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1、Our members龙宇双龙宇双(课文句子讲解)(课文句子讲解)郭纯纯郭纯纯(课后翻译)(课后翻译)易菲菲易菲菲(课后翻译)(课后翻译)胡胡 畔畔(典例讲解)(典例讲解)王王 云云 (习语猜猜猜)(习语猜猜猜)林慧贞林慧贞 (趣味俚语)(趣味俚语)TranslationTranslation of short text翻译 三步走 NO.1 专有名词,习惯用法,多义词的翻译 NO.2 一般性的翻译技巧 NO.3 具体的句型 Even as we work to address these challenges,the next decade will see a wave of innova

2、tion that will further advance the positive role technology plays in our lives.Microsoft is committed to providing industry leadership by creating technology that is fundamentally secure and trustworthy.Working in partnership with others who share our excitement about the promise of technology,a gre

3、at opportunity exists to help people realize their potential and to help move society forward,paving the way for even greater accomplishments.。(1 1)The thief opened the door and slid in The thief opened the door and slid in the house,then he opened the drawer and the house,then he opened the drawer

4、and stole the money.stole the money.(2)The thief pushed the door,(2)The thief pushed the door,slidedslided into into the house,pulled the drawer and stole the the house,pulled the drawer and stole the 3)A thief pushed the door open,slipped A thief pushed the door open,slipped into the

5、 house,slid the drawer open and into the house,slid the drawer open and took all the money away.took all the money away.1.小偷推开门,溜进屋里,拉开抽屉,小偷推开门,溜进屋里,拉开抽屉,偷走了钱。偷走了钱。2.她乘公共汽车总是晕车,只好骑自行车到学上课。(1 1)She has no choice but to ride a She has no choice but to ride a bike to school as she always feels bike to

6、school as she always feels woozy on bus.woozy on bus.(2 2)She always feels sick while taking She always feels sick while taking a bus.As a result,she has to ride a a bus.As a result,she has to ride a bus to school.bus to school.(3)She always gets sick whenever she(3)She always gets sick whenever she

7、 rides on a bus so(that)she has to rides on a bus so(that)she has to go to school buy bike.go to school buy bike.3.科学家们认为,许多现在没有的奇迹将来会变成科学家们认为,许多现在没有的奇迹将来会变成现实。现实。(1)In scientists(1)In scientists opinion,many wonders opinion,many wonders that canthat cant come true will become realities t come true

8、will become realities in the the future.(2)Scientists think that a lot of wonders we(2)Scientists think that a lot of wonders we dondont have now may come true in the future.t have now may come true in the future.(3)Scientists believe that many wonders that(3)Scientists believe that many w

9、onders that dondont exist today will come true in the t exist today will come true in the future.future.4.4.有朝一日,你乘坐潜水艇进入海底时,会有朝一日,你乘坐潜水艇进入海底时,会看到一个奇妙的世界。看到一个奇妙的世界。(1 1)Someday in the future,Someday in the future,when you ride a submarine to when you ride a submarine to the bottom of a sea.the botto

10、m of a sea.5.5.将来你可乘坐一架巨大的客机进入太空,到月球,火星将来你可乘坐一架巨大的客机进入太空,到月球,火星和金星上去参观一番。和金星上去参观一番。(1 1)In the future,you can ride a huge In the future,you can ride a huge rocket liner into the space to visit the rocket liner into the space to visit the Moon,Mars and Venus.Moon,Mars and Venus.(2)In the future,you c

11、an visit the Moon,(2)In the future,you can visit the Moon,Mars and Venus in a huge rocket liner/by Mars and Venus in a huge rocket liner/by riding a huge rocket liner.riding a huge rocket liner.(3)In the future,you might be able to enter(3)In the future,you might be able to enter space by riding a h

12、uge rocket liner and space by riding a huge rocket liner and visit the Moon,Mars and Venus.visit the Moon,Mars and Venus.6.科学家们认为,未来的许多食品将由食品化学家精制而成,味道可口,有益于健康。(1)Scientists think that much food in the(1)Scientists think that much food in the future will be made by food chemists and future will be m

13、ade by food chemists and will be delicious and healthful.will be delicious and healthful.(2)Scientists think that food chemists(2)Scientists think that food chemists will be prepared for much of the future will be prepared for much of the future food which will be delicious and which

14、will be delicious and Healthful.(3)Scientists believe that much of the(3)Scientists believe that much of the future food will be skillfully prepared by future food will be skillfully prepared by food chemists and will be delicious and food chemists and will be delicious and healthful.healthful.7.7.未

15、来的科学家们一定会找到延年益寿的有效方法,肯定未来的科学家们一定会找到延年益寿的有效方法,肯定会发现治疗几乎所有疾病的方法。会发现治疗几乎所有疾病的方法。(1)Scientists in the future will find the(1)Scientists in the future will find the effective methods to make our life longer effective methods to make our life longer and discover all cures for diseases.and discover all cur

16、es for diseases.(2)Scientists of the future will find(2)Scientists of the future will find effective ways to lengthen the life and effective ways to lengthen the life and discover cures for almost all the cures for almost all the diseases.(3)Scientists of the future will find(3)Scientists of the future will find effective ways to make life last longer and effective ways to make life last longer and discover cures for almost all the cures for almost all the dis

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