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人教八上英语 Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister Section B 教学设计.docx

1、人教八上英语 Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister Section B 教学设计人教课标八年级上册英语Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.Section B 教学课设计一.学前活动1.做两项比较级的练习题 (1). 选用下列合适的形容词的原级、比较级完成下列句子。 (2). 单项选择。 (3). 单词拼写。2.活动设计意图:复习巩固学过的形容词比较级,为运用形容词比较级进行交流做好词语的准备。StepTeacherStudents1利用PPT 2展示题目,布置巩固练习一(选用下列合适的形容词的原级、比较级完成下列

2、句子)。完成后,可以让学生同伴互评,之后教师进行适当讲解。Ask students to do the exercise of PPT 2, then check the answers.Finish Exercise 1 and check the answers.做题,核对答案。一、选用下列合适的形容词的原级、比较级完成下列句子。(athletic outgoing quiet smart kind)1. Tom often exercises after class. He is _ than me. 2. Tina is my friend. She likes making talk

3、ing with different people. Shes _ than me.3. Tom is smart. Jim is _ than Tom.4. Paul is never _! He cant stop talking.5. Mr Wang is a _ man. He always helps others.2利用PPT 3 展示题目,布置巩固练习二(单项选择)。完成后,可以让学生同伴互评,之后教师进行适当讲解。Ask students to do the exercise of PPT 2, then check the answers.Finish Exercise 2

4、and check the answers.做题,核对答案。二、单项选择。1. Jims bag is _ than Kates.A. the bigger B. big C. biggest D. bigger2. This street is much _ than that one.A. straight B. straighterC. straightest D. more straight3. Which is _, the sun or the moon?A. small B. smallerC. smallest D. the smallest4. Summer is _ tha

5、n winter.A. cold B. colder C. hot D. hotter5. Its _ to work out a plan than to carry it out.A. easy B. so easy C. easier D. much easy3利用PPT 3展示题目,布置巩固练习三(单词拼写)。完成后,可以让学生同伴互评,之后教师进行适当讲解。Ask students to do the exercise of PPT 3, then let students speak out the answers.Finish Exercise 3 and check the a

6、nswers.做题,核对答案。三、单词拼写。1. Look at the _ (双胞胎)!2. Is that Tom? No, thats Jim. He looks _ (体格强健的) than Tom. And he is _ (鲁莽的) than Tom.3. Dont be nervous. Try to be _ (镇静的).二.学中活动一1.重点词汇学习:(1). has cool clothes 有漂亮的衣服(2). is popular in school 在学校受欢迎 (3). be good at sports 擅长体育 4. make me laugh 使我发笑 (ma

7、ke sb. do) 2.学习内容:教材Section B的1a、1b、2a、2b、2c3.活动设计意图:(1).在听力训练中,学习如何表达择友的标准。(2).在口语表达中,巩固表达择友的标准。StepTeacherStudents4播放动画,进行1a的学习。Ask students to watch the flash and then read 1a.Watch the flash and read 1a.先看动画,再打开书读这六个句子或短语。has cool clothesis popular in schoollikes to do the same things as meis go

8、od at sportsis good at schoolworkmakes me laugh5问学生1a 中哪些项目在交朋友中最重要并按顺序排列。Ask students: “What kinds of things are important for you to make a good friend?”Order the sentences according to 1a.根据自己的观点,把1a的内容排序。6让学生仿照1b练对话 (用1a的内容)。Make conversations according to 1b.Make conversations according to 1b.

9、仿照1b练对话 (用1a 的内容)。A: I think a good friend makes me laugh.B: For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me.C: Yes, and a good friend is popular, too.D: Thats not very important for me.7布置2a和2b听力任务。听第一遍,完成听力任务2a。利用PPT 6演示,快速核对答案。Ask students to listen to 2a and finish the task in 2a.听第二遍完成听

10、力任务2b,利用PPT6演示,快速核对答案。Ask students to listen to 2b and finish the task in 2b.Listen and finish the tasks in 2a and 2b.听,完成听力任务2a和2b。8播放动画,要求学生认真观看动画,并可小声跟读。为下一步听力填空题做准备。Play the flash and ask students to look carefully.Look, listen and repeat after the flash.Look and listen carefully.Interviewer:Who

11、 is your best friend, Holly?Holly:Pete.Interviewer:Why is he a good friend?Holly:Because he likes to do the same things as I do. Hes popular, too, and hes good at sports.Interviewer: Are you good at sports, too?Holly:Well, I like sports, but Petes more athletic than me. Id say were both pretty outgo

12、ing,though.Interviewer: What else do you like about Pete?Holly: Hes funnier than I am, and hes wilder. Im a little quieter.Interviewer:How about you, Maria? Whos your best friend?Maria:My best friend is Vera.Interviewer: What do you like about her?Maria: Well, shes a good listener, and she can keep

13、a secretthats important to me.Interviewer:Is she a lot like you?Maria:Some people say that we look alike. Were both tall, and we both have long, curly hair.But Vera is much quieter than me, and shes also smarter. Im more outgoing.9播放2b,布置听力填空题,进一步巩固落实听力内容。Let students listen to 2b once again and fil

14、l in the blanks, and then check the answers.A: Who is your _ friend, Holly?B: Pete.A: _ is he a good friend?B: Because he likes to do the _ as I do. He is _, too, and hes good at sports.A: Are you good at sports, too?B: Well, I like sports, but Petes more _ than me. Id say were _ pretty _, though.A:

15、 What else do you like _ Pete?B: Hes _ than I am, and hes _. Im a _ quieter.A: How about you, Maria? Whos your best friend?B: My best friend is Vera.A: _ do you like about _?B: Well, she is a good _, and she can keep a _ thats _ to me.A: Is she a _ like you?B: Some people say that we look _. Were bo

16、th tall, and we both have long, _ hair. But Vera is _ quieter than me, and she is also _. Im more _.Listen to 2b again and fill in the blanks, and then check the answers.听录音,核对答案。10布置2c小组活动任务,利用PPT 9演示,辅助完成小组合作的口语表达任务。Ask students to do 2c oral practice in groups.Practice in groups.口语操练。A: Hollys be

17、st friend is funnier than she is.B: Well, Maria and her best friend are both tall.11布置学生完成连词成句练习,为3a的学习打基础。核对答案。Let students do exercises and then check the answers.Do the exercises and check the answers.连词成句:1. Tom, Sam, intellectual, more, than, is _.2. her sister, as as not, sports , at, good, is

18、, Liu Ying _.3. me, same, as, the, friend, my, is _.4. makes, laugh, a, me, good, I, think, friend _.5. outgoing, are, both, we _.三.学中活动二1.重点词汇学习:(1).be different from 与不同 (反义词组the same as ) (2). as as 与一样 not as as 不如 (3). opposite views 相反的观点(4). Its not necessary to 做某事没有必要2.学习内容:教材Section B的3a、3

19、b、3c、Activity 43.活动设计意图:(1).通过学习3a,掌握课文的一些重点词组。(2).在口语表达和写作练习中巩固、运用阐释择友标准的表达方法。StepTeacherStudents12布置阅读任务3a:第一遍阅读,划出描写人物性格的词,利用PPT 11演示,快速核对答案。Ask students to read the text and underline the words that describe what people are like, then check the answers.Read and underline the words that describe

20、what people are like and then check the answers.阅读短文,划出描写人物性格的词。3a的内容:I like to have friends who are like me. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class, and my best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too. There are some differences, though. Im smarter than Yuan Li. Shes more athletic.James Green Its not ne

21、cessary to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Larry is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Larry is more athletic than me. He always beats me in tennis. Also, Im quieter than he is. Huang Lei I dont really care. My best friend is Caro

22、l. Carol is very funny, and more outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the same things. I dont think differences are important in a friendship.Mary Smith 13第二遍阅读,做判断对错题,利用PPT 12演示题目。Ask students to read again and do some True or False exercises. 1. James Green is quiet, the same as hisfriend Yu

23、an li.2. Huang Lei likes friends who are not the same as him.3. Mary Smith and her friend Carol like to do the same things. (教师可以适当讲解课文)Read and do some True or False exercises.阅读短文,判断正误。14教师利用PPT 13讲解课文中的知识点。课文注释:1. be different from 与不同 (反义词组the same as )My clothes are different from yours.我的衣服和你的

24、不一样。2. as as 与一样not as as 不如 Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister. 刘英体育不如姐姐好。3. opposite views 相反的观点We have the opposite views from them.我们的观点和他们的相反。4. Its not necessary to 做某事没有必要Its necessary to 做某事有必要Its necessary for us to study hard.努力学习对我们来说是必要的。Take notes while listening to the tea

25、cher.听教师讲解,做笔记。15点击音频资源3a,布置学生跟读课文,并布置他们自己朗读短文。(目的是为复述课文做好准备。)Ask students to read aloud the text after the tape and then practice reading by themselves. Read aloud after the tape.跟读课。16布置小组课文复述练习 (也可以参考以下中文进行复述)。 我喜欢结交和我一样的朋友。在我们班里,我比绝大多数小孩都文静,我最好的朋友袁丽也是如此。尽管我们有些地方不一样。我比袁丽聪明。她比我强健。詹姆斯格林 朋友之间没有必要一样。

26、我喜欢结交和我不一样的朋友。我最好的朋友拉里比我高,比我外向。我们都喜欢体育,但是拉里比我强健。我们俩打网球我总是输给他。另外,我比他文静。黄磊 我真的不在乎。我最好的朋友是卡雷尔。卡雷尔很有趣,也比我外向。但是我们都喜欢做同样的事情。我认为在友谊之中差异并不重要。玛丽史密斯Retell the text.复述课文。17布置3b的读写任务,利用PPT 15演示给学生一个参考答案。Hollys best friend, Pete, likes to do the same things as she does. And they are both pretty outgoing. Pete is

27、 funnier and wilder than Holly is. Maria and her best friend look alike. They are both tall. They both have long, curly hair. But Marias friend is much quieter and smarter than she is.Look at the chart in 2a on page 34. Write about Holly, Maria and their best friends.根据2a的表格进行写作练习。18安排学生讨论他们和朋友间的相同点

28、和不同点。Ask students to talk about the same and different points between them and their friends.Discussion: You may have many close friends. Please list the ways they are the same as and different from various friends. Then tell the class or your partner about these differences and similarities.Talk ab

29、out the same and different points between them and their friends.讨论自己和朋友间的相同点和不同点。19安排学生写自己和朋友间的相同点和不同点。并提供以下范文,帮助学生能顺利进行书面表达,利用PPT 18演示。(此环节可以参考扩展资源PPT中建议的语法活动)Ask students to write the same and different points between them and their friends.Sample:I have a best friend. In some ways we look the sa

30、me, and in some ways we look different. We both like sports, although he is less athletic than me. I am more outgoing than he is, and he is quieter. I think he is smarter than me. His favorite subjects are math and PE, and my favorite subject is history. However, we both enjoy listening to music.Write the same and different points between them and their friends.写自己和朋友间的相同

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