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1、Lesson 25Do the English speak English?英国人英国人讲的是英的是英语吗?porterrailway railway stationThesightofLondonrailwaystationatnightBeijingrailwaystationThesightofBeijingrailwaystationatnightthe United Kingdom(简称)(英国)(简称)(英国)London(伦敦)(伦敦)Country1.China2.Japan3.France4.UK 5.Australia6.USA7.Singapore8.CanadaLang

2、uageEnglishFrenchChineseJapaneseChinese and EnglishEnglish and French-What language do they speak in?-They speak 1.Where did the writer want to go?He wanted to go to his hotel.2.Why couldnt the writer understand the porter?Because his teacher never spoke English like that.3.What language did the por

3、ter speak?He spoke English.4.Why does the writer wonder?In England,each person speaks a different language.The English understand each other,but he dont understand them.Railway n.铁路路(BrE)=railroad(AmE)highway:公路公路 motorway(BrE)=freeway(AmE):高速公路(主要指城市与城市之间的)express:除了v.表达以外,还可以用作adj,表示快速的、特快的 expres

4、s service:快递服务 EMS=express mail serviceexpressway快速通道快速通道(主要指城市内的,例如高架桥)rail:n.扶手,栏杆,围栏出轨:Jump the rail楼梯的扶手:stair rails逃火车票:ride the rails火车:railway station BrE AmE火车站 railway station train station地铁站 underground/tube station subway station加油站 petrol station gas stationPorter n.(火(火车站等)行李搬运工站等)行李搬运

5、工旅客、俱旅客、俱乐部的服部的服务员 bellboy(AmE)/pageboy(BrE)Several:adj.more than three but fewer than many.修饰可数名字复数e.g.I repeated my questions several times.各自的Several men,several minds.人各有志fewlittlea fewa littlesomeseveral否定肯定可数不可数可数不可数可数+不可数可数很少,几乎没有有一些,有一点好几个several 几个,一些several days/weeks/yearsforeigner n.外国人外

6、国人a blue-eyed foreigner 蓝眼睛外国人entertain foreigners 款待外国人 foreign:adj.外国的,海外的外国的,海外的外国留学生:foreign students洋货:foreign goods外交事务:foreign affairs外交政策:foreign policy陌生的陌生的The subject is foreign to us.Adj.+ern.strangestangerforeignforeignerlightlighter(打火机)wonder n.奇奇观世界七大奇观:the seven great wonders in the

7、 worldWhat a wonder!多么奇妙Its a wonder that he survived the plane crash.短语:No/little wonderNo wonder that=Its no wonder thatShes jumping the rail.No wonder her husband dumped her.A wonder lasts but nine days.奇闻只存在九天a nine-day wonder:一时的轰动却很容易被人忘却As a pop star she is a nine-days wonder:she only made on

8、e successful record.v.觉得奇怪,不明白得奇怪,不明白+at sthShe wonders at her own stupidity.+从句从句(从句用从句用陈述句的述句的语序序)Im wondering what I should do.I wonder who he is.礼貌地提礼貌地提问或或请求求别人做某事人做某事Im wondering whether I could ask you out.Im wondering if you could help me.Wonderful adj.奇妙的,精彩的,极好的I would be a wonderful wife.

9、Do the English speak English?English:n.英英语,英国人,英格,英国人,英格兰人人 adj.英国的,英格英国的,英格兰的的the English:统称英国人,所以助称英国人,所以助动词用复数用复数English指英指英语,谓语动词用用单数数English is interesting.The English are friendly.英国的全称为:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(the Britainthe British)I arrived in L

10、ondon at last.arrive in+大地点大地点 arrive at+小地点:arrive at my school 表示“到达”:get to,reachat last:强强调通通过努力最后。努力最后。At last,he succeeded in his the end:强调一种结果They broke up several times,but married in the endfinally:一种次序上的最后 firstly,secondly,finallyThe railway station was big,black and dark.dark

11、:adj.黑暗的light皮肤黝黑的fair(white)深的:dark bluelight忧郁的:dark expression坏的:look on the dark side look on the bright sideI did not know the way to my hotel,so I asked a porter.the way to:to 是介词,介词短语充当the way的定语,类似的如:房门的钥匙:the key to the door问题的答案:the answer to the question大楼的入口:the entrance to the building都

12、表示一种由此及彼的方向。I not only spoke English very carefully,but very clearly as well.not onlybutas well意思等同于:意思等同于:not onlybut(also)这个句子我们可以换成:I not only spoken English very carefully,but also very clearly.He is not only clever,but also diligent.He is not only clever,but diligent as well.He answered me,but

13、he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.neither.nor.:表示两者都不表示两者都不I have neither time nor money to travel.当neither.nor.连接两个主语时,也应遵循就近就近原原则。例如:Neither dad nor mum is at home today.Neither you nor I am in.若将neither.nor.句型变为肯定句,只需把neither.nor.改为both.and.即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。Both dad and mum are at home today.今天

14、父母都在家。My teacher never spoke English like that!like:prep.像像He is very like his father.She looks nothing like her mother.Like father,like son.有其父必有其子有其父必有其子The porter and I looked at each other and smiled.英语当中一般都把第一人称“我”放在并列主语后面,与中文刚刚相反。My friend and I went to the theatre yesterday.The Compound Sente

15、nce定义:并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成,意义和语法成分上不是从属于任何一方并列连词并列连词的分类:并列关系并列关系(联合关系合关系)连接接词:and,not onlybut(also),bothand,neithernor等等 I help him and he helps me.Not only did we write to her but also we telegraphed her.Neither would I consult him nor would he ask me for advice.转折关系折关系 连接词:but,yet,still,while,howe

16、ver He failed many times,but he didnt despair.He studied hard,yet he failed the exam.选择关系关系 连接接词:or,otherwise,eitheror Money or life?We must hurry,or well miss the train.Either you come to my place or I go to yours.因果关系因果关系 连接接词:for,so,thus,thereforeWe had better stay at home,for it was raining.He didnt work hard,therefore he failed in the examination.Have a try!1.Both my brothers _ in Italy.(lives/live)1.2.Neither of his parents _ butter and cheese.(likes/like)2.3.Neither John nor Mary _ at hom

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