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1、外研社必修五教案外研社必修五教案【篇一:外研版必修五第5单元教案】 课题: book 5module 5 the great sports personality period 1 introductionvocabulary and speaking time: 13 may 2015 place: class 8 senior 2 teacher: zhou yan teachingplanthe general idea of this period in this period were going to learn vocabulary and enable the students

2、 to say the peoples job and their favorite sports. and then we will finish the four activities on page 41 and practice speaking english. teaching aims 1 knowledge aims(知识目标): master the new words about sports; learn some useful phrases and sentence structures. 2 ability aims(能力目标): to arouse ss inte

3、rest in learning about this module. . improve ss ability of speaking. 3 emotion aims(情感目标): love sports! love our motherland! teaching important points1. train the students speaking ability.2. master the new words and expressions.teaching difficult pointhow to improve the students speaking ability.

4、teaching methods 1. individual or group work. 2. explanation and practice methods. teaching aids 1. the multi-media sct 2. the blackboard teaching procedures step 1 leading-in purpose: to arouse ss interest in learning about this module and enable them to say the peoples job and the sports they play

5、. show a video about yao ming and ask ss to say who the people is and which sport he plays. step 2 new words studying purpose: to learn more words about sports and develop ss speaking ability. 1. turn to p41 and check the answers of activity 1. 12. learn the words about sports, and check the ball ga

6、mes. read through the sports in the box and have the students repeat them chorally and individually.3. word competition ask the students to remember these words, and then have a word competition 4. work in pairs and march the words in the box with their meanings. step 3 speaking purpose: to enable s

7、s to talk about their favorite sports and to realize the importance of making connections between the ways in which words are used. 1. work in pairs. ask ss to answer the questions about their favorite sport. what is your favorite sport? when and where do you play/do it? how often do you play/do it?

8、 who do you play/do with? are you good at playing/doing? run through the examples with the whole class pair the students to talk about their favorite sport. circulate and monitor their production. 2. choose two or three groups to show their conversation. step 4 summary: in this class weve learnt som

9、e useful words and expressions on sports. whats more, weve got to know how to ask someones favorite sports. i hope you can master them after class. step 5 homework: 1. preview what we will learn tomorrow. 2. get some information on the internet of li ning. step 6: the design on the blackboard module

10、 5 the great sports personality introduction word competition group 1group 2group 3group 4 2【篇二:外研社必修五module4carnival全单元教案】 i. 教学内容分析 本模块的主题是狂欢节。以西方的几种主要传统节日作为导入,接着通过各种活动详细介绍了狂欢节的历史、发展、种类及人们的活动、饮食、服饰和习俗。其中有关食物和节日的词汇,和表达喜好和厌恶的句型又可以引申到中国传统节日和习俗,有益于培养学生的跨文化意识。 本模块从五幅西方节日图片的探讨开始,导入本模块的话题carnival。 部分设计以西

11、方的五种主要传统节日(carnival, holi, halloween, christmas, thanksgiving day)作为导入,让学生通过图片做配对练习了解西方的节日习俗,激发学生对西方节日的好奇心,达到导入整个模块的效果。 课文前后的四个相关练习帮助同学们学习和了解了相关词汇和文章主旨。 部分是关于西方节日的,对于同学们来说,听力材料偏生疏,因此听力要做一定的处理。 是关于通过听听力提高语音面貌的英语学习方法,对于提高学习策略水平有很大的帮助。 vocabulary and listening中的句子学会一些非常有用的日常生活用语:give up, go wild about,

12、 more or less, high spot, funnily enough, in your blood, wash down 和 walk off a meal。 介绍表达“喜欢、不喜欢和偏爱”的功能用语。 notting hill carnival的email。其次探究描写气氛、音乐和食物的形容词。最后仿写一篇email介绍中国某个节日的气氛、音乐和食物。 通过阅读the meaning of carnival的文章,了解狂欢节的意义和发展演变,并且要求同学们思考哪一个中国节日最像狂欢节,进行跨文化的思考。 要求学生小组合作写一篇文章介绍一个中国节日。 ii学情分析 高二学生已经具备

13、一定的词汇量和语法知识,在教学中要有意识地培养他们听、说、读、写综合运用语言知识的能力,尤其是阅读能力。通过本单元的学习,培养学生的世界观,进一步了解外国文化和风俗习惯,才能达到英语教学的基本目的。 iii. 教学重点和难点 1. teaching important points (1) enable ss to know the new words and phrases in this module. (2) enable ss to understand how to talk about or give a description of festivals over the worl

14、d. (3) enable ss to know how to show likes, dislikes and preferences. 2. teaching difficult points (1) review the usage of the passive voice. (2) enable ss to write an article to introduce chinese festival (3) enhance ss awareness of differences between chinese and western cultures. iii. teaching pl

15、an period 1 task, introduction period 2reading (workbook p87), reading and vocabulary (1)period 3reading and vocabulary (2), cultural corner period 4learning to learn, vocabulary and listening, everyday english period 5 grammar, function, reading and writing period 6workbook, module file ivteaching

16、procedure period 1 task, introduction teaching goals: 1. to arouse ss interest in learning about this module. 2. to develop ss speaking ability. 3. enable ss to get some information about five western festivals: carnival, holi, halloween, christmas, and thanksgiving day. 4. enable ss to describe a c

17、hinese festival. teaching procedures: step 1: lead-in purpose: to arouse ss interest in learning about this module. show the word “festivals” on the screen and then encourage the students to talk about as much information on festivals in china as possible. step 2: speaking purpose: to develop ss spe

18、aking ability and get a general idea about chinese festivals. ask the ss to make a list of the chinese festivals according to solar calendar and lunar calendar and talk something module 4 carnival 1about them.step 3: introduction purpose: enable ss to get some information about five western festival

19、s: carnival, holi, halloween, christmas, and thanksgiving day. ask ss to talk something about western festivals and finish introduction in our textbook on p31. suggested answers of activity 1: 1. christmas 2. holi 3. carnival 4. thanksgiving day 5. halloween the answers of activity 34 are open. they

20、 depend on the students. step 4: pair work purpose: to teach ss how to describe a festival. ask the ss to describe christmas, and pay attention to the following points. since about 400 ad, christians have celebrated the birth of jesus. 圣诞节(christmas)是基督教的一个重要的节日,定于每年月日,纪念耶稣基督的诞生,同时也是普遍庆祝的世俗节日。 costu

21、mes step 5: free talk purpose: enable the students to describe a chinese festival. ask the ss to follow the listening material and talk something about a chinese festival with their partner or give us an introduction/description of a chinese festival. step6: homework write a description about a chin

22、ese festival. teaching goals: 1. to get some information about christmas traditions. 2. to develop some basic reading skillsskimming, and scanning. 3. to deal with the new words and phrases. 4. help ss to talk about the development of carnivals. teaching procedures: step 1 lead in purpose: to arouse

23、 ss interest in learning about the festivals. ask ss to share the information that they have known about the festivals over the world in groups. festivals over the world 世界消费者权益日(3月15日)-world consumer right day 世界水日(3月22日)-world water day 世界卫生日(4月7日)-world health day 世界地球日(4月22日)-world earth day 世界无

24、烟日(5月31日)-world no-smoking day 世界环境日(6月5日)-world environment day 世界人口日(7月11日)-world population day 世界旅游日(9月27日)-world tourism day 世界爱滋病日(12月1日)-world aids day 世界残疾日(12月3日)-world disabled day step 2 reading (workbook p87) period 2 reading (workbook p87) , reading and vocabulary (1) 2purpose: to devel

25、op some basic reading skills and get some information about christmas traditions. 1. ask the ss to read the headings and match the headings with the paragraphs. suggested answers: a5b1 c2 d6 e3 f4 2. ask the ss to read the passage again and choose the correct answer on p88. suggested answers: (1) c(

26、2)a(3)b(4)a(5)c 3. ask the ss to skim the passage and answer the questions of activity 9. suggested answers: (1) the 25th december was the old mid-winter festival in pre-christian times. (2) the tradition of the christmas tree started to give people hope that spring will come again. (3) as a way of

27、keeping in touch with family and friends. (4) children enjoy christmas because they received lots of presents. (5) some people love christmas and others hate it. (6) yes, because it is about the birth of christianity. / no, because people who are not christians celebrate it as well. step 3 pre-readi

28、ng purpose: enable ss to talk about the origins of carnivals and two different kinds of carnivals and help them to talk about the development of carnivals. 1. ask ss to look at the pictures of carnivals and discuss the following questions. q1. whats the feature of carnivals? q2. what is the food? q3

29、. what do you think of their costumes? suggested answers: a1. the feature of the carnivals is the mystery of the mask. a2. in some places, the food is just like thanksgiving day. there are turkey, turkey dressing and some pumpkin pies. a3. the costumes that they wear are very strange and exaggerated

30、. step 4 while-reading purpose: to get more information about carnivals. 1. scanning: ask ss to scan the passage and finish activity 1. suggested answers: the first and the fourth topics are mentioned in the passage. 2. skimming ask ss to skim the passage and finish activity 2. suggested answers:(1)

31、c(2)b(3)c4(a)(5)b(6)b(7)b(8)b 3. pair work: new words studying purpose: to deal with the new words and phrases in the passage. 1. ask ss to read the passage again and finish activity 3 and 4. suggested answers of activity 3: (1) confusion(2) excitement (3) mask (4) mystery (5) magic (6) costume (7)

32、crowd(8) tradition (9) atmosphere suggested answers of activity 4:(1) b(2)a(3) b(4)b(5)a(6) b(7)b(8)b 2. ask ss to use dictionary and wordlist to deal with the new words and phrases. step 5 post-reading (group work) purpose: enable ss to talk about the origins of carnivals and two different kinds of carnivals. ask ss to read the passage again a

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