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届高考英语一轮复习活动单译林牛津版模块七 unit 4.docx

1、届高考英语一轮复习活动单译林牛津版模块七 unit 4高考英语一轮复习活动单(牛津译林版)模块七 Unit 4 Public transportation核心词汇一、根据句意及中文提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1. Excited by the news, he couldnt find words to c_(表达)his feeling at that time.2. Ill go to Guangzhou v_(经由)Shanghai, where Ill drop in on a friend of mine.3. Because of the heavy fog, all the fli

2、ghts have been p_(延期)till further notice. 4. He divided the field into different s_(部分), where different vegetables were grown.5. “I cant bear it,” he said in a c_(哽咽) voice.6. He sold the restaurant, and now it is under new o_(所有权).7. Only the manager has the_ (权力) to sign the contract. 8. His fath

3、er was one of the _ (建筑师) who designed the Nanpu Bridge.9. Police will have the pictures_ (扩大) in an attempt to identify the thief.10. They held a party to celebrate their wedding _ (周年纪念日).二、译出下列短语1. 在不同的车站让人们下车_ 2. 长距离 _3. 有荣誉称号 _ 4. 批准建设 _5. 筹集一大笔钱 _ 6. 在地面下 _7. 穿过那狭窄的通道 _ 8. 加快的步伐 _9. 承担改良这个系统的任

4、务_ 10. 归管 _11. 起到防空洞的作用 _ 12. 反空袭 _13. 为了纪念 _ 14. 填表 _15. 少数学生 _ 16. 分成几组 _17. 旨在 _ 18. 明白潜在的原因 _19. 与交通工具有关的事故 _ 20. 导致碰撞 _21. 违法 _ 22. 冒着生命的危险 _23. 挤满了人 _ 24. 留心过马路的人 _25. 特别地 _ 26. 未能注意某事 _27. 事故的诱因 _ 28. 需要修理 _29. 有做的责任 _ 30. 安全地过马路 _重点句式根据中文提示完成下列句子 1.看到这种情况,一名叫查尔斯耶基斯的美国富商于1902年承担起了改善(地铁)系统的工程。

5、_, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook improving the system 2.许多新的车站建成了,其中最有名的那些是由建筑师查尔斯霍尔登设计的。 many new stations were constructed, _ were designed by an architect named Charles Holden. 3.今天为什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地铁观光一番呢?_ take a trip on the oldest underground system today? 4.司机在学校附近尤其要小

6、心,因为那里可能有许多儿童。Drivers should be careful near schools in particular, because _ many children. 5.许多骑自行车的人经常骑得离汽车太近,以至于他们没有足够的空间和时间刹车。Many cyclists often ride_ allow them space and time to stop.重要知识详解一、重要词汇(单词+词组)词汇-1. convey【教材原句】Horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs and carriages were used to convey people

7、to and around the city centre. (P50)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) This ship conveys oil from the Middle East.(2) A taxi conveyed us to the railway station.(3) A wire conveys an electric current.(4) Convey my congratulations to your brother.【自主归纳】convey 词性_ 词义_ 【即时巩固1】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)他的面部表情表达了他的生气。His facial expre

8、ssion _.(2)请向你的妻子转达我的歉意。Please _ your wife(3)管道把热水从锅炉输送到暖气片。 Pipes _ hot water _the boiler _ the radiators.词汇-2. choke【教材原句】Because of the smoke from the steam engines, early underground lines needed large holes leading to the surface at regular intervals, so that people could get fresh air and woul

9、d not choke. (P50)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)The smoke almost choked me. (2)Her voice choked with emotion when she spoke of the sister she had lost. (3) The road is almost choked up with traffic. (4)The sewage pipes were choked with rubbish. 【自主归纳】choke 词性_ 词义_ 【即时巩固2】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)浓烟呛得我几乎透不过气来。The heavy smok

10、e almost _ me.(2)烟囱几乎被烟垢堵住了。The chimney is almost _soot.词汇-3. undertake【教材原句】Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook improving the system in 1902 by obtaining ownership of the many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways Company o

11、f London. (P51)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) Now they have undertaken the building of a subway system. (2)He undertook a new experiment. (3) I will undertake the responsibility for you. (4)He undertook to finish the work by Monday. 【自主归纳】undertake 词性 _ 词义 _【即时巩固3】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)她承担了这些变革的责任。She _ for the changes.

12、(2)他答应在星期五之前完成这项工作。He _ that he would finish the job by Friday.He _ the job by Friday.词汇-4. place【教材原句】The Underground Electric Railways Company of London, the Metropolitan Line and all the different bus and train lines were placed under the authority of the Board. (P51)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) His uncoope

13、rative attitude placed us in a difficult position. (2)She put the roses into the vase and placed the vase on the table. (3) I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes. (4)This would be a good place for a picnic. 【自主归纳】place (1)词性 _ 词义 _ (2)词性 _ 词义 _【即时巩固4】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)我们在她家吃了中饭。We ate lunch

14、 at her _. (2)玛丽在歌咏比赛中得第一名。 Mary _ in the singing contest. (3)他把杯子和茶碟放到桌上。 He_ cups and saucers on the table. 词汇-5. load【教材原句】Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult to control. (P63)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load. (2)Sacks (麻袋) ar

15、e being loaded onto the truck. (3)Men are loading a truck with timber(木料). 【自主归纳】load (1)词性_词义_ (2)词性_词义_(3)load A with B _(4)take a load off one s mind _ 【即时巩固5】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)人们看到装载货物的飞机飞向北方。The plane _ _goods was seen flying to the north.(2)过去的那辆卡车装满了苹果。 The truck passing by _ _ _ apples.(3)货车在仓库等

16、着装载货物。 The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their _.词汇-6. under the authority of:【教材原句】the Metropolitan Line and all the different bus and train lines were placed under the authority of the Board. (P51)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)The headmaster of the private school has the authority to dismiss teache

17、rs. _(2)The local health authorities are investigating the outbreak of illness caused by bad food. _(3)The big company is under the authority of the well-dressed young man. _【自主归纳】译出下列词组(1)by the authority of _(2)under the authority of _(3)have authority over _【即时巩固6】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)你们没有任何权力进入这所房子,这是私

18、宅。You dont _for entering the house. Its private.(2)你最好不要滥用职权。Youd better not _. 词汇-7. link up【教材原句】and the Metropolitan District Railway linked up and provided underground service in the middle of the city. (P51)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)Our struggle against imperialism is closely linked to that of the world

19、s people. (2)We should link theory with practice. (3)There the irrigation canal (灌溉渠) links up with the reservoir(水库). 【自主归纳】译出下列词组(1)be linked to _(2)linkwith _(3)link up with _(4)写出link 的其它词组:_ _ 【即时巩固7】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)那位诗人把人的心脏同地球的生命联系起来。The poet _ the human heart _the life of the earth.(2)他的失败与他的懒

20、惰有关。His failure _ his laziness.词汇-8. put off【教材原句】I would like to put your visit off until (p 57)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)The professor had to put off his trip to America for three months.(2)Youd better put off the meeting till tomorrow. 【自主归纳】(1)put off 意思为:_ 写出与put相关的短语(2)接通电话;使经历;完成,实现 _(3)容忍 _(4)提出;把提前

21、_(5)放在一边;节省或存储 _(6)收拾(东西) _(7)穿戴;上演 _(8)扑灭(火),熄灭 _(9)建造,搭起;举起,抬起;挂上,张贴 _【即时巩固8】用与put相关的短语填空(1)The concert had to be _ _ because the main singer was ill.(2)The boy_ _ his textbooks and never reopened them.(3)The boy washed the cups and _ them_.(4) I cannot_ _all this noise.(5)The teacher_ _many new s

22、uggestions on how to learn English.(6)Finally, he successfully _ the business deal. (7)The boy _ his coat _ hurriedly and ran out of the house. (8)The firemen soon_ _ the fire.(9)Its time we _ the Christmas decorations in the living room.词汇-9. be aimed at【教材原句】This notice is aimed at promoting peopl

23、es awareness of the problem. (P62)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) The aim of this is to reduce air pollution. _(2) Denver aimed his gun but did not shoot.(3) Its important that you should have some sort of a goal to aim for. _(4) I am aiming to lose 4kg before the summer holidays. _(5) This notice is aimed at inc

24、reasing peoples awareness of the problem because it has become quite extreme. _ _【自主归纳】aim (1)词性_ 意思_(2)词性_ 意思_与aim相关的短语:(3)with the aim of doing sth. _(4)take aim at _(5)aim at/for _(6)aim to do sth _(7)be aimed at _【即时巩固9】根据汉语提示,完成句子(1)她瞄准目标射击,但没打中She _ _the target but missed it(2)这次访问旨在加强两国间的关系。T

25、he visit_ _ _ expanding relations between the two countries.(3)这本书的目的是要对这个问题作个大概描述。The book_ _ giving a general outline of this subject (4)他想成为计算机专家。 He _ _become (=at becoming) a computer expert词汇-10. arise from【教材原句】The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased over the past year. (P62)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)They didnt expect that so many problems would arise when they were carrying out the plan.(2)He arose and walked to the door. 【自主归纳】(1)arise from 译为_= _比较:

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