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1、英语习题卷. 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子1. Think about _ you are good at and _ you enjoy and try your best to fulfill your dream. A. what; that B. what; which C. that; that D. what; what2. I wonder _ Bob is dressed up today. He must be going to a job interview.A. whether B. why C. what D. how3. The free

2、 ticket will be given to _ comes first.A. whomever B. whoever C. whatever D. whichever4. I really think I should have been invited to the party. Im very unhappy _ I wasnt.A. why B. when C. what D. that5. _ seems strange to us is _ as a Chinese girl, she can sing so many English songs beautifully.A.

3、What; that B. It; why C. That; how D. It; that6. I could not understand _ the machine works, so I asked him to explain it to me.A. which B. what C. how D. whom 7. The people of the country have voted to _ their new president.A. benefit B. elect C. prove D. desire8. A survey of retired people has _ t

4、hat most of them are independent and enjoying life.A. advised B. demanded C. observed D. indicated9. They listened to my lecture attentively, but I wonder how much they could _.A. take in B. take up C. take off D. take back10. _ young men went to the war front, and most of them never came back.A. A

5、great deal of B. A good many of C. A great many D. A large quantity11. Toms father kept telling him that he should work hard, but _ didnt help.A. he B. which C. she D. it12. Did you enjoy yourself at the party yesterday? Yes, Ive never been to _ one before.A. a more excited B. the most excited C. a

6、more exciting D. the most exciting13. Have you heard that Peter _ the post of the chairmans secretary last week?A. called for B. applied for C. sent for D. asked for14. Harvey William discovered the circulation of the blood _ scientific methods.A. by means of B. in terms of C. in honor of D. in sear

7、ch of15. I cant eat this. Ive just tried some of it and it _ terrible.A. feels B. smells C. looks D. tastes. 完形填空New Orleans is a strange city, like none other in the United States. The 1 people known to have lived in the 2 in modern history were several different Native American tribes. The city 3

8、was first begun in 1718, when the area was in the Louisiana Territory, 4 to France. The city was named 5 the French ruler at the time, the Duke of Orleans. In 1762, the territory came 6 Spanish control, when the King of France gave the land as a gift to his cousin, the King of Spain. Just a few 7 la

9、ter, in 1800, the French secretly took the territory back for themselves. The changing politics were not yet finished, 8 ; three years later France 9 the Louisiana Territory, including New Orleans, to the United States, which was at the time very interested in expanding its borders as it tried to 10

10、 its identity as a new country.Today New Orleans is still a unique mix of many 11 : the French language and culture have left a strong influence, not only in the architecture of many of the old buildings, but also in the strong Catholic religion there. Mixed with that is a strong African influence,

11、12 most of the world has experienced in the sounds of jazz, a genre which was 13 in New Orleans. Many visitors to the city, especially to the French Quarter, are struck by the crowds of people at all hours of them, the spicy food and the music “that gets your blood moving”. New Orleans, 14 different

12、 from just about every 15 US city, is still the perfect example of an American melting pot in its ability to take influences and fashions from completely different cultures and mix them together to present something new.1. A. newest B. oldest C. earliest D. latest 2. A. land B. space C. room D. area

13、 3. A. it B. itself C. its D. that 4. A. belong B. belonging C. belonged D. belongs 5. A. after B. for C. before D. under 6. A. under B. in C. below D. above 7. A. months B. decades C. centuries D. days 8. A. so B. thus C. however D. therefore 9. A. bought B. sold C. brought D. took 10. A. establish

14、 B. send C. stand D. find 11. A. arts B. cultures C. religions D. articles 12. A. which B. that C. where D. when 13. A. found B. born C. appeared D. happened 14. A. because B. since C. though D. so 15. A. another B. other C. others D. more . 阅读理解 (A)Washington, DC, the capital of the United States,

15、just celebrated its 200th birthday in the year 2000. It is located on the east coast of the USA, between the states of Maryland and Virginia. The city is actually in neither state; both states contributed land to form a special district, separate from all the states, so no one state could claim owne

16、rship of the nations capital. That special district is the reason for the citys name: Washington, District of Columbia, which is commonly shortened to Washington, DC. The name “Washington” was given of course in honour of the first president of the USA; the name “Columbia” was in honour of the Itali

17、an explorer Christopher Columbus, who discovered the America in 1492 and opened the way for the countries established there today.Washington, DC is today the centre for the nations politics, as well as one of the nations many centres for culture and education. The senators and representatives meet i

18、n the Capitol Building to conduct the affairs of the nation. The President makes his home in the White House nearby. In addition, more than 150 embassies and diplomatic residences provide homes for an incredible mix of people from many different cultures and with many different languages.Washington,

19、 DC has, not surprisingly, become a centre of tourism. Industry is generally discouraged from developing within the city limits, so the historical monuments and great buildings have been well preserved, such as the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Library of Congress and many others. W

20、ashington, DC is truly a showpiece for its country and is well worth a visit.1. Washington, DC was founded in _ according to the passage.A. 1776 B. the 1780s C. 1492 D. 18002. Which of the following is the best description of Washington, DC?A. The historical centre of the USA, as well as a centre fo

21、r education.B. A centre for tourism and industry.C. The political and economic centre of the USA.D. The political centre of the USA, as well as an educational and cultural centre.3. Which of the following is NOT in Washington, DC?A. Golden Gate Bridge. B. Lincoln Memorial.C. Washington Monument. D.

22、White House.4. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. There are a great many manufacturing plants in the US capital.B. The government restricts industry in the capital, so the historical monuments have been well protected.C. Many of Washington, DCs memorials are in honour of for

23、mer US presidents.D. The senators and representatives meet in the White House.5. What information is NOT found in the passage?A. The origin of the name of Washington, DC.B. The population of Washington, DC.C. Tourism in Washington, DC.D. The location of Washington, DC. (B)From the very beginning of

24、American history, Americans have been greatly influenced by the English idea that both their rulers and their people should be under the rule of law. This way of thinking was applied to the American colonies from the time of the very first permanent English colony. A group of English businessmen for

25、med a company called the Virginia Company, with the purpose of getting raw materials from the land of America. The English king gave the company a charter, or a statement of permission, allowing them to set up colonies to carry out their business. Their colonies were permitted to create some form of

26、 self-government, as long as they made no laws against the laws of England.The first colony established by the Virginia Company was the town of Jamestown, in 1607, named in honour of James, the king of England. The colony struggled greatly in its first years, as the upper class men wanted to spend a

27、ll their time searching for gold, depending on the lower class men to plant crops and work the fields. The working men quickly became discouraged, when all their hard-earned food was put into a common storehouse for all to take, even those who had done no work. The situation was becoming dangerous,

28、as there was soon a shortage of food and disease was growing because of a lack of clean drinking water. Jamestown survived largely because of John Smith, a tough soldier who announced to the group of men that whoever did not work would not eat. With this simple form of self-government, all the men b

29、egan to work hard, and pushed through to keep their new colony going.The next permanent colony was formed in 1620, by a group of English men and women known as the Pilgrims (清教徒). They had gotten permission from the Virginia Company to start a colony north of Jamestown. However, as they were sailing

30、 to the new land, their ship was blown off course by terrible storms. When they arrived, they were far north of the area where they had been given permission to settle. The Pilgrims were worried because they had no authority from the king to settle in that area; they were strong Christians who belie

31、ved they must obey their authorities as far as possible. But with the winter coming, there was no way to travel south and settle in the correct area, and with no way of communication, they could not ask permission of the king or the Virginia Company. Therefore, the 41 men on the ship gathered together to write an agreement, making it clear that they intended to set up an orderly form of government and that the

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