coastline._(46) At that

28、time, the whole area that is now Maine was part of a mountain range that towered above the sea. As the glacier (冰川)descended, however, it expended enormous force on those mountains, and they sank into the sea. As the mountains sank, ocean water charged over the lowest parts of the remaining land, fo

29、rming a series of twisting inlets and lagoons (咸水湖).The highest parts of the former mountain range, nearest the shore, remained as islands. _(47) Marine fossils found here 225 feet above sea level, indicating the level of the shoreline prior to the glacier. The 2,500-mile-long rocky coastline of Mai

30、ne keeps watch over nearly two thousand islands. Many of these islands are tiny and uninhabited, but many are home to thriving communities. Mt. Desert Island is one of the largest, most beautiful of the Maine coast islands. Measuring 16 miles by 12 miles, Mt. Desert was essentially formed as two dis

31、tinct islands._(48) For years, Mt. Desert Island, particularly its major settlement, Bar Harbor, afforded summer homes for the wealthy. Recently though, Bar Harbor has become a rapidly growing arts community as well. But the best part of the island is the unspoiled forest land known as Acadia Nation

32、al Park. Because the island sits on the boundary line between the temperate (温带) and sub-Arctic zones, the island supports the plants and animals of both zones as well as beach, inland, and alpine (高山的) plants._(49) The establishment of Acadia National Park in 1916 means that this natural reserve will be perpetually available to

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