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1、ENGLISH ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 施工现场英语ENGLISH ON SITE 现场英语一、 Greetings and Introductions问候和介绍1. How do you do? 你好吗?(初次见面)2. How are you? 你好吗?(日常见面,问健康情况)3. Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。4. I am very well, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。5. Good morning, Mr. Jack. 早安,贾克先生。6. Good afternoon, Miss Mary. 午安,玛莉小姐。7. Good eveni

2、ng, Dr. John. 晚上好,约翰博士。8. Very pleased to meet you, you are welcome. 见到你很高兴,欢迎你。9. I am very glad to see you. 我很高兴见到你。10. Welcome to China. 欢迎你到中国来!11. Welcome to our job site. 欢迎到我们工地来。12. For our friendship and cooperation, I wish we shall have a friendly cooperation in coming days.祝愿友谊与合作,希望今后友好共

3、事。13. Let us work together for our common job.让我们为共同的事业一起工作吧!14. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!15. Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐!16. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!17. Congratulations to your National Day! 祝贺你们的国庆节!18. Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!19. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jiang Ming. 请允许我介绍自己,我的名字叫

4、江明。20. Please allow me to introduce a fellow of mine, Mr.Wu. 请允许我给你介绍一位我的同事吴先生。21. I am deputy chief accountant & manager. (project manager, resident construction manager, staff member, engineer, technician, supervisor, foreman, worker). 我是公司副总会计师兼任国外工程分公司经理。(项目经理、施工经理、职员、工程师、技术员、管理员、班长、工人)。22. Mana

5、gement team of overseas engineering branch includes manager, party secretary, construction manager, planning & budget manager, liaison manager, chief accountant. The branch consists of overseas office, domestic office, liaison department and project management offices. 国外工程分公司领导班子有经理、书记、生产经理、技术经理、经营

6、经理、外联经理、总会计师。机构有国外办事处、国内综合办事处、联络部和各项目经理部。23. Key function of overseas engineering branch includes mainly: overseas project information tracing, market development, bidding, signing contract, project management (arrange manpower, equipment and material, supervision project implementation), project ba

7、lance, receive project fund and finance balance. 国外工程分公司的主要职责是统一公司国外工程项目的信息追踪、市场开发、投标报价、合同签订、项目执行(包括人力、设备机具、材料配备、组织协调、监督和检查)、项目结算、工程款收取和财务结算。24. Duty of manager is in charge of overall performance of the branch, mainly responsible for market development, human resource management, finance, procureme

8、nt, etc. It is very important for the manager to keep contact and communication with company top management, to find and resolve problems during project management, to keep teamwork, friendship within the branch management team. 国外工程分公司经理的职责主要是全面负责分公司各项行政工作、主管市场开发、人事、财务、物资采办等工作,关键是做好与各位领导的沟通和交流,及时发现

9、和处理经营活动中存在的问题,保证班子的团结、友爱、敬业、向上。25. As manager of overseas engineering branch, he shall learn a lot of knowledge on international business, law, and local custom, especially contract negotiation, compensation claim and project management. What is more, he must learn foreign language, and try to commu

10、nicate with foreigner in English. 作为国外分公司经理要学习国际商务知识、法律知识、了解所在国的风俗习惯和人文背景,更要学习合同谈判、索赔和工程专业知识,要加强外语的学习,争取能够和外国人进行沟通和交流。26. I work in the Sudan project office, overseas engineering branch of China Petroleum 6th Construction Company (Construction Department, technical department, procurement department

11、, document control department, planning department, QA/QC department, finance department). 我在中油六建设公司国外分公司苏丹项目部(施工部、技术部、采办部、文控部、计控部、质量监督部、财务部)工作。27. My technical specialty is civil engineering. (chemical engineering, process, mechanical equipment, electrical, instrumentation, piping, welding, furnace

12、 building, anti-corrosion, insulation, heating & ventilation, quality control, translation, document control, planning and budget, finance). 我的技术专业是土建工程。(化工工程、工艺、机械设备、电气、仪表、管道、焊接、筑炉、防腐、保温、采暖通风、质量管理、翻译、文控、经营、财务).28. What is your specialty? 你的专业是什么?29. I am a mechanic worker. (electrician, pipe fitter

13、, welder, carpenter, turner, blacksmith, civil worker, erector, riveter, rigger, concrete worker, driver, repair worker). 我是一个机械钳工。(电工、管工、焊工、木工、车工、铁工、建筑工人、安装工人、铆工、起重工、混凝土工、司机、修理工)30. What is your nationality? Are you American? (English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Romanian, Sudanese, Algeria,

14、 Kazakstan) 你是什么国籍的?你是美国人吗?(英国人、日本人、德国人、法国人、意大利人、罗马尼亚人、苏丹人、阿尔及利亚人、哈萨克斯坦人)31. The company is a state-owned grade- chemical & petroleum engineering construction enterprise qualified for general contracting with approval of the Ministry of Construction. The company is a engineering company directly und

15、er CNPC. The company mainly engages in petrochemical construction both at home and abroad as well.我们公司主要从事国内外石油化工工程安装,是中国石油的直属安装公司,国家一级总承包企业。32. The company, with registered capital of 148,000,000 RMB, owns some 3000 employees, 112 set construction equipments, 10 set cranes above 400T lifting capaci

16、ty. The company possesses strong competition power, technical and management capability.我公司现有职工3500人、施工设备112台件,注册资本1.48亿人民币,400吨以上吊车10台。具有雄厚的核心竞争能力和技术水平和管理水平。33. At present, the main markets abroad are in northern Africa (Sudan, Algeria, Kenya), Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Qatar), Center Asia (Kazaks

17、tan, Turkmenistan), etc. Domestic markets mainly are in chemical-industry and oil refinery base, northeast, northwest and southwest of China.目前我公司的国外市场主要在北非(苏丹、阿尔及利亚、肯尼亚)、中东(沙特、卡塔尔)、中亚(土库曼斯坦、哈萨克斯坦)等国家,国内主要在东北、西北、西南的化工和炼油基地。34. The company has undertaken construction of about 400 projects in 21 domes

18、tic provinces as well as in 5 countries in Africa and the Middle East. All the projects were put into operation successfully, such as Nanhai petrochemical PP/HDPE project, Lanzhou 300,000T ethylene project, Dalian 10,000,000T oil refinery project, Sudan Khartoum refinery project.我公司施工过的具体代表性的工程有:南海石

19、化两聚工程,是与意大利公司合作完成的;兰州30万吨乙烯、大连1000万吨炼油厂、苏丹喀土穆炼厂等项目。35. Company Aim: construct perfect project, build up perfect reputation 我们的企业目标:“建山上同美工程、创国际一流品牌”36. Company Principle: striving for harmonious achievement of client satisfaction, employee worthiness and social benefit. 企业宗旨:追求顾客满意、员工价值、社会效益的和谐统一。37

20、. Company Spirit: faithfulness, innovation, solidification, teamwork, excellence企业精神:诚信、创新、团结、卓越。38. Our Company is located in Guilin, a city famous for its scenery and tradition. The popular scenery spots are Li river, Elephant hill, Ludi rock, Qixing park, etc. 我公司总部坐落在风景优美的桂林,桂林是世界著名的旅游城市,具体山清、水秀

21、、洞奇、石美的特点,代表景点是漓江、象鼻山、芦笛岩,七星公园、两江四湖等等,享有“桂林山水甲天下、阳朔风景甲桂林”的美称。39. What is your name? 你的名字叫什么?40. Can I have your name, please? 请问你的名字?41. What company do you work for? 你在那家公司工作?42. Which department do you belong to? 你属于哪个部门?43. Kindly give us your advice, please. 请多指教!44. Thanks for your direction. 感

22、谢你的指导!45. Good-bye. 再见!46. See you again. 再见!47. See you later. 回头见!48. See you tomorrow. 明天见!二、TALKING ABOUT LANGUAGES 交谈语言49. Do you speak English? 你能讲英语吗?50. Let us talk English! 让我们用英语交谈吧!51. I can speak English only a little, do you understand me? 我只能说一点英语,你能听懂吗?52. Excuse me, Sometimes I make

23、mistakes when I speak English. 请原谅,我讲英语有时会说错。53. Speak slowly, please. I intend to learn to speak English. 请讲慢一点,我想学着讲一点英语。54. I am very sorry. I can not speak English very well, but I can read document in English. 我很抱歉,我的英语说得不好,但我能看懂英文资料。55. Please write down the English words of this for us. 请用英文单

24、词写出来给我们看。56. Write this word in English, please.请用英文把这字写出来。57. I can not understand you, say it again, please. 我不懂你讲的,请再说一遍。58. Do you know how we should express the idea in English? 你可知道我们应该如何用英文表达这个意思?59. What does this word mean? 这字是什么意思?60. We should like to have an interpreter, let us call him.

25、 我们应该找一个翻译来?61. Is my pronunciation correct? 我的发音对吗?62. I have trouble with pronunciation. 我在发音上有困难.63. How many languages do you speak?你能讲几种语言? 64. I can read (speak) English only with the help of a dictionary. (tape recorder). 我仅能借助字典(磁带录音机)阅读(讲说)英语。65. Do you speak Chinese? Can you write Chinese

26、character?你能讲汉语吗?你会写汉语吗?66. Please tell me how to spell this English word. 请告诉我怎样拼读这个英文字。67. I do not understand, can you repeat it? 我不懂,你能重复一次吗?68. I can not catch up with you. 我赶不上你。69. I can follow you 我能听懂你的话。70. Let the interpreter continue. 让翻译接着讲。71. Please put the sentence into Chinese (Engl

27、ish).请把这个句子翻译成汉语(英语)。72. Have you a mind to learn English? 你想学英语吗?73. Because my vocabulary in petroleum engineering is limited, I have some difficulty to communicate with Supervisor and Owner.有关石油工程建设方面的英语词汇量不够,所以和监理和业主交流比较困难。三、DATES AND TIMES 日期和时间74. What month is this? 现在是几月份?75. This is January

28、. (February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). 现在是元月份。(二月、三月、四月、五月、六月、七月、八月、九月、十月、十一月、十二月)76. What day is today? 今天是星期几?77. Today is Sunday. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday). 今天是星期天。(一、二、三、四、五、六)78. What is the date today? 几天是几号?7

29、9. Today is May 21, two thousand and six. 今天是2006年5月21日80. What time is it? 现在几点钟?81. It is six oclock. 现在是六点钟。82. It is seven past nine. 现在是九点过七分。83. It is a few minutes after three. 现在是三点过几分。84. It is a quarter to ten. 现在是十点差一刻。85. Will you be here at eight oclock tomorrow? 请你明天八点钟到这里来,好吗?86. We s

30、hall come at half past seven, when will you come? 我们七点半来,你什么时候来?87. We shall be on time, I hope. 我希望我们能准时到达。88. We get to work at seven thirty every morning and finish working at eleven thirty before noon. (a.m.)我们每天早上七点三十分开始工作,到十一点三十分结束工作。89. We work from two until six oclock afternoon (p.m.) every

31、 day. 我们每天下午从两点到六点工作。90. We have breakfast at seven. 我们七点钟进早餐。91. We have dinner at eleven forty-five. 我们十一点四十五分进午餐。92. We have supper at six afternoon. 我们下午六点进晚餐。93. We have a day of rest on Sunday every week. 我们每周星期日休息。四、WEATHER AND ENVIRONMENT 天气和环境94. It is very fine today, the weather is suitab

32、le for our work. 今天天气很好,适合我们工作。95. It is not at all a nice day. It will get colder. 天气一点也不好,要变冷起来。96. We can not continue the outdoor work, because it is raining (sleeting) now.因为现在下雨(雨雪),我们不能继续在室外工作。97. It is going to snow (hail) tomorrow, some measures must be taken to prevent freezing. 明天将下雪(冰雹),为预防冰冻必须采取一些措施。98. The lifting work on site will be compelled to stop, owing to the strong wind. (a dense fog).由于强风(浓雾),现场起重吊装工作将被迫停止。99. We have a nap (interval) af

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