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1、Traditional Chinese Architecture故宫简图Traditional Chinese architecture were usually based on the principle of balabce and symmetry.Imperial ArchitectureGorgeous colorSolemn atmosphere,reflecting the Royal demeanor;Neat layout,multi totem(Dragon)of the divine right of kingsTaihe palace 64 meters long,3

2、7 meters wide,high 26.92m,high 35.05m based on.The temple has a broad platform,called Danbi,commonly known as the platform.Display sundial on the platform,Scarlett amount of each one,each of the copper,copper turtle crane,tripod 18.Under the security fence are the leading stone drainage during the r

3、ainy season,can present Qianlong spit water spectacle.Solemn atmosphereSimple and elegant Beijing Quadrangles四合院就是三合院前面有加门房的屋舍来封闭。若呈四合院就是三合院前面有加门房的屋舍来封闭。若呈“口口”字字形的称为一进院落;形的称为一进院落;“日日”字形的称为二进院落;字形的称为二进院落;“目目”字形字形的称为三进院落。的称为三进院落。一般而言,大宅院中,第一进为门屋,第二一般而言,大宅院中,第一进为门屋,第二进是厅堂,第三进或后进为私室或闺房,是妇女或眷属的活动进是厅堂,第三进

4、或后进为私室或闺房,是妇女或眷属的活动空间,一般人不得随意进入空间,一般人不得随意进入The front courtyard is the courtyard with the house The front courtyard is the courtyard with the house closed.If a mouth shape called a into the courtyard;closed.If a mouth shape called a into the courtyard;shaped for binary courtyard;eye shaped said three

5、 shaped for binary courtyard;eye shaped said three general,stately homes first for the door of general,stately homes first for the door of the house.The second is the hall,the ternary or backward the house.The second is the hall,the ternary or backward for the den or boud

6、oir,women or their families,generally for the den or boudoir,women or their families,generally not free to enternot free to enter合院住宅中的庭院四合院住宅中的庭院四周闭合而露天,可以周闭合而露天,可以营造出内部良好的小营造出内部良好的小气候,减少不良外在气候,减少不良外在气候的影响。夏天可气候的影响。夏天可以有效地遮荫纳凉,以有效地遮荫纳凉,冬天可以很好地采光,冬天可以很好地采光,保暖,抵御风沙。保暖,抵御风沙。Closed and open air in the

7、courtyard of the courtyard houses,can create a good internal climate,reduce the impact of bad weather.Can effectively shade in summer,winter can be well lit,warm,against the wind.露天通透的庭院即使露天通透的庭院即使入风口,也是出风口,入风口,也是出风口,通过自然的风压得到通过自然的风压得到流畅的通风,保证健流畅的通风,保证健康清新的空气质量。康清新的空气质量。Open air permeability of the

8、courtyard even into the outlet,but also out of the outlet,through natural ventilation,ventilation,to ensure the health and fresh air quality.Shanxi Cave Dwellings窑洞民居可分为地坑式、沿崖式和土坯式三种。地坑式窑窑洞民居可分为地坑式、沿崖式和土坯式三种。地坑式窑洞在地面挖坑,内三面或四面开凿洞穴居住,有斜坡道出洞在地面挖坑,内三面或四面开凿洞穴居住,有斜坡道出入。沿崖式窑洞是沿山边及沟边一层一层开凿窑洞。入。沿崖式窑洞是沿山边及沟边一

9、层一层开凿窑洞。Cave dwellings can be divided into the pit,along the cliff and adobe type three.Pit cave in ground digging,three or four sides were living in caves,with ramp access.Along the cliff cave along the side of the mountain and Mizobe a layer of excavated cave.陕北的窑洞陕北的窑洞是依山势开是依山势开凿出来的这凿出来的这样一个拱顶样一个

10、拱顶的窑洞。由的窑洞。由于黄土本身于黄土本身具有直立不具有直立不塌的性质,塌的性质,而拱顶的承而拱顶的承重能力又比重能力又比平顶要好,平顶要好,所以窑洞一所以窑洞一般都是采取般都是采取拱顶的方式拱顶的方式来保证了它来保证了它的稳固性。的稳固性。In the mountain cave is dug out a vaulted cave.Due to the Loess itself has the nature of erect does not collapse,and the bearing capacity of the arch and is better than the flat,

11、so the cave are generally take vault to ensure its stability.陕北取黄土高原土层厚实、地下水位低的特点,挖窑洞作民居,有冬暖夏凉的优点。The characteristics of Northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau soil from thick,underground water level is low,be dug cave houses,have the advantages of warm in winter and cool in summer.Hakka Earth Buildings 客家土

12、楼客家土楼是以土作墙而建造起来的集体建筑,客家土楼客家土楼是以土作墙而建造起来的集体建筑,呈圆形、半圆形、方形、等,各具特色,其中以圆形呈圆形、半圆形、方形、等,各具特色,其中以圆形的最引人注目,当地人称之为圆楼或圆寨。的最引人注目,当地人称之为圆楼或圆寨。客家土楼客家土楼属于集体性建筑,其最大的特点在于其造型大。属于集体性建筑,其最大的特点在于其造型大。Hakka Earth Buildingsis based on soil wall and built up of collective construction,round,half round,square,quadrangular,p

13、entagonal shape,spot shape,dustpan shaped showed equal,have their own characteristics,which to round the most striking,known locally as round or round castle.The Hakka belongs to collective construction,its biggest feature is the other bigThe round house is the most characteristic of the local build

14、ings construction,in general it in the center of a circle of according to different radius,a layer to expand outward,like ripples of the lake,ring set,very spectacular.圆楼是当地土楼群中最具特色的建筑,一般它以一个圆心出发,圆楼是当地土楼群中最具特色的建筑,一般它以一个圆心出发,依不同的半径,一层层向外展开,如同湖中的水波,环环相套,依不同的半径,一层层向外展开,如同湖中的水波,环环相套,非常壮观非常壮观Round out da

15、rk corner of the room,poor ventilation,close to the wooden stairs,large noise interference.Compared with the square floor,round room towards the quality difference is not obvious,is conducive to the internal distribution family.The material,wood size uniform.圆楼消灭了角房间光线暗、圆楼消灭了角房间光线暗、通风差,紧临木楼梯,噪音通风差,紧

16、临木楼梯,噪音干扰大。干扰大。与方楼相比,圆楼房间朝向与方楼相比,圆楼房间朝向好坏差别不明显,有利于家好坏差别不明显,有利于家族内部分配。族内部分配。省料省料,木构件尺寸统一木构件尺寸统一.风水认为圆楼可制煞,科学的解释是圆楼对寒风的阻力较方楼小,因此邪气对居室的影响也相对小。圆楼能更均匀地传递水平地震力,因此比方楼有更强的抗震性能Geomantic think yuanlou can brake,scientific explanation is small round of wind resistance than the side building.Therefore,the influence of the evil of the room is relatively small.Round more evenly transfer horizontal seismic force,so the seismic performance such as building strongerMongolian YutrsMongolia package to round as the

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