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译林版三年级英语Unit 1 Hello教案.docx

1、译林版三年级英语Unit 1 Hello教案泗洪附小教师备课稿主备教师: 课 题Unit 1 Hello 总第 1 课时实施时间年 月 日教学要求1.能认识本课出现的人物:Miss Li,Su Hai,Yang Ling,Mike,Wang Bing and Liu Tao。2.能听懂、会说日常交际用语Hi,Hello,Good morning.Good afternoon.并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。3.能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。教 学重难点1.能认识本课出现的人物:Miss Li,Su Hai,Yang Ling,Mike,

2、Wang Bing and Liu Tao。2.能听懂、会说日常交际用语Hi,Hello,Good morning.Good afternoon.并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。教具准备磁带 人物卡片 挂图初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感Step1. Free talk:T: Sing a song“Good morning.”T introduces herself using“Hello,boys and girls.Im. Miss Min.”and asks students to introduce themselves using the same

3、pattern.Step2. Presentation and practice1.T presents the pictures of Story time, and watches the video of this part with students.2.T discusses the pictures with students 初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感3.T talks about greetings and guides student to learn and say“Good afternoon”.4.Listen and repeat:Ss listen to

4、 the tape of story time and read after the tape.5.T summarizes different ways of greetings under different contexts. In the morning:Good morning. In the afternoon:Good afternoon. 6.T guides students to describe story time with the help of picture.Step3.Practice and productionFun time:T plays the gam

5、e with students to practice different ways of greetings.Look and say:T using PPT,guides student to say the names of the characters:Miss Li,Su Hai,Yang Ling,Mike,Wang Bing and Liu Tao.Look and say:T shows different clocks and asks students how to greet people at the time.Step5 Consolidation1.T conclu

6、des the class and guides students to初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感know:Its polite to greet people using proper language. Step6 Homework1.Read and say(P6-7)2.Sing a song(P10)板书教学反思Unit 1 HelloHi./Hello.Good morning.Good afternoon.教研组长审核意见: 教导处审核意见泗洪附小教师备课稿主备教师: 课 题Unit 1 Hello总第 2 课时实施时间年 月 日教学要求1.能通过练习,熟练掌握“Hi

7、./Hello.”“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”并在合适的情境中进行对话。2.能够熟练运用“Hi,Im”来介绍自己。3.通过介绍自己等形式使学生产生对英语的兴趣。4.激发和保护学生学习英语的热情,培养学习运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气教 学重难点1.能通过练习,熟练掌握“Hi./Hello.”“Good morning!”“Good afternoon!”并在合适的情境中进行对话。2.能够熟练运用“Hi,Im”来介绍自己。教具准备磁带 人物卡片 挂图初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感Step1. Free talk:1.sing the song“Goo

8、d morning.”with students 2.Look and say:T shows different clocks and asks students how to greet.T shows the pictures of cartoon time and asks students to fill the blanks below:This is a new term.Mike meets Miss Li at school.Mike says“Good mrning” to Miss Li.Mike and his classmates say “Hello!”to eac

9、h other. They are very happy. In the afternoon,the students are having an English lesson.Miss Li and the students 初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感say“Good afternoon!”to each other.Step2. Presentation and practice1T talks about some friends with students and introduce two cartoon friends:A cat and a mouse.2. T sh

10、ow the images of the cat and the mouse and teaches the word :mouse.3.T asks students to describe the cat and the mouse. They will be guided to say:The mouse is nice.The cat is fat. They are very cute.4.T asks students to watch a cartoon and answer the questions:(1) Whats the cats name? (2)Whats the

11、mouses name?(Act: Hi,Im Sam. Hi,Im Bobby.)5.T discusses the cartoon with students and guides students to ask questions. e.g.Who are they?What are they doing?How do the mouse greet the cat?6.Students listen to the tape and try to act this part to say the pattern:“Hi, Im”7.T tells students:Bobby and S

12、am are veryhappy.They are going to have a competition:Read and write the letters:A,B,C and D. 初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感T then divides the students into two groups. One refers to the cat,and one refers to the mouse.Then T reads and writes the letters.8.Students read and write the letters:A,B,C and D. the t

13、wo groups compete with each other.Who reads better? Who writes better?9.Students PK the come to the front to act the cartoon time. Step3 Conclusion Its polite to greet people using proper language. Step6 HomeworkRead and say板书教学反思Unit 1 HelloGood morning.Good afternoon.Hi,Im教研组长审核意见: 教导处审核意见:泗洪附小教师备

14、课稿 课 题Unit 1 Hello 总第 3 课时实施时间年 月 日教学要求1.能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的礼貌用语和日常交际用语。2.能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语3.激发和保护学生学习英语的热情,培养学习运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气教 学重难点1.能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的礼貌用语和日常交际用语。2.能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语教具准备磁带 人物卡片 挂图初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感Step 1. Lead-in1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, .T: Hello,

15、Im S: Hello, ImT: Hi, ImS: Hi, ImS-S2. Play a game: Find friendsT: Now, take out your paper, theres a sentence for you. Please try to read.Ss read the sentences. T: Now, please read loudly and find your friends.初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感T: Congratulations! When we say Hello! , you can say Hi. So Hello. Ste

16、p 2. Song time1. T: Lets sing it together!2. Group work: Little musician 小小音乐家 T: Can you choose some sentences to make a new song? Work in groups3.T: Well done! I have a new song here, too. Listen.Step 3. letter time1. T: Do you like my new song? S: Yes. T: Can you read them? ( 显示红色) S: Yes.2. T:Yo

17、ure so clever! They are English letters, now lets make friends with them. The first letter is A. Look at my mouth and read it slowly.3. 师范读字母 Bb, Cc, Dd,带读,开火车读4. Play a game: Magic Eyes 快闪字母,学生大声说出字母5. Pair work: Describe the figure 初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感of the letters. T: Heres a rhyme for you. Read

18、in pairs.6. Learn to write T: 英文字母在四线三格中书写 T: Now, look at me. 师范写,提醒学生注意观察笔顺生跟写Step 4. Homework1.Copy the new letters.2.Finish Ticking time with your parents.Sing the song.板书教学反思Unit 1 HelloGood morning.Good afternoon.Hi,Im 教研组长审核意见: 教导处审核意见:泗洪附小教师备课稿主备教师: 课 题Unit 1 Hello总第 4 课时实施时间年 月 日教学要求1.能较熟练地

19、在情景中运用本单元所学的礼貌用语和日常交际用语2.能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的礼貌用语和日常交际用语3.在情景中运用本单元所学的礼貌用语和日常交际用语教 学重难点巩固新单词和新句型教具准备磁带 人物卡片 挂图初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感Step1 Free talk1.Good morning, boys and girls.Good morning, Miss Min.2.Sing a songStep2 Revision1、T shows different pictures and asks students how to greet people at the pict

20、ure.ask and answerHave a talk in pairsStep3 Presentation1、T show some picturesLook at the pictures and make some dialogues in pairs:Hi./Hello. ImGood morning,xxGood afternoon, xx初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感Step4 Consolidation1.T concludes the class and guides students to know.Its great to have self-assessmen

21、ts.We can know a lot about what we learn.Come on,enjoy our English journey!2.S: 两人一组编对话。3. Play a game训练学生听字母,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一组学生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,后站起来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。 Step 5. ActivityT: Today we met four friends: they are A B C D (引导学生复习字母) T: Now, do you know them?

22、 Lets challenge! 做出魔方效果,出示 ABC A. 学校 B. 基础知识 C. 你好 D.苹果 BBC A. 中国中央电视台 B. 英国广播公司 C. 中国男篮 D. 美国男篮CD A. 碟片 B.饼干 C.电脑 D. 篮球初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感( 通过该活动让学生体会字母的乐趣,并发现生活中的英语,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,同时通过选择选项来加强对字母ABCD的认读 )Step6 Homework1.Sing the song.板书教学反思Unit 1 HelloGood morning.Good afternoon.Hi,Im教研组长审核意见: 教导处审核意见

23、:泗洪附小教师备课稿主备教师: 课 题Unit 1 Hello总第 5 课时实施时间年 月 日教学要求进行一些练习,让学生对于本课人物更加清楚,并能够熟练掌握本课单词和句型教 学重难点熟练运用本课单词和句型并能够在实际情境中熟练运用教具准备磁带 人物卡片 挂图初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感一、看英文写中文Miss Li Hello! Good morning, Mike. Hi! Good afternoon,class. 二、选择1.当早晨你见到老师时,可以说:( )AGood afternoon,Mike. B. Good morning,Miss Li.C. Hello, Mis

24、s Li.2.下午老师上课时,会说:( )A. Good afternoon,Yangling. B. Good morning,class.C. Good afternoon,class. 3.以下哪种说法不可以用在上午:( )A. Hello,Yangling. B. Good morning,class.初步教学活动设计二次修改方案及教学随感 C. Good afternoon,class.4.以下哪种说法不可以用在下午:( )A. Hello,Yangling. B. Good morning,class.C. Good afternoon,class.三、听字母写出对应字母大小写 四、翻译课文Good morning, Miss Li. Good morning, Mike. Hi! Hello! Good afternoon,class. Good afternoon, Miss Li. 五、错题收集板书教学反思教研组长审核意见: 教导处审核意见:

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