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开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体.docx

1、开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:20XX年11月14日课题:Doing housework本课初备课时共 5 课时,本课第 1课时个人复备栏顾素洁教学目标:1, 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。2, 能正确地听、说、读、写day,all.any,a reading room.sure.floor.3, 能正确的听、说、读词汇first,a term,back.each other.glad.a building,a sports hall.table tennis,second.4, 正确的听、说、读、写句型Is th

2、ere a?Yes,there is./No,there isnt. Are there any?Yes,there are?/No,there arentt.How many are there?There are5, 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型It is the first day of They are happy to each othere.Glad to see you.Im not sure.Its /Theyre on the floor.重点难点:1,能比较流畅的朗读对话,并能在掌握对话内容的基础上进一步表演对话。2,能正确的听、说、读、写There be句型

3、的一般疑问句形式及其肯定和否定回答。课前准备:课件、挂图、录音机。教学过程:Step 1 Revision1.师生问候,只有交流。2.复习:Do you like ? What do you like?(教师问,学生答)Step 2 Presentation and practise1.I want to call somebody.2.Hello! Is that ? Do you like ? What do you like?3.教学电话用语。1)学生问老师:Hello! Is that ?2)教师回答:Yes. This is . What do you like? Do you li

4、ke ?4.教学Yes. This is .5.引导学生Practise in pairs.6.继续打电话(人与电脑对话)。教师Ask: Is that ? What are you doing?7.TeachWhat are you doing? stand及standing/walking.Im standing. (板书)8.讲解现在进行时是描述现在发生的事,简单讲解一些现在进行时的句式。主语系动词am/is/are动词的现在分词(动词的ing形式).9.让一位学生做跑、坐、跳的动作,What are you doing? Im .10.Teachjump, run, sit, jump

5、ing, running, sitting.11.Ok. Boy and girls, lets learn how to do housework(揭示课题Doing Housework, 板书)。12.请三个学生做家务,sweep the floor, clean the windows, wash clothes, make clothes.13. Teach these phrases,引导学生练读。强调wash clothes的发音。14.请三个同学sweep the floor 或clean the windows或wash clothes.15.教师问:What are you

6、doing? We are .16.TeachWhat are you doing? We are sweeping the floor?17.引导学生读一读。Step 3 总结学生学习现在分词的写法(动词加ing)1)直接加ing:jumping, walking, standing.2)双写ing:sitting, running, swimming.3)去eing: taking, making, writing.Step 4 Consolidation1.引导学生听p46录音内容,学生Read after the tape one by one.2.Lets chant.What ar

7、e you doing? Im running.Running, running, Im running.What are you doing? Were washing.Washing, washing, were washing.3.引导学生将所学的现在分词,代入韵律诗中,小组内Chant.4.出示p47的图,教师示范先练说第一幅图。A:Is that ?B:Yes, this is speaking./Yes.A: What are you doing?B:Were/Im .5.引导学生Practise in pairs.6.教师进行反馈。板书设计:Unit 6 Doing Housew

8、orkA: What are you doing?B:Im/Were standing/jumping/walking/running/sitting.washing/making clothes/cleaning the windows.练习设计:1.听录音,朗读并表演对话。2.抄写四会掌握的单词和句子。3完成练习册。教后记:参加备课人员顾素洁 冯斌 李小萍 王增琴 赵福兴Ww w.xk 开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:20XX年11月14日课题:Doing housework本课初备课时共 5课时,本课第 2课时个人复备栏顾素洁教学目标:1,进一步掌握句型Is/Are

9、 there? There is/are How many are there?及其回答。2,能正确的听、说、读、写词汇 a garden, a reading room,floor.3,能正确的听,说、读词汇a toilet, a table tennis room, a sports hall.a swing, a slide, a see-saw.重点难点:1 .能正确地听、读、写句子Is there?及其回答Yes,there is.No.there isnt及其复数形式。2.能正确理解英语中楼层的表达方法。课前准备:1, 图片:a toilet a garden a table te

10、nnis room a sports hall a reading room a swing a slide a see-saw2, 录音机,磁带教学过程:Step 1 Free talk and revision1.Greet each other.2.Is that ? 学生回答Yes, this is .3.What are you doing? Im .(边说边做动作)4.引导学生复习电话用语及上节课所学的句型。5.熟记standing, walking, jumping, sitting, running,sweeping, cleaning, making等词的现在分词的形式。6.

11、Lets chant.What are you doing? Im running.Running, running, Im running.What are you doing? Were washing.Washing, washing, were washing.引导学生自编自说。7.出示p47四幅图,引导学生练说,教师检查反馈。Step 2 Presentation and practise1.让一个男生上来做动作。教师问:What is he doing? 引导学生回答:Hes running.2.TeachWhat is he doing? Hes running.引导学生Read

12、 one by one.3.再让一个女生上来做不同的动作。教师问:What is she doing? 引导学生问答:Shes washing clothes.4.Teach What is she doing? Shes washing clothes. 引导学生Read one by one.5.出示正在操场上跑步的姚明的图片,教师引导问:Wheres Yao Ming? Hes in the playground. What is he doing? Hes running. 教师示范问,引导学生互相练习。6.出示正在卧室里睡觉的樱桃小丸子的图片,教师引导学生问:Wheres Xiao

13、Wanzi? Shes in the bedroom. What is she doing? Shes sleeping.7.Teachsleep、sleeping, Whats she doing? Shes sleeping.8.引导学生互相练说,Practise in pair.三个人一组模仿老师进行操练,其中一人做动作。其余两人问。Practise in three.(三个人轮着来做动作)。A:Is that ?B:Yes, this is speaking./Yes, speaking. Whos that? A:What is doing?B:He/She is .9.教师选两个同

14、学,并请其中一人做动作和另一个人打电话,模拟情景。Hello! Is that ? (Yes, this is .)What is doing? (He/She is .)10.再另请两个同学,请其中一人做动作,另一个人问老师,模拟情景。Hello! Is that ?老师回答:Yes, this is speaking.What is doing? (He/She is .)11.教师教学Yes, this is speaking.和Yes, speaking. Whos that?教师在上节课的基础上教学这两种接电话的答语,引导学生Read one by one.Step 3 Play a

15、 game1.教师示范让学生猜,Act and guess.What am I doing? (Youre .)Sorry, you are wrong./Yes, youre right.2.学生组内互相操练,Practise in pairs.3.教师进行反馈。Step 4 Consolidation1.出示p48 D Look and say. Is that ? (Yes, this is speaking.)2.教师示范练说,问学生:Wheres Liu Tao? (Hes in the bedroom.)What is he doing? (Hes sleeping.)3.引导学生

16、组内互相练说其余三幅图,教师反馈。1)A:Is that ?B:Yes, this is speaking.A:Wheres David?B:Hes in the reading room.A:What is he doing?B:Hes reading a book.2)A:Is that ?B:Yes.A:Wheres Su Hai?B:Shes in the sitting room.A:What is she doing?B:Shes watching TV.3)A:Is that ?B:Yes, this is speaking.A:Wheres Mike?B:Hes in the

17、playground.A:What is he doing?B:Hes running.板书设计:Unit 6 Doing HouseworkA:Is that ?B:Yes, this is (speaking).A:Wheres ?B:Hes/Shes in .A:What is he/she doing?B:Hes/Shes .练习设计:1,抄写本单元所学的词汇。,创设情景,用本单元主要句子,自编小对话。教后记:参加备课人员顾素洁 冯斌 李小萍 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:20XX年11月14日课题:Doing housework本课初备课时共 5

18、课时,本课第3 课时个人复备栏顾素洁教学目标:1, 复习本单元所学的词汇。2, 进一步掌握句型Is there ain the?Yes,there is./No.there isnt 及其复数形式。3, 进一步掌握句型How many are there.?及其回答。4, 能初步了解字母组合a 在单词中的读音。重点难点:1,能正确的听、说、读写句子: Is there a in the? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.及其复数形式。2,能正确的听、说、读、写句子How many are there.?及其回答。课前准备:教学挂图及习题纸教学过程:Step 1 Free

19、 talk and revision1.Good morning, boys and girls. Teachmorning.2.引导学生读morning,Read one by one.3.出示P48的四幅图,引导学生操练。Practise in pairs.(及时反馈)Step 2 Presentation1.创设情景:拿一个玩具电话,电话铃响了。1)教师说:The telephone is ringing. (引导学生明确这句话的意思。)2)Teachring, ringing, 注意这两个词的发音。3)选一名同学与老师表演对话。电话铃响了,教师问学生:A:Is that ? B:Yes

20、, this is speaking. A:What are you doing?B:Im .4)教师与学生再示范一次,教师装扮成Helen或Yang Ling,电话铃响了,学生问老师:学生:Is that ?老师:Yes, this is speaking?学生:What are you doing?老师:Im doing my homework. Can you come and help me with my Maths?学生:Sure.老师:See you this afternoon.学生:See you.5)Teachdo my homework, Maths, see you t

21、his afternoon以及句子Can you come and help me with my Maths?,学生Spell them. Read them one by one.6)比较do my homework与do housework,引导学生Practise in pairs,教师反馈。2.教师自我介绍自己在星期六喜欢干什么,并与学生交流。I like doing housework on Sundays. How about you?3.Teachdo housework, How about you? 引导学生理解其意,Read one by one.4.学生根据问题回答:I

22、 like on Sundays.5.再问另一个同学:Do you stay at home on Sundays? 让学生明确这句话的意思,Teachat home。引导学生read one by one.6.再问:Are you free? 引导学生回答:Yes./No. TeachAre you free?, 学生spell them and read one by one.Step 3 Learn the text1.播放课文的课件,整体感知课文。2.带着问题,再听课文,回答问题:1)What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing on Sunday morning

23、?2)What is Su Hai doing?3)What is Su Yang doing?4)What is Nancy doing?3.学生回答问题,教师反馈。4.Read after the tape. Read one by one.5.小组内分角色练说对话。6.教师进行反馈。 板书设计:Unit 6 Doing HouseworkA:Is that ?B:Yes, this is (speaking).A:Are you free now?B:Yes.A:Can you come and help me with my Maths?B:Sure, see you.练习设计:1读课

24、文,背一背。2抄课文中的词组及四会句型。3预习F、G&H部分。教后记:参加备课人员顾素洁 冯斌 李小萍 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:20XX年11月14日课题:Doing housework本课初备课时共 5课时,本课第4 课时个人复备栏顾素洁教学目标:1、在游戏中学会使用句型What am I doing? 及相应的回答。2、能熟练朗读F部分句型。3、在听、做、说、唱、玩、演中培养学生的学习兴趣和运用英语进行交际的能力。重点难点:1、能运用以上词汇,并能听懂会说,会读句子:What am I doing? 及相应的回答。2、理解现在进行时的构成和用法。

25、课前准备:教学挂图及习题纸教学过程:Step 1 Revision1.请学生表演A Read and say部分的对话。学生分别戴着Nancy和Su Hai的头饰操练A部分对话。请两位学生Practise in pairs,教师反馈。2.Act and guess.出示四副图片,每副图遮住一部分,Ask:Guess! What is he/she doing? He/She is .What are they doing? Theyre .Practise in pairs,教师反馈。Step 2 Listen and repeat1.Say and act.1)教师说并请学生做,Lets p

26、ut the book on the desk.2)Teach this sentence.引导学生Read one by one。3)学生Practise in pairs, 教师进行反馈。2.出示p49 F部分的图片。1)教师Ask: Whats in the bedroom? 引导学生回答:There is/are.2)学生回答的同时,教师板书red, rest, bed。3)教师示范朗读,先生找找相同的元音音素,并指导学生写出音标/e/。4)Read after the tape one by one.5)引导学生举例:get, net, pet, rest, test, west。6

27、)教师示范朗读句子,学生Read after the tape on by one.7)引导学生说句子的意思。8)学生自己朗读,直至流利。Step 3 Sing a song1出示歌词,让学生填空:The telephone is _ . _ that speaking? This is _ _ . What are you _ ? Im _ . Whats _ doing? _ _ .2教师先填空,引导学生读歌词。3再让学生自己填词,并小组内读一读。4播放歌曲,引导学生唱一唱。Step 4 Look and read1出示G部分的五幅图,引导学生说一说,小组内进行讨论。2教师给每幅图配上句子

28、,引导学生读一读,并理解对话的含义。3教师问:What is Kate doing? What is Kates mother doing? What is Tom doing? What is John doing? What is Betty doing?4TeachPlease help me, 引导学生read one by one.5播放录音内容,Read after the tape one by one.6学生组内进行表演,Practise in four.(教师进行反馈)。7引导学生将每个人的活动变换一下,变成另一个故事。Discuss in groups.Let the st

29、udents act. 教师进行反馈。板书设计:Unit 6 Doing HouseworkA:What are you doing?B:Im .A:Im . Come and help me, please.Please help me.Can you help me?练习设计:1组内自编一个小故事,仿照G部分的故事。2自默6单元要求四会的单词及句型。3仿照H部分的歌曲,自编内容,唱一唱。教后记:参加备课人员顾素洁 冯斌 李小萍 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:20XX年11月14日课题:Doing housework本课初备课时共 5课时,本课第 5课时个人复备栏顾素洁教学目标:1能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词及短语morning, home, help, Maths, sleep, jump, walk。2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What is/are doing? Hes/Shes/Im/Were/Theyre .3能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Are you free now? How about ? Can you come and help with ? See you this after

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