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1、英语写作修辞手法FIGURESOFSPEECH课堂笔记 Zzz6ZB2Ltk To lie or not to lie-the doctors dilemma.Personification.Examples.The rain to the wind said. / You push and Ill pelt. dvzfvkwMI1Slang is a language that takes off its coat, spits on its hands, and goes to work.rqyn14ZNXIOnomatopoeia.Examples.Dais started laughi

2、ng.Dais started gigging.Euphemism.Examples.Under the weather.Join ones ancestors.Advanced in age.Run ones races.Hyperbole/Overstatement.Examples.A sea of troubles.Understatement.Parallelism.Examples.So was it when my life began. / So is it now I am a man. / So be it when I shall grow old.EmxvxOtOcoC

3、ontrast.Examples.Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.SixE2yXPq5Antithesis.Examples.Give me liberty, or give me death.The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.Oxymoron.Examples.Painful pleasure.Living death.Poor rich guys.Falsely true.Shine darkly.Love-hate rel

4、ationship.Pun.Examples.We must hang together, or we shall hang separately.6ewMyirQFLSeven days without water make one week.(week-weakkavU42VRUsMake your every hello a real good-buy.(good-buy-good-byey6v3ALoS89Zeugma.Examples. She opened the door and her heart to the homeless boy.M2ub6vSTnPAllusion.E

5、xamples. The heel of Achilles. Open sesame. Cinderella. Fig leaf. Tower of Bible.Irony.Transferred Epithet.Examples. A sleepless bed. A dizzy height. A sweet voice. A icy look.Climax.Examples.I came, I saw, I conquered.Anticlimax.Examples. For God, for America, and for Yale.Alliteration.Examples. Mo

6、ney makes the mare go. Pride and prejudice.SentenceUnity.One central idea.Coherence.Subject-Verb Agreement.Run-on Sentence.Sentence Fragment.Dangling Modifier.Faulty Parallelism.Conciseness.Unnecessary words.Unnecessary repetition.Sentence structure,Emphasis.Short sentence.Balanced sentence.Negative

7、-positive statements.Rhetorical questions.Climactic sequence.Subordination.Emphatic words or phases.Repeating.The use of verbs.Variety.连贯性主、从句主语一致.单复数.时态.(in tense.语气(主、被动.(in voice.虚拟语气.祈使句:一般省略的主语是YOU.改错时应注意主语.Emphasis:the use of verbs.(in the active voice。short-strong.0YujCfmUCwMake a decision。 a

8、t the sight of.Decide。 see.写作:长短句相间.appeal to mens senses.Loose,Periodic and Balanced Sentences.She decided to study English though she was interested in music.(松散句eUts8ZQVRdAlthough she was interested in music, she decided to study English.(圆周句sQsAEJkW5TParagraphA paragraph is a unit.The form.首行缩进.

9、纸张左右空白Do not begin with every sentence.段落长短由内容决定.Kinds.topicalspecialintroductorytransitionalconclusionAn introductory paragraph introduces the subject, narrows it down, and states the essays thesis.GMsIasNXkAIntroduction Dos.Ask a question.(One question.Relate an incident.Use a vivid quotation.Prov

10、ide background.We can begin in the introductory paragraph withObservation.Quotation.An analogy contrast.A question.A relevant story or anecdote.An interesting factual statement or point of view.TIrRGchYzgA definition.Functions of Concluding Paragraph.summarize.concise.well developed.Conclusion Dos.S

11、trike a note of hope or desire.Give a symbolic or powerful fact or detail.Recommend a course of action.Use a Quotation.(no research.Reflect on the implications of the thesis.Draw a conclusion based upon the evidence of the essay.7EqZcWLZNXWe can end in the concluding paragraph withA significant quot

12、ation which supports the thesis.lzq7IGf02EA question.A prophecy or a warning.A forceful restatement of the thesis through the use of balance,emphsis or other rhetorical devices.zvpgeqJ1hkA generalization.Narrating An Event Or A RoutineWhat is it?To narrate means to tell an event or a routine as a st

13、ory.NrpoJac3v1The narrative may be purely fictional or an account of some real experience.1nowfTG4KIFollowing chronological order.Different characteristics of the two kinds of narrative writing.fjnFLDa5ZoA routine paragraph covers a series of activities without having to go into details of each. And

14、 one activity may not be related to the next one. But the paragraph dealing with only one event concentrates on one story and we provide a lot details for it. Besides, there is usually a causal connection between one detail and another detail.tfnNhnE6e5Since a routine paragraph describes what people

15、 regularly do everyday or every weekend or Sunday, the present tense should be used unless it is a past routine, but a one-event paragraph talks about something that happened in the past, so the past tense is used.HbmVN777sLTopic sentence.Show the writers attitude.Arouse readers curiosity.Can be dev

16、eloped with one incident.(for one-event paragraphV7l4jRB8HsSelect relevant details.Order of organization and verb tense.To achieve a coherent organization, we should use time connectors such aswhen, before, and after to put sentences together. 83lcPA59W9How To Write BiographyWhat is it?A life story

17、of an individual by another author.Third person.Autobiography.Kinds?Encyclopedia.Directory of famous people.Authorized biographies.Non fiction books.Unauthorized biographies.Biographies analyze and interpret the events in a persons life.mZkklkzaaPBiographies use primary and secondary sources.Require

18、ments.Start with the encyclopedia and almanac.Think about what you want to know./Interview-prepare some questions.AVktR43bpw What makes this person famous or attractive? What kind of effect did he or she have on the world (or other people?ORjBnOwcEdWhat are the adjectives you would mostly use to des

19、cribe the person?2MiJTy0dTTExamples from their lives illustrate those qualities.gIiSpiue7AEvents.Obstacles? Risks? Lucks?Would the world be better or worse without him/her?uEh0U1YfmhTypicalfeatures.Past tense.Third person.Key incidents of the persons lives are counted.Chronological order also contai

20、n other people views.IAg9qLsgBXPictures.A beginning/opening paragraph-summarize, impressive.WwghWvVhPEA middle-highlights.An ending-further influences.Guidelines for planning and revising your work.Establish an appropriate voice.Build a conflict.Place the reader in a particular setting.Provide descr

21、iptive and sensory language.Deciding on a focus.Describing A Person, An Object, A PlaceVOCABULARIESasfpsfpi4kGood description can do.Readers can reproduce the image in their mind.Readers can relive the experience as if they were there.ooeyYZTjj1Therefore, they can be affected emotionally by the desc

22、riptive words.BkeGuInkxIDescribing people.Two major aspects: appearance and personality.The topic sentence shows the writers attitude or impression of the person.PgdO0sRlMoThe topic sentence must contain an idea to be developed in a paragraph, rather than sentence of facts.3cdXwckm15Specific and des

23、criptive details rather than just general remarks.h8c52WOngMDescribing an object.The appearance of an object usually covers its shape, measurements, color, smell, material, texture of surface, etc.v4bdyGiousBesides the appearance of an object, we also describe its value, quality, and use.J0bm4qMpJ9C

24、an be either with or without personal feelings.The topic sentence shows the writers attitude or impression of the person.XVauA9grYPThe topic sentence must contain an idea to be developed in a paragraph, rather than sentence of facts.bR9C6TJscwSpecific and descriptive details rather than just general

25、 remarks.pN9LBDdtrdSentences are to be organized in spatial order.Describing a place.Tone.Objective: without much of persinal feelings.Subjective: with strong feelings.The topic sentence indicates what is going to be described, what the writters attitude is, and what dominant impression the paragraph is to make.DJ8T7nHuGTUse descriptive details.When we describe a place, we should not only make clear where things are located, but also what they are like.QF81D7bvUAOnly when these objects are presented in proper apatial relationship to each other, does the description achieve

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