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1、成人高考高起点日语试题及答案2008年成人高考高起点日语试题及答案课后练习答案P56 Translation1. In both friendship and love,you should never expect to receive the maximum while you give the minimum.2. I built all my hopes on his promise, only to find that he was not a man of sincerity at all.3. We took my mother to all the best hospital

2、we could find, but all our efforts were in vain;she failed to survive the disease.4. Valentines Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14, a perfect day to express love to the object of your affection.5. In the information era, communications with far away friends via e-mail can be almost s

3、imultaneous.6. Love takes time, for it is not forge until you have grown used to the others company and learned to appreciate the other.P90 Translation1.For thousands of years philosophers have taken pains to illustrate the meaning of happiness from their own points of view.2.When I first came to co

4、llege, I suddenly found myself left with everything to deal with by myself. It was not until then did I realize that living with my parents was truly a happy experience.3.You shouldnt always make comparison with others; otherwise, you may be fall into depression, for there are always many others who

5、 are better than you.4.Today people are much better off and enjoy more leisure. Strangely enough, they find life boring.5.In effect, life is long but short of excitement. You are sure to suffer from inevitable disappointment if you expect everyday life to be as exciting as a drama.6.Too smooth a lif

6、e can be destructive in that people are denied the opportunity to learn how to deal with failures.This in part explains the ever-rising rates of suicide among young people.P115 11.indifferent 2. prejudice 3. appealing 4. rendered5. threats 6. respect 7. isolate 8. sucked9. infected 10. ignorance 11.

7、 namely 12.probable13.reluctantly 14. applause 15. wept 16.issued17.shelter 18. contracted 19. cheated 20. toleratedP115 21.guard against 2. concern yourself with 3. make room an end the hope of 6.on the ground that7. at risk 8. set aside 9.As regards10. cut off 11. Owing to 12. C

8、arry onP120 Cloze1. threat 2. at risk 3. infected 4. prejudice 5. isolated6. contracted 7. shelter 8. grieve 9. along 10. pathway11. issue 12. bring 13. evil 14. Concern ourselves with15. SupportP120 Translation1. They took their sick father on a long journey to Beijing in the hope of curing his hea

9、rt disease.2. The campaign of Knowing More About AIDS needs to be carried on, and at this stage the emphasis is put on the way the disease is contracted.3. If power is properly used, the lives of the common people will be rendered happy. If not, their daily life will be placed under threat.4. Could

10、a government justifiably use nuclear weapons to guard against terrorist attacks?5. Owing to ignorance of the disease, many people still believe the HIV victims deserve what they suffer.6. The newly issued report on improving the medical system in rural areas leads us to believe that the era is to be

11、 brought to an end when such areas are always short of doctors and medicines.P164 11. associate 2. equipped 3. combined 4. emphasis 5. enlighten6. phase 7. graded 8. Commented 9.inspection 10.passively11. rural 12. negotiate 13. indispensable 14. illusion15.implemented 16. decline 17. reconcile 18.

12、practically19. residents 20. VirtualP166 21. so to speak 2. try out 3. in store 4. Lend themselves to5. turn my back on accordance with 7. crying out for8. is. the case 9. step in 10. clam down 11. brought back12.go after 13. reflect on 14. get out of 15. For want for16. Oddly enough favo

13、ur of 18. In turn 19. hit on/upon20. to this end 21. calls for 22. Brought aboutP170 Cloze1. To this end 2. in store 3. indispensable 4. Calls for5. diversity 6. implement 7. in accordance with 8. emphasis9. combining 10 in depth 11. equip 12. goes after13. access 14.get out ofP171 Translation1. Cul

14、tivating the right emotions is indispensable in that it lays the foundation for the successes of ones future work and studies.2. The development of West China is crying for talents. To this end, the government has made favorable policies, calling for more college graduates to go and work there.3. Ho

15、w can you turn your back on me when I am in such difficulty? We have gone through trials and tribulations for practically half a century.4. Web addicts spend so much time on the Internet that they are unable to draw a distinction between the virtual world an the real world .5. City residents often h

16、ave the illusion that rural life is leisurely and comfortable. In fact, that might not be the case.6. Distance leaning is a global trend. With its quick development, people can enjoy an equally Convenient access to educational resources no matter where they are.口试试题及答案1朗读课文段落1. Unite 1 P3 第一、二自然段2.

17、Unite 2 P35 第七自然段 P38 第十二自然段3. Unite 3 P70 第十自然段 P71 第十一自然段4. Unite 4 P100 第三、四自然段2搭档对话1. Talk with your partners about the advantages and disadvantages of exercises. 和你的搭档谈谈锻炼的优势和劣势。A:We can get lots of advantages from exercise.Exercise can build up our mind and body.我们能够从锻炼里得到很多好处.锻炼能够帮助我们增强思维和身体体

18、质。B: Yes. It can also make us more confident.是的。锻炼还能给予我们更多的信心。A: Ok. It can relax ourselves a lot and so on.是的,它也能让我们自己得到更多的放松等等。B: But exercise can do some harm to us.但锻炼也会带给我们伤害。A: Especially, too much or too hard exercise may hurt our bodies,exhaust our energy and even cause us to become sick.特别是

19、过度锻炼或者太艰苦的锻炼可能会伤害我们的身体,耗尽我们的体力,甚至引起疾病。2. Talk with your partners about the symbols of America.和你的搭档谈谈美国的标志。A: Do you know what are Americas symbols?你知道什么是美国的标志?B: Of course. For example the golden Gate Bridge, the White House, the Statue of Liberty, the Black Hill and so on.当然知道。比如说金门大桥,白宫,自由女神像,布莱克

20、山等等。A: Yes. They are very very grand.是的,他们都很宏伟壮观。B: Surely. But if you ask me what is Americas greatest symbol, I can tell you it is the painting American Gothic.的确。但如果你要问我什么是美国最为著名的标志,那我会告诉你它是一幅画:美国哥特式3. Talk with your partners about the advantages and disadvantages of study abroad.和你的搭档谈谈出国留学的优劣势。

21、A: Now more and more chinese students choose to study abroad.现在越来越多的中国学生选择出国留学。B: What is your opinion? 对此你有什么看法呢?A: I think it is a good thing. 我认为这是件好事。B: Why? 为什么呢?A: They can improve their ability through the study there and learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from these

22、 developed countries.通过在那的学习他们能够提高改善自己并能够从那些发达的国家学到很多先进的科学技术知识。B: But every coin has two sides. There are some disadvantages of study abroad.但是凡事都有利弊,出国留学也有一些不好之处的。A: Surely. The cost are much higher than those in our native country.当然,出国留学的费用远远高于我们本国学习的费用B:And most overseas students have to go out

23、to work for living and study.并且很多的海外留学生为了生活和学习都得出去工作。A: Whats more,they may feel very lonely.另外他们也可能感到很孤独。3单独答问1. Do you think love and marriage are important matters in our life? Why or why not?你认为爱情和婚姻是我们生活里重要的事情吗?为什么是或者为什么不是?Yes, They do. Because love and marriage teach us about sharing, loving,

24、courage, responsibility,generosity and so much more. Without love and marriage like a trees without blossom or fruit.他们是重要的事情。因为爱情和婚姻能够教会我们关于分享,有爱心,勇气,责任和宽宏大量等很多东西。并且缺少了爱情和婚姻的生活,就像未开花结果的枯树。2. Are you satisfied with your college life? Why or why not?你对你的大学生活满意吗?为什么满意或不满意。Yes, I am satisfied with my c

25、ollege life. I believe college is an important stage in my life. In college, I understand how to learn by myself,how to get on well with others, how to live life opens my eyes and broaden my mind and I also learn a lot of different knowledge in it .我很满意我的大学生活。我认为大学是我生活里一个重要的阶段,

26、在大学里我明白了如何自己去学习,如何和他人友好相处,如何去独立生活。大学生活开拓了我的视野和扩展了我的思维,并且我也在大学里学到了很多不同的知识。3. In your opinion, what is friendship?在你的观点里,什么是友谊?In my opinion, friendship must go through trials an tribulation together.And no two persons can accept each other and become friends until each has proved to the other that he

27、 is worthy of love and so won his trust. This kind of friendship is true friendship in my eyes.在我的观点里友谊必须同甘共苦,历经风雨。只有当两个人互相证明自己值得爱并获得对方信任之后,彼此才能接受对方为朋友。这种类型的友谊在我眼里才是真正的友谊。4. Can money alone bring happiness? Why or why not? 只有金钱能够带来幸福吗?为什么是或不是?Money is most important, for you need it to survive. But

28、it is not the only thing you need, and money itself will not bring lasting happiness to most people.Man does not live by bread alone.Most important of all, happiness lies in the positive attitude one holds towards life other how much money one earns. 金钱固然极其重要,因为你需要它存活;但金钱不是你唯一需要的东西。对于多数人来说,金钱本身不会带来恒

29、久的幸福。人不是只靠面包生活。更为重要的是,幸福不在于一个人挣多少钱,而在于它对待生活的乐观态度。5. Among the traditional education and education in cyberspace, which one do you support? Why?在传统教育和网络教育之间,你支持哪一个?为什么?I more support the education in cyberspace. Because it is more flexible, convenient and so on.In learning model, it most directly reflects characteristic of cleaning and active learning.It is also a global trend.With its quick development, people can enjoy an equally convenient access to educational resources no matter where they are.我更支持网络教育。因为它更灵活方便等等,在学习模式上,更直接体现了学习和主动学习的特点。它也是一个全球化的趋势。随着它的发展,人们无论身处何地都能有同样方便的途径享受教育资源。golden

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