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Modules 58知识点盘点.docx

1、Modules 58知识点盘点Modules 58知识点盘点 一、重点单词 1. identity2. lay3. delay4. admit 5. blame6. remain7. concern8. raise 9. involve10. urge11. intention12. stand 13. persuade14. anxious15. approach 16. range17. appreciate18. benefit 二、重点单词讲解 1. identity 【命题角度】 n.“身份,个性,特性”。如:prove ones identity证明某人的身份;an identit

2、y card身份证;identify vt. 识别,认出 【考题链接】 She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful in last years election.(2014年 江苏卷27) A. symbolB. portrait C. identityD. statue 2. lay 【易混辨析】 lieliedliedlying说谎;lielaylainlying躺,位于;laylaidlaidlaying放置,搁,产卵 【高考链接】 The living room is clean and ti

3、dy, with a dining table already for a meal to be cooked.(2010年 山东卷) A. laidB. laying C. to layD. being laid 3. remain 【考点】 1. 用作连系动词,后面接形容词、名词、分词和介词短语。2. 意为“剩下、遗留”,用作不及物动词,不用被动态。a. 可与不定式连用;b. 用现在分词remaining (剩下的、剩余的) 作定语。 【高考链接】 The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of t

4、he original building now. (2010年 重庆卷) A. remainsB. is remained C. is remainingD. has been remained 4. blame 【命题角度】 介词搭配,blame sb. for sth. / blame sth. on sb.;主动表被动 sb. is to blame 【高考链接】 Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16yearold boy, saying that he was not the one. (2006年 安徽卷) A. blamedB. blam

5、ing C. to blameD. to be blamed 5. admit 【命题角度】 admit doing / having done; admit that clause ; admit . to be; be admitted into / to 被录用,接纳 【考题链接】 Lily finally admitted my umbrella by mistake. A. to takeB. to have taken C. having takenD. have taken 6. concern 【命题角度】 be concerned about / for对担心,关心;be c

6、oncerned with对感兴趣,与有关系;as far as. be concerned就而言;concerning prep. 介词,表示关于,涉及 【考题链接】 your letter, I am pleased to tell you that you are to receive the answer by the end of this week. A. Concerned aboutB. Concerning C. Concerning withD. Concerned 7. raise 【命题角度】 多种含义:raise ones hands 举手;raise ones vo

7、ice 提高声音;raise money 募捐;raise a question 提问题;raise cattle 养牛 【易混辨析】 raise vt. (raised, raised) 举起,抬起; rise vi.(rose, risen)上升,起立 【考题链接】 In summer, the temperature sometimes as high as 39. A. risesB. rising C. raisingD. raises 8. involve 【考点】 involve sb. / sth. in sth. / doing sth. 使参与,陷入;be / get in

8、volved in. 与有关联 【考题链接】 There is a new problem in the popularity of private cars, so road conditions need to be improved. 6. accumulate 【命题角度】 vt. “积聚,积累”eg. accumulate funds for为积累资金;accumulation n. “积聚,积累”;accumulator n. 集聚者 【考题链接】 However, as the evidence began to , experts from the Zoo felt oblig

9、ed to investigate. A. accumulateB. expand C. collectD. grow 7. worthy 【命题角度】 worth, worthy, worthwhile 相关固定搭配:be worthy of being done; be worthy to be done; be well worth doing / n.; be worthwhile doing / to do 【考题链接】 There are several characteristics of the book special attention. A. worthyB. worth

10、y of C. worth ofD. worthwhile 8. approval 【命题角度】 n. 1)“批准;认可”2)“赞成;同意”meet with general approval获得一致同意approve 1)vt. 批准,通过;2)vi. 赞成 + of doing;approver n. 批准者;赞成者 【考题链接】 Youd better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt long hair. A. approve of students wearing B. approve students to wear C. approve

11、 students wearing D. approve of students to wear 9. face 【命题角度】 考查两个结构face sth. / be faced with. 【考题链接】 with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. A. To faceB. Having faced C. FacedD. Facing 10. request 【易混辨析】 request / demand / require request 是正式用语,指非常有礼貌地请求或恳求。demand 一

12、般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,不可用demand sb. to do。require 指根据事业,需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。 【高考链接】 Dont respond to any emails personal information, no matter how official they look. A. searchingB. requesting C. askingD. questioning 11. expense 【命题角度】 考查expense相关短语搭配。at ones expense由某人负担费用;at the expense of以 (损害)为代价;spare no e

13、xpense不遗余力,不惜代价 【考题链接】 During the tenday vacation, they traveled to France their own expense. A. onB. with C. atD. in 12. situation 【命题角度】 situation / state / condition 【考题链接】 The international is heading toward peace. A. stateB. situation C. conditionD. conditions 13. deliver 【命题角度】 deliver sb. fro

14、m danger / deliver sth. to sb. / deliver a speech / be delivered of She was delivered a girl. A. atB. in C. ofD. with 14. persuade 【命题角度】 persuade sb. to do / persuade sb. into doing / persuade sb. not to do / persuade sb. out of doing 【易混辨析】 persuade / advise sb. to do 意思是“说服成功”。advise sb. to do st

15、h. 结果不一定成功,可等同于 try to persuade sb. to do. 【考题链接】 He still smokes a lot, do you know? Yes, but I dont know how I can him to give it up. A. adviseB. try to persuade C. persuadeD. suggest 三、重点短语 1. in response to2. make jokes about3. take on4. burst in5. apart from6. cheer up 7. devote oneself to8. be

16、 tired of9. in celebration of10. take up11. hold up12. break down 13. belong to14. have power over15. refer to16. under the umbrella of17. on behalf18. die from19. remind sb. of20. make a difference 四、重要语法结构 1. 时态;2. 虚拟语气;3. 名词性从句中what 用法;4. it 用作形式主语或宾语;5. where 引导定语从句;6. as 引导的原因状语。 五、巩固练习 1. the

17、difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times.(2014年 陕西卷20) A. Working outB. Worked out C. To work outD. Work out 2. The manager was satisfied to see many new products after great effort. (2014四川卷5) A. having developed B. to develop C. developedD. develop 3. I hope to tak

18、e the computer course. Good idea. more about it, visit this website. (2014年 四川卷7) A. To find outB. Finding out C. To be finding outD. Having found out 4. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only it didnt fit.(2014年 天津卷5) A. to findB. found C. findingD. having found 5. C

19、learly and thoughtfully , the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.(2014年 天津卷7) A. writingB. to write C. writtenD. being written 6. Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse to guard her. (2014年 浙江卷14) A. to appointB. appointing C. a

20、ppointedD. having appointed 7. The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras to our shop for quality problems. (2014年 重庆卷5) A. turningB. returned C. to turnD. to be returned 8. Group activities will be organized after class children develop team spirit.(2014年 重庆卷11) A. helpingB. having helped

21、C. helpedD. to help 9. People are recycling many things which they away in the past. (2014年 安徽卷30) A. had thrownB. will be throwing C. were throwingD. would have thrown 10. We back in the hotel now if you didnt lose the map.(2014年 北京卷34) A. areB. were C. will beD. would be Module 7 一、重点单词 1. command

22、2. sharp3. evaluate4. apply 5. superior6. treat7. consideration8. occur9. permit10. dozen11. approach12. assume13. associate14. addict15. adjustable 16. addiction17. convenience18. accurate 19. access20. predict21. attach22. consume23. arise24. punctual25. reliable 二、重点单词讲解 1. command 【命题角度】 vt. 1)“

23、指挥,统帅,命令”eg. command sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事;2)“控制”eg. command oneself控制自己。n. at (ones) command可以自由使用或支配; be at ones command听候某人吩咐;get command of控制;take command of开始担任的指挥;under (the) command of由指挥 【高考链接】 When Richard said, “You are much more agreeable and prettier now,” Joans face turned red at the un

24、expected .(2014年 湖北卷22) A. commandB. comparison C. complimentD. contribution 2. sharp 【命题角度】 1)adj.“锋利的”eg. a sharp sword锋利的箭;“敏锐的;机警的”eg. sharp ears灵敏的听觉;a sharp child机灵的孩子;be sharp at figures算得快 2)adv.“整(指时间)”eg. at ten sharp在十点整;“锐利的;机警地;急剧地;突然地”eg. turn sharp to the right向右急转。sharply adv.; sharp

25、en vt. 【高考链接】 Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said , “Dont be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her. (2014年 湖北卷29) A. dreadfullyB. guiltily C. indirectlyD. sharply 3. evaluate 【命题角度】 vt.“估的价;评价”eg. How would you evaluate yourself? 你对自己将如何评价?technical questions to be evaluat

26、ed有待鉴定的技术问题;evaluation n. 【高考链接】 It is widely acknowledged that students should be in terms of overall quality.(2014年 福建卷25) A. supportedB. matched C. evaluatedD. controlled 4. apply 【命题角度】 基本含义以及与介词的搭配:apply sth. to 把运用于;apply. for 申请;还有其他的含义:敷(药);涂;从事。 【考题链接】 These ideas are often difficult to be

27、applied your teaching work. A. toB. for C. withD. of 5. superior 【命题角度】 基本含义以及与介词的搭配:be superior to (介) 优于;be inferior to 劣于;be superior / inferior to. in sth.在某方面优于/劣于。 【考题链接】 This cloth is superior to that. You must be superior me this skills. A. to; inB. over; to C. to; byD. over; by 6. treat 【命题

28、角度】 词义较多,要视具体情况进行翻译。做及物动词时,意为“治疗、对待、看待”;常见搭配treat. as. 视为、以为;treat. to. 请客、款待 【考题链接】 More people in hospital this year than at any time since the start of the Health Service. A. are being treatedB. have treated C. are treatingD. have been treated 7. consideration 【命题角度】 与动词、介词的搭配以及consider的用法:take.

29、into consideration 把考虑在内;considering=given 考虑到;be under consideration在考虑中;out of consideration for 体谅,顾及 【考题链接】 When marking Toms examination papers, the teacher Toms long illness into consideration. A. goneB. took C. madeD. got 8. occur 【命题角度】 occur的过去式和过去分词的拼写是occurred. (1)作不及物动词,意为“发生”;(2)It occu

30、rs / occurred to sb. to do / that. 意思是“某人想到做某事”;(3)sth. occurs / occurred to sb. 意思是“某人想到某事”或“(某想法)出现在某人脑中”。 【词义辨析】 take place / happen / occur take place 发生,有意识的行为;happen 偶然发生;occur 正式用语,意为发生,也有想起之意。常考句型 It occurs to sb. that. 某人突然想起。 【考题链接】 It suddenly to me that they went there by bike. A. occurredB. happened C. took placeD. look 9. permit 【命题角度】 permit的过去式和过去分词为permitted. (1)permit 可做及物动词,常见permit sth.;permit sb. sth.; permit doing sth.; permit sb. to do(2)也可以用作不及物动词,重要短语有:作独立

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