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1、土地管理系统专业英语1谭淑豪主编Lecture 1 Introduction to Land Economics: Scope and ContentRaleigh Barlowe. Land resource economics,1986Land economics deals with the economic relationships people have with others respecting land. 1It is concerned with our economic use of the surface resources of the earth and the p

2、hysical and biological, technological, and economic, and institutional factors that condition and control our use of these resources. As L. A. Salter once observed, “Land economics is a social science that deals with those problems in which social conduct is strategically affected by the physical, l

3、ocational or property attributes of whole surface unites.” 土地经济学是研究人与人之间因为土地而引起的经济关系的科学。它涉及到人们对地表资源的利用以及自然的和生物的、技术的、经济的和制度的因素它们影响制约和控制着人们对这些资源的利用。正如伦纳德A 索尔特曾经指出的,“土地是一门社会科学,它研究从整体上受整个地表单元的物质、位置、或财产权性质所影响的社会行为Like general economics, land economics is concerned with the allocation and use of scarce re

4、sources. Its chief focus is on one particular type of resource-land or real estate. But land economists do not give exclusive attention to the land factor for the simple reason that land by itself has little economic value until it is used in conjunction with inputs of capital, labor, and management

5、.2Land economics involves a wide variety of economic relationships; but it is always concerned with problems and situations in which land, its use, or its control are regarded as factors of strategic or limiting importance. This factorial approach can be compared with the attention given to the fact

6、ors of capital, labor, and management in the fields of money and banking, labor economics, and business management, respectively.同一般经济学一样,土地经济学也研究稀缺资源的分配和利用。它重点放在一种特殊类型的资源:土地或不动产上。但是,土地经济学家永远不可能把全部注意力只放到土地要素上,原因很简单,土地要素不同其他生产要素发生联系就没有什么经济价值。土地经济学包括多种经济关系,但它时常关心的是这样一些问题,在这里土地、土地利用、土地管理等被视为战略性或限制性的重要因

7、素。这种要素分析法,可类同于将注意力分别放到资本、劳力和管理上去的货币银行学,劳动经济学和经营管理学。Land economics: a branch of political economy土地经济学:政治经济学的一个分支Land economics is an applied branch of economics. Economists who work in this area are naturally interested in applications of economic theory to land problems. They are concerned with the

8、 impacts of economic concepts such as cost, returns, prices, profits, and value and then make decisions concerning land use. 3At the same time, the emphasis they give to finding solutions for land and real estate problems causes them to take a very practical position regarding applications of econom

9、ic concepts under real-life conditions. 4 Like nineteenth-century economist Richard Jones, they must “look and see”. They recognize the importance of economic theory, but they also remember that economic activity does not match the tight assumptions often assumed in economic analysis.土地经济学一般被视为经济学的一

10、个应用分支。这是由于土地经济学家通常对寻求土地和不动产问题的答案比对发展新的理论更感兴趣。 由于土地经济学家们工作的性质,他们很自然的关心把经济理论应用到土地问题上。他们关心所有那些经济要素和概念,比如成本、收益、价格、利润以及影响土地经济利用的其他价值形式。同时,他们对象是生活中经济概念的应用,必须抱着非常实际的态度。正像十九世纪经济学家理查德 琼斯所指出的,经济学家必须“看并且看透,土地经济学家不能忽视经济理论的重要性,但要时刻记住经济活动永远不能在真空中发生,而且也很少发生在固定的假设之下,而这些假设经常用于经济分析之中。Land economics is often character

11、ized by its practical, institutional, and problem-solving approach.5 In their attempt to explain human behavior with respect to land, land economists frequently find it expedient to use working tools from history, law, political science, psychology, and sociology as well as economics. Similarly, whe

12、n they consider land resource problems, they employ concepts used by business operators, geographers, soil scientists, planners, architects, engineers, foresters, and geologists. In their use and integration of these various lines of thought, land economists often step beyond the bounds of economics

13、 to operate as social science land specialists in the broader field political economy.土地经济学一起实用性、制度性和解决问题的方法而著称。在试图解释与土地有关的人的行为时,土地经济学家往往发现应用社会科学中其他学科的概念和其他相关原理是很有意义的。例如,当他力图解释某个时间或行为模式时,往往发现应用历史学、法学、政治学、心理学和社会学以及经济学的工作方法是很方便的。同样,当他考虑土地资源问题时,往往使用实业家、地理学家、土壤学家、规划师、建筑师、森林学家以及地质学家的术语。在利用和综合这些各式各样的思维逻辑时

14、,土地经济学家往往超出经济学界限,俨然作为政治经济广泛领域中的社会科学土地专家。Threefold framework affecting land use影响土地利用的三重框架Our use of land and real estate resources takes place with in a threefold framework. This framework involves the impacts that (1) physical and biological factors, (2) technological and economic considerations, a

15、nd (3) institutional arrangements have on private and public decisions to land use.6 Together, these three sets of factors set the limits concerning what individuals, groups, and governments can accomplish in their development, utilization, and conservation of land resources.人们对土地和不动产资源的利用,发生在一个三重框架

16、之内。这个框架包括自然物质的和生物的因素、经济因素和语体地利用有关的影响和公共决策的制度因素。这三种因素一起,在既定的土地资源开发、利用和保护的技术水平条件下,限制了个人、团体、政府所能完成的工作。Briefly stated, the physical and biological framework is concerned with the nature environment in which operators find themselves and with the quantity, nature, and characteristics of the resources wit

17、h which they work. Physical and biological factors provide the physical sites, support, and raw materials for our activities. At the same time they provide not only the inanimate resources of the earth but also the vegetative, bacterial, insect, fish, animal, and human resources that bath help and h

18、inder us in our use of land. This framework has important effects on the total supply of land resources and the demands we make of them.简单的说,自然物质和生物框架,就是人类所处自然环境、人们劳动所用的各种资源的本质和特性而言的。在该框架中所包含的自然物质和生物因素,为人们提供了生活所需场所和原料。同时,除了为人们提供地球上的自然物质资源外,还提供植物、细菌、昆虫、鱼类和其它动物以及人力资源,它们即可能对人类有益也可能有害。这个框架对于土地资源的总供给和人们对

19、土地资源的总需求都有很大的影响。The physical and biological framework sets definite limits on what operators can and cannot do in exploiting and utilizing land resources. Successful resource use policies and programs must respect the physical and biological limits of resource capability both in the short run and ov

20、er time. 7Unlike the situation in times past, mankind now has the technical ability to deface, pollute, poison, and destroy significant portions of the natural environment. Tempting as the prospect of short-run benefits from some types of resource exploitation may appear, society must be wary of act

21、ions that can destroy fragile and non-replaceable resources or seriously disrupt normal ecological processes. Those who violate the ecological law of nature must expect a lessening of the productive capacity of the earth resources on which the human race depends.自然物质和生物框架的一个重要的特性是强调维持长期完美生态关系的必要性。要想

22、获得成功,资源利用政策必须在自然物质和生物方面都是完美的,长期政策和短期政策都如此。With the technological and economic framework, the important test is feasibility not capability. 8 Many actions that technically possible are not feasible in a realistic market sense because the state of the arts (technology) has not been sufficiently develo

23、ped or because the value of expected benefit does not warrant the necessary cost outlays. It is essential that operators have sufficient technical knowledge to make beneficial uses of their resources and that they also be able be to work out productive input-output arrangements that enable them to r

24、ealize a surplus of economic returns above their production costs. New scientific and technological developments can have major impacts on economic feasibility and make projects and policies practicable that were not so under earlier circumstances. Changes in product prices; consumer demands; produc

25、tion responses to combinations of inputs; and raw material, transportation, and marketing costs can have similar effects in determining whether production is economically feasible.9就技术和经济框架而言,最重要的是检验资源利用的可行性而非它的生产能力。因为技术的发展还不成熟或者因为所预期的收益不能保证所需的成本支出,许多在技术上可能的措施在现实的市场意义上却不行不通。这就要求生产者有足够的知识能够从他们的资源受益而且

26、能够制订出实现经济收益大于生产成本的投入产出计划。新的科学技术发展对经济可行性产生了巨大的影响,使得以前不能够实现的项目和政策具有了可行性。产品价格、消费者需求、投入产出关系、原料、交通和营销成本的变化都会影响到经济的可行性。In addition to its natural emphasis on production and marketing relationships, the economic framework involves social welfare considerations. 10 It is concerned with the availability of l

27、and and other resources; their allocation between potential users; and with the distribution of production benefits and incomes among operators, workers, and others in society.除了强调生产和销售关系以外,经济框架还包括对社会福利的关注。它研究土地和其他资源可利用性以及他们在潜在使用者之间的分配。同样,它研究来自生产的效益和收入在生产者、工人以及其他社会成员之间的分配。The institutional framework

28、 is concerned with the role cultural environments and forces of social and collective action play in influencing the behavior of people as individuals and as members of families, groups, and communities. To be workable, land-use programs and policies must pass the test of institutional acceptability

29、. 11 They must be constitutional and legal. They must recognize the significance of property rights. Unless their proponents are willing to work against uphill odds, they must be politically acceptable and not conflict with accepted cultural attitudes, customs and traditions, or widely held beliefs.

30、 Their ultimate success also requires that they be administratively workable. 12制度框架是指人们的文化北京、社会和集体的行为意志对个人、家庭成员、组织和团体及社会的行为所起的影响作用。有效的土地利用方案必须经过制度可接受性的检验。这些方案和政策就必须是政治上可以接受的,同时又不与人们的文化观念、风俗习惯或者普遍热衷的信仰冲突,他们的最终实现也需要在行政管理上的切实可行。These three frameworks set the stages on which mans use of land takes plac

31、e at any given time. Each framework has its own special impacts on land-use programs and policies, and each can be examined separately. In the real world, however, the three frameworks are interlinked and work together. They do not operate independently of one another; nor are they applied in a one-

32、two-three sequence. In many respects, they operations resemble those of the three projectors used to transmit the red, blue and green segments of the color spectrum needed to provide full-color television pictures. Programs and policies must be physically and biologically possible, technically and e

33、conomically feasible, and institutionally acceptable if they are to work in practice. Resource managers and policymakers must respect the constraints posed by each of the three frameworks if their programs are to prove successful.这三个框架规定了任何时候人们利用土地的规则范围。每一框架对土地利用方案和政策都有影响,每一框架都可以分别研究。然而,实际上,这三个框架是相互关联共同起作用的。在实际制订方案

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