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1、云中漫步 A Walk In The Clouds 中英文剧本 轮船汽笛声 Ships hot blows Hey! 嘿! We did it! 我们回来了 Good luck, soldier. 战士们祝好运 Whens the last time you saw her? 你上次见她是什么时候 Our wedding day. Four years ago. 四年前我们的婚礼上 Let me guess. 让我猜猜看 Meet her on Friday, married her on Sunday, 你和她星期五认识星期天结婚 shipped out on Monday. 星期一分别对吧

2、 Pretty much. 完全正确 Me, too. Ill bet we dont even recognize them. 我也一样我想我们恐怕都认不出来了 Id recognize her anywhere. 我永远记得她 Thunder 雷声 Man I find the pheasant to be quite pleasant. 男声 I find the pheasant to be quite pleasant. Woman I find the pheasant to be quite pleasant. 女声跟读 I find the pheasant to be qui

3、te pleasant. How do you find the wine? How do you find the wine? I find the wine extraordinarily. I find the wine extraordinarily- betty? 贝蒂? I prefer to dine at home alone. I prefer to dine at home alone. Paul? 保罗? Paul! 保罗! When I didnt see you on the dock. 你没来码头接船 I didnt know you were coming tod

4、ay. 我不知道你今天回来 Didnt you get my letters? 你没收到我的信 I started to read them, I did, 你的信我以前试着读过 but after the first few, 但看过一些后 I couldnt bear to hear about all that fighting 我就不再想看你写的那些战斗 and the killing. 和杀戮的故事 I wrote you almost every day. 我差不多每天都给你写信 I know. And I kept them. Iook. 我知道。 我还保存着呢看 See? 看到

5、没有 Oh, Paul, even the thought of you in all that danger, 保罗,每当想到你在前线浴血战斗 It was just too much. 我就感到很担忧 I knew if I got them, you were still alive. 我收到信就知道你还活着 Thats all I cared about. 那些都结束了我现在关心的是. that you were alive. 你还活着 safe. 平安无事 Thats all that was important to me. 这对我来说才最重要 Can you forgive me

6、? 你能原谅我今天没来吗 Yeah, sure. 可以那当然 I wrote to you. You got those, right? 我也给你写了信你应该收到的吧 Got a few. 收到一些 I told you I wasnt a big writer. 我告诉过你我确实不大会写 I quite aqree the distinction is dubious. 男声I quite agree the distinction is dubious. Its a course Im taking. 我正在参加补习课程 Self-improvement. 充实自我 His names A

7、rmistead. He makes tons of money. 作者是雅梅斯. 他很会赚钱 The whole countrys making money 全国人民都忙着赚钱 hand over fist. 赚大钱 Youve been away, out of touch. 你和社会脱节了 You dont know, but you will. 你还不知如何赚钱 但你很快就会 I went to make sure Mr. Sweeney held your job, like he promised. 你的前任老板已经答应继续雇用你 He said you could start t

8、he day you got back. 他说你一回来就可以去上班 Just make sure you wear your uniform. 但是你得穿上军服 Who could resist a war hero? 谁会拒绝退伍英雄呢 Of course I negotiated a raise. 还有我们也谈到了加薪的问题 Betty, I dont want to go back to selling chocolate. 贝蒂, 我不再想买巧克力了 Youve got something better. 你找到了更好的工作 No. 那倒不是. I dont. 还没有 But, you

9、 know. in the war, 但是你知道在部队时 I had time to think about whats important, 我有很多时间来思考人生真谛 about what I want out of life 思考我该从生活中得到什么 for me, for us. 为我为我们 I wrote you all this in the letters. 我在信中都曾向你表明 Are we back to those old letters again? 你为何又提到那些老信 You want me to read the letters? 你要我看它们 No. Its ju

10、st youd understand what Im feeling, 不我只是希望你能了解我在想什么。 what I want. 和我想要什么。 Sweetie. 甜心. Tell me what you want. 快告诉我你想要什么 I thought. 我想. some time. 有一天. Times money. 此时一刻 I want things, Paulie. 值千金啊, 保罗. My whole life Ive been without. 我生命中最重要的 I want things. 就是你 Dont you want. 你想要. things? 什么? Romant

11、ic Music plays 浪漫的轻音乐 And youll wear your uniform, wont you? 你会穿上军服去对吧 My uniform? 军服? To sell chocolates. 去买巧克力. millions and millions of them. 你的生意会如日中天 Wont you? 是吗? Yes. 我想是的 Train whistle blows 火车鸣笛声 Here, let me help.让我来帮你 Im sorry. 真抱歉 Hes going to kill me. 他会杀了我的 Its just glass. You can repl

12、ace it easy. 镜框碎了换一个不就行了 Sorry. 对不起 No, no, Its my fault. 不不这是我的错 Iook at this mess. 真是一团糟 Here you go.你的票 Are you all right? 你还好吧 Retching 呕吐 Ticket, please. “查票” Had an accident. 出了个小事故 Yes. 哦 Thanks. 谢谢 Baby crying 婴儿哭声 Hey! 嘿! Hey! 停一停! Thanks. 谢谢 Speed you were going, 年轻人按你的速度跑下去 You could have

13、 made Sacramento before me. 你恐怕比我还先到Sacramento You smell anything? 你身上的味道 No. 不 Phew! 不快声 Hi. 嗨 Oh, my God. 哦我的天啊 Im so embarrassed. 我真的很抱歉 I wanted to apologize, 本想向你道歉 but you looked so peaceful. 可你看上去却若无其事 Apology accepted. 道歉已接受 Good book? 什么好书 莎士比亚的明与暗 Quite a mouthful. 很高深啊 Its required reading. 课外必读书 College? 你读大学 My masters degree. 攻读硕士 Playing hooky? 你逃学了 No. Im going home. 不我回老家 My family has a vineyard in Napa. 我们家在Napa有个葡萄园 And you? 你呢 Uh, business in Sacramento. 嗯去Sacramento出差 The train goes to Sacramento. 可那火车正是开往Sacramento啊 My ticket didnt. 我的票却不是 I mean, it did when

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