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1、中国古代瓷器对外贸易对西方的影响及当代启示AcknowledgementsThanks for giving me this opportunity to accomplish this paper and make the ideal conclusion for my four years education. I have obtained more than before through writing this paper.I deeply appreciate the help of my supervisor, Mr. Lei, who widen the range of my

2、 thinking.Besides, I also want to give my sincere thanks to other teachers and my classmates who gave me much help.AbstractChinese ancient porcelains foreign trade with nearly one thousand years had great impacts on the west. It changed the original tableware of the western, which was made of glass,

3、 gold and silver, and promoted the formation of the style of “Rococo” and “the decoration of Pompadour”. It also enriched the form in the expression of religious connotation and spiritual belief and stimulated economic development in Western Europe and Latin America. And porcelains became the symbol

4、 of political civilization in many western countries. Nowadays, the strategy of “the Belt and Road” is in execution, and Chinese should energetically improve the ability of innovation and closely focus on the changes of market demand in exterior areas. In addition, Chinese should take great efforts

5、into the construction of international commercial environment with harmony for the foreign trade of China.Key Words: ancient porcelains; foreign trade; impacts; enlightenment摘 要历经千年的中国古代瓷器对外贸易在西方世界产生了巨大影响。在生活上,瓷器替代了西方民众原先以玻璃和金银为主的饮食器具;在艺术上,促成了西方的“洛可可”风格和“蓬巴杜装饰”;在宗教信仰上,使得西方民众表达宗教内涵和精神信仰的形式更为丰富;在经济上,带

6、动了西欧和拉美地区的经济发展;在政治上,瓷器成为很多西方国家政治文明的象征。当前我国正在实施 “一带一路”战略,我们应大力提升创新能力,在产品的制造过程中密切关注外部市场的需求变化,为我国对外贸易努力营造和谐的国际贸易环境。关键词:古代瓷器;对外贸易;影响;启示ContentsTOC o 1-2 h z u 1. Introduction 12. The Outline of Chinese Ancient Porcelains Foreign Trade 32.1 The Background of the Ancient Porcelains Foreign Trade 32.2 The

7、Representative Periods of Ancient Porcelains Foreign Trade 42.3 The Porcelain Culture behind Ancient Porcelains Foreign Trade 63. The Impacts of Chinese Ancient Porcelains Foreign Trade on the West 73.1 On Politics 73.2 On Economy 73.3 On Art 83.4 On Peoples Livelihood 93.5 On Religious Belief 104.

8、The Contemporary Enlightenment of Chinese Ancient Porcelains Foreign Trade 114.1 The Spirit of Innovation and the High Quality in Export Products 114.2 The Market Demand and the Applicability of Export Products 124.3 The Harmonious Relationship and the Stability in External Environment 135. Conclusi

9、on 14Bibliography 16The Impacts of Chinese Ancient Porcelains Foreign Trade on the West and the Contemporary Enlightenment1. IntroductionAs one of the Chinese nations great creations, porcelains were viewed as the vital product which revealed material and spiritual civilizations of human beings by p

10、opulace in exterior areas. With the distinctive porcelain culture, Chinese ancient porcelains foreign trade had various influences on the human society through long history from the Tang Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. Nowadays, Chinese foreign trade gradually became the main force of

11、competition in the international market,for the rapid growth of economy and the enhancement of national power. In addition, the initiative of “the Belt and Road” is in execution. Basing on these two current situations, there will be some realistic meaning towards Chinese studying the impacts of anci

12、ent porcelains foreign trade on the west and exploring the way in which would better develop external trade at present. In a way, “the Belt and Road” is an extension of the Silk Road, through where various ancient products were exported. Except for the silk, the number of exported porcelains could r

13、ank first among all the transported products. Furthermore, the influences which ancient porcelains brought were relatively more profound than that of the silk brought. For example, the word “China” originally referred to the ancient porcelains, and it was eventually used to serve as the name of one

14、country which initially made porcelains in pace with the deeper acquaintance of foreigners toward porcelains. There is also the significant enlightenment towards Chinese studying the process and external impacts of ancient porcelains foreign trade to explore the essential reason why it could continu

15、ally go on in the past one thousand years and then come up with some meaningful measures in the well development of Chinese external trade.Up to now, many scholars had done some research in foreign trade and cultural exchange of porcelains and achieved particular fruit, which can be divided into two

16、 main categories: one is the studies on cultural exchange of porcelains basing on the outline of porcelain trade with different periods, and the other is the studies on the external impacts of specific porcelains or porcelains with particular period. In the first category, the scholar like Xiao Jun

17、mainly studied Islamic cultural elements in Chinese porcelain. According to his study, some elements about exotic culture were preserved in Chinese porcelains to different degrees out of the need of having commercial exchange, and Islamic cultural elements which were manifested in porcelains were mo

18、st outstanding (75). And two more scholars like Wu Yanchun and Zhou Hong mainly studied the economic and cultural exchange between China and Foreign countries basing on Chinese porcelains foreign trade. Through listing out historical fact about ancient porcelains foreign trade with different periods

19、, they showed that cultures at home and abroad could integrate together and learn from each other. According to their study, Chinese porcelains not only transmitted magical orientalism, but also assimilated helpful elements of foreign culture, and it affected Porcelain abroad except for stimulating

20、native economy (42). In another category, the scholar like Li Mengzhi mainly studied the impacts of Chinese porcelains in the Ming and Qing Dynasties on Europe. According to her study, during the period of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese porcelains made great contribution to the development of Euro

21、pean culture and the built of Porcelain when they were massively exported there (53). Another scholar like Chen Dairu mainly studied the impacts of Chinese white porcelains in Dehua on other countries of the world. According to her study, as the treasure of Chinese traditional culture, Chinese white

22、 porcelains in Dehua greatly promoted the progress of material and cultural life in other countries as the significant carrier of Chinese civilization, except for making much contribution to native economy and culture as the treasure of Chinese traditional culture (141).Although those two categories

23、 above involved the studies on Chinese ancient porcelains foreign trade, there is neither the systematic research on the impacts of Chinese porcelains foreign trade on the west nor that on contemporary enlightenment about Chinese external policies. Basing on the situation, this paper would be better

24、 goes on. Especially under todays external circumstance, it is necessary to study the impacts of Chinese ancient porcelains foreign trade on the west and the contemporary enlightenment.In this paper, the main contents can be divided into three parts. The first one is about the outline of ancient por

25、celains foreign trade, the second one is the impacts of ancient porcelains foreign trade on the west, and the last one is the contemporary enlightenment of ancient porcelains foreign trade. In addition, in this paper, the sense of the west which was mentioned in this paper except for the fourth part

26、 generally refers to any areas west to todays China, including Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia and East Africa.2. The Outline of Chinese Ancient Porcelains Foreign TradeAs an ancient country with large population together with profound history, Chinese foreign trade started so early. China initi

27、ally made the ancient porcelains in the world. Ancient porcelains were extremely significant in its foreign trade as the symbol of Chinese civilization. Owning to the fact that porcelains themselves are the reflection of Chinese traditional culture, for western, ancient porcelains foreign trade can

28、be regarded as one of the important avenues in the comprehension and acquirement of human spiritual culture. During one thousand years or so from the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese ancient porcelains were constantly exported to the exterior areas via the Land Silk Roa

29、d and the Maritime Silk Road.2.1 The Background of the Ancient Porcelains Foreign TradeChinese ancient porcelains foreign trade had an age-old history. Our ancient porcelains had been transported to central Asia together with west Asia via the Land Silk Road since the Tang Dynasty. In fact, the Tang

30、 Dynasty was relatively exoteric, which made its relationship with exterior areas become closer. As the distinctive creativity of Chinese civilization and the fruit of intelligence from ancient people, ancient porcelains were viewed as the treasure by exterior populace. At that time, except that a g

31、reat amount of silk was exported abroad, the number of exported Chinese porcelains were gradually increasing in pace with the progress of Chinese porcelains technology. Especially depending on the invisible driving force of the Silk Road and the growth of southern economy of the time, there formed a

32、 fundamental condition for benefiting our ancient porcelains foreign trade. While up to the later Tang Dynasty, there was frequent unrest in the Land Silk Road, the transportation accordingly became extremely unsafe. In pace with the improvement of ancient shipbuilding technology as well as seamansh

33、ip, the Maritime Silk Road arose in the middle of the eighth century (Wu and Zhou 41). Owning to the intermittent commerce based upon the unrest, the marine trade became increasingly frequent and the sea transportation convenient in consideration of security and economy. From then on, Chinese ancient porcelains

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