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1、1990,1 TOEFL LISTENING COMPREHENSION(1990年1月TOEFL听力文字)PART A1. I must have left my keys at my sisters house.2. We need to arrive early for the graduation ceremony.3. Sarah spent twice as much time on computer as I do.4. Lets listen to what Robert has to say.5. I told you two to cut it out.6. No one

2、in the world could you expect to find a harder worker than Lois.7. Dean Williams was invited by the college president to address the faculty.8. Ill have this finished in a little while.9. Hes sick of his job.10. Framed posters make interesting decorations, dont you think?11. Thats precisely the kind

3、 of camera I brought with me.12. If he d only give our quizzes back.13. I didnt mean to cause you so much trouble.14. Its fun to sit in the students section at the football game.15. There will be someone at the airport to meet us, wont there?16. When will you ever learn!17. I dont recall locking my

4、suitcase.18. To pay to see that movie would be foolish, when you can see it on television for nothing.19. I didnt know that both reports were due today.20. The classes should have shorter sessions.PART B21. M: Do you want the same cut as last time.W: The same on top, but Id like it a little longer o

5、ver the ears and in the back.Q: Where does this conversation probably take place.22. W: We are supposed to meet John here at the train station.M: Thats like looking for a needle in a hay stack.Q: What does the man suggest about John?23. M: Did you say you were driving to town this morning?W: Yes, I

6、had to get a check cashed to pay my bookstore bill.Q: What is the woman going to do in town?24. W: Im thinking of take five courses next semester.M: Wouldnt four be wiser?Q: What does the man imply about the Courses?25. M: What are you working on so diligently?W: An editorial for the newspaper. If I

7、 miss the midnight deadline, it wont be printed until next week.Q: What is the woman trying to do?26. M: Have you seen the authors latest bestseller?W: Ive just finished it, I really recommend it.Q: What does the man and woman discussing?27. W: You didnt have too much trouble doing that experiment,

8、did you?M: It only took me most of the day.Q: What does the man and woman discussing?28. M: There are terrible light bulbs. I have to replace the one in this lamp.W: What about checking the wiring in the lamp.Q: What does the woman suggest?29. W: Where can I find a map of the university campus?M: Ha

9、ve you tried the information certre?Q: What does the man imply about the information office?30. W: could I hand in my paper a few days late?W: Im afraid thats out of the question.Q: What does the woman mean?31. M: Weve sure been having a lot of rain lately.W: Havent we, ever.Q: What do we learn form

10、 the womans response?32. W: I cant believe your room is such a mess.M: Thats Joans room.Q: What does the woman mean?33. W: did you get the part you tried out for in the play.M: That role was given to someone else, but I got a better part.Q: How does the man probably feel?34. W: A policeman saw you g

11、o through that red light.M: It was yellow. Anyway he turned left at the last cornor.Q: What will the driver probably do now?35. W: Thanks for the note you left for me.M: Oh, then you did get it.Q: What had the man assumed?PART CWelcome to Physiology 100. Im Doctor Ann Roberts. I assume everyone here

12、 is a sophomore, since this is the Nursing Department second-year physiology course. If you are first-year nursing students, please see me after class about transferring into introductory course. Okay, Id like to begin my first lecture by introducing two important terms, vitalism versus mechanism. H

13、ow many of you have heard of these terms? Oh, I see some of you have. Well, vitalism and mechanism are two completely opposite approaches to human physiology. According to the vitalist, the laws of physics and chemistry alone can not explain the processes of life. To the vitalist, there is a so-call

14、ed vital force, and this vital force is totally separate from that of energy. As you may have guessed, vitalism is a kind of philosophical approach. Mechanism, on the other hand, is the view that all life phenomena, no matter how complex, can be explained according to chemical and physical laws. Sin

15、ce we can support mechanism through scientific experimentation, the modern scientist tends to be a mechanist. But vitalism is not totally dismissed, especially in fields such as brain physiology, where terms such as human consciousness havent been defined yet in physic-chemical terms. I recently rea

16、d an interesting article dealt with this very question. Is the mind separate from brain, or is the mind only the chemical and physiological workings of the brain? Id like to continue with this next time, so that we can speak in more detail. I have some copies of that article. And I want you to take it with you

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